MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 100

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"Didn't sleep well." Jiang Shuyi read a sentence into the phone.


Wen Yao felt that according to Jiang Shuyi's habit of sleeping next to the pillow, such a situation should not happen.

"Even the position of the hand always feels empty, and it feels uncomfortable to turn over..."

Jiang Shuyi gestured, "Aren't you used to it?"

Wen Yao moved his eyes slightly, "Yes."

Wen Yao followed Professor Yuan to learn.

Last year the society was held in Beijing, and Wen Yao could go home every day, but this year's place is in Cuba.


Jiang Shuyi felt very uncomfortable just thinking about it.

A place 18,000 miles away from Beijing.

Not only are the two not living together now, but because of the time difference, they even have to find a chance to get through the phone.

Wen Yao originally wanted to say something, but Jiang Shuyi suddenly said, "I miss you so much."

Wen Yao paused for a moment, then quietly looked at the screen,

"I'll be back after next week."

"Wen, I put away the materials."

Someone behind Wen Yao said hello in English.

Wen Yao responded, "I see, thank you."

Jiang Shuyi has been staring at the person behind Wen Yao walking away, his eyes almost see through the screen,

"...Who was the person who greeted you just now?"

"Professor's student who has a meeting together."

"You guys went to buy coffee together?" Jiang Shuyi's tone was aggrieved and sour.

She has sharp eyes, and she can tell at a glance that the coffee in front of Wen Yao is the same as that of the person passing by just now from such a distance on the mobile phone screen.

Wen Yao calmly glanced at the mass-produced coffee cups in the coffee shop downstairs, and said without expression:

"This is what the professor asked everyone to drink just now, and everyone has it."

Jiang Shuyi's expression suddenly brightened, as if his whole body was refreshed, "Oh, that's it."

Wen Yao looked at the change in her expression and found it funny.

After a while, Jiang Shuyi coughed into the phone, "What about you?"

"What are you asking?"

Jiang Shuyi looked straight at Wen Yao, who was on the opposite side of the video, "Do you miss me?"

Wen Yao paused for a moment, then looked at Jiang Shuyi in the video who seemed to be careless, "Yes."

Jiang Shuyi wanted to say something, but someone urged him from the glass door,

"Jiang Shuyi, the event is about to end."

"He's calling you." Wen Yao reminded.

"I heard it." Jiang Shuyi sighed, a little reluctant to hang up the phone.

"not at home?"

Wen Yao noticed this just now, usually Jiang Shuyi would always call her at home, but today's background is different.

"The company is doing a year-end event, and it's just drawing a lottery." Jiang Shuyi said.

After Jiang Shuyi entered his senior year, he joined his family's company, and now he stays in the company's business department.

Because she is forward-looking about the company's affairs and judgments, coupled with her frank personality, she can always easily win the trust of customers. She has also achieved good results recently, and just negotiated several contracts.

"..." Jiang Shuyi looked behind him, the event was about to end.

"Go back first." Wen Yao said.

Jiang Shuyi reluctantly reminded him, "Then you must remember to read the message I sent you."


As soon as the phone went dark, Wen Yao raised his head and saw it was raining outside the window.

Someone outside called her to continue the meeting, she silently tidied up the table, pinned her name tag to her chest, and walked over quietly.

-I miss you so much.

After walking a few steps, Wen Yao felt Jiang Shuyi's voice echoing in his ears.


The society has been going on for a few more days, and now it has come to an end. People in each group are discussing and summarizing the group.

During the intermission of the meeting, Wen Yao walked out of the meeting room and checked his mobile phone.

No message from Jiang Shuyi was received on the phone today.

Mingming Jiang Shuyi had to take a few photos even when a piece of toast fell on the ground, and added a few thoughts that took more time than processing the jam on the ground, but he didn't send anything today.


In the evening, Wen Yao checked his phone several times, but he still didn't find any news from Jiang Shuyi.

The topic was still on the trivia that Jiang Shuyi posted yesterday.

"..." Wen Yao pursed his lips, and sent a message to Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi did not return.

The meeting resumed, Wen Yao turned off the phone, and continued the meeting.

After the meeting ended, another two hours had passed, Wen Yao directly called Jiang Shuyi.

