MTL - Warrior’s Promise-Chapter 2867 Is it selfish?

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Chapter 2867 is self-destructive?

Su Mo with his eagerness to find the moon, in the upper reaches of the vast mainland, tells the story of the vast continents.

Finally, the two came to the Tianling Zong of Xuanyu.

"I will never go back." A white-looking man looking for the moon, looking at the Xuantian peak that originally belonged to her, whispered, her white face above, leaving a little bit of decline.

A dream for hundreds of years, has long been a man-made, the original old man, in addition to Sumo, basically not.

"Let it pass in the past, Tianlingzong has disappeared, the vast world has disappeared, and the wilderness will disappear in the future, but our life will continue." Sumo faces with emotion.

"What about the green?" asked the moon suddenly.

"She is in a big world, it has changed a lot." Sumo said, he is ready to tell the other party later.

"Next, where are we going?" asked the moonlightly.

"Go to a place where there is no dispute, I am tired, I want to calm down." Su Modao, he is really tired, do not want to think again, ready to find a peaceful world, let yourself and the generations of God settle down .

"Let's go!" Looking for the moon, I finally glanced at Tian Lingzong and slowly turned around. The past has passed away. Now it is a new life.

"Go!" Sumo took the hand of the moon and went straight to the starry sky.

It is worth mentioning that the current search for the moon has not been repaired, because the original fall, the repair has been dissipated, and now there is no soul.

However, this is not a problem for Sumo. In an instant, he can make the other party become the strongest genius in the world of 3,000.

Sumo wandered in the air with the enthusiasm, and the two flew in the stars and flew to the starry sky that went to the big world. Only by following the old road, can they return to the sky as soon as possible.

As for the countless creatures in the wilderness, Sumo did not care, because the people of the sacred gates would come and follow the arrangements he had commanded.

"Sumo, are we going back now?" The six elders quickly chased them up and asked.

"Yeah." Sumo nodded.

The six elders heard the silence and looked like a word.

"Six elders, you still go back to the bright world, let's not do this." Su Modao.

"This...!" The six elders heard the words, suddenly changed their face, and separated from Sumo, back to the bright world, how is this possible?

If so, where will he go to find Sumo in the future?

"Six elders, you go back to the people who are preparing to sacrifice, you need to practice the law of light as you do, and go to Chaoshai for me a hundred years later." Sumo said again.

"A hundred years? In a hundred years, can you achieve a small success in the realm of creation?" The six elders frowned slightly, and Sumo could only improve the rules for him if he reached the small scale of creation, so he doubted whether Sumo could be reached within a hundred years. After all, Sumo is now perfect for the upper reaches.

This is not the most important thing. He is mainly worried that after a hundred years, will Sumo go to the Chaos Sea?

"There are enough people to sacrifice, even if I am not enough, I can improve for you." Su Modao.

When the six elders heard the words, they suddenly became stunned. If they were not enough, they could improve. Have you been deceiving us before?

"If you left," the six elders frowned, staring at Sumo tightly, and he was most worried that Sumo had left.

"Six elders, do you not trust me so much?" Sumo asked.

I really don't trust it!

The elders of the six elders said in their hearts, but they said in their mouth: "I don't trust you, but I am afraid that you will have an accident."

Sumo sneered in the heart, the other party is not trusting him, actually said that it is as grand.

However, he can also understand each other's mood.

Moreover, the six elders have not been difficult for him. He also promised to raise the rules for the other side in the future. Therefore, Sumo did not want to tear his face directly with the other party.

Slightly sinking, Sumo said: "Well, I will give you something so that you can find me."

In a word, Sumo flipped his hand and took out an ordinary spar. Then the other finger slammed into a spar and entered the spar.

"In this spar, I have already left my breath, you can find me with this object in the future." Sumo handed the spar to the six elders.

Six elders, the result of spar, carefully examined a lot, which is indeed a source of power, containing the breath of Sumo.

"Well, after a hundred years, I will go to Chaoshai to find you." Six elders said with a smile, with this spar, he is not afraid that Sumo will leave.

Because, relying on the breath of Sumo, you can use the magical power to lock the position of Sumo.

"Yeah." Sumo nodded.

"Fell." The six elders clenched their fists slightly, and then quickly left, he also had to return to the clouds, and then return to the bright world, but not with Sumo.

