MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 32

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Since this day, Lu Che will go to the provincial capital to pick up the goods every holiday, and only two or three times a month, but the profit is very considerable. Down to sixty bucks.

In addition, he does not fall behind on other side jobs, such as picking up firewood, repairing tractors, delivering vegetables, and rushing in gatherings. Although these jobs are not done every day, under the high-intensity farm work every day, they still have to make time to complete these tasks. Jiang Yao really loves her model worker.

"I did a calculation, the side business you do this month adds up to a hundred yuan, which can top the wages of state-owned factory workers for several months. Otherwise, let's take a proper rest and stop doing so much, It’s like picking up firewood, every time you get up earlier than chickens, you have to hand in half if you don’t earn much.” Jiang Yao suggested.

"No." Lu Che said without raising his head: "More and more factories are asking me to send tomatoes and cucumbers. Now, I often hand in money for the production team to pick up firewood, so that it can hide people's eyes and ears, otherwise I will find a reason to go to the county town every few minutes."

"It seems to be the case." Jiang Yao said: "But I'm worried that you are working too hard. On the other hand, looking at myself, in addition to going to the market to follow you, I spend the rest of the time doing handicrafts at home. I'm a little embarrassed."

"Fool, I didn't let you work when I married you." Lu Che raised his eyes from the book, reached out and touched Jiang Yao's head, and said, "You are pregnant with The children are also very hard working, so do as little as you can.”

Jiang Yao listened and laughed.

Living in this era, the treatment of pregnant women is definitely not comparable to that of later generations, but to say that her pregnancy is hard, there is really no, at least not at present.

she asked.

The first few days when she found out she was pregnant, she woke up with nausea and vomiting in the morning, but now she is better, eats well, sleeps well, and often eats meat and eggs She was worried that she was going to gain weight.

"What are you laughing at?" Lu Che asked.

Jiang Yao: "If this is also called hard work for me, how can you make pregnant women who do farm work and eat sweet potatoes, rice and vegetables every day?"

Lu Che said of course: "Others are others, we are us, you are my Lu Che's daughter-in-law, can others be like you?"

"Tsk tsk tsk... so quickly?" Jiang Yao leaned into his arms and said softly, "I'm not joking, I really don't want you to work so hard."

Lu Che hugged her and said, "As long as we see our little tin can being filled up slowly, I don't feel hard. Besides, this hard work will not bring you the ultimate happiness. Compared with the hard work, it is simply not worth mentioning.”

"..." is really three words inseparable from "extreme happiness", this stalk of hers, I am afraid that he will have to say that he is old.

However, he is also quite pitiful. At a young age, he has to be vegetarian as soon as he eats meat. She rubbed in his arms and said, "If you can bear it, you can have a proper married life after three months."

"Well." Lu Che suddenly regained his energy, "I will endure it for another month and I will leave."

Jiang Yao saw his look full of anticipation, and had to give him a "vaccine" in advance, "Don't be too happy, even if you can do it, you have to take it easy, it's impossible to be like It's up to you to toss like you did before, and the number of times has to be strictly controlled."

Lu Che didn't stop after listening to it, saying, "Something is better than nothing." He was afraid that he would be suffocated every day.

Jiang Yao: “…”

The next day, Zhu Xia took a few vacations and came to the Lu family to play with Jiang Yao.

Since Jiang Yao and Lu Che got married and invited the three of them to a wedding party, they would no longer avoid the Lu family, especially Lu Che.

In addition, Jiang Yao is now the daughter-in-law of the Lu family, and the Lu family is her home. There is nothing wrong with these little sisters coming to her house to play.

Because Zhu Xia told Lu Che when she went to work yesterday that they would come to her today, Jiang Yao went to prepare some food to entertain them when she woke up in the morning.

Actually, it is best to serve with fruit, but there is not much fruit this season. Jiang Yao planned to make cold cucumber and cold tomato, but worried about exposing her "little treasury", she could only make cold seaweed in the end.

Lu Che looked at the green kelp, and said, "Daughter-in-law, cook some eggs to entertain them."

