MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 47

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Jiang Yao originally thought that Big Brother Lu showed off his love at noon, but he didn't expect to come back in the afternoon.

About three o'clock, he appeared at the door of the office again, holding the same enamel jar cup on her desk.

It was office hours, she didn't want to disturb others, so she went out and asked, "Why are you here again?"

Lu Che raised the cup in his hand and said, "The cafeteria has lunch in the afternoon, and we cooked taro dumplings for us. It's sweet. I'll bring you a cup."

Speaking, he carefully put the cup into her hand and said, "It's cold, you sit all the time, drink something to warm your body, I'm leaving!"

Before drinking the sugar water, Jiang Yao's heart was already warm, she said, "I gave me your cup, what do you do?"

"It's alright, I'll just use the lunch box to order it later."

"You can use a lunch box to drink sugar water, but what about water?" Jiang Yao said, "Wait, I'll give you my cup."

Speaking, Jiang Yao went in with the cup, and then took out her own cup.

Lu Che took the cup, smiled and said, "I'll pick you up after get off work" before turning around and leaving.

When Jiang Yao returned to the office, the co-workers walked out with cups, and some people laughed when they saw her, "Jiang Yao, watch the door, we have to make sugar water by ourselves, no You are so lucky, a man will send you to your door."

"No problem, hurry up and go." Jiang Yao knew that everyone was not malicious, she just wanted to tease her.

Huang Ying walked at the end, Jiang Yao inevitably made eye contact with her.

Jiang Yao was as magnanimous as always, while Huang Ying lowered her head dodgingly.

Aside from her being her rival in love, Huang Ying is quite pitiful, facing herself face to face every day. Jiang Yao really wants the nursery to open soon, so she doesn't have to work so **** herself.

What she didn't expect was that Huang Ying couldn't handle it more than she thought. The next day she went to work, she heard from a co-worker that she had quit her job and went to another factory to work as a financier.

Now that people have left their jobs, everyone has become bolder in speaking. Some people say: "Actually, Huang Ying is really unnecessary. If you look at the factories in the entire county, which one can compare with our mechanical and electrical power plant, go to other factories, Wages and other allowances will definitely be reduced.”

"That's right, no matter how hard you think about it, you shouldn't have a hard time with money. Now, whoever wants to enter our factory with a broken head, it will be difficult for her to come in again after she goes out."

"The difficulty is that you are not Huang Ying, have you forgotten who her uncle and aunt are?"

"Yes, but I still think she doesn't need to give up on herself for a man. How can a man trust herself?"

,I just…"

"It's fine." Jiang Yao shrugged indifferently, and then said sincerely: "People really rely on themselves the most, and I don't think Huang Ying needs to quit his job for me, anyway, the time I stay here. Not long, just a transition before the nursery is organized."

She can be so magnanimous, everyone's favorability to her has increased by two degrees, and they also begin to understand why Director Li has recruited his niece's "rival in love".

Even though Jiang Yao has a clear conscience, this matter is still widely spread in the electromechanical power plant, and there are various versions.

She doesn't care, but Lu Che is worried that she will be unhappy, so when he sleeps at night, he hugs people and starts to comfort, "Daughter-in-law, don't listen to those people talking nonsense, they are just idle."

"I don't care." Jiang Yao said, "I can't be too busy thinking about the nursery every day. I can say whatever they like."

"Are you really not upset?"

"Of course, why are you lying to you?" Jiang Yao said, "Don't think that opening a nursery is easy, there are too many things to consider, and children's affairs should not be sloppy."

Lu Che saw that she was all about her work, and believed that she really didn't care, so he started kissing her, "Daughter-in-law, since you don't need comfort, then comfort me."

"..." is really taking the time to benefit myself.

The next day, Jiang Yao was taken by Director Li to inspect the nursery school as soon as she went to work.


This workshop is just an empty shell, which is completely blank. At present, the basic decoration must be done first.

