MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 45

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Jiang Yao imagined that if she went to work in a mechanical and electrical power plant, it would be either finance or clerical publicity, but she never thought about bringing a baby.

Yes, Director Li invited her to work in the mechanical and electrical power plant, just because she saw that she had raised Changchang and Xiaolu to be white and fat, and wanted to dig her to be an old mother and bring children to the workers in the factory, Because the mechanical and electrical power plant is going to set up a factory-run nursery school.

"Aren't daycare centers usually run by factories with female workers?" Jiang Yao asked in confusion.

She knew that in this era, textile factories, garment factories and other state-owned factories with female workers would have factory-run nurseries to help workers take care of their children. Workers balance family and work.

"It's usually like this." Lu Che nodded, "The premise of establishing a nursery is that the factory is profitable.

"You mean, your mechanical and electrical power plant is now rich and powerful?" Jiang Yao laughed.

"Of course." Speaking of this, Lu Che's back straightened, "If this nursery can be done, it will be the first factory-run nursery in our county, and no one else has it. We are alone."

"Awesome!" Jiang Yao gave a thumbs up and asked, "Do you want me to go to work in the nursery?"

"Think." Lu Che said: "In this way, you can bring your children and go to work, and we can also have a reason to move to the county. At present, we can only rent a house, but in the future Once the staff dormitory is built, we are dual workers, and at least we can have two bedrooms. Of course, it mainly depends on your own wishes. If you don’t want to, I won’t force it.”

From barristers to female workers with babies, the gap is indeed a bit big, but this is a step up from working in the production team. Jiang Yao thought for a while and said, "I'll go."

Life is full of surprises. Since she has the opportunity, she will try it. There is no need to wait until the resumption of the college entrance examination or the reform and opening up to do things.

"Okay, I'll tell Director Li when I go to work tomorrow." Lu Che grinned suddenly, put Jiang Yao in his arms, and said, "We can go to work together in the future. ."

"Yes, it can also drive away those flowers and butterflies around you." Jiang Yao said quietly.

"...Daughter-in-law, why are you talking about this again? I'm also very innocent." Lu Che muttered softly.

"Innocent you also suffer for me, who asked you to provoke these weeds back."


The next day, as soon as Lu Che returned to the factory, he explained Jiang Yao's intention to Director Li.

Director Li smiled when he heard the satisfactory answer, and said, "Then take Jiang Yao with you when you go to work tomorrow, and I will talk to her in detail."

"Okay, I'll definitely bring her here."

The next day, Jiang Yao went to the mechanical and electrical power plant with Lu Che early in the morning.

It was inconvenient to bring the siblings, but she was worried that the old lady would not be able to take care of her alone, so Jiang Yao asked Aunt Tian to help. Now is the slack season, the Tian family has a large population, and several daughters-in-law are busy preparing for the Spring Festival, but Aunt Tian is willing to come over to take care of the twins.

Of course, Lu Che is different now. There are many people in the production team who want to have a good relationship with him, and the Tian family brothers are no exception. What's more, Jiang Yao will not treat others badly. Aunt Tian helped take care of her for a long time, so she can get some benefits back.

Aunt Tian is a meticulous person, and with the old lady there, Jiang Yao explained a few words and went out with Lu Che.

"Lu Che is his mother, now the twins will crawl. Let them give you some great-grandchildren while they are young." After they left, Aunt Tian said to the old lady. .

The old lady was playing with Chang Chang with toys, she raised her head and said, "Look at their young people's own wishes, I think Lu Che and Yaoyao don't want to be born again."

"You can't give birth after one child? Are you too used to them?" Aunt Tian was not that kind of stubborn old lady, but she was still surprised when she heard this.

"There is a man and a woman, what's not to be satisfied with?" The old lady smiled and said, "I myself gave birth to a boy and a girl, and so did Lu Che's father. In fact, as I say , The child doesn't need too much, just raise it well. Of course, Lu Che's father was an accident, and I blamed him for spoiling him and not teaching him well. "

"It's been so many years, don't think about it. You see now that Lu Che is married to such a good wife as Yaoyao, and Lu Qing is married to an officer, they are all doing well, that's enough ." Aunt Tian comforted.

"That's it." The old lady was still very proud when she mentioned her grandchildren, "My two children are not very good, but my two grandchildren are still good."

"How can your child be so bad? Your family's Lu Yuan is not filial to you? They won't send you money?" Aunt Tian disagreed, "All the young people in your family are Relying on yourself, hey... Compared with my family, it's really unsatisfactory. I think about relying on others every day, but in fact, this person doesn't need to rely on himself."

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, let's not think too much about it, take care of your own body, don't burden young people, it's best to help them."

"The same is true."

