MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 2

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Lu Che took Jiang Yao ashore and wanted to leave, but when he saw her wet dress on his body, he still moved with pity.

He took her hands, threw them on his shoulders, carried her like a pig, and walked towards his house.

Lu Qing coaxed the two children to sleep, but when she was about to lie down, she remembered that Lu Che had gone fishing for a long time and hadn't come back. She was worried, so she got up and went out to have a look.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked out of the main room, she saw Lu Che walking into the yard with a... woman on her shoulders.

"What's going on?" Lu Qing hurriedly greeted him.

Lu Che didn't have time to explain, but said, "Get her to my aunt's room first, don't wake up grandma, I'll tell you later."

"Okay." Lu Qing nodded, although it was hard not to think about this situation, but she believed in her brother's behavior.

She took the lead and opened Lu Yuan's door.

When Jiang Yaoping was placed on the big bed, by the light of the kerosene lamp, Lu Qing could see her face clearly, and asked in surprise: "This...isn't this an educated youth from the city, Jiang Yao? ?"

Although Jiang Yao has only been in the queue for two or three months, all the men, women and children in the team recognize this educated youth. After all, her appearance and figure are hard to forget after seeing it.

"Well." Lu Che responded and said, "I was fishing in the pond just now, and she suddenly jumped in, which was a little abnormal. I guess she was drugged. Knock her out first."

"Drugged?" Lu Qing's eyes widened in horror, before he came back to his senses, holding a kerosene lamp and leaning on Jiang Yao's head, carefully identified, and sure enough he saw Her cheeks were abnormally red.

Lu Qing raised his hand and touched Jiang Yao's face, which was really hot. She turned her head and said to Lu Che, "I'll change her into clean clothes now. Go and invite the barefoot doctor to see what to do."

"Okay." Lu Che turned around and was about to go out, and Lu Qing warned again: "Don't make a sound, if this matter spreads out, it will damage the reputation of the girl."

"I know." Lu Che lifted his feet and walked out, just when he reached the door, he heard Lu Qing calling him, "You are wet, change your clothes first."

"Nothing in the way." Lu Che responded and left without looking back.

He started to trot as soon as he walked out the door, but just before he ran too far, he met a member of the same production team, Chen Shuanglian.

In the past two weeks, she has been busy rushing to collect, and Chen Shuanglian has not played Pai Gow for a long time. Today, she finally finished harvesting the rice. No matter how tired she was, she couldn't resist the addiction to cards, so she went out to play cards after eating.

But everyone is tired, and they will break up after a few laps. She didn't know what to do, but it didn't matter if she was gone, she won money anyway.

Carrying the fifty cents that won tonight, Chen Shuanglian was so happy that she was about to float up, but she didn't expect to meet a second-rate Lu Che, it was really bad luck.


Lu Che didn't respond, just glanced at her coldly.

Chen Shuanglian is a well-known shrew in the production team, but this sight is enough to make her heart tremble.

Lu Che did not entangle with her, turned his head and continued to run forward.

When he ran away, Chen Shuanglian breathed a sigh of relief, but he was frightened and angry, and she continued to curse.

At night, and no one lives nearby, no matter how badly she scolds, only the air will be the audience. After a while, I was tired of scolding, and went home in a dejected manner.

The barefoot doctor Zhang Meifang lives not far away. When Lu Qing helped Jiang Yao get dressed and dry her hair, Lu Che invited her over.

When Lu Che went to take pictures of Zhang Meifang's door, he said that the children at home were uncomfortable and invited her to go there, but he had explained the ins and outs of the matter to her on the way here.

Zhang Meifang checked Jiang Yao after entering the door. After a while, she said, "She is fine, she just fainted. That's fine. Come on, the medicine is probably over."

"That's good." Lu Qing thanked Zhang Meifang: "Doctor Zhang, I've been tired all day today, and I asked you to run in the evening. It's hard for you."

"It's fine." Zhang Meifang didn't care, and turned to say: "Jiang Zhiqing met you tonight, it was her great fortune, if it fell into the hands of others, she would not dare to think about it. Who did it, she won't know until she wakes up, maybe she doesn't even know who it is."

"But no matter what, unless it is necessary, we will rot in our stomachs, or it will affect her reputation."

"We know, Dr. Zhang, don't worry." Lu Qing responded quickly, "I won't delay you any longer so late, let Lu Che take you home."


When Jiang Yao woke up, she only felt that the light was very dazzling. After trying to get used to it for a while, she slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was a slightly yellowed mosquito net.


She sat up in shock and pinched her arm so hard that she was about to burst into tears.

Combined with the influx of memories that did not belong to her in her mind, they all point to the unbelievable fact that she has passed through a book, into a book she has been reading recently 's chronology.

She was on vacation during this time. She originally made an appointment to travel with her best friend.

She didn't have the heart to watch it, but her memory is so good that she remembered the plot all over again.

The original owner has been a beautiful embryo since he was a child. Although his parents died two years ago, his brother Jiang Zhen is capable. He has been in the army for a few years and is now the head of the regiment.

She could have been exempted from going to the countryside, because Jiang Zhen, an old leader who transferred to the provincial capital as a factory manager, could arrange her to join the factory. But she is better. In order to pursue love, Zhao Pengfei, the male protagonist of the book, went to the countryside with her classmates.

But her affectionate following did not get Zhao Pengfei's response, because he always regarded her as a good friend, and he also met the woman he destined here, Du Yuejia, the heroine of this book .