"Nursery is a place for children. When painting the walls, use different colors. What do you think?" Director Li asked.

Jiang Yao thought for a while and said, "I think it's better to put a layer of ash, find some craftsmen with red dots, and try to paint the walls as smooth as possible. Colorful colors can indeed please children, but paint The smell will be very strong, and the formaldehyde released is not good for the human body."

"Formaldehyde? What is formaldehyde?" Director Li asked in confusion.

"It's the harmful chemicals that are released from the paint. The children who come to our nursery are all infants and young children, so they can't touch them." Jiang Yao said: "Although the ash is not as strong as the paint, we can Refurbishment every few years is a lot cheaper than painting. Plus, we can do some manual placement, so it’s definitely not worse than painting.”

Director Li saw that she was so eloquent, and had to sigh, "Sometimes work requires new people, so there will be many new ideas. Jiang Yao, I see that you have a lot of ideas in your stomach. Today Tell me once and for all."

"Okay, I really have a lot of ideas." Jiang Yao said: "I said before that the location of our mechanical and electrical power plant is relatively biased, and it is not good enough for the old factories such as machinery factories and maintenance factories. , but in my opinion today, this is our advantage."

"There is a large open space next to the factory. We can open up wasteland, plant vegetables, fruits, and raise chickens, ducks, and fish. Children don't eat much. I think with time, we can achieve self-sufficiency."

Director Li: "Will it be said that we are a person?"

Jiang Yao: "As long as we report to the above, we emphasize self-sufficiency and aim to reduce the operating cost of the nursery, I believe the leaders will agree."

"Okay, I'll try it then." Director Li asked, "Are there any other?"

"Yes, it is about the recruitment of childcare workers. I think the priority is given to the family members of our mechanical and electrical plant employees." Jiang Yao said: "This will make the employees feel more belonging to the factory, and secondly, Most of the employees in the mechanical and electrical power plants are young people, and their daughter-in-law is concentrated in the 20-30 age group. Young people are more energetic and easy to accept the new concept of parenting, which is conducive to our future management. "

"I agree with this." Director Li said: "I really don't want to find a woman who can be a grandmother. You are so young, it is easy to be bullied by them."

"Director Li, you really think about me too much."

"Don't say that, you have done a good job, and I can also take credit." Director Li joked.

Just do it, Director Li will start to arrange the work after returning. Considering that the nurses will be managed by Jiang Yao in the future, she is responsible for the recruitment of nurses.

According to the previous survey on the family situation of employees and their willingness to enter the nursery, the nursery is planned to recruit 100 infants and young children in the early stage of operation. According to this size, 20 nurses are needed.

Being a worker is not easy these days, not to mention the nursery that belongs to the mechanical and electrical power plant, everyone wants to enter.

If it hadn't been made clear in advance that only the family members of the internal employees of the mechanical and electrical power plant were recruited, it is estimated that the door of Director Wu and Director Li's house would have been broken by outsiders.

Director Li didn't want someone to come to her to take the back door all the time, so she gave Jiang Yao full authority to do this work. Of course, she also considered that she was an educated youth who went to the countryside, and Lu Che was not from the county town, so she had less kinship and could recruit more fairly.

So, after the news spread, from work to get off work, people came to Jiang Yao's office to inquire about the news.

Jiang Yao did not act like she was superior because of this. She was polite to everyone. If anyone's family wanted to be a childcare worker, she would hand them an application form and let them fill in the form and submit it come up.

Filling in the form does not mean hiring. Anyway, she casts a wide net first, and then selects the good ones.

She was stepped on the threshold, and Lu Che was not spared. The workers in the workshop usually look for him to discuss research, experiments and other issues. Can you ask your daughter-in-law to recruit my daughter-in-law as a childcare worker?"

