MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 39

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Jiang Yao has always believed that since she became a person in the 1970s, she must conform to the lifestyle of this era.

So, when she was pregnant, she had a big heart. She lived the way women in this era lived their pregnancy.

Others continue to work, and she is not left behind, but the strength is not as good as others. She didn't need to go to the hospital for the whole pregnancy or even gave birth at home. She also went to the hospital for confirmation when she was just pregnant, and then based on the chat information of her predecessor's children and colleagues when they were pregnant, at each time node, she determined whether the fetus was developing normally.

Although this pregnancy period is not scientific enough, this "stocking" pregnancy can really make people feel happy.

She still remembers that after she graduated and started working, the female friends and classmates around her stepped into the wall of marriage one after another, and had to face the life link of having children.

A big exam.

No way, the infertility rate in future generations will exceed 10%.

So, Jiang Yao's pregnancy was almost stress-free.

The direct result of this is that she didn't know that she was pregnant with twins until the moment she lay on the examination bed.

No wonder, her belly is as big as when others are about to give birth in six months. She was really stupid, thinking that after eating so much meat and chicken, her belly would be double that of others.

Knowing that she was pregnant with twins, Jiang Yao's first feeling was surprise, but she soon accepted the fact, after all, Lu Qing gave birth to twins, it is estimated that the old Lu family has this gene.

Anyway, one is born, two are born, two are born at once, and the second child is saved.

But Lu Che didn't think so. He learned that there were two children in Jiang Yao's stomach. First, he was afraid.

He originally thought that giving birth to a child was a very terrifying thing for his weak and weak daughter-in-law. Now he wants to have two more children. What if there is an accident on the way?

Jiang Yao has just started contractions, and it will take some time before she enters the delivery room. Lu Che stayed by her side, watching her face turn pale every time she was in pain, he felt so distressed that he wished to replace her to give birth to a child.

"Daughter-in-law, are you in pain? Tell me, what should I do to share with you?" Lu Che held her hand and said helplessly.

The man who gave birth in the hospital bed next door heard it, and laughed: "Brother, aren't you all nonsense? How do you share the burden for your daughter-in-law? Could it be that you gave birth to her? Anyway, which woman gave birth to a child? It's all like this, you'll only condone women's hypocrisy."

If you don't want to stay here, don't stay, I can't give birth to you when I see you."

"I can't guarantee this is a son."

"It must be my son. After you conceived it, it tasted sour and your belly was pointy. of…"

The man was still babbling, and the nurse couldn't listen anymore and threw him out.

Buy something to eat. The mother needs to eat something to be strong enough, especially if she has to give birth to two."

"I'll go buy it." Lu Che stood up.

He brought Jiang Yao over by bicycle just now, and the old lady was at home alone. She wanted to follow her, but she was worried that she would not be able to help and that Lu Che would take care of her, so she stayed at home and waited.

"Then go quickly," said the nurse.

"Okay." Lu Che turned around and said to the nurse, "Please help me take more care of my daughter-in-law."

"Got it, don't worry."

After hearing this, Lu Che ran out in big strides.

"Your man is very nice to you." The nurse said to Jiang Yao with a smile.

"It's very good, it's very good." The mother next door interjected.

Jiang Yao was not humble when she heard it, just when the pain passed, she laughed and said, "He is very good."

"Can you pretend and say something like that?" The maternity next door said deliberately sourly, "You still keep people alive?"

"Sorry, I can't say he's bad."

Jiang Yao's anger is not worth her life, but the mother next door felt that she was real and said, "It's fate that we can live together. My name is Chen Ling, what's your name?"

"My name is Jiang Yao." Jiang Yao replied with a smile.

The nurse saw that the two of them could talk, and said: "You two just talk and divert your attention. Anyway, having a baby is not without pain."

I don't know, it turns out that Chen Ling is from the Sheung Shui production team, and she is also a relative of Lin Fang. She gave birth to three daughters before, and this one is for sons.

"Although others say that my baby is a son, who would know before it was born." Chen Ling sighed and said, "If my baby is still a daughter, I'm afraid my man and my mother-in-law will be both Going crazy."

"You have worked so hard, God should take care of you." Jiang Yao felt that she was very pitiful. At the age of 25, in order to inherit her husband's family, she married for six years and achieved two three-year hugs. both.

Before Lu Che came back, Jiang Yao had two more labors. Chen Ling had experience and taught her how to breathe to relieve the pain.

