MTL - War Hymn of Warcraft [WOW]-Chapter 94 clean up

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Half a year later, outside the walls of Theramore...

"I said Garrosh, you are too harsh." Jaina cast a megaphone spell on herself against the wind, and couldn't help shouting to the army on the opposite side, "Look at the walls of Theramore, How did you beat me up!"

"This is war, Jaina." Garrosh walked under the city wall with an obvious smile. But it wasn't a life-and-death battle after all, and there wouldn't be Theramore soldiers sneaking up on him blindly.

At this time, Garrosh was wearing shiny leather armor, and Jaina knew that it was a gift from Zhan Zhixing when he visited him in Orgrimmar last time, but unexpectedly, there was a gap between man and nature afterwards. Walking under the city wall with him was a plate armor paladin and a blood elf mage in red mage robes.

Looking at the two people with him, Jaina became furious: "Arthas, you too! How dare you not help Garrosh to help us in Theramore! It's just disgusting!"

"Oh, dear, don't forget that I'm a member of the Horde now." Arthas shrugged helplessly, "Besides, it's not good for me to clean up Lordaeron for you. You see, Theramore was beaten by us. Now that you’ve become like this, don’t be stubborn anymore.”

"Okay, did you target me so hard that I would go to Lordaeron after Theramore was breached, didn't you, even use the mana bomb!" Jaina stroked her hair, her staff Pointing to another red-robed archmage, "And you, Kael'thas, at least you said you liked me back then, so you just expressed your love like that!"

"Oh oh oh, Jaina, don't mention this matter again, my lady queen's vinegar jar is overturned, and I have to kneel to the hedgehog again!" Kael'thas hurriedly threw a silence spell at the army behind him, and then Suddenly remembering that Cirvanas was still recuperating and not going out with the army this time, he was completely relieved. "It's not my queen, I'm still following Vashj's trail, she told me to come back with a magic communication, and said, 'Theramore is here to see you', how dare I disobey her orders."

Since the Battle of the Maelstrom, Kael'thas has been following Vashj's trail. As far as he said, the person who moved Cirvanas is unforgivable, not to mention Vashj is a traitor! After taking orders from Illidan, he has been running around the coastline of the mainland. After all, the Naga cannot be too far away from the water, and they are destined to appear near the current.

And Cirvanas has been recuperating due to the serious injury last time. Although Vagray Andher took her place in the void, after all, the ancient contract they made happened in another timeline. Online effects are not particularly good. Cirvanas' life was saved, but she was still weak all the time, and lived in Dalaran City to recuperate with the surviving family members of the Windrunner family - third sister Veresa and nephew Alator.

Jaina was discouraged, and walked down the city wall: "Okay, whatever you want, I will use the focusing rainbow to summon some water elementals, and take the fleet to Lordaeron in the Eastern Kingdom. Garrosh counts you as powerful, They mobilized the entire tribe's army to besiege me and Teldrassil, but the rescuers sent by the night elves have never been able to break in."

"No, no, this is all thanks to Arthas. If it weren't for his resurrection, I wouldn't dare to do such a ruthless attack." Garrosh rolled his eyes and decided to make trouble, "Otherwise your The combat force is reduced to zero, so you must not hack me to death. Now that the discrimination against the undead is gradually subsiding, I dare to launch such a large-scale war."

"Kneeling a hedgehog is a good idea, Arthas, come and try it when you return to Lordaeron!" Jaina pretended to smile and said, turning and leaving resolutely.

Alsace felt his back go cold, and his spine straightened uncontrollably. He looked at Garrosh, and said helplessly, "You really made me miserable, I guess I won't be able to climb into Jaina's bed for a few more days!"

"Show affection, let's make it fast!" Garrosh turned around quietly, and returned to the tent, leaving only Arthas to go to Theramore City to confess to Jaina.

As a believer of the Holy Light, besides being able to resurrect the dead as undead, Alsace also has a lot of experience in resurrection. In this war, the two sides acquiesced that they did not attack the combat power above the hero rank, and the combat power below the hero rank could be easily resurrected by Alsace, so this siege battle took place.

