MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 26

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Lu Che heard Jiang Zhen say that Jiang Yao did not look for a bridesmaid, so he thought that this time the marriage would be very smooth, but who knew that he was stopped by a few brats before he reached the gate of Jiang's house .

Although the little brat is short, several people are lined up, they crossed their waists to block the road, and stared at him aggressively, "If you want to marry Sister Yaoyao, go first Let's talk about it."

Big Brother Lu, who has been invincible in Qingyuan since he was a child, is the first time he has been provoked like this, and he is still a group of little devils.

He ignored them directly, and reached out to push the child in the middle to make way for him, but they all rushed up together, hugged him, and kept shouting: "Catch him, Don't let him in."

Lu Che was surrounded like this when he was a little kid. At that time, he beat the person who came up to him with one enemy and three. But he's an adult now, so he can't bully the little ones, not to mention that today is his big day, so he can't kill people.

"You guys leave me quickly, or I'll be rude." Lu Che persuaded.

"No, how can you marry Yaoyao sister so easily?"

"That's right, sister Yaoyao is the most beautiful here, let's not let her marry you."


These little devils shouted louder than each other, Lu Che was so noisy that his head hurt, and their hands kept scratching on him, even his new pants today wrinkled.

He endured and endured, and finally couldn't help it, and shouted: "You all get out of my way, whoever hugs me, I will beat whoever?"

He lowered his head, those fierce eyes swept over the children below.

The children were staring so carefully that their livers trembled, and the hands that held him were released unconsciously.

Lu Che felt his body relax, and when he was about to lift his foot to walk in, he suddenly made a "wow" and then a "wow".

The children opened their mouths one by one, and one by one cried louder than the other, and they shouted at the top of their throats, but there were no tears.

Lu Che was almost driven mad by them. At this time, Jiang Zhen, who had been standing idly by, stood up with a smile, handed a piece of candy to each of the little ghosts, and said, "This is the groom's uncle for everyone. The happy candy sent, everyone let him in, okay?"

The children who got the candy stopped crying immediately, and all of them smiled.

There were no tears at first, but now I smile, as if the tragic situation just now was an illusion.

"Brother, thank you." Lu Che looked at his uncle gratefully.

The critical moment is really the most reliable brother.

Jiang Zhen patted his shoulder and said, "Go in."

After such a commotion, Jiang Zhen felt more at ease with Lu Che.

My younger sister is more self-willed than a child. Just now Lu Che was surrounded by children. Although it was a bit scary, he was just shouting and never thought of doing it. When Jiang Yao gets angry with him in the future, he doesn't have to worry that she will be beaten.

After passing the child level, it is not my dear wife, but a group of aunts who are waiting for Lu Che behind.

However, the aunts are much better off.

Originally, a few aunts wanted to give Lu Che some power, but they saw that he was handsome and tall, wearing a white shirt, suit pants and black leather shoes. He was more handsome than Zhao Pengfei, and their attitudes suddenly eased. down.

Sure enough, no matter when, the world still sees faces.

When Lu Che entered, several aunts were still talking in low voices.

"This mud leg doesn't look like a village at all."

"That's right, he looks weird and good-looking, and people in the city believe him."

"It's more city people than city people, okay?"

"No wonder Yaoyao's eyes are higher than the top, so she looks so good."

"Yes, ignoring family conditions, he is really better than the son of Director Zhao and his son."


Although the aunts whispered, Lu Che's pair of downwind ears still heard it. Especially when he heard that they commented that he was better than Zhao Pengfei, he couldn't help feeling complacent.

Entering the gate of Jiang's house, and using a few candies to send away the two children who were guarding the door of Jiang Yao's boudoir, Lu Che finally saw his precious daughter-in-law.

He always knew that his daughter-in-law was beautiful, and her figure was also very good by hugging, but he didn't expect her to be so beautiful after wearing a slim dress.

He was stunned for a while, until he was teased by his aunts before he recovered.

Jiang Yao couldn't help laughing when she saw his stupid look, "Why are you standing there, why don't you come and help me up?"

"...Oh...immediately." Lu Che walked over, held Jiang Yao's arm to get her up, and took the opportunity to whisper in her ear: "Daughter-in-law, you are so beautiful today."

The smile on Jiang Yao's face became even stronger, and he also replied in his ear, "You are also very handsome today."

"Okay, you two don't talk quietly, come out and serve tea to Jiang Zhen." said the aunt who presided over the etiquette.