This seriously affected his work. At home at night, he complained to Jiang Yao,? ? I am particularly proud to say: "Daughter-in-law, I now think that you have the demeanor of being a leader. Although the position of a childcare worker is not particularly ideal, as long as you persist for ten or eight years, you will definitely be a leader in the future."

"..." Jiang Yao couldn't help her mouth twitching when she heard it. The childcare worker was a stopgap measure. When the college entrance examination resumes, she has to go to college.

"I won't keep working as a childcare worker. If there is another opportunity, I will leave." Jiang Yao muttered: "Don't stop me when the time comes."

"Other opportunities?" Lu Che's face suddenly tensed, "Isn't there a chance to return to the city in the future, you will leave me and the two children behind?" At the end, then The tone of the expression, how pitiful it is.

"What are you thinking about?" Jiang Yao hugged him and said, "Even if there is a chance to return to the city in the future, I will not want you. I'll stay."

Of course, she still has to go to college, but she will definitely come back to join them after graduation. In fact, she is not too worried about this problem, because the boss's situation is not so small, and now there is no policy and no conditions, and when he has it, he will never be able to stay in this small county.

With her words, Lu Che was finally appeased. Just as he was about to take the opportunity to kiss his daughter-in-law, the door was knocked gently.

"It must be milk, go and open the door." Jiang Yao pushed him.

Lu Che got up, and as soon as he opened the door, he heard the old lady say: "I forgot to tell you just now that I had dinner, Zhao Zhiqing and Du Zhiqing came here in the afternoon, saying that they would be the day after tomorrow. In the evening, I invited you to have a wedding wine, let you eat, and said that you would help inform Zhu Zhiqing."


Jiang Yao didn't expect Zhao Pengfei and Du Yuejia to invite them to a wedding party. After all, when she married Lu Che, she didn't invite them.

"Daughter-in-law, do you think this Zhao Pengfei has some conspiracy?" When the old lady went back to sleep, Lu Che asked when he got into bed.

"What conspiracy could it be?" Jiang Yao rolled her eyes, "I guess they invited all the educated youths in Qingyuan. If they didn't invite me, it would look ugly."

"Really?" Lu Che obviously didn't believe it and asked, "Then are you going?"

"Of course I'll go." Jiang Yao said, "If I don't go, won't it appear that I don't dare to attend if I don't care about others?"

Lu Che originally wanted to persuade her not to go, but after hearing her say this, he immediately changed his mind, "Then you go, I will accompany you when the time comes."

"What are you doing? Did they invite us together? If not, it looks like they are going to eat, which is a bit embarrassing." Jiang Yao said.

"Yes, didn't you hear the milk just now? They invited us. Not only will we go, but also Cheche and Xiaolu."


"Anyway, the money will come with you, and you won't eat for nothing. Bring two more people to eat to get your money back."

"...I always feel like you're not going to dinner, you're trying to show off that you have a bunch of twins."

"Yes, by the way, I have a good wife."

The next day, Lu Che and Jiang Yao went out 15 minutes earlier than usual, because before going to work, she was going to Zhang's house to inform Zhao Pengfei's entrustment in place, and take a look at Zhu Xia.

The two women wanted to whisper, Zhang Dong automatically freed up space and left the room to them.

"Du Yuejia has finally made it." When Zhu Xia heard the news, her first reaction was this, and then she lowered her voice and said, "Yaoyao, quietly tell you, I have been I think Zhao Pengfei refused to marry her because he regretted it."

"What do you regret?" Jiang Yao asked curiously.

"Of course I regret pushing you away. Men are so bad sometimes, and they don't know who is most important to them until they lose them."

"Perhaps." Jiang Yao has no feelings for Zhao Pengfei, she will not feel emotional when she hears this, but she does not want to continue this topic, so she asks: "You heard that the electromechanical power plant nursery school recruits Is the childcare thing over? Do you want to do it?"

"Of course I do, I heard Zhang Dong tell me last night." Speaking of this, Zhu Xia was both excited and emotional, "This is a great opportunity to become a worker, but I am now With a big belly and no experience in raising children, can you apply for a job?"

