MTL - Villain Rescue System-Chapter 29 second world 3

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Last time in the hospital, after Wen Long promised to let Yu Li choose the wedding date, within a week, he came to Wen's house to discuss the wedding date.

"Yeah, I'll get the certificate next week... Is it too soon?"

Lin Ying still had some concerns after hearing Yu Li's chosen date.

How long has it been? These two children seem to have been together for less than two months and are about to get married?

Yu Li sat on the sofa, looked straight at Wen Long beside him, and said softly, "I'm a little anxious, and it's normal for you to have such concerns."

"It doesn't matter if it's a little later, it mainly depends on what Longlong wants."

Lin Ying suddenly felt certain, she just felt that this son-in-law was thinking of his own daughter in everything.

It is also a blessing for her Longlong to marry him.

Wen Long was thinking that the second task of the system was too uncertain, so it was naturally best to start earlier.

"Mom, I agree."

After finishing speaking, she also smiled at the man beside her, as if immersed in happiness, as sweet as honey.

At first glance, it seems that they are really a pair of gods and couples who are well-matched.

Lin Ying couldn't laugh or cry.

"Forget it, forget it, you young people, you can decide for yourself."

The two prospective couples on the sofa looked at each other and smiled.

It's just that one eye is indifferent, and the other is full of 'tasks'.

"By the way, Yu Li, are you living outside now?"

Yu Li nodded.

"Longlong is also living outside, so since you are both planning to get married, why don't you move in together?"

Lin Ying patted her legs, "It just so happens that both of you are going to study as graduate students in this school, so you should live together forever from now on."

The muscles on Yu Li's face stiffened, but fortunately no one noticed.

Living together...what are you kidding.

Lin Ying said apologetically, "It's actually my own selfishness."

"Longlong is not in good health, and you know it. I just hope you two live together, and she can have someone to take care of her."

Yu Li said: "That's what I thought about too. But the final decision is still up to Longlong."

Both of them looked at Wen Long with expectant eyes.

But they are doomed to have one person's expectations disappointed.

Wen Long bit her lower lip, a shy blush appeared on her pale face.

"it is good."

No one noticed that Yu Li, who had been smiling all the time, cracked a little after she said "good".


In the end, it was Wen Long who moved into Yu Li's house.

The house she rented was quite spacious for one person, but it would be a bit small for one more person.

As for Yu Li, she bought a house by herself. The location is very remote, and it is troublesome to go to and from school, but it is spacious enough and usually quiet.

When Wen Long saw the place where he lived, she paused with her fingertips.

Hmm... those perverts in movies always seem to like to pick this kind of position.

His room was horribly clean, the floor was rubbed to reflect light, and all the items were arranged in an extremely orderly manner, sorted by color and size as if obsessive-compulsive.

Wen Long asked cautiously, "Will you be angry if I mess up your things?"

Although she is usually quite clean, she is very sure that she will never be able to be a villain.

Yu Li looked at her with pampering eyes, "Of course not."

He must be so angry that he wants to kill.

He opened Wen Long's suitcase, and then moved in the things that didn't belong to this house with his own hands. He felt his whole heart throbbing.

Then, Wen Long saw Yu Li put her things into the cabinet according to the color and size.

Especially when arranging her medicine boxes, she sealed every opened box, carefully calculated the length and width of all the medicine boxes, and arranged them in a staggered way, and finally all the medicine boxes in the cabinet became A perfect square.

Wen Long stared at the perfect square, feeling his palms extremely itchy.

She took a desperate step forward and took a pill box from the very edge of the square.

"It seems that this medicine is no longer needed."

The perfect square is missing a small corner in an instant.

The smile on Yu Li's lips froze for a second, then he bent down and spent about five minutes rearranging and combining the medicine boxes.

Then, another complete square appeared in the cabinet.


Wen Long: ...Mr. System, I think I will definitely make him angry.

【…Um. 】

It wants to be too.

Moving always takes a lot of effort, especially Wen Long's body is too weak, and he can't do even the most important tasks.

Yu Li basically covers everything.

However, Wen Long felt that with the villain's obsessive-compulsive personality, there was a high probability that she would not want to let her do it herself.

