MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 17 Sword Wolf King

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Chapter XVII Sword Wolf King

In the quiet forest, the howling wolf burst into ears, and it was trembling.

Under the tree, a scaly wolf with red hair looked at everything around him fiercely.

I dare not risk it. After all, there is only one person who will hang up with a little bit of effort. In case a golden bow explodes, my archer with all my strength will become a garbage number, and I can delete it directly!

"Hey ~!"

With a flash of blue light, the arrow of ice shot into the neck of a sword wolf, followed by a fierce arrow of fire, actually repulsed the shock of the sword wolf a few steps, and once again bite forward, the first The second ice arrow has arrived, and before it has reached me, this fierce sword wolf has fallen to the ground in a sorrow. Not only has a dozen silver coins burst, but also a large slap fur has been dropped and picked up. , Is exactly what the mission needs-[smooth fur].

Killed several sword wolf, and did not explode the fur again. It was not until the seventh sword wolf was killed that the second sword wolf fur appeared. It seems that the explosion rate of the quest items is not very high, but Rich experience and silver coins have made me uncomfortable.

An hour later, in the golden light, I rose to level 19, and I also had 14 pieces of fur of the sword wolf. It seems that if I want to complete the task of 100 pieces of fur, I can't get it in seven or eight hours.

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye. When a sword wolf rushed across from me, red light bloomed, Mars splashed, and the sword wolf fell down with a whimper!

"Slap ~!"

A piece of equipment landed, and at the same time, "ding"-

System prompt: Congratulations, your level has been increased to level 20!

System prompt: Congratulations, you realized the talent-[low-level healing]!


I was a little surprised, and suddenly remembered that every player can realize a talent when upgrading to 20. There are many types of talents, but the effects are average.

And this talent of mine is a low-level healing technique, and a healing technique that will never be upgraded. It will restore 100 points of blood value and consume 10 MP each time!

I smiled slightly: "In the future, I can pretend to be a priest and make a swordsman MM!"

At this moment, suddenly remembered this sword wolf burst equipment!

It was a piece of leather with a gloomy red light. Pick it up and see-

[Chiyan Breastplate] (Bronze-Leather Armor)

Defense: 36

Dexterity: +8

Required Level: 25

Set attributes :? ? ?

(Not identified)


I rubbed my eyes to make sure that I read correctly, and then I realized that this Chiyan leather armor must be a suit! The suit exploded by the sword wolf, no wonder the evil wolf ridge is heaven here! Not only do you have experienced monsters, but also outfits, it really is a leveling treasure!

Just drop the Chiyan breastplate into the package and use it after returning to the city for identification. After I have a set, I don't know what effect will occur.

My talent healing seems to work quite well. Two seconds of cast time and 100 points of blood are added. In this way, I do n’t need red potion at all. After all, 10 MP for 100 points of blood is extremely Great deal! The Ice Arrow and Fire Arrow also increase proficiency quickly because of continuous use. After completing this task, the two skills can be trained to intermediate level!

As expected, after upgrading to level 20, the level of experience needed to increase the geometric level, even at my crazy kill speed, the speed of the experience bar rose slowly, until more than two in the morning, the sword The wolf fur was full, and it hit the helmet and boots of the Chiyan suit, and the leggings can be regarded as a set.

But the level is only 22, but this is enough to be proud of the heroes, because my level has suddenly reached the 12th place in China rankings, as long as you work hard, you can stand out on the ranking list!

After rising to level 22, I finally saw the monster level. The sword wolf I've been killing is a 27-level monster with an attack power of 150. No wonder it can cause me so much damage!

At three o'clock in the morning, the monsters of the evil wolf ridge have been swiped by me, but what is surprising is that these monsters have not been refreshed after hanging for 6 hours, which makes people wonder very much!

Further down, there were only one or two sword wolves. After the arrow of fire was quickly leveled, a "snap" sound, and the last leggings of the Chiyan suit finally burst out!

Ecstatic in my heart, I threw the Chiyan Leggings into the package, and at the same time took a deep breath, because I had come to the deepest part of Evil Wolf Ridge!

Below the pale cliff, there is some broken grass on the ground, and you can see five wolves squatting there, four of which are average, the middle one is full of momentum, and the blood-red hair is slightly open, and the head and feet have two meters. , Sharp teeth shining with light!

I was a little surprised, this giant wolf is the sword wolf king!