Originally, the newcomer wanted to serve tea to Gaotang, but when Gaotang was away, he could only honor Jiang Zhenjing, his eldest brother and father.

"Brother, drink tea." Jiang Yao respectfully handed the tea cup to Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen took it and took a sip, then handed her a red envelope, and said, "From today, you really want to become an adult. In the future, you must restrain your temper, not be willful, and talk to Lu Che. Have a good time."

"Brother, I understand." Jiang Yao took the red envelope and nodded in response.

Next, it was Lu Che's turn to serve tea.

After drinking her brother-in-law's tea, Jiang Zhen also gave him a red envelope and said, "Lu Che, from now on, we are a family. Yaoyao has been spoiled since she was a child, and she likes to be petty. Be patient."

"Brother, don't worry, I will. Also, Yaoyao is very good, she doesn't like to be petty." Lu Che hurriedly corrected his daughter-in-law's name.

Jiang Zhen was relieved to see him being so protective of his shortcomings, but he still put the ugly words to the fore, "Yaoyao is my Jiang Zhen's only sister and only relative, I will give her to her today. You, I hope you can treat her well as always. If one day in the future, you bully her or do something wrong to her, I will put my words here and will never let you go."

Lu Che was not angry when he heard the words, but said firmly: "Brother, I don't promise too much, I will use my actions to fulfill my promise."

"Okay." Jiang Zhen nodded in satisfaction.

The tea ceremony is over, and the etiquette is over.

Lu Che and Jiang Yao are going back to Qingyuan, and Jiang Zhen is going back to the army.

Although he was rushing back to Qingyuan, Lu Che insisted on following Jiang Yao to the train station to see Jiang Zhen. Because he knew that this time he parted, and he didn't know when the next meeting would be.

Arriving at the platform of the train station, Lu Che made an excuse to leave temporarily and let the brother and sister talk.

"Brother, you are not too young, find me a sister-in-law early." Jiang Yao said with a smile: "You are working very hard in the military camp. I am more at ease when someone takes care of you."

"Come on, your brother will take care of himself, you just need to take care of yourself." Jiang Zhen rubbed her forehead, "The Lu family treats you well, but you also Don't be spoiled and spoiled, and be filial to the elderly at home."

"I know!" Jiang Yao said: "You have to protect yourself in the army, and remember to ask for family leave to come and see me when you have time. Also, don't send me money in the future, Lu Che I will take good care of me, and if there is any difficulty, I will tell you. You save your money, this will be the cost of your daughter-in-law in the future. "

"No, the money still has to be sent." Jiang Zhen looked at Jiang Yao, as if the little doll who was pampering her yesterday had suddenly grown up, he sighed: "Although I trust Lu A thorough man, but sometimes money is the strength of a man. I can't always stay by your side to support you, so let me send you some money, so that I can feel at ease. "

Although they only got along for a few days, Jiang Yao really felt Jiang Zhen's love for her from the bottom of her heart. His love is not warm, but very warm, and all he thinks and does is paving the way for her.

"Today is your big day, don't cry. Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Send Jiang Zhen on the train, Jiang Yao and Lu Che went to the bus station next door to take a bus back to Qingyuan.

Lu Che picked two positions in the last corner, and after taking a seat, he quietly held her hand, and didn't let go until he got out of the car.

Although he was in a high mood, he also knew that she was a little depressed about her parting with her brother, so he didn't talk to her much along the way to let her adjust herself.

When she returned to the county seat, Jiang Yao's mood had calmed down.

It was already noon, because Jiang Zhen gave the ticket, Lu Che took Jiang Yao to a state-run restaurant for dinner, and then took her to write the marriage certificate.

Yes, this year's marriage certificate is written.

You don't need to take pictures, just write your name, gender and age on a marriage certificate similar to a certificate, and then stamp it and you're done.

When she got the marriage certificate, Jiang Yao was a little dazed.

She was never going to end up in her last life. She had never been in a relationship until she was thirty, but she married herself at nineteen in this life.

Although it is incredible and impulsive, she is not confused about the marriage life that is about to enter, probably because the man on the certificate gives her a sense of stability.

As for Lu Che, he smiled at the "Certificate of Merit", like a primary school chicken who got three good students, and said, "Yaoyao, from today onwards, you are My daughter-in-law is here, and the state approves and recognizes this."

"What a fool!" Jiang Yao laughed.

Lu Che laughed even more foolishly, "I'm a fool for a fool, otherwise how could I marry such a good wife as you."

For a dinner party in the evening, Sister Qing is busy enough to come here."