"Eggs? Wouldn't it be too extravagant?" It wasn't that Jiang Yao was reluctant, but the current environment was such that few families would be so lavish as to invite others to eat eggs.

"No, it's just three eggs, you can't lose face in front of your friends."

Since Mr. Lu insisted on earning face for her, then she was not polite and boiled four eggs, one for each person.

The old lady and Lu Qing were in the main room. Jiang Yao was worried that they would be uncomfortable, so she took them directly to her previous room.

"Yaoyao, although you are two now, will it be too much to eat four eggs at a time?" Zhu Xia asked with concern when she saw the eggs on the table.

Jiang Yao poured tea for them and said, "We have one for each, we won't be able to eat."

"One per person?" Zhou Qiong waved her hands again and again after reacting, "No, we came here today and want to chat with you, the cold seaweed is already very good, how can I eat one of you Eggs?"

"That's right, go back and let your Lu Che know, thinking we are bandits, and won't let us come next time." Wen Qian joked.

Ten eggs, ten left after handing over to the collective."

When the words fell, Jiang Yao put an egg in each person's hand, and then picked up the last egg and knocked it open and peeled it on the table.

Zhu Xia glanced at each other and knocked the eggs politely.

"Yaoyao, why are your eggs so fragrant?" Zhu Xia gave a thumbs up while eating.

"Come on, free eggs are especially delicious." Wen Qian teased her.

"Yes, eggs that fall from the sky are especially delicious." Zhu Xia was not annoyed, and continued to joke.

"Yaoyao, I really envy you now." Zhou Qiong said, "I was worried that you would have a bad life when you marry in the countryside, but now you already eat eggs casually, I'm also torn between buying eggs or not."

"Yes, it's a long way to go back to the city. I sometimes think that I'll find someone from the countryside to marry." Wen Qian said a little dejectedly.

"You two stay awake." Zhu Xia said, "It depends on who you marry, not where you marry. Yaoyao's good life is because she married Lu Che, look at Du Yuejiao Married City, or the director of the Revolutionary Committee, have you invited us to eat eggs? Sweet potatoes, rice, and vegetables don’t matter.”

"Yes." Wen Qian propped her chin in distress, "I've been in the countryside for three years, and I'll be twenty-one this year. If I keep going on, I'll be an old girl. When will I be able to return to the city?"

"I'm a year older than you!" Zhou Qiong said: "My parents wrote to me and told me that if they found a suitable one in the countryside, they would marry. I thought about it a few times. In the evening, I also compromised with myself, if I can find a man like Lu Che who can make me eat meat often, I will marry."

"Are you marrying a man or a pork now?" Zhu Xia scolded with a smile.

Jiang Yao was joking with them, but when she heard it, she realized that something was wrong. How did they know that they often had meat to eat?

Every time Lu Che went to the county town to buy meat, he would bring it back tightly wrapped, no one would know. What went wrong?

Having doubts in her heart, Jiang Yao began to bring the topic on purpose, and finally found the crux of the problem.

Although the Lu House is a high-walled compound, no matter how high the wall is, it cannot contain the fragrance.

These days, it’s good to eat a meal of meat during the New Year’s Eve. People who eat sweet potatoes and vegetables every day are very sensitive to the aroma of meat. Especially the meat cooked by Jiang Yao is very fragrant. There are several restaurants nearby. People get hungry every time they smell it.

This story was widely spread, and soon the news of the Lu family eating meat every day spread in Qingyuan.

Jiang Yao secretly screamed badly, this is just the beginning, and in a few days, things will ferment, and it will easily be used by interested people to make articles, especially those who have been unable to see Lu Jiahao, Lu Che is a good person.

After sending Zhu Xia and the others away, Jiang Yao went back to the room and looked at the calendar, and found that today happened to be November 14th.

She found a pen and paper, wrote a letter to Jiang Zhen, and went out.

From the end of the village to the head of the village, she came to Aunt Zhang's house.

