MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 19

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In the evening, Jiang Yao waited until 9:30 in the middle of the night before Lu Che knocked on her door.

Yes, nine thirty is definitely late at night these days.

In order to make it clear, she blew out the kerosene lamp when she heard the movement of the courtyard gate and pretended to have fallen asleep.

When she heard the sound of "dong dong", she slowly swallowed, and when she came out to open the door, she also yawned, looking like she was woken up.

"Very sleepy?" Lu Che asked.

"Of course." Jiang Yao muttered, "I was woken up by you, so you shouldn't come to me so late."

"Really? I won't come to you, you won't be able to sleep tonight." Lu Che raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

Jiang Yao pretended to be calm and retorted: "I fell asleep at eight o'clock."

"Eight o'clock? Why do you still speak so clearly after almost two hours of sleep?"

"..." Jiang Yao, who was exposed, refused to admit it, and said stubbornly: "If you have something to say, go back quickly."

"Of course there is something." Lu Che said, and handed a dollar to Jiang Yao.

"Another piece?" Jiang Yao was surprised, "You are now making money faster than the train. Is this given by the launching production team?"

Lu Che nodded: "I came to the water after inquiring from the forward side, and the reward must be the same. There are still twenty eggs, and I will take ten to the production team tomorrow for centimeters. By the way, I also need a bunch of bananas, which was given to you by the duck girl's mother."

"Mother Lin? Why did you meet her suddenly?"

" She passed through Sheung Shui when she came back from Shui Shui, and happened to see her secretly burning paper at the door to pray to the duck girl. He recognized me, so he stuffed a bunch of bananas and asked me to bring it to you, saying thank you Help you find the real murderer."

"So that is." Jiang Yao said, "It's strange, how does Mother Lin recognize you? Sister Qing and I went to Lin's house that day, and she didn't even know who we were."

"What's wrong with recognizing me? I'm a "celebrity" in these eight towns." Lu Che said proudly.

Jiang Yao couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard it, "You're notorious for being thorny, are you still honored?"

"What happened to the thorn? The thorn is not the same as the object, but it is still a very beautiful object."

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Yao had already pulled him into her arms. Seeing that he was about to kiss him, Jiang Yao quickly covered his chest with her hands, "Let me go first, I want the money Put it away."

She couldn't run away tonight anyway, so Lu Che was not in a hurry and let go.

Jiang Yao took out a small tin can from the closet, opened it in front of Lu Che, put the one dollar he just got inside, and said, "You gave me these."

Lu Che took a look inside the tin can, two pieces of one piece and three pieces of one cent, which he gave her today.

"Why do you keep it alone, not with your small vault?" Lu Che frowned lightly.

Jiang Yao said as a matter of course: "If you leave it alone, you don't need to keep an account. If we break up in the future, I will just give you this tin can..."


“…are you threatening me now?” Lawyer Jiang said angrily.

"No." Lu Che changed his aggrieved face in seconds, "Although I look fierce and can fight, but in fact I am very innocent, please don't play with my feelings."


I kissed her forcibly before the relationship was confirmed. Is this still called innocence? Innocent shouldn't blush, be shy, dare not look her in the eye, don't even dare to hold a small hand the next day after confirming the relationship?

The next day, the innocent boss got up at four in the morning, trotted to the county town, and made money for the factory cafeteria.

Jiang Yao sees that he is so diligent and hardworking, and he is not too lazy. He wakes up early and uses the eggs he has earned in the past two days, plus glutinous rice flour and chives, to make a few large eggs Chive Pancakes.

Because no water is added, the pancake egg is full of fragrance, and it makes people drool just by smelling it.

She sent two sheets to Lu Qing, but Lu Qing was embarrassed to accept them, but she said, "Lu Che got the eggs, eat them."

Lu Qing just accepted it.

Lu Che still got home at around 6:30 in the morning, took a shower as soon as he entered the door, and washed the sweat off his body before going to see his partner.