But recently, the undead has been accepted by more and more people. Even if it is really accidentally injured, it can be directly resurrected by Alsace as an undead. The reason is that after all, the undead no longer exudes the smell of carrion like before Alsace was liberated, and they are still afraid of the holy light. Faith in the shadows.

The bishop of the Shadow Sect is Tyran Fording incarnated as a Shadow Knight, and there are many high-level figures among them—Darian Mograine of the Ebon Knights, Alexandros Mogg in the incarnation of a spirit demon Lenny, the former Banshee Queen Silvermoon Ranger Sylvanas Windrunner, and even Kane Bloodhoof, who has always believed in the spirits of the ancestors, converted to the Shadow Cult after their resurrection. Driven by so many heroes, plus the connivance of the high-level leaders of the Holy Light Sect—such as Tirion Fordring and Bolvar Fordragon—the Shadow Sect gradually coexisted harmoniously and unifiedly with the Holy Light Sect.

Garrosh walked back to the tent with a smile on his face, but after closing the tent curtain, his smile disappeared. In front of outsiders, he had to maintain that smiling face to ensure the image of the chief, but there was no one here anyway, so he could pamper himself once.

"Show affection, I want to too..." Garrosh sighed sullenly, and casually pulled the water bag on the table. It is filled with Saffron strong wine, which is said to make people spin around and make people feel hot all over. It is a super strong wine used by people in extremely cold places to keep out the cold. Garrosh had been addicted to alcohol before bed since the Walk of the Will. Anyway, the demigod's physique can guarantee that he will have nothing to do after he sleeps, and if it doesn't work, he can forcefully eliminate the influence of alcohol. Only when he was drunk, Garrosh could vaguely see the figure of that person.

"Jianna, Arthas, rule out. The next one..." Garrosh stood in front of the map and belched. He had crossed Theramore's position with a red cross. His gaze moved up and landed on north of Kalimdor—


"Kalimdor, the land surrounded by stars, what a disaster!" Garrosh drew a circle around Teldrassil, then turned around and fell on the bed shaking his head. "According to the prophecy of the spirits of the ancestors, the night elves on Teldrassil are the only ones left now. Illidan Stormrage and Maiev Shadowsong may return at any time if Teldrassil is not removed... "

In the dream, maybe I can meet you again, Zhan Zhixing...

Kalimdor is never short of controversy, especially in the last three months.

Since the fall of Theramore, Jaina has taken her subjects to prepare for Lordaeron's fleet, sailing to Lordaeron in the Eastern Kingdom. As a farewell to former friends, Tyrande also specially took time out of the construction of the Moon Temple to send Jaina off. However, when Tyrande was still attending Jaina's exchange meeting, an unfortunate news came—

Garrosh's army has come to Teldrassil!

Tyrande hurried back to Teldrassil, and only then did she know that Darkshore had completely fallen, and now only Darasus on Teldrassil was still struggling. After Garrosh got Theramore, he dared to come to Teldrassil? Tyrande suppressed the rage, waved off the guards who were going to follow, and came to the front line of the battle.

Sure enough, Garrosh Hellscream, the great chief of the orc clan, rushed to the front of everyone. He kept swinging the battle ax in his left and right hands, and would always take the life of a night elf; at the same time, there were still people behind him A special group of people collected the corpses. Tyrande squinted his eyes and saw that all the corpses were placed in a huge iron cage. Arthas kept using resurrection to resurrect the dead.

It seems that his purpose is not to stir up chaos, otherwise he would not have specially resurrected these night elves. Tyrande was slightly relieved in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface, and ran to Garrosh's side angrily:

"Chief Hellscream, what do you mean? After getting Theramore, how much do you want to drive the night elves out of Kalim!"

"That's what I mean, Priest of the Moon God." The battlefield gradually subsided, and only the two leaders were left to confront each other head-on. Garrosh said with a grin, wiping the blood off the two battleaxes. "However, my main purpose this time is to let you move your capital. The capital of the alliance is in the Eastern Kingdom. Presumably the night elves don't want to wander around alone, do they?"