Aunt Zhang was a famous soldier in Qingyuan Village. Her husband died on the battlefield and was a martyr. Even so, she sent her three sons into the army one after another, and now lives alone.

She is relatively taciturn, and will not gossip with the women in the village, but she is willing to help others. She goes to the county three times a month to send letters to her three sons, and the villagers entrust her to her. She is willing to help bring something.

Every time she brought things back to the villagers, she took them directly to the field, handed them over to the client in front of everyone, and asked the other party to count them on the spot, so as not to say there was a mistake later.

Jiang Yao knocked on the door for a long time, and finally waited for her to open the door.

When Aunt Zhang saw Jiang Yao, she was obviously taken aback, "Aren't you Lu Che's daughter-in-law, an educated youth from the provincial capital?"

"Yes, it's me." Jiang Yao handed the envelope with a smile, "Aunt Zhang, it's like this, I heard that you go to the county post office on the fifteenth of every month to send it to your son. Letter, I have a letter for my brother, can you help me send it?"

Aunt Zhang looked at the address on the envelope and found that it was sent to the army. She happily took it and said, "No problem, I promise to send it to you."

"Then I will trouble you, Aunt Zhang." Jiang Yao climbed up the pole and said, "The parcels and letters my brother sends me every month should also arrive. If they arrive, can you please ask me again? Will you bring it back for me?"

In order to avoid Aunt Zhang's rejection, she added, "It's inconvenient for me to go out when I'm pregnant. Every time my family Lu Che comes back from picking up firewood, the post office hasn't opened yet. He's been very tired from work recently. I don't want him to make a special trip."

Aunt Zhang's men were more difficult to be in the army back then, she could understand Jiang Yao's distressed feelings for her man, and she answered without saying a word, "No problem, I have to help a few other villagers to bring things, When the time comes, bring it to the field together, and I will give your package and letter to Lu Che."

"Okay, thank you so much."

Jiang Yao thanked him again and again, and then turned back to the Lu family.

When Lu Che came back at noon, Jiang Yao told him about this, and he asked a little puzzled: "If you were found to be eating meat, shouldn't you try to hide it? You What does it mean to ask Aunt Zhang to help you send the letter and get the package?"

"The nose of the masses is sensitive, do you think you can hide it?" Jiang Yao said angrily: "I am pregnant now, if I keep vegetables and eggs, it will easily cause malnutrition, so the key at present is It's to rationalize the fact that I eat meat."

"How... rationalized?" Lu Che asked.

"You'll know tomorrow!" Jiang Yao said, "Just tell me, like this situation, Aunt Zhang will be in the field halfway through."

"Around nine o'clock."

"Okay, I'll wait for her in the field at 8:30 tomorrow."

Lu Che doesn't know what medicine she sells in her gourd, but he has learned the wisdom of his daughter-in-law, and he is very assured of her.

The next day, Lu Che went to work early.

There is still half a month left to harvest the rice at the end of this year. The weather has been good in the past few months. The rice in the tail is expected to be better than the harvest of the head. Recently, everyone has been working very hard. There are also a lot of people working.

At half past eight, Jiang Yao appeared on the edge of the rice field on time.

"Lu Che, did your daughter-in-law bring you food?" When someone saw Jiang Yao, they yelled at Lu Che.

"It's only after eight o'clock, what's for breakfast? There must be something for Lu Che." Another person also shouted.

Lu Che raised his head when he heard the sound, and saw Jiang Yao standing in front of the steps by the field, looking like he was about to come down, he immediately shouted loudly: "Daughter-in-law, stand still, Don't come down, it's slippery."

Speaking, he hurried to the field.

The surrounding villagers looked at his nervous appearance, and couldn't help but said sourly: "Looking at him, I thought his wife was carrying golden beans."

"Isn't it golden beans? My wife eats meat every day when she is pregnant. Did your wife eat meat when she was pregnant?"

"Oh...this meat is expensive and requires a ticket. I eat it every day. The money may have been dug out of the cellar of his old Lu family."

"Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Lu handed over all his property at that time."

"I say so, how do I know if it is?"

