MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1264 Hall Assassin

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"Useless guy."

For Kel'Thuzad's unreliable, Lin Chi was not surprised. After all, the lich is not really loyal to himself, but to the legendary "Lich King".

However, since Kesuen was originally awake, as long as he did not rashly alarm it, the "God of the Ancients" should continue to stay in place, and it is unlikely that it will suddenly run out.

Moreover, the forest that hides the ancient gods may also be used as a weapon...

Lin Chizheng thought, the door knocked in front of the door, and the metal door was opened. The white lady who went out to explore it has already appeared again.

“The investigation is over?” Lin Chi asked.

"Yes." Mo Liya nodded: "I will tell you."


"Wake up... please wake up!"

The female voice faintly in the ear made the obese man turn over a little irritated, but the voice did not disappear, but continued to cry:

"Adult, someone is visiting!"


The man opened his eyes and slammed it hard. The blurred scene in front of his eyes slowly became clear. What appeared in the line of sight was a maid's anxious face.

"What's the matter with you... Newcomer?" The Chancellor of the Treasury grinned impatiently: "Day, I don't like being woken up by people, don't know the rules?"

"This is the request of the generals, it is the general of Qin who brought me..." The maid looked down and looked very scared: "Please don't punish me."

"Ah? General Qin?"

Hearing this name, the former Chancellor of the Exchequer, who was still confused, was slap in the face and instantly woke up a lot: "How could he be here..."

"Adult, what's wrong with you?" The maid asked strangely: "You seem..."

"Nothing, don't bother me." The Chancellor of the Treasury waved his hand, as if driving the flies: "Get out! I will be fine soon."

Because the body is too large, it is inconvenient to move, and in general, he usually wears clothes with the help of a maid. But today, the Chancellor of the Exchequer did not do this, just sitting slowly from the wide bed, bending over and reaching for the bed.

Prepared for a while, he put on his usual blue robe, and brought back the little hat that he usually wore on his head. The fat belly swayed, and every step of the way, he heard heavy footsteps.


The Chancellor of the Exchee reached out and touched the thin beard on his face, walked out of the bedroom, and went to the lobby of the house, but saw a dark figure, already waiting there.

"General Qin, it is your visit." The Chancellor of the Treasury hurriedly bowed, and there were several more wrinkles on his chin: "Welcome!"

"Don't be a guest, I am not coming to chat, minister."

The eyes under the helmet of General Qin were full of bloodshot eyes. It seems that they did not sleep well: "I will go to the Flame Palace with me immediately, there is business."

"What's wrong?" The Chancellor of the Treasury looked confused: "Although the Lord has died, there is no need to be so anxious? I will handle the financial problems."

"Don't talk nonsense, follow me." General Qin said and turned to the door.

Although he did not know what happened, the Chancellor of the Exchequer ordered the subordinates to prepare the carriage, followed the General Qin and the Red Guard, and headed for the direction of the Flame Palace.

There are not many pedestrians on the streets in the early hours of the morning. They arrived at the Flame Palace very smoothly, and the soldiers in front of the gate immediately opened the door.

Perhaps because of the death of the lord, this palace that seems to be burning, the silence of this time, but with a sense of chill.

As the resident of the generals, the Flame Palace fully reflects the style of “ruling the country by force.” Whether it is inside the palace or outside, there are various weapons racks and decorations in the military camp, and even a few catapults can be seen. And heavy artillery.

The carriage stopped in the corner of the Flame Palace, and the Chancellor of the Treasury walked slowly down the carriage, and the driver in the gray coat followed him.

Although it looks very inconspicuous, but the coach's strong physique, as well as the faint flash of light on his wrist, still exposed his bodyguard identity.

"Call me over so early... Isn't it working time now?" The Chancellor of the Exchequer said with a sigh of relief that the fat on his stomach trembled slightly.

General Qin did not say anything, but took the Chancellor of the Treasury to the main hall of the Flame Palace. Two red armor guards stepped forward and pushed the wooden door of the main hall.