"Thank you." Like a conscientious little wife, she handed him towels and water.


Yu Li's expression was still warm, "No."

No wonder, I was so tired. Why does she have so many things?

Then, the room fell completely silent.

Two couples who were still in love were alone in a room, but neither of them spoke.

No matter how you look at it, the atmosphere is too weird.

Wen Long: "Are you hungry? I'll cook."

"Let me come, you are still sick." Yu Li stood up and stopped her.

Wen Long pushed and dragged him again, "You've been busy all day, and it's getting late, just obediently go take a shower."

"OK then."

Both of them had fake smiles on their faces, and they looked at each other hypocritically.

【vomit. 】

Wen Long:? Mr. System?

[It's okay, it's just a little nausea. 】

Wen Long touched the tip of his nose.

She doesn't want to do this, isn't it all for the mission...

Wen Long: By the way, Mr. System, can you find out Yu Li's usual eating preferences?

If you want to pretend to be him, you must at least know all his preferences first.

[He eats out in a balanced manner, and he doesn't seem to have a favorite dish. 】

Wen Long: What about at home? What does he eat when no outsiders are around?

[Instant noodles, or some instant food. 】

Wen Long: ...Okay, I understand.

She frowned, and selected several dishes and meat on her mobile phone for delivery.

She knows what Yan Li likes to eat, and it's sweeter. My favorite seems to be sweet and sour short ribs and sweet fried shrimp balls.

They are all the same soul, so the taste preference should not be much different, right?

For comparison, she chose an extra baby dish when placing the order.

After all, Wen Long is also a demon who has lived for hundreds of years, and his cooking skills and speed are not bad.

It's just that I was used to being lazy in the last world, and my hands were a little rusty, not as fast as before.

Yu Li packed up and came out, and when he saw the three dishes on the table, he paused almost imperceptibly.

But it was only for a moment, and he quickly put on that fake warm face again, and praised: "It looks delicious."

Wen Long chuckled and said nothing.

When eating, she slowly picked up the dishes, but her mind was completely on Yu Li who was opposite.

Sweet and Sour Short Ribs +1, Fried Shrimp Balls +1, Stir-Fried Baby Vegetables +1…

【What are you counting? 】

Wen Long: Hmm... count how many mouthfuls he ate.


Strange proclivities.

The more Wen Long looked, the more he realized that the villain was simply a robot that ran according to the program.

The frequency of his serving dishes was very even, and the three dishes were served one by one in order, so it was completely impossible to see what he liked.

But she still counted silently.

Yu Li is human after all, no matter how well the disguise is, something will always be exposed inadvertently.

When the rice in the bowl bottomed out, Yu Li also put down his chopsticks.


The moment he put down the chopsticks, Wen Long couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

It's not because of the compliment that he didn't know whether it was true or not, but because of the result she counted at the end.

The sweet and sour short ribs and fried shrimp **** were sandwiched 9 times in total, while the other dish only had 8 times.

In the last round, he didn't touch the baby dish.

Wen Long frowned.

I guessed it right, I have to find something to write it down later.

Seeing the smile on her lips, Yu Li thought that she was happy because of what he said just now.

It's really boring, just say a few nice words and you'll be happy like this.

He hooked his lips and maintained his gentle skin, thinking indifferently.

But...the food is really delicious.

Especially those two dishes, he likes them very much.

They have already moved to live together, and they are going to get married soon, so there is really no reason to sleep separately.

Wen Long lay on the bed, thinking of what to do in the next few years, her scalp felt numb.

As a demon, she has no resistance to sexual matters. It's just that doing it with someone she doesn't feel makes her somewhat uncomfortable.

Fortunately, their progress in the past two months is still at the point of holding hands.

I'm not married yet, so there's still some way to go.

Wen Long felt relieved.

Very good, it can take a few more days.

Yu Li turned off the light and lay down beside her.

When he sleeps, he looks like a robot, lying flat, with his hands folded on his lower abdomen.

Wen Long likes to lie on her side, but she and the villain are still in love, so it doesn't seem good to have her back to him.

She hesitated for a moment, and fell asleep properly.

So, the prospective couple on the soft bed lay side by side on their backs, with their hands crossed on their stomachs...

Like two hardened corpses.