MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 41

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Jiang Yao's impression of Zhang Dong was still on the day he was discharged from the hospital. He was good-looking, warm and generous, and he helped them run errands a lot, which made her impression of him even more. a bit.

"When did he fall in love with Zhu Xia?" Jiang Yao asked suspiciously.

Lu Che shook his head, "I don't know too well, probably when you gave birth."

"..." Jiang Yao was speechless, "You're going to be an introducer now, shouldn't these questions be clarified first?"

"What's there to know about this?" Lu Che said of course: "Now it's Zhang Dong looking for his wife, not me. Is it idle for me to ask so much? Anyway, Zhang Dong is now In that sense, you go and ask Zhu Xia what she thinks, if you want to let them go by themselves, if you don't want to, forget about it."

"Your attitude is too perfunctory." Jiang Yao said, "Zhang Dong has helped us a lot before, you should be more positive."

"This matter is not positive. I usually help him at work."

Jiang Yao no longer wanted to discuss this issue with him, and said: "I still have a little doubt, that is, since Zhang Dong had a crush on Zhu Xia more than three months ago, why did you only ask you to help me connect today? Could it be that he has been riding a donkey looking for a horse all this time?"

Achieving a marriage is a good thing, but Jiang Yao is also afraid of doing bad things with good intentions. If Zhu Xia is Zhang Dong's "donkey", he is looking for her because he can't find a "horse" , she doesn't want to do such a "good thing".

"Nothing." Lu Che said: "Our factory has been overcoming a technical problem some time ago. Sometimes everyone is so busy that they don't even go home. The leaders take care of me and let me go home every day. Zhang Dong didn't have time to find me until today. Also, he was the same year as me, so he didn't get a wife at such an old age, and he was often laughed at by his co-workers, but if he had met someone before, even if he didn't succeed, he would spread it everywhere. ."

"...Okay." Jiang Yao said, "I will ask Zhu Xia tomorrow. She is twenty-three this year, and Zhang Dong is twenty-five. Their ages are quite matched."

"Then leave this to your daughter-in-law, no matter whether Zhu Xia agrees or not, give me an answer as soon as possible, otherwise Zhang Dong buzzes in my ear like a fly all day, I will I'm so annoying." Lu Che said, and put his arms around Jiang Yao to sleep.

The biggest disadvantage of breastfeeding is that the child gets hungry quickly, and Changchang and Xiaolu usually drink twice a night. Jiang Yao usually slept very deeply. Looking at Lu Che, whenever there was a little movement, he would bounce up immediately and carry the little guy who woke up first to Jiang Yao's arms to drink milk, so as not to wake the other one up.

This usually leads to the result that Jiang Yao sleeps until dawn, unaware that she has been a "cow" twice.

The next day, when she got up, Lu Che had already gone to work, and he had done the heavy work at home.

Life with children is undoubtedly hard, but Jiang Yao really doesn't count as the hardest. After all, her main task is to take care of the children, and the old lady helps a lot during the day. On the contrary, Lu Che was busier at home than he was at the factory. He rushed to do whatever he could do anyway.

After breakfast, Jiang Yao planned to find Zhu Xia and take the brothers and sisters out for a walk, but she couldn't hold them with both hands, which made it difficult.

Just as she was about to carry one and hold the other, Zhu Xia came to the door with a piece of pig liver.

"Why are you here? I was going to find you!" Jiang Yao said with joy when she saw Zhu Xia outside the door.

: "I know you like this stuff. I bought it because it looked fresh."

"Thank you so much, I'll get you money." Jiang Yao took the pig liver and pulled her into the door, "Don't rush back, I have something to tell you. "

"No need to give it, this pig liver doesn't need a ticket, and it doesn't cost a lot of money, just treat it as if I bought it for my godson and goddaughter, and I usually eat it at your house."

"No, my brothers will settle the bill, or I won't dare to ask you to help carry things next time." Jiang Yao took the pig liver back to the kitchen first, and asked Zhu Xia to go to the room to see the brothers and sisters.

When Jiang Yao returned to the room, Changchang and Xiaolu had already woken up, and Zhu Xia was teasing them.

"Yaoyao, these two little guys are so cute!" Zhu Xia waved to her when she saw Jiang Yao, "Come and have a look."

Jiang Yao walked over, sat down beside her, and said with a smile, "It's so cute, do you like it?"

"Of course I like it." Zhu Xia said without thinking.

"If you like it, give birth to one yourself."

I was caught off guard by such a sentence, Zhu Xia was stunned, and then smiled bitterly: "I... don't even have a man, how can I give birth?"

"Find one if you don't have a man." Jiang Yao asked straight to the point, "What do you think of Lu Che's worker named Zhang Dong?"