"It depends on whether the person in charge of recruitment looks down on it?" Jiang Yao raised her chin deliberately.

Zhu Xia saw this and immediately cooperated with the acting, "Leader Jiang, please give me a chance, I will definitely work hard. As long as you recruit me, I will be yours, I I will do my best to you in the future."

"It's enough to have the last sentence." Jiang Yao couldn't help but break down, "You are from Zhang Dong's family, not from my family, but this one in your stomach will be my family's work in the future. A son or a daughter-in-law."

"I don't know if it's a son or a daughter." Referring to this, Zhu Xia was worried again, "My mother-in-law stared at my belly all day, and asked me whether I liked it sour or liked it Spicy, I just want to infer from these clues that I am a son. To be honest, I am under a lot of pressure."

"The elderly are like this, you don't have to worry about so much, the most important thing is the healthy growth of the child." Jiang Yao comforted.

Speaking of "health", Zhu Xia's cheeks suddenly became hot, she leaned into Jiang Yao's ear, and whispered: "I was with Zhang Dong last night, although he was very careful, I still I'm a little worried that I'll get children."

"Are you three months old now? Don't be afraid." Jiang Yao said.

"Yes, I also heard from my sister-in-law that three months later, I was so bold." Zhu Xia said with some distress: "I don't know why men think so. , I don't know what to do if I have to give birth after this."

"What can I do? Endure it." Jiang Yao said as a matter of course.

Zhu Xia: "You said it easily, I don't believe your Lu Che can bear it, how did you solve it?"

"He can't bear it very much." Jiang Yao said: "But no matter how difficult it is, it's over, we both have completed the task, and we won't have this trouble in the future."

"...are you showing off to me?"

"That's right." Jiang Yao said cheerfully: "Who asked me to have two at a time?"


After coming out of Zhang's house, Lu Che and Jiang Yao went to work in the mechanical and electrical power plant. They went to the post office at noon. This time there were no packages and letters sent by Lu Qing, but Jiang Zhen of.

At night, after the child fell asleep, Jiang Yao had time to unpack and read the letter.

Jiang Zhen's package is still very heavy, in addition to some mountain goods, he also made a few toys from wood for his brother and sister.

Toys are made with great care, all parts have been polished, and they are smooth to the touch. Jiang Yao put them in the corner of the crib, so that when Chang Chang and Xiao Lu woke up, they could see the new toys.

"Don't be too busy." Lu Che waved at her, "Come and see what my brother wrote to you."

"Okay." Jiang Yao climbed onto the bed, Lu Che had already opened the envelope, she picked out the letter and said, "Put the money and the ticket first."

Lu Che took the lead and picked up the money ticket to dig the small tin can. Before he could lift the lid of the tin can, he heard Jiang Yao's "Ah..." life, but just halfway through the call, She covered her mouth tightly.

"What's the matter?" Lu Che didn't care about what he was holding, he immediately walked over and asked, "Daughter-in-law, what happened?"

Jiang Yao opened her arms and hugged him, even if her voice was deliberately lowered, she couldn't hide her excitement, "My brother said he was looking for a sister-in-law for me."

"Really?" Lu Che is also happy. After all, his uncle is older than him, and men know men. Who doesn't want to be hugged by a daughter-in-law when they go to bed at night?

"Really." Jiang Yao nodded and handed the letter to him, saying, "You can see for yourself."

The couple held the stationery together and read it from beginning to end, but Jiang Zhen not only revealed in his heart that he was married, and would bring his new sister-in-law back to visit relatives around May, so there was no other information about the new sister-in-law. .

"What is my brother doing? I wrote these two pieces of paper, but I didn't mention where my sister-in-law is from, how she knew him, and I didn't reveal a word." Jiang Yao was dissatisfied say.


The author has something to say:

Guess what kind of daughter-in-law is my brother looking for?