After Lu Che and Jiang Yao arrived at the mechanical and electrical power plant, they immediately went to Director Li's office.

Director Li has already arrived, but she has no choice. She usually goes out with Director Wu. Director Wu is a famous model worker. He is the first to arrive at the factory almost every day.

"Jiang Yao is here, hurry in and sit down." Director Li saw Jiang Yao and waved to her with a smile.

"Mr. Li, good morning."

Jiang Yao walked in with Lu Che, and Director Li said, "Lu Che, go back to the workshop first, I'll talk to Jiang Yao slowly."

Remember, don't walk back by yourself, it's too tiring."

"I see, you hurry to work." Jiang Yao agreed.

When Lu Che left the office, Director Li teased: "I can't think that Lu Che is usually not very warm to people, but he loves his daughter-in-law. He doesn't want you to leave after a few steps."

"No, he's just worrying." Jiang Yao was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, let's stop teasing you, let's get down to business." Director Li said: "The nursery school of our mechanical and electrical power plant was just approved by the county, and now it is inconvenient to do things at the end of the year. It will not be ready until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, but the preparatory work can begin, so let me tell you the general situation of this nursery first.”

The factory-run nursery, as the name suggests, serves the internal staff of the factory. The electromechanical power plant nursery is for all employees of the electromechanical power plant, recruiting infants and young children over 3 months old and under 3 years old.

As long as you are a regular employee of the mechanical and electrical power plant, you can apply to the unit and enter the nursery after approval.

This is part of the welfare of the employees of the mechanical and electrical power plant. The fee is also symbolic, and the price is very cheap, ensuring that everyone has the ability to send their children to nursery.

"Many of the married employees in our mechanical and electrical power plant are dual-employees, but the women are generally not in our factory, and other factories do not have the strength to set up nurseries, so this matter falls on us. Of course, our factory has good benefits, and it is also appropriate to give more benefits to employees." Speaking of the smile of the mechanical and electrical power plant, Director Li was very proud.

"This is a blessing for us as employees of the mechanical and electrical power plant and their families." Jiang Yao touted it in a timely manner, and then asked: "Director Li, are you trying to arrange a nursery position for me? ?"

"Of course not." Director Li said: "I want you to be the team leader of the nursery staff and lead the nursery staff to better raise the children. I saw your family Changchang and the deer. It’s the best-looking doll, I believe you must have a set of parenting methods, and I hope you will sort out this set of methods and teach them to various nurses, so that they can take care of the child according to your parenting method.”

From the mother with the baby to the leader of the mother, this is really a surprise for Jiang Yao. She couldn't wait to answer in her heart, but she had to be humble on the face, "I am very grateful to Director Li for trusting me so much, and I am very willing to accept this task, even if I am still young and inexperienced."

"Experience is hard to say, sometimes it's right and sometimes wrong, but your baby is the best verification of your ability." Director Li encouraged: "To be honest, some top An old woman thinks she has a few children and grandchildren and thinks she is very experienced, I don't agree with that."

"Instead of looking for an 'old man' who is very experienced but makes the child dirty, it is better to look for a young man who makes the child clean."

"Thank you for your approval, then I will be respectful rather than obedient, and I will definitely do a good job in the nursery." Jiang Yao no longer twisted.

"This is what I want." Director Li laughed: "Actually, I have never planned a nursery, and now we are crossing the river by feeling the stones. Before the Spring Festival, we both Think carefully about how to open this nursery."

"Okay, no problem."

Although she has never run a nursery, she went to a nursery and a kindergarten in her past life. At that time, her parents were very busy with work, so they had hired a nanny to take her, but they were not satisfied after changing a few nanny, and finally they were sent directly to the nursery.

The nursery school was too old and she was too young at that time, so she had no memory of it, but the memory of the kindergarten was not too vague. Based on her memory, she started planning the nursery's venue, layout, and personnel.

Attorney Jiang entered a state of selflessness when she was busy. She lowered her head and occasionally wrote and drew. Director Li sat opposite her and nodded with satisfaction.

She really did not see the wrong person, what she wanted was someone who could quickly enter the working state.

In the next few days, Jiang Yao and her baby will not forget to work. The old lady knew that she was going to be the head of the nursery staff in the nursery school of the mechanical and electrical power plant.

"That's because you are good at teaching me." There is no old man who doesn't like to listen to good words, Jiang Yao also coaxed him, and then asked tentatively: "Damn, if I work in the nursery next year, I will also Let’s settle down, let’s move to the county town together, how about that?”

"Moving to the county seat, is there a dormitory arrangement in the factory?" the old lady asked.

"Not yet, the benefits of the mechanical and electrical power plant are very good, but it is not possible to build the dormitory at once." Jiang Yao said: "I mean in the county seat. If you rent a house, there is electricity and running water, so it will be very convenient to live in. Like in summer, we can still blow fans.”