"Zhang Dong?" After Zhu Xia reacted, her cheeks blushed, and she lowered her head and said, "I'm a worker, earning wages and eating commercial grains, can I be regarded as an educated youth who went to the countryside?"

"He just liked it." Jiang Yao said.

"What?" Zhu Xia's eyes widened in shock.

Jiang Yao smiled and said, "Zhang Dong has been interested in you for a long time. It's just that he was too busy with work some time ago. After two days of spare time, he asked Lu Che to be a matchmaker."

"" Zhu Xia's face flushed to the bottom of her ears, she wanted to say something, but it took a long time to say a few words, "How could he like me?"

"Why can't I like you? You are tall and handsome, and you are an educated youth from the provincial capital." Jiang Yao patted her on the shoulder and encouraged: "Zhu Xia , don't belittle yourself, in fact, you are good enough to be worthy of Zhang Dong, you only need to consider whether you want to look around with this person."

Although Zhu Xia has only been in contact with Zhang Dong twice, she has a good impression of him. She is humorous and humorous, she will not be cold when she is with him, and she is often made to laugh by him , but before today, she really hadn't thought about that. To be precise, I dare not think about that.

Not only because their jobs are very different, but also because she herself is not young, a man like Zhang Dong who is considered a small career, should be able to find an eighteen-year-old young man. Little girl, there is no reason to look at her as an old girl.

"How's it going?" Jiang Yao asked when she saw that she didn't speak for a long time, poked her on the shoulder.

"Then...let's try to meet...let's take a look." Even though Zhu Xia was older than Jiang Yao, she was unmarried and never had sex, so she blushed and shy again.

"That's good." Jiang Yao said with a smile: "When Lu Che comes back tonight, I'll talk to him, and then arrange a time for you to be alone."

"Alone? I can't." Zhu Xia was so nervous that she pulled Jiang Yao's sleeve and said, "Yaoyao, stay with me, or I'll be so nervous that I don't know how to speak."

When Jiang Yao heard this, she laughed "puchi", "I saw you chatting with Zhang Dong very happily last time."

"How could the last time be the same as this time? There were not so many twists and turns last time." Zhu Xia said.

Seeing her flustered and shy appearance, Jiang Yao guessed that Zhu Xia should have a good impression of Zhang Dong. Since this is the case, she will try her best to promote this marriage. She said, "Okay, when it's confirmed, I'll see how to arrange for everyone to go out to play together. First, you don't have to be so nervous, and secondly, I can also help you investigate Zhang Dong."

"Thank you Yaoyao." Zhu Xia hugged Jiang Yao's shoulder happily.

"Thank you and you won't need it, but when the time comes, you two will become real. Don't blame me for pulling you into the water, just stay here." Jiang Yao joked.

After all, a small county town is incomparable to a provincial capital.

"How could it be?" Zhu Xia asked sincerely: "How is your life after marriage? I look at it very well. Anyway, looking at the entire Qingyuan production team, I didn't see any Married women are doing better than you."

"Very good." Jiang Yao smiled calmly, "I am very satisfied with the current marriage full of fireworks."

Chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are full of every corner of her life. Raising a baby takes up almost all of her time, but as long as she has a little chance to breathe, she can always feel it from Lu Che love. Such little romance makes married life full of happiness.

"Actually, I never thought that I would focus my life on my family after marriage, but now I am "bound" by two little guys. Instead of feeling unwilling, I am somewhat contented. "

The smile on Jiang Yao's face became stronger, "It's a happy thing to be able to have children with the one you like, but it's just the beginning of happiness, to continue this happiness Going down, the two must be involved in raising children together."

"I'm very glad that Lu Che performed his roles as father and husband well, and eased my anxiety of being "trapped" at home by children. I won't take child care as a thing now task, but enjoy the process.”

She has now become a full-time mother, so she will take care of her children. Anyway, whether it is the resumption of the college entrance examination or the reform and opening up, it will be four or five years later. Instead of being anxious all the time, it is better to live a good few years now and wait for the opportunity to come.

Zhu Xia was a little confused, there was no way, Jiang Yao's insight was obtained from her previous life, and there was a generation gap between decades, so it was strange to understand.

But one thing Zhu Xia can be sure of is that Jiang Yao's married life is very happy, if she also has such a marriage in the future, that would be great.

Her thoughts drifted a little far, until she was called back by the cry of the deer. Her face suddenly burned, because when she was thinking about it, she automatically brought Zhang Dong in, which was really shameful.

But Jiang Yao didn't notice her strangeness, because she was busy feeding the deer, so she had to eat quickly, because Changchang was also hungry.

After working as a "cow" for three or four months, Jiang Yao is no longer as shy as she used to be. In front of female compatriots, she can open her clothes generously.

"Yaoyao, why did you have such a good figure after giving birth?" Zhu Xia sighed.

