MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 49

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Jiang Yao doesn't know much about Jiang Zhen, the "pro" elder brother, so it is hard to imagine that he will find such a daughter-in-law. But Lu Che is right about one thing, Jiang Zhen is a very picky person, and the woman who can make him marry is definitely not bad.

So, as a potential Yangou Jiang Yao, she is sure that this sister-in-law is at least a good-looking person.

When she saw her today, she confirmed her guess, Tao Su is a beautiful woman.

Even though she is wearing a simple suit with the characteristics of this era, it is difficult to hide her tall figure and beautiful face. Even though she was the new daughter-in-law, facing a room of strangers, she didn't have the slightest bit of nervousness on her face, instead she was unusually calm.

Jiang Yao has a natural affection for such a woman, because she feels her own kind.

Tao Su has been in the military camp for a long time, and she likes people with straightforward personalities, and Jiang Yao is like her.

The two hit it off.

How harmonious the first meeting of my aunt and sister-in-law was, I didn't get angry because my brother was robbed by a strange woman, nor did I get jealous when my man spoiled my sister.

Because there are two more people to eat temporarily, the original meal is definitely not enough, Jiang Yao can only go to the kitchen to cook a little more.

"Yaoyao, I'll go with you." Tao Su stood up and said.

"No need." Two voices came out in unison, from Jiang Yao and Jiang Zhen.

Tao Su listened and smiled, "Are you two brothers and sisters in the same heart?"

"Maybe it is." Jiang Yao laughed and said, "Sister-in-law, you have been driving for a few days, take a break, I will be fine soon."

"I'm not tired." Tao Su said, "You don't need to do anything in the car, it's much easier than doing a task."

Jiang Zhen raised his hand and pulled Tao Su to sit down, "Let Yaoyao do it, she's better at cooking, so don't be a disservice."

"...Okay." Tao Su was born out of line with the kitchen. She knew what level she was and was no longer stubborn. .

Jiang Zhen was not intimidated, but looked at her even more indulgently, "Okay, let's sit and wait to eat."

Brother and sister.

After eating, considering that Jiang Zhen and Tao Su had been tired for a few days, everyone didn't talk much and rested first.

There is only one bathroom in the house, everyone told Tao Su to take a shower first, she didn't shirk, and went to wash after finding clothes.

And Lu Che took the two children to the patio, let them sit in the big basin, and gave them a bath.

Jiang Yao and Jiang Zhen were temporarily idle, she couldn't wait to pull him to inquire about the story between him and Tao Su.

"Brother, please tell me about your romantic love experience with your sister-in-law." Jiang Yao said with anticipation.

"How can there be any romantic love experience?" Jiang Zhen chuckled and said, "Just the first time I saw her, I thought it was her."

"Wow wow wow... Brother, you fell in love with your sister-in-law at first sight, this is romantic enough, hurry up and tell me, otherwise don't want to sleep tonight." Jiang Yao pretended to threaten: "I won't explain. Clearly, don't even think about hugging your daughter-in-law tonight."

"This girl, you dare to threaten me?" Jiang Zhen glared at her, but smiled as if surrendering, "But you really squeezed my three inches."

"Tsk tsk tsk... bro, you're totally stuck."

"Who said no?"

"Okay, don't interrupt, and focus."

It turned out that Jiang Zhen was injured when he left the mission at the beginning of the year and was transferred to the military hospital. Tao Su was the apprentice of his attending physician and followed up his treatment in every detail.

When they met for the first time, Tao Su was still wearing a mask, but the pair of clear eyes exposed made the heart of the old iron tree Jiang Zhen blossom.

He had been single before because he didn't meet the heartbeat. Now that he did, of course, he took 12 points of sincerity (conspiracy) and intention (omitted) to conquer Tao Su.

Tao Su is not a fledgling little girl, she is only one year younger than Jiang Zhen, she is considered a "leftover fighter" at this age. In fact, she could see through Jiang Zhen's slowly drawing pictures, but she was still drawn by him. After all, she also liked him.