As the two doors open to the left and right sides, the first thing that appears in front of you is the gray fur rug, which has been seen along the carpet. It is a two-row weapon rack, a metal throne in the middle, and a seat on the throne...


Seeing the boy sitting on the throne, the Chancellor of the Treasury could hardly believe his eyes, his mouth bent into a downward U-shape, and his leg fell softly to the ground.

I don't know how long it took, the Chancellor of the Exchequer finally made a mistake:

"Little Lord?"

"It's me." The little master smiled and said: "You don't have to kneel down, flatten."

Different from usual, today, the steel armrest on the left hand side of the Lord is leaning against a short sword that is not so eye-catching. Although the right hand is empty, it looks like it is holding something, and it is not completely tight.

"You...welcome you back!" The Chancellor of the Exchequer began to stutter with excitement: "I am so happy to see you alive-"

"Don't say this." The younger waved and interrupted the other's words, then suddenly asked: "Why should I take my guard? Is that your order?"

"What order? I don't know..." The Chancellor of the Treasury looked blank: "What are you talking about?"

"He is saying, why do you want to give us orders and let us protect the goods."

A white shadow came out from behind the throne, Shen Wenchong quietly clenched his fists, and his face was full of anger: "Are you planning a assassination?"

"What assassination?" The Chancellor of the Treasury shook his head in confusion: "I have been busy solving the problem of gold coin trading in the city recently. What else has not been done?"

"Don't pack garlic!"

When Shen Wenchong was biting his teeth and wanted to continue questioning, he was stopped by the Lord:

"Calm, Shen Wenchong."

"Little Lord……"

Shen Wenchong glared at the obese man, but in the end he stepped back and stood on the side of the throne.

Seeing the innocent appearance of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lin Chi, who is playing the "less master", is still very calm, sitting on the throne without any meaning of movement, the language is slow and open:

"Minister of Finance, you are very dissatisfied with me... right?"

"No, there is no such thing..." The Chancellor of the Treasury nervously touched his clothes with his hands.

"Don't look at me like this, what you think and think, I am actually clear." Lin Chi whispered: "I know that you used to be the richest businessman in Yanfeng City, always working hard for trade, but Little Master... I didn’t respond to your proposal, so that the foreign trade of Yanfeng City was temporarily stranded. Is that true?”

"Oh... nothing." The Chancellor of the Treasury took a few drops of sweat on his forehead.

"You think that I am too incompetent and I am not qualified to inherit the previous lord. Let me succeed in the throne, and I will only let the flame city fall into decline. I even thought about finding someone else to replace it. Is that correct?" Lin Chi continued.

"No, no..." The Chancellor of the Treasury shook his head like a rattle.

"Your legs are shaking, Minister." Qin General, standing on the side, commented.

"I, I want to go to the toilet..." The obese man stood up and stood still.

"No, it will be solved soon." Lin Chi said, stood up, took a step forward, walked down the throne to the hall, and looked at several people in the hall:

"I know that you have opinions on me, but this is not surprising. I admit that the past ‘I’ was really decadent and not suitable for ruling this territory. Even General Qin is dissatisfied, right?”

After the opening of the Lord, General Qin did not hesitate to admit: "It is true, you are too indecisive, and ignore politics, only to be happy. But..."

Speaking of this, Qin General’s words turned: “The military should abide by all orders, even if you are incompetent, I will serve you, and will die.”

"Are you looking for death?" The Chancellor of the Treasury whispered: "This kind of words dare to say..."

However, in the face of such a "great disrespect" speech, Lin was not angry, but turned to the Chancellor of the Treasury, laughing:

"You are very dissatisfied with me, but I dare not complain. I only mention a few words about my confidant."

"I don't understand what you are talking about..." The Chancellor of the Exchequer is still stupid.

Even if it is dull, the man is very clear, as long as he admits here, it is very likely to cause murder. What's more, this guy is not only dull, but also one of the most savvy big businessmen in the city.

Seeing that the Chancellor of the Exchequer is still stupid, Lin Chi did not say anything more to him. He just came to the gray man next to the Chancellor of the Treasury and looked at the cold-headed man. He asked:

"What's your name?"

