MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 5

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The wife left happily, but the atmosphere was still very awkward.

It's okay to be misunderstood as a husband and wife, and what to say about having a child, no matter how calm Jiang Yao is, she's embarrassed to look at Lu Che at this moment.

"You hurry back." Lu Che was the first to break the silence, but the moment he spoke, he threw people out.

Jiang Yao said "oh", she didn't want to stay anyway, she turned around and left.

After walking past several stalls, she suddenly remembered that she forgot to return the pork to Lu Che, so she poured it back.

"Why are you running back?" Lu Che frowned, staring at Jiang Yao with hatred.

Jiang Yao didn't bother to bother with him, she took out two taels of meat and two cents from the messenger bag, handed it over, and said, "Thank you for the pork you helped to buy last time, I wanted to buy one piece today. Return yours, but it's sold out too late, I'll return your tickets and money."

Lu Che glanced at the money ticket, and was not polite to her, raised his hand and took the meat ticket and a penny in it, saying: "The meat is fifty cents a pound, and two taels are one cent. hair."

"Why are you so sincere?" Jiang Yao couldn't help laughing.

When she finished laughing, she realized that Lu Che was staring at her. She asked, "what's the matter? Is there something on my face?"

"No." Only then did Lu Che withdraw his gaze, and coldly ordered the eviction again, "Go away."

"..." Being chased away again and again, Jiang Yao was a little unhappy, and muttered, "Are you going to say anything other than go and go back?" Went away without going back.

I bought a large piece of sauerkraut for two cents at the market, and Jiang Yao went back. Although she is on vacation today, she still has to cook for the educated youth.


"Jiang Zhiqing, Jiang Zhiqing."

Jiang Yao turned her head when she heard the sound, and saw an uncle in his 40s and 50s driving an ox cart, with an aunt of the same age sitting behind him, and it was the aunt who called her.

"Auntie, what a coincidence." Jiang Yao had an impression of them, they were Uncle Tian and Aunt Tian who lived near the educated youth point. The vegetables and fruits grown at home are harvested, and some will be sent to the educated youth.

"Yes, you bought pig intestines and sauerkraut. Would you like to take our ox cart?" Aunt Tian said enthusiastically.

"Okay." Jiang Yao was not polite, and climbed onto the ox cart with Aunt Tian's hand, and said with a smile, "Fortunately I met you, otherwise I would have to walk for a long time."

"It's fine, as long as you don't dislike our bullock cart."

"It's very good to be able to sit, how can there be disgust?" Jiang Yao said: "By the way, where did you guys go?"

"Go to the county town to go to the market, and go back when it's sold out." Aunt Tian said.

"I was shopping at the market just now, but I didn't see you." Jiang Yao said, remembering that Lu Che's stall still has more than ten green vegetables for sale, if you count her For the eggs and vegetables that he sold, it would be nice if he could sell all of them before noon.

I really don't understand how such a business mind will become a business leader in the future.

"The market is divided into two parts. Maybe you are not in the same part as the one we set up."

"It should be, you sold out so early, the business is very good." Jiang Yao smiled.

"It's okay, it's two cents a pound of greens, and if others buy a few more pounds, they'll have to lower the price. Our family's private plot is so small, and we work hard for two or three weeks to sell one Two yuan, go to the nearby stall for ten kilograms of rice and it will be gone." Aunt Tian sighed: "This rice harvest is not good, and these ten kilograms of rice have to be eaten tightly."

Aunt Tian's situation is common in the Qingyuan production team. Jiang Yao didn't know how to comfort her for a while, because the life of a farmer was really hard.

Although it is hard for the educated youth to go to the countryside, the state subsidizes forty-five catties of grain every month, even if it is not enough, it is much stronger than the one or two hundred catties of grain distributed by ordinary farmers a year.

"Difficulties are temporary, and life will get better and better." Jiang Yao said with relief.

"I hope so." Aunt Tian sighed and said, "If we don't eat it, the children must eat it."

I chatted with my aunt all the way, time passed quickly, it was only 9:30 when I got off at the educated youth point.

"Uncle Tian, ​​Aunt Tian, ​​thank you today, it saved me almost half an hour." Jiang Yao thanked politely.

"Jiang Zhiqing, you are too kind." Uncle Tian said: "The ox cart is still slow. After a while, our production team has a tractor, then it will be called fast."

"A tractor?" Aunt Tian asked suspiciously, "Does our team have the money to buy a tractor?"

"No, but all the tractors that have been eliminated from the county's agricultural machinery can still be used for repairs. Dazhou is applying for it recently, and it should be approved." Uncle Tian said.

Uncle Tian: "It should be approved, that is, no one in our production team can drive a tractor, and then we will have to find someone to go to the county to study."

"Jiang Zhiqing, hurry in, we'll go back too." Aunt Tian waved to Jiang Yao, and Uncle Tian left with an ox cart.

When they were far away, Aunt Tian stepped forward and asked Uncle Tian, ​​"Old man, do you think that Jiang Zhiqing is different from before?"

"What's the difference?"