The two hit it off immediately, and their age is here. When Jiang Zhen's injury improved, he made a report to the top and got a license to get married.

Although flash marriage is risky, the urge to ignore it makes this kind of love full of soul-stirring.

"Brother, how is your injury now?" After listening to the story, Jiang Yao remembered and asked.

Jiang Zhen: "It's nothing serious, not to mention your sister-in-law watching, you don't have to worry."

"Okay." Jiang Yao nodded, "You said that your sister-in-law is in the military hospital, so why don't you live in two places now."

"Not all." Jiang Zhen said: "The military hospital is not far from our barracks. She came to the barracks to find me during the holidays, and I went to her dormitory to find her during the holidays. There are eight days a month. Stay together."

"It's only ten days and eight days." Jiang Yao thought that she could be with Lu Che every day, and felt so happy, so she could only comfort Jiang Zhen, "Actually, this is fine, every day It’s easy to get bored and conflict with staying together.”

"Well, as a soldier, as a doctor, she is already mentally prepared for this situation." Sister-in-law should have finished washing, I'll go take a look first."

"Brother... I co-authored you and chatted with me for a long time, but I only thought about my sister-in-law." Jiang Yao deliberately complained: "I really have a daughter-in-law but no sister."

"Yes." Jiang Zhen had no guilt at all, "I have entrusted you to Lu Che, don't worry about it now."

“…too ruthless.”

With a daughter-in-law who can do everything, Jiang Zhen ignored Jiang Yao and went straight inside. At this time, Tao Su had returned to the room after taking a shower, and was wiping her hair. When she saw him coming in, she said, "Go wash." Then, she pointed to the pajamas on the table, "Now you're at someone else's house, pay attention. , get dressed and come out."

Jiang Zhen walked over to pick up his clothes and said, "Why didn't I pay attention to what you said?"

"Why did you pay attention?" Tao Su thought about it and said, "No matter in my dormitory or your dormitory, I like to wear shorts and hang around everywhere."

"What's wrong with me wearing **** in front of my daughter-in-law? No need to wear them." Jiang Zhen said naturally.

Rao is Tao Su, who has been studying the human body for many years. He also made a big red face by what he said. She glared at him, "Don't be serious, it's not good for others to hear."

Tao Su was angry at him, she really misunderstood and thought he was a restrained person.

The worst thing about this house is that there is only one bathroom, and it is already ten o'clock in the evening when the line is finished.

Jiang Yao lay in Lu Che's arms and said, "I think my sister-in-law is pretty good."

For other women, Lu Che doesn't comment much, but in general, Tao Su is easy to get along with, at least he doesn't have to worry about his daughter-in-law being embarrassed by his sister-in-law, he said: "Brother and sister-in-law are We won’t be here for a long time, so let’s treat them well. Before the nursery school starts, why don’t you take a few days off to accompany them?”

"No need." Jiang Yao said, "Firstly, my brother will definitely not allow me to delay work because of him, and secondly, he has disliked my sister now, so he wants to be with him. Daughter-in-law for a piece."

"It's human nature, who doesn't want to be with his daughter-in-law?" Lu Che didn't comfort her, and said aggrievedly: "I want to be with you every day, but I don't know you Are you tired of me?"

"..." With the appearance of complaining about her husband, Jiang Yao realized that the comforting words she had just said to Jiang Zhen had been heard by him, and he had listened to it. Worrying that someone couldn't sleep because of her words, she quickly explained: "Then I'm just to comfort my brother, don't take it seriously, I just want to be with you all the time."

These words are obviously exaggerated, but Jiang Yao is too aware of Big Brother Lu. Only such exaggeration can heal his fragile little heart.

However, Big Brother Lu will not accept it today, "You are too good at your mouth now, you say one thing in front of your brother, and another thing in front of me, saying that black is white. "

"...I'm telling the truth." Jiang Yao was a little excited, "Should I swear to God?"

Speaking, she was about to raise her three-finger middle finger, Lu Che stopped her in time, and said, "Don't say this kind of oath."