"I know the fan, I heard that it has a cool breeze when the electricity is turned on, which is very comfortable." The old lady said: "It would be good if you could move out, I'm afraid you will be burdened too much."

"No, because it's a secret rental. Lu Che has inquired about the rent. It's very cheap. I'm just worried that you won't be willing to let this ancestral house in our family." Jiang Yao said.

"What's there to give up?" The old lady was very broad. "Things are dead, and people are alive. As long as you are all here, it doesn't matter where the milk lives."

"Since you said so, let's try to move out before next summer."

"Okay, but don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"Milk, I see."

Lu Che was on holiday in the 28th year of the year. The family of four got up early that day and were ready to leave for the provincial capital.

Before the child was born, the two of them could ride a bicycle there, but now they are dragging two little ones, it is too tiring to ride a bicycle, so they change to a car.

It's a rare visit, the old lady told them not to rush too much, stay overnight at Jiang's house tonight, come back tomorrow, and take two little guys to see and see in the provincial capital.

Lu Che and Jiang Yao also want to stay in the provincial capital for one night, because they have to buy, if it is too difficult to go back and forth that day, it is not very reassuring to leave the old lady at home alone, so they and Yue Lao and the left and right sides Neighbors said hello and asked them to help look after.

Elder Yue is half a relative, of course he is fine, but the neighbors still have to get two eggs and say something nice to make sure.

After everything was arranged, the family of four set off.

Lu Che took the baby stroller to the electromechanical plant yesterday, and now he will ride his bicycle there, put the bicycle in the factory, and then take the baby stroller to the county bus station, and then take the bus to the provincial capital .

This is the first time for the brothers and sisters to ride in a car. The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Not only are they not afraid, but they are also very excited. Of course, this is thanks to the lack of Spring Festival travel this year, otherwise Jiang Yao would not have dared to imagine taking the two dolls away at this time.

The journey went smoothly. After Changchang and Xiaolu got excited, they began to feel sleepy. They slept until they reached the station before they woke up.

Get out of the car, Jiang Yao and Lu Che put them on the cart, then push the cart and walk to Jiang's house.

The bus station is not close to Jiang's house, but the provincial capital near the New Year's Eve is very lively. It is a good experience to walk on the road to feel the festive atmosphere.

Changchang and Xiaolu looked at the red lanterns hanging all over the street, and clapped their palms with excitement. Xiaolu also pointed at the lantern and said baby language to Lu Che, asking his father to take down the red lantern play with her.


I don't know if Xiaolu understands what her father said, but she doesn't make trouble anymore.

There is still some time before lunch. They went to the department store first. They bought the items that were available and in stock, and waited for Lu Che to go to special channels to find the missing items in the afternoon.

Boss Lu now maintains an income of more than 100 per month. Although he is willing to provide food and clothing for his wife and children, the surplus after a year is still very considerable, so he went to the department store. After seeing it, let her buy it without saying a word.

But there were too many people in the department store, Jiang Yao couldn't go on after a while, and she was especially worried that the children would be uncomfortable inside, so she bought new shoes and vanishing cream for the family of four and came out .

There was nothing at home, they went to the state-run restaurant for lunch as usual, and then went back to Jiang's house.

The little guy who was full and playful fell asleep before he got home. As soon as he entered the house, Lu Che carried them to the big bed, and then cleaned up with Jiang Yao.

When I left last time, the furniture was covered with things, and now it is not too hard to clean. After they finished their busy work and the little guys hadn't woken up yet, Lu Che asked Jiang Yao to stay at home and went to the alley to buy things by himself.

From the tossing in the morning to now, Jiang Yao is also tired, just when she was about to sleep with the children, there was a knock on the door.

Worrying that the knock on the door would wake the siblings, she hurried out, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw Yang Li standing outside.

Why does Yang Li come to the door every time she comes back, is this eyeliner arranged at her door?

"Yaoyao, I didn't want to disturb you, but I'm angry." Yang Li, who has always been strong, turned her eyes red.

"Aunt Yang, what happened? Don't worry, come in and talk slowly." Jiang Yao invited her in.

When she entered the main room, Yang Li began to talk about Zhao Pengfei's "sin".

It turned out that Zhao Pengfei came back two days ago, and this time he brought Du Yuejia directly to the door, the meaning is very obvious, just want to marry her.

What is the family background of the Zhao family and what is the family background of the Du family? Of course Yang Li disagrees, especially when I heard that Du Yuejia's mother is no longer there, and her stepmother is in charge of the family, she doesn't like her Added a few more points.