"Daughter-in-law, how are you? Do you want to eat or eat buns?" Lu Che asked as soon as he entered the door.

"Let's eat a bun first." Jiang Yao asked Chen Ling after finishing speaking, "Do you want to eat something?"

"No, thank you." Chen Ling said: "I came out after eating, and I am not the first child, the child will come out soon."

"You can still come out after eating, so calm." Jiang Yao said while eating.

Chen Ling joked, "You will be so calm when you are the fourth one."

Jiang Yao: “…”

"She won't have a fourth one." Lu Che said suddenly.

Jiang Yao and Chen Ling were stunned, and then heard him say: "She has two babies, we won't have one after we have this one."

Chen Ling was surprised at first, and then obviously did not believe what he said, "Don't say it so early, if Jiang Yao is born with two girls, you don't need her to give birth to another son. ?"

"No, two girls are two girls, it's just the two of us." Lu Che's expression was firm, making people feel that he was talking in the face.

Chen Ling listened, laughed suddenly, and said to Jiang Yao: "I'm really **** off by your good man, nurse... hurry up, the amniotic fluid is broken, I'm going to give birth …”


Chen Ling man ran in after hearing her shouting outside and took her to the delivery room with the nurse.

Not long after, another woman came to the bed next door, also not the first child, and went to the delivery room to give birth after a while.

After ten hours of labor pain, Jiang Yao was finally sent to the delivery room.

"Doctor, can I go in and accompany my daughter-in-law to give birth?" Lu Che asked.

"Do you want to go in?" asked the doctor in astonishment.

"Yes, my daughter-in-law is so pitiful, I want to accompany her." Lu Che pleaded.

"No." The doctor refused expressionlessly, "There is no such precedent, so you should just wait outside."

The doctor and nurse were about to push Jiang Yao in, and Lu Che quickly took her hand.

She was already blurred out of pain at this time, but the familiar warmth and touch came from her palm, and she couldn't help holding his hand back.

Lu Che leaned down and whispered in her ear: "Daughter-in-law, come on, I'll wait for you outside." He said, he didn't care about the medical staff standing next to him, his lips were soft A kiss on her lips.

The doctors and nurses who have seen the world have never seen anything like this. They were stunned for a while until they heard Lu Che say: "Doctor, please, please, if... I mean if there is a You don't have to ask me about any accident, first keep my daughter-in-law."

The doctor looked up at the young man in front of him, and saw that his eyes were slightly red, she nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will do my best to ensure the safety of the size."

Two hours after Jiang Yao entered the delivery room, she successfully gave birth to a pair of twins.

The older one is the elder brother and the younger one is the younger sister.

Two nurses came out with the children to congratulate Lu Che, he didn't even look at it, just asked: "How is my daughter-in-law?"

They have seen how nervous this man is a wife just now, and now it's not surprising, saying: "She is fine, but the doctor will help her deal with it, and she will come out in about an hour. ."

"Excellent, thank you." Lu Che finally showed a big smile, and only then did he have time to see his twins.

"Which is the older brother? Which is the younger sister?" Lu Che asked.

Nurse: "The younger sister will grab the food. The older one is the younger sister and the smaller one is the elder brother. But as far as twins are concerned, the elder brother is not too small."

Lu Che leaned over and looked at the child on the left first, she was pink, he smiled and said, "My sister is so beautiful, she looks like my mother." Then he looked at the child on the right , a little small and a little wrinkled, he looked disgusted, "It's ugly, like an old man."


The nurse originally asked Lu Che to bring the twins back to the ward first, but he refused, and forced the two children to wait for Jiang Yao at the door of the delivery room.

The family of four did not move until Jiang Yao came out of the delivery room.

The two guys were pretty good just now, but now they seem to know that their mother is out, and they are crying with big mouths, looking like they are waiting to be fed.

It is also thanks to Jiang Yao that she is a cow to satisfy these two little guys with big appetites.

It's a coincidence that Jiang Yao lives in the same ward as Chen Ling's, but when she finished breastfeeding and opened the bed curtain, she had already packed up and was going back.

"Are you going home so soon?" Jiang Yao asked.

Chen Ling was about to speak, but her man had already shouted in a rough voice, "I don't need money to live here? If I had known that I would have another loss at home, I would have given birth at home. It would be a waste of money to come to the hospital."

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, Chen Ling picked up her daughter and smiled apologetically to Jiang Yao, "I'm sorry, I'll go first."