"When she first came, she was arrogant and seemed to despise us in the countryside, but you can see how warm and polite she is to us today."

"It must be because she went to the countryside to receive education and educated her well."


After entering the educated youth point, Jiang Yao first brought the pig intestines and sauerkraut into the kitchen. Seeing that it was still early, she made the pig intestines first.

To make pig intestines delicious, cleaning is the key link. Jiang Yao rubbed and washed with salt, repeatedly running water, and it took a lot of effort to wash the pig's large intestine. Next, she blanched the pig's large intestine, washed it again, and then added seasonings such as star anise and cinnamon into the brine.

When the marinade was boiled, she turned down the heat of the stove and simmered it slowly.

Finish her "small stove", Jiang Yao started to cook lunch for the educated youth.

For a few days, it was either sweet potato rice or sweet potato porridge. Jiang Yao couldn't stand it as soon as she walked in, not to mention Zhu Xia and the others eating like this for years. So, she made an assertion today to give them better food.

The rice in the pot today is about the same as usual, but not much water, because she plans to cook instead of porridge.

It's been a long time since everyone has eaten real rice, at most they will be divided into half bowls.

Small bowl of rice is definitely not enough, she went to the vegetable field to pick cabbage, cut a few sweet potatoes, and made a pot of refreshing sweet potato cabbage soup.

Before everyone got off work, Jiang Yao had already cooked the rice, and her pig intestines had also been marinated. She cut the pig's large intestine into small pieces, and then stir-fry it with the diced sauerkraut, and finally poured the marinade, which was full of fragrance.

"Yaoyao, what are you doing so fragrant?"

Zhu Xia and the others had smelled the fragrance from afar. They originally thought that it was from another house that made meat to improve their meals. Unexpectedly, the more they went to the educated youth, the stronger the fragrance.

"I made pig intestines with sauerkraut." Jiang Yao said with a smile, "I also made the rice, let's eat it together."

Today, this pair of pig intestines weighed more than a pound, and it cost her two cents, because pigs do not need a ticket to enter the water, and the price is very high compared to the pork that requires an extra ticket for a pound.

He handed the money to Jiang Yao and said, "I've been busy all morning, so I can't let you suffer."

Jiang Yao knew that the conditions of Zhu Xia's family were not good, but she had her dignity and pride.

"Okay, I received the money." Jiang Yao took the money.

Zhu Xia brought a head, as long as others want to eat pig intestines, they will take the initiative to pay three cents to Jiang Yao first.

"Jiang Yao, fortunately you made rice today, the marinade of this pig's large intestine has to be eaten with bibimbap to make it fragrant."

"Yes, although it's only half a bowl, I haven't eaten for a long time."

"Wow, this pig intestine is also delicious, Jiang Yao, aren't you indifferent to grains? Why are you suddenly so good at cooking?"

"Can you still talk? You can't stop eating." Jiang Yao scolded with a smile.

Suddenly, the top of her head darkened, and then she heard someone say, "Jiang Yao, can you give me some?" Du Yuejia put three cents in Jiang Yao's hand.

The two sisters of the Du family have been sitting in the corner, everyone thought they would not eat, after all, because of Zhao Pengfei, Du Yuejia and Jiang Yao were rivals in love.

Smelling the fragrant pig intestines, everyone who was about to eat a lot, but now all slowed down, and secretly observed Jiang Yao's reaction.

Jiang Yao raised her eyelids and glanced at Du Yuejia, responded with a "good" word, and then gave her a small spoon from the bowl with pig intestines.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

At this time, even if Jiang Yao is not sarcastic, at least she will not give Du Yuejia pig intestines.

"Thank you." Du Yuejia smiled and thanked, then returned to her original position, and immediately transferred all the pig intestines in her bowl to Du Yuejiao's bowl, and she only put The sauerkraut remains.

Jiang Yao looked at it, and her heart was suddenly filled.

She originally thought that once she didn't like Zhao Pengfei now, she would have no grievances with Du Yuejia, and her heart was not bad, so there was no need to fight against her; secondly, if she targeted Du Yuejia Yuejia, others thought she was still in love with Zhao Pengfei. Therefore, it is good to treat Du Yuejia as a general youth.

But now the pig's large intestine that has been cooked all morning falls into the mouth of Du Yuejiao, this little bitch, it will make her mad.

This Du Yuejia is also a heartless person. She regards Du Yuejiao as a good sister, but people hate her. Du Yuejiao had to find a way to **** everything Du Yuejia had, including men.

Of course, Du Yuejiao also likes Zhao Pengfei, she did so many tricks, she just wanted to make Du Yuejia fall out with Zhao Pengfei first, then make Jiang Yao's reputation stinky, and finally take the fisherman The benefit is to get Zhao Pengfei.

After lunch, everyone went back to their rooms to take a nap, and they had to go to work at 2pm!

Jiang Yao doesn't have to go to work. After everyone gets up, she can continue to sleep with peace of mind.

But just as she fell asleep, her body was suddenly shaken, she opened her eyes and saw Du Yuejiao standing beside her bed.

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Read The Duke's Passion