"Hehe, it's a pity that you will never be able to let us move the capital. Without the permission of the night elves, no one can go to Darnassus!" Tyrande pointed to the huge ancient tree behind him, Dana, the capital of the night elves. Seuss is a city built on Teldrassil. There is a huge teleportation circle at the foot of the ancient tree, which has been closed now. "Besides, the night elves on the tree are completely self-sufficient, and there are also teleportation circles on the tree. Let us go to other places. Unless you really want to start a war and cut down Teldrassil, otherwise, we will only agree to move the capital if you let Teldrassil run away!"

How difficult it is to uproot the ancient trees that are rooted in the earth. Although the druids of the night elves can move some smaller trees with their natural talents, this does not include Teldrassil. As the World Tree, Teldrassil has his own consciousness and will not be driven by external forces.

Garrosh raised his eyebrows: "So, if I move Teldrassil, you are willing to move your capital?"

"That's right!" Tyrande raised her head proudly. She didn't believe that Garrosh could still move the World Tree. His words before must have been bragging rights. However, looking at Garrosh's sly gaze, Tyrande suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Grandmother, there's no other way, Little Locke must be dispatched!" Garrosh turned his head and shouted behind him. The guards behind him gradually dispersed along a path, and Grandma Gaiyaan led a half-orc child who looked to be five or six years old and appeared in front of everyone.

To everyone's surprise, Locke perfectly inherited the power of the guardian dragon on Zhan Zhixing after he returned from the end of time. Babies in swaddling arms become children of five or six. As soon as Locke walked out of the crowd, he ran into Garrosh's arms, and wanted to hug Garrosh.

Garrosh lifted the little Locke onto his shoulders. Only when he is with Little Locke, will he have a sincere and happy smile on his face.

"Tch, Garrosh, why did you call out a child? Your orc soldiers won't be soft!" Tyrande sneered, mocking mercilessly.

Garrosh smiled strangely, and instead of responding to Tyrande, he said to Little Locke, "Son, do you still remember the tree grandfather in Outland?"

"Remember!" Little Locke's voice was clean and pure, as if crystal clear crystals collided with each other.

"Then you talk to this grandpa tree and let him go to the cursed land in the Eastern Kingdom to be friends with the grandpa tree in Outland? After arriving in the cursed land, the two of them will be able to play happily !"


Little Locke babbled and replied, looking up at Teldrassil, his mouth made a sound that was different from normal language, just like the whirling of leaves.

Tyrande only felt the ground under her feet tremble, and hurriedly turned her head, but she saw—

Teldrassil was rising slowly, its roots left the ground, entangled together to form the shape of a foot, and walked step by step towards the sea not far away. The density of trees is far less than that of water, and only half of Teldrassil's body stays below the surface of the water. Tyrande could see its originally loose roots suddenly weave into oars, gliding towards the west.

Tyrande reluctantly pulled the corner of his mouth, and said to Garrosh, "Garrosh, you don't have to send us night elves to the cursed land..."

"The neighborhood is pretty good. The Burning Legion has been wiped out, so you night elves can do some greening." Garrosh blinked, smiled teasingly, and turned around to tell Little Locke, "Lock, come on, Let Grandpa Shu bring the group of uncles behind us who forgot to follow... Oh, by the way, and Grandma Tai in front of you, too!"

"Who is Grandma Tai! Garrosh!" Tyrande roared furiously with his hands on his hips, "I'm still a girl in the age group of the night elves, girl!"

"That's right, a girl who has lived for ten thousand years!" Garrosh raised his brows, continuing to draw hatred mercilessly.

"Garrosh, don't run, I want to fight you!" Tyrande angrily pulled out the bow and arrow behind his back, wanting to fight Garrosh to the death.

However, at this moment, a tentacle suddenly stretched out from behind and entangled Tyrande. Tyrande wanted to break free, but turned around and found that it was actually the root of Teldrassil. Tyrande, who couldn't hurt Teldrassil, had no choice but to be dragged away.

"Garrosh, don't let me see you again!"

Garrosh scratched his head helplessly, picked up Little Locke from his shoulders, let him ride on his head, and turned back to the tent:

"A woman's age is really a sore spot that cannot be touched, no matter how powerful this woman is..."

The author has something to say:

↑A Warcraft keyboard text, if you like it, you can enter it randomly, and the other CP is finally set, so excited