"Hurry up and eat." Jiang Yao handed him an egg pancake, he ate it, and didn't forget to say: "I see half of the water in your tank, I'll come back at noon Bring you water."

"Okay." Jiang Yao nodded, but seeing that he was busy all day long, she couldn't help feeling a little distressed, "If only we had a well in our house."

Lu Che was successfully pleased by her "our family" and said with a smile, "We have one in our family."

"Where?" Jiang Yao's eyes brightened.

Lu Che: "In the vegetable garden, someone broke in and buried it before. I'll dig him up again after I finish harvesting the sugar cane. The seeds sent by your brother will arrive later. More water is needed for watering."

"It's great!" Jiang Yao was excited, she couldn't help but worry, "Will it be discovered?"

"No." Lu Che said: "No one dares to make trouble for many years, and this well must be drilled. If I go to fetch water all day long, I will definitely be discovered. That's right. But even if I have a well in the future, I'll have to fetch water every day for pretence, and I can't go out of my way."

Jiang Yao couldn't help stunned after hearing this, the boss is really a boss, and he has already planned everything before doing things.

After a few days, the sugarcane fields are harvested, and the members can rest for a few days to prepare for the rice transplanting work at the end of September.

Lu Che didn't go to the county town to pick up firewood recently. He digs a well at home before going to work every day.

After he dug for two days, Jiang Yao estimated that the time was about the same, and went to the county post office to see if Jiang Zhen sent her a package.

In fact, Lu Che often came to the county town to help her pick it up, but she always went back to Qingyuan before dawn, and the post office hadn't opened yet.

She went out at the right time, and when she went to the post office, the staff just opened the door. She didn't have to queue, she reported her name, and got the package and letter from Jiang Zhen as she wished.

The package is not small, and the letter is bulging as always. It is estimated that money and tickets are indispensable in it.

She put the envelope in the messenger bag, and then carried the package back. Unexpectedly, she saw Zhao Pengfei as soon as she walked out of the post office.

Zhao Pengfei did not expect to meet her here. He was surprised at first, but his face quickly sank.

She never cared what kind of face he gave herself, but since he hated herself all day, she felt compelled to talk to him.

"Go to a state-run restaurant for a bowl of noodles." Jiang Yao said.

"...Okay." Zhao Pengfei thought she was going to be sarcastic again, but he didn't expect that she would invite him to a state-run restaurant for noodles. He was stunned for a moment, then nodded in response.

Walking all the way to the state-run hotel, although Zhao Pengfei did not speak, his face softened a lot.

When paying the money ticket, he wanted to help Jiang Yao give it, but she refused, "We are just ordinary classmates, it is not appropriate for you to pay the money ticket."

"Jiang Yao, you..." Zhao Pengfei's face tensed, but Jiang Yao interrupted him before he could speak, "Find a place to sit down and talk slowly."

Zhao Pengfei held back and waited for an empty table to be seated. Before he opened his mouth, Jiang Yao had already said, "Maybe when we were in school, our relationship was good. Today's meal When we meet, we treat it as a part-time meal for our friendship. From now on, I will be me, and you will be you. If you meet on the road, you can say hello, but don't interfere in each other's private affairs."

Zhao Pengfei listened, conditioned reflex to refute, but Jiang Yao did not give him a chance to speak, and continued: "We are no longer children, at the age of 19 or 20, we should get married in the village. There are not a few parents, and there should be a degree of relationship between adult men and women, especially if you are dating Du Yuejia now, you often interfere with me, which is very bad for my reputation."

The last sentence successfully made Zhao Pengfei's face pale. He said after a while, "Can't I make friends when I'm with someone? The friendship between us is very pure."

Pure? Jiang Yao wanted to laugh when she heard it. She said, "Whether you think you are pure or not, as long as I contact you, in the eyes of others, I am not serious and malicious. I really have nothing against you. So there's no need to be pointed at by others for your friendship."

" don't want me as a friend?" Zhao Pengfei said bleakly.