In fact, Jiang Yao filtered.

Lu Qing's cooking skills are not good, but there are many helpers. In addition to the relatives that the Lu family had contacts with who came to help, Lu Dazhou's mother and Zhang Meifang also came. And the three Zhu Xia, as Jiang Yao's maiden family, also came to help early.

When Jiang Yao and Lu Che returned to Lu's house, they were in full swing.

After saying hello to everyone, the young couple went into the main room to serve tea to Mrs. Lu, and then followed the wedding custom of Qingyuan.

When this is done, the dinner is ready.

There were not many people invited tonight, only three tables, but Lu Che was willing to spend money, and those who came to the wedding wine said that this was the most hearty wedding dinner they had eaten in recent years.

The wedding banquet didn't end until eight o'clock in the evening.

Mrs. Lu asked everyone to pack the rest of the meals and go home. Jiang Yao and Lu Che stood at the door and sent everyone out one by one.

The last ones were Zhu Xia and the others. They were patronizing and eating tonight, and I haven't blessed the newlyweds yet.

"Yaoyao, Lu Che, I wish you a good relationship for a hundred years!"

"I wish you an early birth!"

"I wish you all the best of luck!"

In the beginning, they said good things, but gradually it changed.

"Lu Che, you have to treat Yaoyao well."

"You can't bully her. Although her brother is far away in the army, there are 'relatives' here. We are her maiden family."

"Yes, we will support Yaoyao."

Jiang Yao listened, very moved, Lu Che nodded solemnly: "Give Yaoyao to me, you can rest assured."

When they are sent away, Jiang Yao and Lu Che are going to rest.

When Jiang Yao was looking for a change of clothes, Lu Che had already come in with warm water, and it was still two buckets.

In the past, she used to take a bath with one bucket of water, but tonight she has two buckets... Does Mr. Lu want to have a shower on the first night? This is so exciting! However, tonight is the cave/room/flower candle night, which doesn't seem to be unacceptable.

Just as Jiang Yao was about to go out, Lu Che put down the two buckets of water and threw a sentence, "Wash slowly, I'll go to the bathroom to take a shower."

"..." After a long time of trouble, it was herself who was humming.

But she was tired all day, two buckets of water can be washed slowly, washing away the fatigue of the day.

Tonight is their first time, Jiang Yao is more nervous than looking forward to it. Don't blame her for not being reserved, after all, she is a thirty-year-old mentally, and it is very normal to have a yearning for x life.

In order to welcome the arrival of tonight, she also specially wore a sleeveless nightdress. In fact, the sling is even more sultry, but unfortunately she didn't have time to make it, so she couldn't give her new husband a big surprise.

She tried to ask herself that the bath was slow enough, but Lu Che was slower than her. She had been in bed for a long time before he opened the door of the room.

"You finished washing?" Jiang Yao sat up and asked.

"Well." Lu Che glanced at her, then walked straight to the bucket and went out with two buckets.

Jiang Yao: "..." This is too unenthusiastic for the new wife.

This bath water refers to watering vegetables in the vegetable garden, but when Lu Che went, it seemed like he went to the production team's field to water, Jiang Yao was yawning, he hadn't return.

Lu Che didn't know what happened to him? He dared to kiss Jiang Yao even before the relationship was confirmed, but tonight was a precious spring/night, he was still wasting time, and he didn't know what he was nervous about? Probably worried that her little chick is learning to fly for the first time, what should Jiang Yao do if she is not satisfied?

After hesitating outside for a long time, Lu Che finally plucked up the courage to open the door.

This time, he didn't hear Jiang Yao's voice, looked up and saw that she was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, and she fell asleep.

He was in a hurry, walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, leaned in front of Jiang Yao's face, and whispered, "Yaoyao, Yaoyao, don't sleep, get up quickly."

After shouting a few times, Jiang Yao was still breathing for a long time, Lu Che panicked, reached out and grabbed her shoulder, shaking and shouting: "Yaoyao, get up quickly, we don't have a hole yet. Well, you can't sleep."

Suddenly, Jiang Yao opened her eyes, those eyes were as clear as being washed with water, where is the slightest bit of sleepiness?

"Daughter-in-law, are you kidding me?" Lu Che said a little aggrieved.

Jiang Yao hummed: "I've waited for you for a long time, and I'm not allowed to play with you? You are so calm, I thought you were going to cover the quilt tonight and just chat now..."

Before Jiang Yao finished her words, her lips were blocked...

The author has something to say:

Guess who is leading tonight?

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