Jiang Yao heard this, and answered by conditioned reflex: "Yes, it's bigger, my bra is not enough to wear."

"...I didn't say you were above...I meant that your waist is still so thin, obviously you gave birth to two at once." This made Zhu Xia feel embarrassed.

"..." It turned out that she would be wrong, Jiang Yao felt a little embarrassed. In fact, it's not her fault. If you want to blame it, it's someone else's fault. When she says her figure has gotten better, she refers to the part above the waist.

"Because I was young, I recovered very quickly." Jiang Yao changed the subject with a haha, "You also get married and have a baby earlier, and you can recover so well by then."


In the evening, a family of four lay on the bamboo mat on the big bed to enjoy the coolness, but the weather in August was still very hot, and the fans were still sticky.

Jiang Yao is okay, but children have a fast metabolism, and sweat comes out very quickly after wiping off. A hot-blooded man like Lu Che never stops sweating.

The couple each held a small towel, Jiang Yao served Chang Chang, and Lu Che served Xiaolu.

"It would be nice if it was in the county seat, where electricity is already on, you can buy an electric fan to blow it." Lu Che said with emotion.

"Just think about it." Jiang Yao said, "Don't say that your mechanical and electrical power plant has not built a dormitory yet. I can't follow you to live in a dormitory."

"I know." Lu Che nodded and added: "Actually, I heard from Zhang Dong that there is a house for rent near his house. I asked about the rent, probably because no one rented it. The rent is pretty cheap.”

"What? Do you want to rent it and move out with the family?" Jiang Yao asked.

"I think so, but it's a little troublesome to implement." Lu Che sighed and said, "This rental is not allowed in the first place, and real renting is also sneaky. If you move out, others will I must be suspicious, after all, I am not a leader in the mechanical and electrical power plant, and no one will believe me if I move to a family dormitory."

"Don't think too much about it, let's see you on foot." Jiang Yao said, "By the way, Zhu Xia came to our house today, I told her about Zhang Dong, she Agree to meet, just hope we will follow, she is shy."

"Let's go too?" Lu Che disliked, "Why are we going? Are you going to see them fall in love?"

Just to ease the embarrassment."

"Are we a tool?"

"...You summed it up very well, we are the tool people." Jiang Yao said: "Go back tomorrow and tell Zhang Dong to see if you are free this Sunday, and see you when you are free. Let’s meet and talk. The production team is about to start planting and planting rice, and when the time comes, Zhu Xia will run out of time.”

"Okay, I'll tell you when I get back to the factory tomorrow." Lu Che responded and asked, "Do you think we should buy some malted milk for Xiaolu and Changchang to drink, they will soon have four It's been a month, and the milk said your breast milk might not be enough to feed them."

"If you see it, you want to stock up on a few cans." Jiang Yao also knows that after the child is half a year old, the nutrition of breast milk can no longer meet their growth and development needs.

Wheat milk is the best nutritional product in this era, and this is the only thing they can give. All she can think about is the complementary food when the time comes, do more tricks, and try to achieve a balanced nutrition.

"I'll make up the day after tomorrow and plan to go to the provincial capital. See if you have anything to bring, and I'll bring it back together." Lu Che said.

"There are a lot of things to bring." Jiang Yao went to the bedside table and pulled out a pen and paper, "I'll write it down."

She thought and wrote, basically focusing on the needs of the two children, and finally handed a long piece of paper to Lu Che.

He took them over and looked at them one by one. At the end, he paused for a while, and then said with a wicked smile: "Daughter-in-law, do you need to buy so much for that stuff? Don't worry, I'm not blaming you, I'll definitely press If you buy it back in quantity, it will definitely satisfy you.”

"Are you too embarrassed to say it?" Jiang Yao gave him a big white eye and said, "I don't even look at my own virtues, that thing consumes so fast, of course, it has to be prepared in advance, otherwise What if we die? We can agree, this time we have two babies, and the production task of this life has been completed, so you won't want to go back on it, right?"

"Of course not." Lu Che put his arms around her and said, "I don't want you to have a baby. Although there are gaps now, I don't have to be a vegetarian for a long time. How can I not think about it? I promise. , in the future, we will not create humans, we will only carry out the human creation movement.”


The next day, Lu Che brought back news that Zhang Dong agreed to meet this Sunday, but he didn't know how to arrange it.

Jiang Yao thought for a while and said, "Isn't there a park in the county seat? Let's go there to play and bring something to eat. Let's sit on the lawn and chat, eat and eat, relax. It's comfortable and not too embarrassing. Also, Changchang and Xiaolu have never been out to play when they are so big, so take this opportunity to take them out for a walk."