"No more."

Jiang Yao didn't hesitate, she didn't show any sloppy performance, Zhao Pengfei knew that what she said was true. He lowered his shoulders weakly, "But I cherish you as a friend."

Jiang Yao heard this, without the slightest turbulence in her heart, and said, "It's not my friend that you want to cherish, but your girlfriend Du Yuejia."

"Although I don't have any friendship with her, I would like to say a few words for her today. She is your object and is likely to be your life partner in the future. Before you do anything, you should first consider Her feelings. As your object, you can see how she feels when you often fight because of another woman, just think about it for yourself. "

"Also, you should care more about her than you have time to care about me. Her sister is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and she is not as harmless to humans and animals as she seems, maybe one day she will be pitted already."

Jiang Yao started eating noodles after she finished speaking, letting Zhao Pengfei on the opposite side digest what she said today in a complicated mood.

In fact, she is not that good, and she gives advice on other people's feelings, but she just doesn't want Zhao Pengfei to disturb her again. Also, it would be best if he could borrow his hand to clean up this little scourge of Du Yuejiao.

She was eating with relish, Zhao Pengfei watched her eat with mixed taste, but his bowl did not move.

Jiang Yao ignored him, got up and left after the noodles were finished.

As soon as she got up, Zhao Pengfei stopped her and said, "That... what my cousin did, say sorry to Lu Che for me."

"No." Jiang Yao said, "You didn't do this, so you don't need to apologize for others. Besides, if Lu Che knew that I was meeting you, it would be a jar of vinegar. "

"..." Zhao Pengfei was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood something, he asked in disbelief: "You...with Lu Che?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yao's voice couldn't help but cheer up, with a bright smile on her face, and said, "Lu Che is now my object."


After Jiang Yao finished speaking, she left the state-run hotel without looking back.

It was rare to come out and be early, Jiang Yao went to the supply and marketing agency and bought half a catty of pork belly and two catties of flour. It's been a long time since I've eaten buns, and now the temperature is easy to ferment. She plans to make meat buns today to satisfy her cravings.

In addition, she also bought two big bones, ready to boil a bone soup, to nourish the body of the big boss Lu who is working hard to make money every day.

The morning in mid-August was a little autumnal, but now the sun is out and the heat is scorching hot again. Jiang Yao stopped wandering around after leaving the supply and marketing cooperative, and returned to Qingyuan before the sun was hot.

"Jiang Zhiqing."

Jiang Yao was just leaving the busy city of the county when she heard someone calling her, she turned her head and saw that it was Mother Lin.

"Auntie, what a coincidence." Jiang Yao said with a smile.

Mother Lin stepped forward and smiled at her. Seeing that she was both wrapped and meat, she said, "You also went to the county to buy something?"

Jiang Yao: "Yes, my brother sent me a package and bought some meat by the way."

"I also bought two taels of meat to make soup for Xiaofang to nourish her body." Speaking of her daughter, Mother Lin couldn't help sighing.

"How is Xiaofang now?" Jiang Yao asked with concern.

"She was in a better mood the first two days when she found out that the **** was arrested, but in the past few days, like before, she was listless all day and locked herself in the room." Saying that, his eyes were wet.

"It's not easy to come out, your family should be with her more to encourage her."

"I know." Mother Lin nodded, then looked at Jiang Yao before saying anything.

Jiang Yao knew that she had something to say, so she said, "Auntie, speak up if you have something to say."

"Okay." Mother Lin said nervously, "I think Jiang Zhiqing, you are very good at talking, and people can't help but convince you. If possible, I would like to ask you to enlighten my daughter."

"My dad and I are both stupid and don't know how to tell her."

It's really pitiful for the hearts of parents in the world, Jiang Yao has no reason to refuse, she readily agreed: "Yes, we will go to your house now."

"Okay, thank you so much." Mother Lin said excitedly.

Lin Fang learned from Zhang Public Security that Jiang Yao was the key to successfully solving the case this time, so when she heard her come to see her, she still did not resist.