No one answered the phone, and the reminder passed was to turn off the phone.

Wen Yao picked up her bag and planned to leave for the hotel.

"Wen, are you going back? Let's go together."

Michelle looked at Wen Yao's movements and said.

Michelle is a French with healthy tanned skin, she is a very friendly looking Alpha.

Wen Yao glanced at the phone and nodded casually.

On the way, Michelle kept complaining about the sample of the thesis, and Wen Yao responded one after another, a little absent-minded.

Before they knew it, the elevator had reached the floor where they lived.

"Na Wen, we'll see you tomorrow." Michelle greeted her, turned and walked towards her room.

Wen Yao came back to his senses and responded, "Well, see you tomorrow."

Wen Yao took out his room card from his pocket.

Before she reached the door of her room, she saw a person leaning against the door.

Wen Yao froze for a moment, and put the mobile phone he had been holding back into his pocket.

"Jiang Shuyi."

Jiang Shuyi, who was leaning against the door, seemed to have noticed Wen Yao and Michelle when they got out of the elevator just now, her hands were in her trouser pockets, her mouth was so pouted that she could be a woodpecker,

"How did that person come back with you just now?"

"The hotel we booked is one family, and all the students and professors live here. I can't let her detour to other places."

While talking, Wen Yao took out the room card and opened the door.

"How did you find this place?" Wen Yao asked.

"There is a copy of your registration form in the room."

Wen Yao didn't speak.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao. She originally wanted to surprise Wen Yao, but she didn't see the expression she imagined on Wen Yao's face. For a moment, she felt as if she had screwed up.

She followed Wen Yao like a child who made a mistake, and asked carefully:

"Are you angry?"

Wen Yao didn't answer, the room was automatically locked, "Why is your phone turned off?"

"..." Jiang Shuyi looked at his mobile phone, only to find that the screen was black, "Oh, I took a taxi here after getting off the plane, and I forgot to turn it on."

She hastily pressed the power button.

— Forgot to turn on the phone.

Wen Yao pinched the corners of his eyes and walked into the room, "Don't be so rash next time."

Her tone was a little cold.

Jiang Shuyi heard that this was Wen Yao's admonishing tone, and dropped his shoulders in frustration.

"Aren't you happy that I'm here?"

She followed Wen Yao into the room, reaching out to turn on the light.

But as soon as she reached for the light switch, there was a breath of roses.

Jiang Shuyi couldn't help but stop when he smelled the pheromone that he hadn't smelled for a long time.

She was hugged by Wen Yao from behind.

Wen Yao's head was buried on her shoulder, and her soft fingers circled around Jiang Shuyi's waist.


Feeling the warm breath coming from his back, Jiang Shuyi's low voice came from his ear.

Jiang Shuyi froze for a moment, turned around uncontrollably and hugged Wen Yao.

The air conditioner in the room hummed.

The two embraced and unbuttoned each other's collars, Jiang Shuyi leaned over and kissed Wen Yao's lips, and pressed her against the door,

"Miss me?"

Wen Yao hugged Jiang Shuyi's neck without resistance, "Yes."

"Think about it here too?"


Wen Yao didn't speak as if scolding her.

Jiang Shuyi smiled and stretched out his hand to support Wen Yao's waist, and kissed her gently on the cheek, "I miss you too."

Wen Yao closed his eyes for a moment, let out a breath slowly, and felt as if he was walking through a patch of lemon balm.


After late at night, Wen Yao turned over and brushed her hair.

"So hot."

The air-conditioning didn't seem to be working, and it felt unbearably hot.

The clothes they had taken off indiscriminately were all over the room.

They went from the door to the bathroom, and from the bathroom to the bed, without feeling tired at all.

"Take a shower later?" Jiang Shuyi asked.

Wen Yao exhaled, and glanced at the clock, "Are you okay with work tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is the weekend, I don't go to work." Jiang Shuyi smiled smugly and shook his legs.

"..." Wen Yao was stunned.

After arriving here, I have always been here according to the date of the calendar. I listened to the presentations and watched the public experiments every day, and forgot that it was already the weekend.