"What do you want from me?"

"You can show your determination to stay with me with practical actions. The deeper you go, the more sincerity you show."

"..." Someone is really benefiting himself all the time, Jiang Yao pointed to the wall and said, "My brother and sister-in-law are next door, if they hear it, it's embarrassing, just Like when Sister Qing and brother-in-law were next to us last time."



The man really understands the man. Although Jiang Zhen has traveled for a few days, he and Tao Su, newly married Yaner, usually only get together for five days and a week. As long as they stick to her, he thinks.

Although Tao Su is a woman, she is a doctor. She has a calmer attitude towards married life than ordinary women.

It has been ten days since the last time they lived as a married couple. Even if I am tired tonight, it should be a matter of course that something will happen, but before Jiang Zhen started to attack, he was rejected by Tao Su.

"What's wrong? Tired?" Jiang Zhen asked.

"No." Tao Su shook her head, glanced at him, and said, "I...pregnant, be careful during this time, and wait for three months."

"Well, my menstrual period has been delayed for a few days. I also checked in the hospital before leaving."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Thinking of the military card, the train, and the car going back and forth these days, Jiang Zhen couldn't help frowning, "If I knew, I wouldn't do it this time. Come back, the fetus is still small, what if there is an accident?"

"How can you exaggerate?" Tao Su said: "I'm not a porcelain doll, as long as you pay attention, it's fine, you can rest assured. Besides, you and Yaoyao already have a relationship. We haven't seen each other for almost two years, you don't want her, don't want to see Changchang and Xiaolu?"

"Fool." Jiang Zhen hugged him tightly, "Things have to be prioritized."

This woman has always put him on the top of her heart, and she has no self-consciousness that a woman should be spoiled by a man.

He felt more distressed for her, and said softly: "Susu, you have to remember, you have me now, don't have to carry everything by yourself. You learn to rely on me Okay, I want to be your support, your backing. With me, you won't be the same as before."

"Okay." Tao Su drilled into his arms and said, "As long as I'm spoiled by you in the future, don't dislike me."

Last night, Lu Che was a bit violent. When Jiang Yao got up, she was the only one left in the room.

Changchang and Xiaolu must have drank malted milk essence and were carried to the main room by Lu Che to show the old lady. As for himself, he should cook breakfast.

She changed her clothes, and when she went out to the patio to brush her teeth, she saw Jiang Zhen and Tao Su.

"Brother, sister-in-law, why are you up so early?" Jiang Yao greeted with a smile.

When Jiang Zhen saw her, he immediately pointed at her and said to Tao Su, "You have to study hard with Yaoyao."

"What are you learning from me?" Jiang Yao didn't know what Jiang Zhen was referring to, but she said sweetly, "I should learn more from my sister-in-law."

"No, she should learn from you." Jiang Zhen said to Tao Su: "I don't expect too much from you, just be half as lazy as Yaoyao."

"...Brother, what do you mean?" Jiang Yao said unhappily.

"I don't mean to criticize you." Jiang Zhen said seriously: "Your sister-in-law takes care of herself in everything, she should follow your example and give me as much work as possible. This matter I can't make sense with her, Yaoyao, come and persuade her, I'll see if the porridge is ready."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Zhen really ran to the kitchen, because Lu Che went to buy meat and gave him the task of watching the stove.

"Sister-in-law, my brother's actions are too showy." Jiang Yao approached Tao Su and said.

Tao Su: "What do you mean?"

"It means that he kills two birds with one stone, which not only satirizes my laziness, but also shows off a wave of love." Jiang Yao said Nunuzui.

Tao Su listened, smiled, and said, "Don't blame your brother, you are just too nervous."

"What are you nervous about?"

"I'm pregnant." Tao Su whispered: "He is too nervous and won't let me do anything. In fact, maintaining a peaceful mind during pregnancy is the most important."