Soon, the six elders disappeared into the sight of Sumo.

"Sumo, will this person threaten your safety?" asked the moon, although she did not know the details of the six elders, but it can be seen that the six elders and Sumo are not friends.

"No." Sumo shook his head slightly, and he could not make the six elders threaten his safety.

Although he gave the six elders a spar with a breath, but the other side relying on this spar, can not find him.

Because, he is no longer the flesh and blood, the whole body is the source of chaos, the breath can be ever-changing.

Of course, he promised to have six elders, to help the other party to improve the law, naturally will not renege, after a hundred years he will go to Chaoshai to find each other.

As for deceiving the other party, he has to do this. Otherwise, if the six elders are jealous of Ji Yinbai, then he will be finished.

He can't leave any hidden dangers, and he can't do anything.

"Let's go, it will be very safe in the future." Sumo smiled, pulling the hand of the moon, galloping in the sky, going to the world of clouds.

This time, I returned to the sky, because I was looking for the moon, so Sumo’s speed was not fast.

After entering the universe, Sumo began to talk to the moon, and his experiences over the years.

Time, in the middle of the road, is constantly passing.

Endless flight, very boring, on the way, Sumo began to transform and look for the moon.

If it is not a long-term thing, it must be upgraded as soon as possible.

First of all, Sumo wants to give the moon a fusion of the gods.

At the beginning, the repair of the moon was only the realm of the Emperor, only the Wuhun, there is no god, and Sumo wants to directly integrate the Yuanshen.

This is not very difficult for Sumo, even if the power of the soul of the search for the moon is very weak.

Sumo gave his Wanhua Shenjian Yuanshen the moon, but the latter's soul is still too weak, it is difficult to integrate with the Wanhua Shenshen Yuan, and it is really a great effort.

Fortunately, Sumo has the power of life and death, and it is strong enough to nourish the moon god.

Along the way, Sumo was instructing to seek the moon to practice, stop and go.

Fortunately, Sumo does not lack resources, and the repair of the moon is a quick recovery. It is a ten-year period and it has returned to its peak state.

It took a full sixty years, and the two talents came to the world of clouds.

At this time, the search for the moon is almost the time to reach the king of the king, and the cultivation is fast, almost beyond imagination.

Because, Su Mo not only gave the moon to the moon and merged the **** of heaven and the **** of the five elements of the sky, but also spared no effort to help the moon to practice.

Tianmeng Yuanshen is the **** of Sumo’s early years. It has no great use for him, but it has always been preserved. As for the five gods of the heavens, it is the **** of Xiao Yushu, quite powerful.

Of course, if this is the case, it is still far from being so quick to find the moon to practice. The main reason is that the power of his laws has been directly transplanted to the moon.

He directly smelts his metal, water, fire, wood, and earth properties, the laws of the five elements, into the crystal of the law, allowing the quest to merge.

It’s amazing to find the growth of the moon. It’s hard to find people who are so fast in the world of three thousand.

Of course, this helps to find the moon. For Sumo, his own strength is somewhat depleted, but it is not hurt at all.

"Sumo, can we really live for the rest of our lives?"

I came to the big world of Yunxiao, looking for the moon and looking at the vast sky, and whispering to Sumo.

She doesn't care where she goes, as long as she is accompanied by Sumo.

"Can, go to a carefree place, free and easy." Su Mo said with a smile, repaired to his point, basically no longer the limit of Shouyuan, the rest of the life is very long and long.

I was looking for a little silence, and I wanted to say something, but stopped the words.

She knows that Sumo has lost the will to continue to climb the martial arts. This is because of her, but she does not know, so for Sumo, it is self-willing, falling, or a happy destination.

After all, Sumo's talent is unparalleled, and it is not impossible to reach the martial arts in the future. Once the will to fight hard is lost, it is no longer possible to reach the martial arts.

"We will go to the door of the gods first, then go to the Chaos Sea!" Sumo said with a deep voice, he is ready to leave the world of clouds with the door of the gods.

Looking for the moon, nodded gently, did not refuse, ready to settle down, then make plans.

There was nothing to say, Sumo took the shackles and found the moon, and he came to Yuyan Star smoothly.

(End of this chapter)