"That's right, Jiang Yao stays at home all day and doesn't have to work, Lu Che eats for three people alone, let alone meat, not even enough to eat. I'm sure there are no ghosts here. Do not believe."


These people raised their voices deliberately, even if Lu Che ran farther and farther, it did not prevent him from hearing their words clearly.

Jiang Yao's worry was right, his heart sank.

Soon, Lu Che walked up to Jiang Yao and said, "Don't come down, go to the shaded place and wait, Aunt Zhang should be back soon."

"Okay." Jiang Yao bent down, leaned close to Lu Che's ear, and said softly, "I heard all of them, but don't worry, I'll block them tightly later. ."

"Well." Lu Che hooked his lips, "I believe you can do it."

Jiang Yao sat under the shade of the tree and waited for half an hour, when Aunt Zhang came with a big bag and a small bag, she shouted to the field: "I brought something back, hurry up and claim it."

Several women who asked Aunt Zhang to bring things washed their feet and went to the field, and some took the opportunity to sneak up to take a break.

Aunt Zhang was quite surprised when she saw Jiang Yao, "Why did you come here? Just let Lu Che take it back."

"It's okay, I want to go out for a walk, and my brother sends me delicious food every time. If I can cook, I will do it later, and it will be too late when Lu Che comes back from work. ." Jiang Yao said.

"So that's how it is." Aunt Zhang said as she began to organize the things she brought back, "I'll dig out your things first, and I'll take them apart a little later."

Jiang Yao: "Okay, in fact, I trust Aunt Zhang very much, but I also know that this is the rule, I will remove it later."

When the other women came to the field, Jiang Yao had already unpacked the package. In addition to the daily mountain goods, there was actually a small half of ham. She knows that ham is a specialty there, but now it is not easy to get such a small half.

What's more, for Jiang Yao, this ham is "someone handing you a pillow".

"Wow, Lu Che's wife, who sent you this pork leg?" Everyone looked at this ham, and their saliva almost came out, and couldn't help asking.

Jiang Yao said with a smile: "My brother, he is a soldier at the border. This pork leg is called ham. It is a special product there. He often sends it to me."

In fact, this is the first time Jiang Zhen has sent it to her, but others don't know, she can make up whatever she likes.

"Your brother is too kind to you, can you send you ham often, isn't it a low level?" Some people started to gossip.

"It's alright." Jiang Yao pretended to be modest and said, "It's just a battalion commander, but he hasn't asked for a daughter-in-law yet, so he usually gives me a lot of subsidies. Except for these food, he always Send me thirty dollars a month."

"Thirty bucks?"

This time, the women watching were so stared that their eyes were about to come out.

"My God, thirty yuan, the monthly salary of a factory worker is not necessarily this amount. You don't need to work every month to have this amount of money. You are too happy."

"I also think I'm very happy." Jiang Yao said, and deliberately caressed her belly, lowered her head and said to Xiao Lu, who was across the belly: "Baby, you will be filial in the future. Uncle, the meat you eat now is earned by your uncle."

Lu Che, who just came up from the field, heard these words, the stone hanging in his heart was completely put down.

In the eyes of others, he is now a useless man who relies on his uncle, but he is used to other people's unfriendly eyes, as long as he can make his daughter-in-law eat meat safely, he doesn't care.

After listening, Aunt Zhang immediately said to Jiang Yao, "Hurry up and open the letter, click on the money in it, don't look back and tell me what's missing."

"Okay, no problem."

In front of everyone's eyes, Jiang Yao tore open the envelope and took out a letter, three great unity and some tickets from it.

She was very slow when she counted, so everyone could see clearly that she still had tickets for the thirty dollars.

"Aunt Zhang, everything is ready, thank you!"

After Jiang Yao's performance of this big dragon and phoenix, the related rumors caused by her eating meat have been dispelled.

When everyone dispersed, Jiang Yao began to pack up and prepare to go home.

"I'll come." She was about to pick up the package, but was snatched by Lu Che, who had been a background board for a long time.

Jiang Yao: "No need, it's not heavy, I can carry it back by myself."