Originally, Mother Lin asked Lin Fang to come out to the main room to receive guests, but Jiang Yao said, "I'll just go to her room, she feels more secure there."

Jiang Yao entered Lin Fang's room, then gently closed the door, greeting her like a friend, "Xiao Fang, how is your health recently? Do you feel any discomfort?"

Lin Fang replied in a low voice, "It's not a big problem, I just feel unmotivated."

Jiang Yao: "It's because you've been in the room for too long, you should go out for a walk. If you're healthy, go to work. If you don't want to keep raising ducks, then work in the production team. ."

As soon as Lin Fang heard that she was going to work, she immediately became very resistant, "I won't go, I can't go, others will laugh at me."

Her reaction was within Jiang Yao's expectations, she had been exposed to many such cases in her past life.

Jiang Yao reached out and held Lin Fang's hand and said, "Xiaofang, you have to know that this is not your fault, you are the victim. If even your subconscious feels that you are shameless When you meet someone, how can you get respect from others?"

"You have to remember that it is not you who did the wrong thing, and others are not qualified to point and point at you. You may not be able to control other people's thoughts and actions, but if someone makes fun of you, you will You can confront each other bravely.”

"Is it really possible?" Jiang Yao's words were passionate, but Lin Fang was still confused.

"Of course." Jiang Yao said: "You don't have to worry, you can take it slowly, and then gradually get out of this low point in life. Your parents can accompany you to protect you, Friends can comfort you and accompany you, but to really come out, you have to rely on yourself."

Lin Fang nodded, "I will try my best."

It was Zhao Pengfei and mother Lin, Jiang Yao spent a lot of time on this trip, and it was half past ten when she returned to Lu's house.

She first put the package and messenger bag back in the room, and then went to the kitchen to process the ingredients.

There is a winter melon in the kitchen, so she made a winter melon bone soup, and then began to chop the meat and bun stuffing, and finally made the bun skin with the bread.

When she woke up, Lu Qing ran to her, saying that Jiang Chao was looking for him.

"Jiang Chao, do you have anything to do with me?" Jiang Yao walked to the door and saw Jiang Chao standing outside the door...

Jiang Chao smiled and said: "The production captain came back a few days ago, I went to his place to ask for leave, and went back to the provincial capital to see my parents before the busy farming season, do you have anything you want to buy? Yes, I'll bring it back for you."

The educated youth of the Qingyuan production team and even the entire Pingshan Commune basically came from the provincial capital. It's not far from the provincial capital, just a few hours' drive. If there are not many things in the team, the production captain generally agrees with the educated youth to go home to visit relatives.

It is rare for someone to go to the provincial capital to help her buy things, of course Jiang Yao will not miss this opportunity, but she is not sure what to buy when she is asked, after all, what to buy these days , she is not very clear.

"When will you go back, before that, I will write down what I want to buy and bring it to you." Jiang Yao said.

"The bus tomorrow morning." Jiang Chao said: "If you can't decide for a while, I'll come back tonight."

"This is too much trouble for you, I'll just go there myself."

"Yaoyao, see what you said, let's..."

Jiang Chao didn't speak when he was suddenly interrupted by a cold and stern voice, "Did you call Yaoyao?"

Jiang Yao turned her head when she heard the sound, and saw Lu Che aggressively walking towards the gate.

When did he come back? How could she not know.

Lu Che walked to Jiang Yao in three steps and two steps, and said to Jiang Chao angrily: "She is not familiar with you, Yao Yao is not something you can call."

Jiang Chao has always hated and horrified Lu Che, and when he yelled at him like this, he panicked for a while, and after he reacted, he stuck his neck and said, "Why can't I scream?"

Jiang Chao looked at him as if he was about to beat someone, and he was immediately cowardly, and said with trembling lips, "Can' it Yaoyao, what do you think I it?"

"Comrade Jiang." Lu Che made his debut.

Jiang Yao: “…”

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