MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 10

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Although Lu Che didn't say anything, the look in his eyes had scared the four of them into trembling hearts, and even the speed of his feet accelerated a lot.

But even if they speed up, it is not too early for them to arrive at the county seat, and the pork of the supply and marketing cooperative has been sold out as expected.

Zhu Xia thought it didn't matter, because she never thought about buying meat, but Jiang Yao wanted to.

The conditions of the Lu family are not very good, but Mrs. Lu still made egg syrup to express her welcome. Reciprocity, she plans to cook something delicious tonight and invite them back.

Pork stalls are now left with some unsold items such as pig water, pig bones and pig trotters. Jiang Yao didn't dislike it, and directly spent fifty cents to buy a pair of big pig trotters and a few big bones.

I bought a lot for the price of a pound of meat, and I can save meat tickets, which is really cost-effective.

"Yaoyao, why are you buying so much? Can you eat so much by yourself now?" Zhou Qiong asked.

"She must want to invite the Lu family to eat together." Zhu Xia said angrily: "Yaoyao, I know your family is in good condition, but you can't be too generous. You are open now. If you are tall, you are not afraid that they will be fooled by them in the future?"

"No." Jiang Yao affirmed: "As soon as I arrive at Lu's house today, Grandma Lu will treat me with egg syrup. Not someone who likes to take advantage of others. I still have to live in their house for a long time in the future, so I have to get the relationship right first."

There is one more thing Jiang Yao didn't say, that is, she just offended the boss, so she has to apologize.

This morning, Lu Qing brought sweet potatoes to Jiang Yao, and everyone looked envious. Arrange the egg syrup, there is really nothing to say.

After leaving the pork stall, everyone continued to wander around the supply and marketing cooperative to buy what they needed. Jiang Yao had a lot of money in her hand, and bought 2 catties of flour, a pack of white rabbit toffee, a can of malted milk essence, and condiments such as oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

When they just left the busy city of the county and walked towards the Qingyuan production team, a grandmother in her fifties suddenly came out to Zhu Xia and asked in a low voice, "Little girls, do you want eggs? ? Fresh fat, one penny."

Grandma said, and lifted the hogweed above her basket to a corner, revealing the white eggs.

Jiang Yao glanced at it and couldn't tell if it was new or not. It was medium in size, but it was worthy of the price. Zhu Xia bought three of them each, as an occasional meal for herself.

"Yaoyao, why don't you buy it?" Wen Qian asked: "In this weather, your pig's trotters have to be eaten today, and the eggs can be kept for a few days. I just shook them. Come on, it's fresh."

"I know." Jiang Yao said: "The Lu family usually takes eggs to market and sells them. Anyway, everyone sells them. Now it is considered to be relying on others, an egg can make the relationship between the two parties more harmonious, why not do it?

In fact, everyone understands her reasoning, but the farmers they face are different from the Lu family. If you want to change it, it is a good thing to change it, and you are afraid that you will be fooled if you change it once. Ask them to change an egg every day, people can bear it, but money can't bear it, they are not Jiang Yao.

Speaking of this, Zhu Xia thought of the four chickens at the educated youth point and asked: "I asked other people's opinions about the chickens, and they all thought about selling them and sharing the money. To be honest, the villagers who are willing to take in us are more or less interested in the fact that we have food subsidies every month, and they come from the city, so they can get some benefits from us. If anyone has chickens to bring them, it will not be. The fat chicken waiting to be slaughtered?"

"I agree." Zhou Qiong and Wen Qian both raised their hands in approval.

"Jiang Yao, what's your opinion?" Zhu Xia asked.

Jiang Yao thought for a moment and said, "Sell me the four chickens, I will give you what the market price is."

"You're not afraid of the Lu family when you buy it..." Zhou Qiong stopped halfway and said, "You can raise it, the Lu family's ideological awareness is very high."


When they returned to Qingyuan Village, they first went back to Lu's house together. First, they helped Jiang Yao send things back, and second, Jiang Yao gave Zhu Xia the chicken money.

Jiang Yao originally planned to let them come in and take a look at her room, but they were still shocked by Lu Che's "prestige", so they stayed outside and waited for her to take out the money.

The four chickens ordered by the educated youth were considered chubby, each about three catties, and the four chickens cost twelve yuan. Jiang Yao deducted her own piece and gave Zhu Xia eleven pieces to share with other educated youths.

"I'll send the money from house to house in a while." Zhu Xia assured and then urged: "You'd better take the chicken back today, although no one should dare to steal the chicken, you can see the blue dot No one lives there now, and at night, there might be someone stealing chickens and dogs. It’s useless to cry when they are stolen and no one is caught.”

"I see." Jiang Yao nodded, "It's getting late, hurry back and cook."

After they left, Jiang Yao also turned around and went in to deal with her trotters and bones.