"Sister-in-law, you're pregnant!" Jiang Yao was surprised, and took Tao Su's hands excitedly, "That's great... But you're pregnant with a child, so you shouldn't be following me at this time. Brother is running around by train."

"You are really brothers and sisters." Tao Su said helplessly: "Your brother has been nagging me since last night because of this, and my ears are getting calluses."

"Haha, my brother is very excited to have a baby, sister-in-law, please be considerate." Jiang Yao's smile did not stop, and he added: "But it's right that he insists a little, just Be especially careful when you are pregnant, don't be careless."

"I know, don't worry."

The family was reunited and everyone was in a good mood. Now that Tao Su is pregnant, everyone is even happier.

During breakfast, Jiang Yao routinely asked Jiang Zhen, "How about I take a few days off to accompany you."

"No." As expected, Jiang Zhen refused, and said, "Do whatever you have to do. I will bring Chang Chang and Xiaolu at home with your sister-in-law, so you should practice in advance."

Jiang Zhen's joy of becoming a father was overwhelmed, Jiang Yao no longer insisted, and entrusted the task of bringing the baby to their parents-to-be.

After dinner, Lu Che took Jiang Yao back to the mechanical and electrical power plant.

I have to say that if Jiang Yao really asks for leave, Director Li may not approve it, because the nursery is scheduled to open on May 1st, and preparations are in full swing. Although she didn't need to do it herself, but if she was required to preside over the work, it would be troublesome if she couldn't keep up with the schedule.

The cleaning of the nursery has been completed and now mainly the interior. Because it serves infants from three months to three years old, in addition to being childlike, the more important thing is safety.

Jiang Yao implements safety in every corner of the whole nursery. Anything with danger, such as a kettle, is placed outside the nursery. Another example is some sharp table corners, all of which have to be wrapped with homemade anti-collision corners.

This is a nursery school in the 1970s, but Jiang Yao strives to arrange it according to the early education center in the 2020s, and does not dare to be sloppy at all.

There are many mothers who are older than Jiang Yao and have more experience in raising children than her, but they were a little dissatisfied with her in private, but working with her these days, they are all attracted by her professionalism, seriousness, Think comprehensively to be convinced.

At noon that day, Jiang Yao originally planned to go home with Lu Che, because she was worried that the old lady would not be able to bring two of them alone, but now that Jiang Zhen and Tao Su are here, they can rest assured, not going back.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Che came to Jiang Yao to get off work on time.

Because they were close and there were bicycles, they would be home in fifteen minutes. When they first stepped in, the old lady was washing rice.

"Milk, I'll come." Jiang Yao walked into the kitchen and said to the old lady, "You have been tired all day with your child, go and rest."

"It's all right." The old lady said cheerfully, "Your brother is basically taking care of him all day today. I didn't expect your brother to like to take care of children."

"Really?" Jiang Yao was also surprised.

"Really." The old lady said, "He has a strong comprehension ability and learns quickly. It seems that your sister-in-law will also enjoy a happy life in the future."

"It seems that my brother is really good to be praised by grandma." Jiang Yao said.

After a while, Tao Su also ran into the kitchen, and the old lady gave up her seat and let their sister-in-law talk.

"Listen to my mother, my brother is very good at taking care of children?" Jiang Yao asked with a smile.

"Yes." Tao Su was also surprised by this, "I thought all soldiers in the army were rough men, but I didn't expect him to take care of children, but he was careful. Although I am a doctor, I am not Pediatrics, to be honest, I don’t necessarily have the patience for my child.”

"Well." Tao Su nodded and said, "We didn't know each other for a long time. When we married him, it was a bit of a gamble."

"So did you win now?"

"I won the bet." Tao Su showed a big smile, "Actually, I haven't had much luck since I was a child. Meeting your brother is the luckiest thing in my life."

Although she didn't say much, Jiang Yao could tell from the tone of the words that Tao Su should also be a person with a story, at least she suffered during her growth, just like her.

They are unfortunate, but also lucky because they have met a good man.

Although women should not place themselves on men, but if they can meet a good man, who wouldn't?


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