MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 16

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Lu Qing was worried that the hooligan of QJ's duck girl was the same person as the **** who drugged Jiang Yao, but Jiang Yao knew that this **** was himself.

Although this matter has nothing to do with herself, out of professional inertia, Jiang Yao still asked curiously: "Why didn't the duck girl say it at the beginning? It has been more than a month now, and it is difficult to obtain evidence. "

"Hey, she probably broke the jar now." Lu Qing sighed.

It turned out that after the duck girl was bullied that day, she was afraid that she would be ridiculed and ostracized by others, so she swallowed her anger and didn't say it, but she didn't expect that after half a month, she was pregnant.

She definitely can't stay the kind of hooligan, so she secretly went for an abortion/abortion, but an accident caused heavy bleeding.

A woman who is infertile is like a hen that cannot lay eggs. It is almost impossible to marry in this age.

"The hooligan hasn't been caught yet, you must not go out at night in the future, and ask me to accompany you when you go out during the day, understand?" Lu Qing urged.

"Sister Qing, I understand." Jiang Yao felt Lu Qing's concern and nodded immediately.

The whole Qingyuan production team and even people from Quanquan Mountain Commune were discussing this matter all day. Jiang Yao didn't care about this, and prepared to sell jelly at home.

The cost of 80 catties of jelly is not high, but it is not easy to make.

First of all, she has to have a big pot. In addition, there are no disposable bowls and spoons these days. To sell jelly, she has to bring her own porcelain bowls and porcelain spoons.

She owns a small pot, and she doesn't have that many sets of bowls and spoons, but the Lu family, a once-big family, has them.

Because of being smashed, many of these bowls and spoons were chipped, but Jiang Yao searched hard for a long time, and still found ten pairs of almost perfect bowls and spoons.

She cleaned and drained the bowls and spoons, then went to the Lu family's farm tool room to get a bamboo basket and put the bowls and spoons in it.

The next day, she and Lu Qing got up early and planned to go to the paper factory to line up early, hoping to get handmade raw materials. When they went out, it was bright and light, and Lu Che was worried, so he sent them to the paper factory. When he saw that there were already six or seven women queuing up, he was relieved to go to work in the sugarcane field.

The matter of raising duck girls is still buzzing, and the woman in the front is talking hotly. Lu Qing and Jiang Yaoan listened quietly without interrupting.

After waiting for about fifteen minutes, the village cadres who distributed the raw materials came. The paper factory has imported a lot of raw materials this time. In addition, they went early, and Jiang Yao and the others received the raw materials smoothly.

When they returned to Lu's house, they had breakfast first, and then made handicrafts in Jiang Yao's room.

"By the way, tomorrow is the market day. You said yesterday that you would go with Lu Che to sell jelly?" Lu Qing asked when he remembered it.

"Yes." Jiang Yao said: "My brother sent me about a pound of jelly, and it is estimated that I can make 80 pounds of jelly. It is not realistic to eat by myself, so I thought Tomorrow I will get it to set up a stall next to the theater and sell it to movie watchers."

"It's a good idea." Lu Qing said with a smile: "Lu Che has always been cold, I really didn't expect you and him to get along well, and you can set up a stall together."

It was clear that Lu Qing's words had no other meaning, but Jiang Yao was inexplicably guilty and did not dare to continue talking about this topic with her. So many times, I still don't know what these sticky papers are used for."

"These are for worship." Lu Qing said in a low voice.

"Don't you say you want to get rid of feudal superstition? How can you still do this?" Jiang Yao said puzzled.

Lu Qing: "It's all export, so it can be done. Speaking of which, this paper factory was established by a relative of Lu Qianyuan."

"Is there such a thing?" Jiang Yao suddenly realized, "No wonder Chen Shuanglian dares to use the public car for private use."

"Otherwise you think that Lu Dazhou doesn't care about diesel money, and he tosses with Lu Zhisen. Sometimes he is forced to turn a blind eye." Lu Qing said.

Jiang Yao: "Then Lu Dazhou is not afraid that Chen Shuanglian will win over people's hearts, and he will push his man or son to be the captain of the production team and take his position?"

"I'm not afraid of that." Lu Qing said, "Many people love petty and cheap, but the villagers are not stupid. If Lu Qianyuan or Lu Zhisen are the production captains, they are the ones who suffer."

"The same is true."

Lu Che came back from work at noon, and Jiang Yao told him to pick more banana leaves when he came back from work in the evening. Lu Che guessed that it had something to do with business, so he responded without asking more.

In the evening, Lu Che brought the banana leaves back, Jiang Yao washed them and then had a meal and bath, soaked 3 catties of rice in water before 8 o'clock, and explained to Lu Che about 12:30 tonight Get up and grind rice milk, then go to sleep.

Because she had something in her heart, Jiang Yao didn't fall asleep. When she got up after 12:30, she walked into the yard and saw Lu Che grinding rice milk.

"I was going to call you after grinding the rice milk, but I didn't expect you to get up by yourself." At this moment, only the moonlight above your head was shining in the yard, and it was very dark around, Jiang Yao couldn't see Lu Che's face clearly , but it's not hard to hear the banter in the tone of his voice.

"What is it?" Jiang Yao pursed her lips and said, "I am still very active when I have work, not to mention earning money."

Lu Che didn't argue with her, only said: "The rice milk is almost ground, you see what to do, I don't understand."