The Lu family used to be a big family with two kitchens. For the convenience of Jiang Yao, Lu Qing cleaned the small kitchen near her room for her to use.

Although it is a small kitchen, it is larger than the kitchen of the educated youth, and the stove is well-made. It is said that this kitchen was used by the long-term workers who lived in the Lu family in the past, and they were so attentive to the servants. It is no wonder that Mrs. Lu is generally respected by everyone.

Jiang Yao was about to fetch water to clean the pig's trotters and bones, when she remembered that there is no running water now, and if she wants to use it, she has to go to the well. In the past, at the educated youth point, the men educated youth took turns to be responsible for the task of carrying water. Now, when they come here, they have to rely on themselves.

She looked at the huge water tank in the corner and stopped eating. But no matter how you stop the vegetables, it has to be dry. If you don't deal with the meat, it will go sour.

Jiang Yao walked to the water tank resignedly, raised her hand to lift the lid of the water tank, and had to pick up water several times to measure.

This lift is incredible, the water tank is full of water.

Who did this? Jiang Yao had the answer in the next second.

With water, Jiang Yao can cook happily. She boiled a pot of boiling water, and after blanching the pig trotters and pig bones together, they handled them separately.

She wanted to make pork trotters ginger, but the sugar she bought today is not much, and the vinegar is mature vinegar not sweet vinegar, it is estimated that putting all the sugar in it is not sweet enough, so she made brine trotters.

The braised ingredients are the same as the braised pig intestines last time, but the pig intestines were served with sauerkraut last time, this time the braised pig trotters and radish taste better.

She didn't buy radishes today, but the Lu family's vegetable garden did. Lu Qing said before that she could pick any vegetables in the vegetable garden, but she was really embarrassed. She planned to pick them first and report later tonight.

After turning the stove for braised pig trotters to a low fire, Jiang Yao put on a thin cardigan shirt and a straw hat, and went to pick radishes. Che is picking vegetables.

Jiang Yao was still embarrassed when she thought of saying that someone was caught on the spot this morning. But she can't run now, otherwise she seems more guilty. She walked over and said in a flattering tone: "That...I want to borrow two radishes, is that okay?"

Lu Che didn't answer her words, and continued to pick vegetables silently with his back to her.

What a stingy man!

Jiang Yao slandered in her heart, but did not dare to speak, and stood there watching him pick vegetables, hoping that he would change his mind later.

But she was fascinated when she saw it.

Lu Che is still wearing a patched homecloth today, a sleeveless shirt, a pair of cropped trousers, a pair of arms and a pair of small belly legs, not strong, but muscular The lines are clear and full of power.

The sun was shining on his head, and beads of sweat slid down the lines of his muscles.

Jiang Yao felt that she was too thirsty, otherwise when the sweat dripped into the soil, she could not help swallowing her saliva.

"Why are you standing there? The radish is over there, you can't pull it yourself, wait for me to pull it out for you?"

Lu Che turned around unexpectedly, his expression and tone as always, but Jiang Yao no longer wanted to complain, and was only ashamed of his swallowing behavior.

"No...No, I'll just pull it out myself." Jiang Yao immediately lowered her head and walked to the side of the radish.

Jiang Yao's grandma used to grow vegetables in a yard, as long as she could grow them alive, she would grow them. She was often pulled to pick vegetables, so facing a vegetable field at the moment, there would not be a situation of "grains are not divided".

The radishes in the Lu family are very big, and Jiang Yao plucks two. Seeing that Lu Che wasn't finished, she said, "I'll go back first, thank you."

Lu Che was still working hard and ignoring others, Jiang Yao had already seen it, and walked back with a radish in one hand.

But she just walked a few steps when she found purslane beside her. She suddenly had an idea to drink purslane bone soup tonight. Purslane is very effective in removing dampness, and the soup boiled with it is very suitable for drinking in this hot and humid weather.

"I'll dig a little bit of purslane here." After posting so many cold farts/shares, Jiang Yao didn't bother to ask politely, and put forward her ideas directly.

She thought she would not get a response from Lu Che this time, but he suddenly raised his head, "Wait, I'll dig it for you."


Jiang Yao didn't know where he was making trouble, so he just stood up and waited for him to come and dig.

The root of purslane has the greatest medicinal value. Jiang Yao thought that the soup tonight was for six people, and waited until Lu Che dug six roots to stop him, "Enough, thank you you."

Speaking, she was about to pick up the purslane on the ground, but Lu Che took it over first, "I'll take it back for you."

"..." Is he suddenly enlightened, showing a gentleman's demeanor? No, the turnip in her hand is much heavier than the purslane head.

Did not give Jiang Yao any chance to ask questions, Lu Che had already strode forward, and she immediately trotted to follow.

Back to the small kitchen, Lu Che showed no sign of stopping yet. He filled a basin of water, washed the head of the purslane, and then poured another basin of water and washed it again.

: "Look at it when you get it later, there are thorns on it."