Jiang Yao watched Chen Ling carry the child with a big bag and a small bag on her back, and followed behind his angry man, she couldn't help feeling pity.

This woman is too pitiful.

Lu Che didn't dare to be interested in other people's family affairs. After he put his daughter to sleep, he put her with his brother.

"They are all asleep." Jiang Yao asked in a low voice.

"Sleep." As Lu Che said, he pulled the curtain of the bed and enclosed the crib, isolating the family of four from the outside.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Yao asked in confusion, "Didn't you just finish breastfeeding?"

Baby, thank you for your hard work."

Jiang Yao knew that his gratitude was sincere, but he couldn't help but pierce him, "Really? I can hear the nurse say that you say your brother is ugly."

"..." Lu Che explained without confidence: "My brother is a man, so I can't get used to it. I have to suffer from childhood to become a man."

"...A newborn baby, you told him to suffer, is it too early?"

"It's not too early, let's not discuss this issue first, let's get down to business."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Che's lips covered him.

Lu Che, who was promoted to father, was very excited. At this moment, he really couldn't think of any other way except to express his feelings with his daughter-in-law. So even if you are outside, you have to use a curtain to block it, and kiss enough.

The kiss was not interrupted until the doctor came to round the room.

Lu Che opened the curtain of the bed, the doctor looked at the sleeping twins and asked, "Don't you say you're breastfeeding? Why did you fall asleep so quickly?"

The doctor did not suspect him, and began to ask about Jiang Yao's condition. Seeing her lips were blushing, he asked nervously, "Are you feeling sick? Do you have a fever?"

"No." Jiang Yao raised her hand and touched her forehead, it was cold.

The doctor didn't quite believe it, and went to touch it to make sure the body temperature was normal, but he still said suspiciously, "Why is your mouth so red?"

"..." Jiang Yao and Lu Che looked at each other guiltily.

Their sneaky communication did not escape the doctor's eyes, she suddenly understood, and after finishing a series of doctor's orders, she added: "There is one thing to pay attention to, it is not suitable for 42 days after giving birth. If you have a married life, you should be careful."


After the doctor left, Jiang Yao's face was still red, she beat Lu Che angrily, "Pay attention to me."

"I see." Lu Che coaxed, "I will bear it, I will kiss you when I get home."

Speaking of going home, Jiang Yao just remembered that they hadn't notified the old lady, so she said to Lu Che, "Go home and tell grandma the good news, I guess she is in a hurry already."

"No, you just gave birth, if the two little guys are in trouble, you won't care." Lu Che said: "This place is not far from the mechanical and electrical power plant, I will ride a bicycle and ask my co-workers to help me with it. Go back with a message and buy some food by the way."

"Okay, go back quickly." Jiang Yao said.

After the old lady learned that Jiang Yao gave birth to a pair of twins, she was so happy that she could barely stand still. Fortunately, worker Lu Che caught her, "Grandma Lu, be happy, don't fall."

"Okay, I have to take care of my pair of precious great-grandchildren, but I have to protect myself." The old lady said, while going to the kitchen to get eggs, she said, "Worker Lu Che, you first Don't go, bring some red eggs back to the factory workers to eat."

"No need, Grandma Lu, keep it for Lu Che and his wife." Worker Lu Che said, "Also, my name is Zhang Dong."

"It's okay, I just made these red eggs to give everyone to eat." The old lady took out 30 red eggs, packed them with paper and rope, and hung them directly on Zhang Dong's car He put it on his hand and said, "Please send it to the leaders and workers in the factory to eat."

"Then I wrote about you, Grandma, for everyone." Despite the kindness, Zhang Dong didn't refuse. After thanking the old lady again and again, he was ready to go back by bicycle.

"Be careful when you ride your bike on the road." The old lady just said that when she saw Zhu Xia walking towards her from a distance, and hurriedly waved to her, "Zhu Zhiqing, Yaoyao gave birth to a pair of dragons and phoenixes. fetal."

The old lady was full of anger, and the voice was enough for Zhu Xia to hear clearly. She heard this morning that Jiang Yao went to the hospital to give birth, and came to Lu's house after work to ask about the situation. She didn't expect the situation to be better than expected. She happily ran over and hugged the old lady.

"Grandma Lu, when will Yaoyao be back? I want to see the babies." Zhu Xia asked excitedly.

"I'm not very clear about this." The old lady asked Zhang Dong, "Xiao Zhang, do you know?"