Zhao Pengfei and Du Yuejia admired each other and supported each other in the hard years of going to the countryside, and they came together naturally.

But even so, she still didn't give up. She used her status as a good friend to stay by Zhao Pengfei's side all the time. When he quarreled with Du Yuejia, she always acted as a caring confidante.

She comforted Zhao Pengfei with tea words with full skill level, and calmly sow discord between him and Du Yuejia.

Although Zhao Pengfei chose Du Yuejia in the end, but he has been dealing with the two women, Jiang Yao just wanted to scold him "the scumbag of the century".

Knowing that Du Yuejia was taboo about the existence of the original owner, he used various bad excuses to say that he could not give up this pure friendship. Doesn't he know that married men should avoid suspicion?

Such a man can still be a male protagonist, Jiang Yao feels that the author's three views need to be rebuilt.

The more Jiang Yao thought about it, the more angry she became, but now is not the time to pay attention to this. Even if she doesn't want to admit it, it's a fact that she wears books, and she doesn't know how to return to the real world for a while, she has to plan for the next life.

There is a mirror on the dressing table in the room. She carefully looked at the appearance of the woman in the mirror. It was almost the same as her original appearance, but she was much younger. After all, she was only nineteen years old.

With a flamboyant and beautiful face and thin arms and legs, it is not easy to survive in this countryside where materials are poor and manual labor dominates, and Du Yuejiao can easily To the MEI medicine, it shows the danger of this country.

"Jiang Zhiqing, are you awake?" Jiang Yao looked up and saw a woman walking in with a bowl.

The woman wears black pants and a white shirt. Although she is very simple, it is difficult to conceal her gentle and beautiful temperament. She couldn't find any information matching her identity in the original owner's memory, so she could only whisper, "Hello! Who are you?"

Lu Qing put the bowl on the table and smiled at her: "I'm Lu Qing, my brother Lu Che brought you back last night. Because of the special circumstances, he chopped you up. Halo is a last resort, I hope you understand."

Lu Che? Isn't this the book's biggest villain? It turned out that he was the one who saved him last night.

He has almost no role in the first half of the original book, but he has a lot of roles in the second half.

He was from a bad background, and he was a famous thorn in Qingyuan Village, but he was also smart enough. He later became a business boss, and Zhao Pengfei was always suppressed by him when he started his business.

"It's okay, I should thank him." Jiang Yao didn't know how long she would live here.

After all, he didn't blink when he took revenge.

"You don't have to be so polite, in that case, he should help. Last night, Dr. Zhang came to see you, and she said that the medicine is good, I see you now, It should be fine."

Lu Qing picked up the bowl and handed it to her as he spoke, "You can go back after drinking the porridge, don't worry, my brother and I and Dr. Zhang will be tight-lipped about what happened last night."

"Thank you." Jiang Yao was really hungry and took the bowl over.

"There is nothing to entertain you at home, a bowl of porridge, I hope you don't dislike it." Lu Qing said.

"No, it cost you money." Jiang Yao was not polite, although it was a bowl of white porridge, it was viscous. Pickled vegetables, looking at it makes people appetite.

After drinking the porridge, she thanked Lu Qing again and asked, "Is your brother at home? If he is, I want to thank him in person and go back."

She doesn't know what time it is, but she hasn't come home all night, and the educated youth will definitely make trouble.


"Okay, thanks."

When Jiang Yao changed her clothes and opened the door, Lu Qing was standing outside the door. She said, "I'll go outside to see first and make sure no one is there before you go out."

"Okay." Jiang Yao nodded.

"Okay, let's go then."

Jiang Yao and Lu Qing walked out side by side, and when they were about to reach the door, Lu Qing said again: "I don't know which person whose conscience was eaten by a dog did what happened last night, anyway You have to be more careful in the future, and feel free to say if you need help."

"..." As her conscience was eaten by a dog, Jiang Yao twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "I... don't know."

Jiang Yao looked up and saw the man who emerged from the water last night standing outside the door.

The muscle lines are unobstructed.

Stop! !

Jiang Yao, what are you thinking about? Could it be that after one night, the effect of the drug has not faded?

Aware of the filth in her heart, Jiang Yao couldn't help her cheeks get hot.

"Where did you go early in the morning?" As soon as Lu Qing finished speaking, there was an old man's shout.

"Grandma is looking for me, you can send Jiang Zhiqing out, remember that there is no one outside to let her go." As soon as Lu Qing finished explaining, Mrs. Lu called her again, she responded loudly and hurriedly Run inside.

For a while, only Jiang Yao and Lu Che were left in the huge yard. Especially since she threw herself in his arms last night, I felt really ashamed.

The atmosphere was embarrassingly silent, Jiang Yao was the first to break the silence, bowed slightly to Lu Che, and said sincerely, "Thank you very much last night!"

There was a hint of surprise in Lu Che's cold eyes, but he was quickly covered by him. He didn't say anything, turned his head and stuck his head out. After observing for a while, he turned his head and said : "No one is outside now, you hurry up."

"Okay." Jiang Yao responded and walked out, but Lu Che stopped her before she could lift her feet, "Wait."

"What..." Jiang Yao turned around, and before she could finish speaking, a small piece of pork hung by a straw rope appeared in front of her.

Lu Che: "Wait back to the educated youth point. If anyone asks, you can say that you got up early in the morning and went to the supply and marketing cooperative to cut meat."

"..." Is this really the villain? She was moved by how hot and cold it was on the outside!