He turned around and walked out of the kitchen.

It wasn't until his back disappeared around the corner that Jiang Yao came back to his senses.

The tone and expression of the boss are June Feishhuang, if she thinks that he is worried that he will be stabbed by the thorns of purslane, and he will help pick and help wash and help cut, she is not considered Is it self-indulgent?

Whether Jiang Yao thinks too much or Lu Che is cold-hearted, she has to make soup and stew pig trotters, and invite the Lu family to come down and have a good meal.

In the evening, when Lu Qing came back from work and was about to cook, he was stopped by Jiang Yao, "Sister Qing, I have already prepared everyone's meals, you don't need to cook , I can have dinner when Lu Che comes back."

"That's not good." Lu Qing quickly shied away: "How dare you spend money, you can eat it yourself, I'll make it quickly."

Jiang Yao is half threatening and half coquettish, Lu Qing has no choice but to follow her, but when she pays the rent, she refuses to say anything, "Yaoyao, you can live in peace in this house, If I don't want to charge the rent, I won't charge it, so don't mention it in the future, I'm afraid that others will find out and use it to make a fuss."

"Okay." Jiang Yao took the money back. She knew what Lu Qing was worried about, so she stopped reluctantly and secretly thought that she would subsidize them more in terms of food in the future.

Lu Che just opened the door of the yard after work, and there is a mouth-watering fragrance coming from his nostrils.

What kind of delicious food did this woman make, the smell made people even more hungry.

Thinking of his family's evening meal, he suddenly felt boring. I don't know when he can let his family eat such delicious food?

Before he came back, he washed the mud off his body by the river, and he was sweating again when he got home. He washed his face and hands before walking towards the main room.

"Uncle, you're back...Sister Yaoyao invites us to dinner tonight." As soon as he crossed the threshold, Zhou Yang and Zhou Xin rushed towards him, then hugged him, looking for credit looked up at him.

He looked up and saw Jiang Yao already sitting in the hall, looking at him with a smile.

Lu Che turned his head away, surrounded by the twins, and sat down at the dining table expressionlessly.

The old lady and Lu Qing knew what his temperament was, but Jiang Yao was hard to refuse. At this moment, the old lady didn't emphasize Jiang Yao's invitation to dinner, but said, "Everyone is hungry, let's eat quickly."

Although Lu Che didn't say anything, he only eats vegetables and vegetables.

"Uncle, why don't you eat pig's trotters? Yaoyao sister's pig's trotters are very delicious. I have never eaten such delicious pig's trotters." ask.

Lu Che heard the sound and said lightly: "Pig trotters are eaten by women, you are a man, don't eat so much."

"Why? Pig trotters are so delicious." Zhou Yang, who had always been taught by his father and uncle to be a man, was a little embarrassed.

"Yangyang, eat with confidence." Jiang Yao suddenly said, "In my house, pig trotters are made for men to eat."

Lu Che was sneering at Jiang Yao's nonsense, when suddenly there was a piece of pig's trotter in his bowl, he looked up and saw Jiang Yao saying to him with a smile: "Eat, the big pig's trotter is It's only for men."


A meal is enjoyable and enjoyable.

Especially the old lady, she can't remember how long she hasn't eaten something so delicious.

In fact, compared to many old ladies in the village, she is living a good life. Let's not talk about the past. Now her youngest daughter Lu Yuan is married to Hong Kong City and sends her money every month. Lu Qing is married to an officer, and her life is going well. She does not forget her grandma. Although Lu Che works She worked hard and didn't earn much money, but anything good was close to her.

But with the lessons learned, she still lives a tight life, for fear of others being jealous. She saved all the money Lu Yuan sent back, and planned to give Lu Che a betrothal gift in the future, but Lu Qing didn't spend much money, for fear that she would be inferior in front of her grandson-in-law.

"Yaoyao, thanks to you today, we eat like New Year's." The old lady took Jiang Yao's hand and said, "If you have difficulties in the future, you must tell us, don't You're welcome. My old bones are useless, but I can do it thoroughly."

Lu Che: "…"

"Grandma Lu, you are too kind." Jiang Yao said, "But I really need help now."

"What? Say it."

"I need to bring back a few chickens ordered by the educated youth, but...I won't catch chickens."

"It's not easy." The old lady waved her hand, "The best way to catch chickens is to let him go."

Lu Che: "…"

The author has something to say:

Lu Che: My first date with Yaoyao was to catch chicken?

Xiaomi: It’s good to catch chickens. It’s easiest to cultivate JQ when the moon is dark and the wind is high.

Lu Che: It seems pretty good.

Xiaomi: Can a mother be wrong? It just smells like chicken shit.

Lu Che:…

This chapter will give you 100 red envelopes, first come first served!

 Little Angel: 5 bottles of Xiaoyu and Ning Ning; 2 bottles of Drift Ice; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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