"I'll cook the jelly grass first." Jiang Yao turned back to the kitchen and started to work on her first stall.

In fact, it is not difficult to make jelly, first boil the jelly grass, and then filter the slurry with a filter bag. Immediately afterwards, add water to the slurry, bring to a boil over high heat, then lower the heat and add the rice milk, stirring while cooking.

Because it is a big pot, it is quite laborious to stir, this task falls on Lu Che, and Jiang Yao is responsible for burning the wood.

She sat on the stone with her head down, occasionally adding wood to the stove.

The surroundings were silent except for the occasional crackling of the fire.

Now she only needs a small fire, she only adds firewood once in a while, and she can't ignore the shadow falling over her head when she is free.

She couldn't hold back for a long time, and looked up at him secretly.

At this moment, his hand is stirring the wooden stick in his hand again and again, his eyes are on the surface of the pot, and his expression is focused.

In the past, she thought that the side face of a man who was writing with a pen or typing on a computer was the most attractive, but now she suddenly discovered that a man with a stick to eat is also very good-looking, good-looking By the time her heart beat faster.

Feeling that her face was about to burn, Jiang Yao felt that she couldn't look any longer. Just as she was about to withdraw her gaze, Lu Che's eyes suddenly moved down.

She got caught.

"..." The air froze for two seconds. With her ability to stay calm, she squeezed out a calm smile and said, "Look, the starry sky is so beautiful tonight!"

Lu Che heard the sound, didn't look up, still stared straight at her and said, "Really? Is anyone beautiful?"

"..." Jiang Yao had reason to suspect that he was flirting with herself, and had the evidence.

The darkness couldn't resist someone's scorching gaze, Jiang Yao lowered her head, and she didn't dare to look up until the jelly was cooked.

After the jelly is boiled, the rest is left to time, and the production is completed after cooling and solidification.

Lu Che asked Jiang Yao to go to bed, while he went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables.

Tomorrow, the stall will not only sell jelly, but also vegetables in the old business. She wanted to help him, but he insisted on letting her rest, "You can also sleep for two hours. We have to leave at four o'clock, otherwise we won't be able to occupy a seat next to the theater."

"Okay." Jiang Yao didn't insist, and went back to her room to sleep.

At 3:50, Lu Che woke her up, and when she packed up and walked out, he had put everything on the ox cart, and when she got on the cart, he put the ox on his back car departure.

The sky is still dark at four o'clock in the morning in summer. Today, there are other farmers in Qingyuan going to the market, but no one is earlier than them, only them on the road.

Because they left early, they managed to occupy the booth next to the theater.

In the early morning, they mainly sell vegetables and eggs. When the theater opens, the jelly starts to sell.

Similar to what Lu Che expected, a bowl of jelly 8 cents was considered too expensive by many people, but Jiang Yao added a piece of banana leaf at the bottom of the bowl and then filled the jelly, which made it look taller after packaging. Get up, coupled with Lawyer Jiang's three-inch incorrupt tongue, the delivery speed of jelly will be faster.

However, 80 bowls of jelly are not a lot, and they don't go home until 5 o'clock in the evening.

Compared to the road, the journey back with an ox cart can be described as much easier. Jiang Yao sat on the ox cart and counted the pile like a little money fanatic.

"Wow, with vegetables and eggs, we earned 11 yuan and 97 cents today." Jiang Yao said excitedly: "A factory worker's monthly salary is usually 20 to 30 yuan, we It's been half a month for a day today."

Lu Che, who was sitting in front of the bullock cart, turned his head and looked at her satisfied smiling face, and the corners of his lips curled up, and said, "It seems that you have a mind for making money."

Compared to the future business empire of the boss, her eleven yuan and ninety-seven cents are really not worth mentioning, she smiled humbly, and said: "This still depends on your help, Otherwise, I can't do it alone."

She couldn't handle the 80 catties of jelly alone.

Jiang Yao thought that the boss would be polite after hearing this, but who knew that he gave a "um" and said, "Yes, but I don't help everyone."

"..." Big man, your words are easy to misunderstand.

After a long day of exhaustion, the two of them ate sweet potatoes and jelly at noon. They were already hungry, and Jiang Yao planned to go back and cook a meal of pure white rice without sweet potatoes to treat herself well with him.

Especially him, he hasn't slept for almost a day and a night since 12 o'clock last night, and he's working hard.

After a long time, they finally returned to the road of Lu's house, but from a distance they saw many people standing in front of Lu's house.

Lu Che turned around and looked at Jiang Yao for unknown reasons. Before they could think about what happened, someone shouted, "The hooligan is back, the hooligan is back. ...Sure enough, I'm a **** bastard..."

Immediately afterwards, two public servants/announced ran out of Lu's house, rushed in front of Lu Che and held him down, "Lu Che, now I suspect that you are related to a QJ case, please come back with us be investigated."

"Impossible." Jiang Yao knew that this must be about the case of the duck girl. She was about to speak when Lu Che turned her head, looked at her, and said word by word: "Don't talk about those useless, the clearer will clear himself, and I will be back when the investigation is clear."

"No..." Jiang Yao didn't know that he told herself not to talk about that night, for fear of affecting her reputation, but she only said two words and was interrupted by him. He hooked his lips towards her, his voice soft as if he was coaxing a child, "Dear, it's alright, wait for me to come back."

As soon as she finished speaking, a tear overflowed from her eyes.