"You say that the woman's family is ordinary, and it makes it so complicated. Yaoyao, let me tell you, it will definitely be troublesome in the future to deal with such a family." Yang Li was extremely wronged , as if Zhao Pengfei was not her son, but her man, or a man who was messing around outside.

With such a controlling mother, Jiang Yao felt a little scared when she saw it. I really don't know whether Du Yuejia's marriage is a good thing or a bad thing.

"As far as I know, Du Yuejia's stepsister married a director of the Revolutionary Committee. Now the Du family is relying on this little son-in-law, so I won't bother you if it's okay." Jiang Yao said with relief.

"Who knows?" Yang Li snorted, "It's all the fault of Zhao Pengfei, an unfilial son, who let go of such a good girl as you, and now chooses an unsatisfactory Luodi orange."

"Aunt Yang, I'm married and have children now, so don't talk about it in the future, it's not good for Lu Che and the children to hear." Jiang Yao's face was straight.

"...Sorry, I didn't mean to." Yang Li looked embarrassed.

Jiang Yao did not hold on to this topic, and said: "Actually, I think Du Yuejia is very good, she is from the provincial capital, if Zhao Pengfei finds a rural girl in Qingyuan, you It will definitely be more frustrating.”

"Dare he?"

"Aunt Yang, when a man and a woman meet each other's eyes, they will not consider each other's background, just like me and Lu Che." Jiang Yao said: "Actually, you should be glad that Zhao Pengfei found her. After Du Yuejia, everyone is from the city, and he will definitely go back to the city if he has the opportunity in the future, but if he finds a village, he might stay in the village with his wife."

"No...well." When Yang Li thought of this possibility, she felt scared.

"Who said no? If your Zhao Pengfei has soft ears and his wife blows the pillow wind in his ear, he will listen to his wife."

It is said that the Du family has put a lot of pressure on Du Yuejia, after all, she is 21, and she has been with Zhao Pengfei for almost two years without any results, so I want her to find another place."

"To tell you the truth, last time one of our educated youths who cut in line married a worker of Lu Che, and several single mechanical and electrical power plant workers showed goodwill to Du Yuejia when they picked up the family. , maybe she will choose another man."

"Really...really?" Yang Li couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

"Of course it's true, this is Du Yuejia's zeal for Zhao Pengfei, if it were someone else, he might have broken up with him long ago. Also, many rural girls in Qingyuan production team are interested in Zhao Pengfei , If they break up, he will be disheartened and go straight to find someone from the countryside, and he won't come back if he takes root in the countryside, what should you do?"

Hearing the last sentence, Yang Li couldn't sit still, stood up and said, "Yaoyao, I have to go back beforehand."

Looking at Yang Li's flustered back, Jiang Yao couldn't help hooking her lips.

Although she is exaggerating, she is also trying to achieve a marriage. Of course, she didn't want to meddle in other people's business, especially the affairs of the hero and heroine. She simply didn't want Yang Li to bother her again.

Jiang Yao slept with her brother and sister for an hour, and when she woke up, Lu Che just came back.

"There is a small park nearby. Let's go out and play while the weather is good." Lu Che said.

"Okay." Jiang Yao said while making the malted milk essence for the children, "Let's go when they are full."

Children don't want to go home as soon as they go out. The family of four played in the small park until it got dark before going back.

Who knew Zhao Pengfei and Du Yuejia were standing at the door as soon as they got home.

Looking at their happy faces, Jiang Yao probably guessed that Yang Li had agreed to their marriage. Sure enough, Zhao Pengfei thanked her as soon as he opened his mouth and gave her a large bag of gifts.

Jiang Yao did her best, of course she wouldn't get along with good things, but Lu Che didn't want to take it, but after seeing a bottle of wine in it, he didn't say anything, and let her daughter-in-law take things took it back.

Today we were riding and playing, and Chang Chang and Xiaolu went to bed very early at night.

Jiang Yao only had time to sort out the things Lu Che bought today and the gifts that Zhao Peng gave. When she flipped through the things, Lu Che started beside her, and when she was almost done, he said : "Daughter-in-law, this wine looks good, shall we try it?"

"Drinking? I'm average." Jiang Yao didn't want to drink.

"It's fine." Lu Che gave her confidence immediately, "It's not outside, I'm here, you'll be fine when you're drunk."

Jiang Yao felt that there was nothing wrong with this, but she always felt that something was wrong. She looked at Lu Che defensively, "Why do I always think you have bad intentions?"

"You are my daughter-in-law, how can I have bad intentions towards you?" Lu Che said without blushing: "The year is over, we've had a pretty good year this year, we just want to drink Celebrate with a drink."

"Okay." Jiang Yao responded.

The author has something to say:

The words of Mr. Lu are unbelievable...

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