"The small half of the ham looks heavy. Anyway, it's not far. I'll take it back for you first and then come back to work."

Lu Che insisted that Jiang Yao would just let him go, not to mention that he had just finished a good play and needed to be praised by Big Brother Lu.

When they left the rice field side by side, the women scattered in every corner began to speak again.

"Tsk tsk tsk...that's an exaggeration. That small half ham weighs only a few kilograms. As for how to send it back?"

"That's right, people don't know, they think Jiang Yao is a porcelain doll."

"I don't know if she is a porcelain doll, but if I have such a daughter-in-law that I can eat meat with me every day, let alone help with a package, I can hold me every day."

"Who said it wasn't! Lu Che's second-rate son's life is so good, he was born so badly, he was able to get a daughter-in-law like Jiang Yao."

"It's not that my life is good, it's that I have a good body and a good face. If I had money, I would find such a man to serve me."


After this morning, Lu Che's image of eating soft rice has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Although it is a bit miserable, no one doubts why the Lu family can eat meat every day.

The weather is getting colder and colder day by day, and Jiang Yao wakes up late day by day. But this day, she got up early because she went to bed so early last night that when Lu Che got up early to deliver vegetables, she also woke up.

"You'll buy some meat later, I want to eat meat buns today." Jiang Yao said softly on the bed.

Lu Che replied while putting on his clothes: "Okay, it's still dark, you can sleep for a while."

Jiang Yao closed her eyes with a "hmm". She couldn't fall asleep at first, but when she woke up, it was completely bright outside.

At least eight o’clock now. The flour for making steamed buns needs time to ferment. If you want to eat it at noon, you must get up immediately.

She did a quick shower and headed straight to the kitchen.

There are two pieces of meat hanging in the kitchen, one is pork belly and the other is lean meat. Don't ask, the extra lean meat was bought by Lu Che to make soup for her.

But she can't take care of the meat now, she has to knead the flour first.

Half a catty of pork belly, there are not many buns that can be made, Jiang Yao rubbed a catty of flour, and it was done in a while. When she covered the flour with a cloth, the gate of the yard was covered with knocked.

She went out and opened the door, only to see a man in a military uniform standing outside. Judging from the epaulettes on his shoulders, it was not low.

"Hello! Who are you looking for?" Jiang Yao asked.

The man's serious face eased slightly and said, "You are a younger brother and sister."

Siblings? Jiang Yao was stunned for a moment, but she finally came to her senses and said overjoyedly, "You are brother-in-law, right?"

As she spoke, she shouted to the main room: "Sister, brother-in-law is back. Yangyang, Xinxin, your father is back."

As soon as he finished speaking, one or two children rushed out of the main room.

Zhou Jin originally had the expression of a veteran cadre, but the moment he saw his wife and child, his eyes softened immediately.

Yangyang and Xinxin hugged their father's thighs, Lu Qing walked half a meter in front of Zhou Jin and stopped, "You... come back!"

Although her voice was still soft, it was hard to hide her excitement, and her eyes were slightly hot.

Zhou Jin gave her a deep look and said, "I'm back."

Jiang Yao stood aside, unwilling to disturb the reunion of their family of four, and said, "I'll go find Lu Che in the field."

When he went to the field, Lu Che heard that Zhou Jin was also very happy to be back, so he asked Lu Dazhou a few hours off, and then went back with Jiang Yao.

"My brother-in-law has helped our family a lot in the past, and my sister has been separated from her brother-in-law for many years for our family. Before they return to the army, we must let them eat well." Jiang Yao said.

"Okay." Lu Che replied with a smile: "This important task is left to you, just tell me what you need to buy."

"Am I still polite to you?" Jiang Yao said, "Sister said that my brother-in-law is more than ten years older than her, but I just couldn't see it at all. If you exercise and get in good shape, people will believe him when he is 30 years old."

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt the burning gaze from the side.

The author has something to say:

In the eyes of my daughter-in-law, I can only be handsome, and I can only be good. —Lu Che, the first soft-boiled man in Qingyuan

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