The four wolves on the side of the sword wolf king are the guards of the wolf king. The level is the same as the wolf king. I can't see it at all!

Heaven and man have fought, knowing the danger, but still want to kill, then it is definitely not my style to give up in front of me!

The next question to consider is whether to kill the wolf king or the guard first. If you can see their attributes, it is easy to handle, but now you ca n’t see the attributes of these monsters, and you do n’t need to talk about strategy at all. Already.

After thinking about it for a while, MD, no matter what, just do it with one stone!


With a flash of light, Mars bloomed on the neck of a Wolf King guard!


Fatal blow!

However, I was not happy at all, because although more than 2,000 points of blood had been killed, the blood strip of the Wolf King's guard seemed to have not decreased at all! Its total blood and blood must be more than 50,000!

I couldn't help taking a deep breath, at this time the guard of the wolf king had pounced, the claws were raised high, and it fell directly on my shoulder!

There was a slight pain, and when I looked again, I was surprised to find that an attack by the Wolf King's guard only killed 35 points of blood, and almost no defense was broken!

Could it be said that the attack of the Wolf King guard is less than 100?

Think about it too, the close guard is the meat shield, which is for the boss to block the knife and gun, high blood value is normal!

At this moment, the red giant shadow flashed, and I felt a sudden pain in my chest, and the whole person leaned back!

"Ding ~!"

Battle Tip: You have been attacked by the Sword Wolf King, losing 443 points of blood and energy!

I was astounded, and looking at my only 2 points of blood, my spirits fluttered!

Originally, there were only 480 points of blood. After being attacked twice by the Wolf King Guard and the Sword Wolf King, there were only 2 points left!


I was blown straight by the deadly blow of the sword wolf king into the corner of the rock wall. There was a hard rock behind me. The four-headed wolf king guard quickly pushed up. There were wolves in front and stones in the back. !!

Quickly swallow a 300 blood potion, and then a talent healing, first half the blood before talking!

At this time, the four wolf king guards have swooped up, and the blood-red paws slammed up!

"Papapapap ~!"

After several consecutive sounds, my blood and blood dropped below 200 again, and I could only rely on continuous drinking to maintain my health. Fortunately, these Wolf King guards did not attack very frequently. With barely replenishment, I was able to survive!

At this time, I was pleasantly surprised to find another good news!

The Sword Wolf King was exposed fiercely, but he didn't stand still, because my periphery was blocked by four Wolf King guards. The Sword Wolf King couldn't enter at all, only to roar with cracked teeth there!

"Fuck! Here comes the chance!"

I was pleasantly surprised, immediately pulled out the iron arrow, and gave the sword wolf king a fire arrow!

With a bang, the firelight bloomed above the head of the wolf king!


The number of attack damage is not high, but it is enough. This is more than 27 levels. Being able to hit such damage has allowed many players to swallow their tongues! After all, the current mainstream players are between 15 and 20 levels. Without any equipment, the attack power is usually below 100 points, and they can deal with more than 100 points of damage.

The Sword Wolf King roared loudly, but unfortunately it was not powerful enough. Obviously, the system did not give the Wolf King guard too much intelligence. They just stared at me for a bite, but blocked the way of Sword Wolf King!

I drank medicine continuously to resist the attack of the Wolf King's guard, and I could n’t handle it, so I came with a talent healing technique. The coincidence was amazing. If it were n’t for talent healing, I would definitely kill the wolf kiss!

The sword wolf king attacks fiercely, but the blood is not very much. In ten minutes, half of the blood has been lost under my arrow of fire!

10 minutes in a blink of an eye, UU read www.uukanshu. com When the arrow of my iron arrow was scorching and nailed into the sword wolf king's eyes, after finally screaming, it fell down, faintly visible several pieces of equipment burst out!

"Ding ~!"

System prompt: Congratulations, you killed the Sword Wolf King, gaining 120,000 experience, reputation +450!


"Hey, gear!"

Looking at the glittering equipment on the ground, I went to pick it up as soon as I was excited, but I found that I was still surrounded by four Wolf King guards and couldn't go out at all!

MD, bother!

I was so angry that I still felt a very friendly Wolf King guard recently. The arrow of fire flew out like a bullet. Although the Wolf King guard had a lot of blood, he couldn't withstand such toss. !!

Without saying a word, I rushed forward at a pace of 70 yards to the body of the sword wolf king, and packed three pieces of equipment into a package!