"It should be back in two or three days. Last time, my sister-in-law gave birth smoothly, and she can go home in two or three days." After Zhang Dong finished speaking, he glanced at Zhu Xia before saying : "Grandma Lu, I'll go first."


After Zhang Dong left, the old lady and Zhu Xia discussed whether to go to the hospital to visit Jiang Yao tomorrow. After thinking it over, she decided not to go and waited for Jiang Yao to come back.

It's not that they are too tired to walk to the county, but the old lady's age is here. If she walks out, Lu Che will definitely have to take her back by bicycle, which will delay him Take care of Jiang Yao.

It is not easy to take care of a newborn baby, let alone two at once. Instead of causing trouble for the young couple, stay home and wait for them to come home.

The news that Jiang Yao gave birth to a dragon and a phoenix spread throughout Qingyuan Village that night.

The rare twins, some people are happy for them, and of course some people have pantothenic acid in their hearts.

The next day, people came to the Lu family to congratulate, and the old lady thanked them and gave them red eggs. This lavish style is like when the Lu family was not yet down.

I heard that there are red eggs for delivery. I didn't think that the Lu family was good, but in order to take advantage of it, they also pretended to say goodbye to the door. Saying two good words will not lose a piece of meat, not to mention a red egg in white.

But the old lady is not stupid, she is happy, she is like a mirror in her heart. For those who came to take advantage of them, she smiled and accepted their good words, and let them stand at the door for a long time, she just didn't bring out the red eggs, and made those women half-dead.

Jiang Yao stayed in the hospital for two days and was discharged home with the permission of the doctor.

Help take it back.

"My sister-in-law is very busy today." Zhang Dong said, "How about I go to Qingyuan Village and pick up your wife's friend and ask her to help."

"My wife's friend?" Lu Che asked, "Who is it?"

Zhang Dong: "It seems to be from an educated youth. I heard your grandma call her... Zhu Zhiqing?"

"You are talking about Zhu Xia." Lu Che felt reliable and said, "Then you go to my house and ask my grandma to help her come over."

"Yes, I promise to complete the task." Zhang Dong said, and happily rode away.

When Lu Che finished the discharge procedures, Zhang Dong also brought Zhu Xia.

Zhu Xia looked at these two little dolls, her heart was about to be stunned, "Yaoyao, can I be their godmother?"

"Of course you can." Jiang Yao said with a smile: "As long as you don't dislike us rural dolls."

"Who would dislike such a cute baby?" Zhu Xia said, "Wait back, godmother will give you a red envelope."

"You don't need to pack a red envelope." Jiang Yao was afraid that she would insist on this question, and changed the subject: "Are you going to hug your brother or your sister?"

"Sister." Zhu Xia said, "I'm not very good at hugging, it's easier to hug a bigger one."

"Then be careful." Lu Che carefully put his sister into Zhu Xia's arms.

Two bicycles, carrying four big and two small to go home.

I learned that Jiang Yao was back today, and many villagers nearby came to visit, including Wen Qian and Zhou Qiong. For a time, the Lu family was crowded with people, and it was very lively.

Lu Che was grateful to them, but he was afraid that Jiang Yao would be too tired to deal with so many people. Fortunately, she is still in confinement and can hide in the room.

Except Wen Qian and Zhou Qiong went in to talk to her, the rest of the villagers were refused by Lu Che outside the door.

Everyone knows that he is a lover of his wife, and there is no blame. Anyway, there are twins, and no matter how you look at it, you can't see enough.

The brothers and sisters didn't make trouble, they watched with everyone, until they were hungry, they cried to find their mother. Lu Che took this opportunity to take them back to the room and motioned to the old lady to see off the guest.

My sister cried the most, so Lu Che asked Jiang Yao to feed him first, while he hugged his brother and coaxed softly.

How can my brother understand his father? He only knows that he is very hungry and wants to drink grandma. Brother, can't I let my sister eat first?"

When the words were finished, my brother cried even more loudly. Jiang Yao looked at it and said angrily, "Of course he cried when he was hungry, why are you murdering him?"

"No, I..." Lu Che turned to look at his wife, but stopped halfway through his words.

Jiang Yao looked up at him, but found that he was staring straightly at the child's ration.

"What are you looking at?" Jiang Yao was a little embarrassed by him.

Lu Che swallowed, "Daughter-in-law, grandma seems to be delicious, and I want to eat it too."

Jiang Yao: "As beautiful as you want!"

The author has something to say:

Congratulations to Mr. Lu…

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