"This is good." Lu Che agreed: "Daughter-in-law, your brain is smart, but when we were dating, why didn't you think about going to the park with me?"

"I think so too, but when we are dating, you are busy with various side jobs to make money, and I can't keep you from going. Also, we are dating within a few days. Getting married, how can I arrange this?"

"...It seems like this." Lu Che listened to her slightly resentful tone, for fear that she was going to complain about getting married too quickly, so he turned the subject quietly and said, "I'll buy some tomorrow. Candy, bring it to eat when the time comes."

"Okay." Jiang Yao nodded, "I'll prepare some other food and bring it with me."

Soon, it's Sunday.

Lu Che got up to work at five o'clock, and Jiang Yao also got up to eat.

He couldn't bear her hard work, and said, "I'll cook some sweet potatoes and eggs and bring them over. Don't bother, hurry up and sleep for a while."

"No." Jiang Yao disagreed: "Leave Zhang Dong and Zhu Xia aside, this is the first time for our family of four to go to the park, so we must prepare well."

"Okay." Lu Che suddenly thought of something and compromised, "Then get more delicious food and let Zhang Dong marry a wife quickly, or he will nagging me every day, I Don't be annoyed by him."

"Pfft." Jiang Yao couldn't help laughing.

Make sure the brother and sister are sleeping well, they walk out of the room, but don't dare to close the door, for fear that they won't hear when they wake up.

Lu Che went out to pick up firewood, and Jiang Yao went to the kitchen to cook.

She wanted to make meat buns, but there was no meat in the early morning, so she came for a Chinese sandwich.

She first kneaded the flour, made a pot of steamed buns, and then cut the steamed buns into two with a knife.

Put fried eggs, tomato slices and cucumber slices in the middle, and a Chinese sandwich is ready.

In addition, she also made a smorgasbord of kelp, fungus and mushrooms. She originally wanted to make a salad of cucumbers or tomatoes, but now there are not enough cucumbers and tomatoes for delivery.

These are all things to eat, and she also put a lot of effort into drinking.

Jiang Zhen sent her some dried lemons a few months ago, she took a few pieces and boiled a pot of lemonade, because the taste was too sour, she added some sugar into it, it became sour Sweet and sour lemonade. Have a drink in the hot summer to relieve the heat and appetize.

When the food is packed, Chang Chang and Xiaolu also wake up.

Jiang Yao nursed them immediately, and when Lu Che returned to the room after his work, she instructed him to pack the things the children needed to go out.

It has to be said that there are too many things to bring when taking children out.

As soon as Lu Che had packed up, Zhang Dong came on a bicycle, followed by Zhu Xia.

The last time they met, they talked and laughed, but this time they didn't dare to look at each other. Jiang Yao looked at it and felt funny and beautiful.

Ambiguity is really a memorable moment in a relationship.

When the two little guys are full, they can go.

"Yaoyao, let me hug the deer." Zhu Xia was nervous for a long time, but she finally had something to divert her attention. In particular, when Zhang Dong wants to ride Zhang Dong's bicycle, she must let Xiaolu help her strengthen her courage.

But Lu Che didn't give her this chance and said, "No need, I carry Changchang on my back, and Yaoyao can hold the deer."

Speaking, with the help of Jiang Yao, Lu Che put Chang Chang on his back with the strap.

Zhang Dong looked at it and couldn't help laughing, "Lu Che, why are you acting like a woman, it's so funny..."

There are many fathers who carry their children to the streets in later generations, but in the 1970s, it was too difficult to see a man carrying a child.

Lu Che was not angry when he was ridiculed, he just said to Zhang Dong quietly: "What's so funny? You have a baby in the future, don't you carry it? Let your daughter-in-law be tired..."

He looked sincere, as if he was about to grab Zhu Xia's hand and explain it the next moment.

"Let's go." Lu Che said, he was too lazy to look at Zhang Dong's sister.

Zhang Dong took Zhu Xia to set off first, Lu Che took Jiang Yao, and followed him unhurriedly.

"Daughter-in-law, why do you tell me not to let Zhu Xia hold the child? It's not that I don't want to be let by the child, but the weather is hot, and it's also hot when it is placed on my back." Lu Che asked .

"Of course it's to create opportunities for them!" Jiang Yao smiled and looked at the two in front, and said, "Look, Zhu Xia doesn't need to hold the child now, sit on her side, wait..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhang Dong braked suddenly, and Zhu Xia instinctively reached out and hugged her.

Now that she doesn't say anything, Lu Che also understands what she means, "Daughter-in-law, I didn't expect you to have a lot of ghost ideas, can you think of one for me?"


The author has something to say:

Lu Che: Daughter-in-law, ask for a routine...

Brother's nickname has been changed to Changchang, Xiaojian (cheap), I really didn't expect this... (laughs cry jpg.)

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