The man did not say anything.

"He is the personal guard of the Chancellor of the Exchequer." General Qin gave him an introduction.

"I know, I just want to ask his name."

Lin Chi said that he stepped forward and stood next to the man, looking at the other's face: "Look at your appearance, it should be a soldier -"


A silver flashed over, Lin Chi slammed and then retired at that moment, and the gray-skinned man’s cuff stretched out the blade, causing the Finance Minister’s leg to fall to the ground.

At the moment when the gray man attacked, General Qin also shot out, waving the dagger axe to the other's back neck, but was easily avoided by the gray man.

"The traitor!" General Qin yelled.

The Red Guards swarmed and tried to subdue the man, and Shen Wenchong immediately stopped in front of the Lord. But the power of the man is obviously more than that:


The clothes on the gray man's body suddenly exploded. At the same time, the red armor guarded by General Qin was killed. The exposed body had no muscles but was covered with silver metal.

"This is... ancient armor armor?" Shen Wenchong stunned Zhang's mouth.

Driven by the "organic exoskeleton", the man seems to have become a human figure, and the head is not back. The sword is cut from the back with a sleeve sword. Turning around is a heavy punch in the waist of General Qin. On the black armor, cracks appeared.

"Less master, dangerous!" Shen Wenchong dragged Lin Chi and ran.

Shen Wenchong, an avid fanatic, knows the power of the equipment on the other side. Although the young master wears the weapon equipment he provides, it is nothing worth mentioning compared with the man’s body!

Hearing the loud noise in the palace, the guards at the entrance also rushed into the main hall and quickly surrounded the gray man. However, with their fighting power, it is not the man's opponent!

Another loud noise, the entire palace was shaking, the three soldiers in front of the man, the body flew backwards and fell to the place not far from Lin Chi.

General Qin roared and rushed forward, and the red battle blade of the dagger's axe brought out the slender light and shadow. The Chancellor of the Exchequer ran back and forth, trying to leave this dangerous battlefield.

The man stared at Lin Chi, his eyes seemed to be bleeding, and while he was charging at high speed, the pace of the "less master" retreat suddenly stopped:

"Zhao Luo!" Lin Chi shouted the name he saw through the "eye of the lord."

The gray man snorted and the movement did not slow down. Seeing that the other party has already killed himself, Lin Chi directly pushed away Shen Wenchong who protected himself. The seemingly empty right hand suddenly swung forward!


The sudden explosion engulfed the two people in the center. Lin Chi first rushed out of the smoke, Zhao Luo also followed and killed, and watched Lin Chi's right hand with vigilance.

Although it is impossible to see the appearance of the dark sword, it is already an obvious fact that the right hand of the young master carries the weapon. Even Zhao Luo, who wears armor of the body, does not dare to take it lightly.

"You are faint..."

Zhao Luo’s words were just halfway through, and suddenly a lot of blood was sprayed from behind, and the legs fell softly to the ground. General Qin’s dark figure, I don’t know when it’s behind him.

- How did this guy do it?

Did not notice the action of General Qin, Lin Chi was still horrified, only to see General Qin has once again waved the dagger, and cut down Zhao Luo's head.

"Wait a minute," Lin said.

Hearing the command of the Lord, Qin General did not stop any.

At this moment, a black mist shrouded the generals of Qin, accompanied by a powerful force that could not resist, forcibly stopped the axe blade that was being swung.

"This time must be decisive, less master." General Qin shouted: "Do you want to forgive the assassin? He will stab again sooner or later!"

"No, I just want to ask him a few questions." Lin Chi said, bowing his head and staring at Zhao Luo who was seriously wounded and lost his fighting power.

"The robbers before are also hired by you? Why do you want to assassinate me? Because I am a faint?"

"I am... for...Flame City!"

Zhao Luo’s mouth spurted a blood, and in the weak and unbearable voice, there was still a burning anger: "You, the ruthless ruler, will only destroy the city of Yanfeng!"