Wen Yao's eyelashes drooped slightly, and his fingers hooked the bed sheets weakly, "Then you are going back on Sunday?"

Jiang Shuyi felt that Wen Yao's tone seemed a little low, so he burst out laughing, "Hey, is Professor Wen reluctant to part with me?"

Jiang Shuyi smiled and hugged her into his arms.

Wen Yao didn't speak.

"Want me to stay?" Jiang Shuyi scratched Wen Yao's waist.

Wen Yao let out a breath, and her fingers went from the butterfly bone on Jiang Shuyi's back to her shoulders, feeling her body becoming limp again, "...don't make trouble."

"Then how long do you think you want me to stay?" Jiang Shuyi asked with a smile next to her ear.

Wen Yao turned his head away and didn't speak.

"Do you want me to be with you all the time?" Jiang Shuyi leaned over.

"Jiang Shuyi." Wen Yao hooked Jiang Shuyi's neck in the dark, and rose-scented breath entered her nasal cavity.

"Huh?" Jiang Shuyi responded with a little intoxication.

"Go ahead..." Wen Yao kissed Jiang Shuyi's chin.

Jiang Shuyi laughed and pulled Wen Yao down. She looked at Wen Yao and smiled softly, "You like this too."

"…I don't."

Jiang Shuyi looked at her red ears, and lightly took a bite.

Wen Yao closed his eyes and turned his head slightly.

Jiang Shuyi slightly hooked his back, leaned close to Wen Yao's ear and whispered, "I don't like it? Then why do you ask me to continue?"

Wen Yao seemed to be signaling her not to ask any more questions, and covered her eyes with her arms. Her ears were redder than before, as if they were about to bleed.

But Jiang Shuyi still didn't stop to ask her, "Do you like it?"

After a long time, Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi somewhat, and finally nodded helplessly.

Having been with Jiang Shuyi for a long time, she has become familiar with this person's body and bones. The texture and shape of this person's back bones can also be distinguished by the touch of her fingertips, but she has never felt it once. bored.

I want to go on like this non-stop, hugging and kissing until it seems like I can't tell you from me.

Like a piece of butter, it is melted by the body temperature of a lover and smells of roses.

It's impossible for her not to like this feeling.

Wen Yao raised his head slightly, kissed Jiang Shuyi's chin, "I like it."

Seeing her, Jiang Shuyi's heart felt hot, and he immediately hugged her again.


Morning came as usual.

Jiang Shuyi seemed to hear the sound of the shower being turned off in her sleep, she turned over and found herself lying on the hotel bed.

There was a regular sound of air-conditioning in the room.

Cuba has a tropical rainforest climate, and the temperature is summer all year round, which is much hotter than that in China where it is still winter, and even the early morning sun is extremely dazzling.

Even with a thick layer of curtains, you can still see the dazzling sunlight behind you through the gaps, and feel the heat outside the window.

The faint light in the bathroom shone on the floor, and Jiang Shuyi then heard the rustling sound of cloth rubbing against each other.

"...Wen Yao." Jiang Shuyi's voice was lazy.

"woke up?"

Wen Yao's quiet voice came.

She seemed to have just taken a shower and was standing not far away taking off her bathrobe.

The warm dim yellow light from the bathroom hit her waist, forming a beautiful light and shadow, and there were still some traces of Jiang Shuyi on her shoulders and neck.

Jiang Shuyi looked at her back with some fascination, and replied, "Wake up."

Wen Yao took off the white shirt from the hanger, and buttoned it carefully one by one, as if even the direction of the buttons had to be aligned neatly. In the end, the shirt perfectly covered those traces, allowing Jiang A little regret arose in Shu Yi's heart.

After buttoning the buttons, Wen Yao opened the curtains.

The sunlight outside the window slowly filled the whole room, the bright sunlight made Jiang Shuyi squint his eyes.

Wen Yao took out the black stockings and sat quietly by the bed, the bed sinking slightly.

Jiang Shuyi hooked her neck, watching Wen Yao's hand pull the black stocking slowly from the toes to the ankle of her left foot, and then slowly slipped over the calf of the calf.

Jiang Shuyi looked at it, stretched out his foot somehow, and poked Wen Yao's calf with his toe.

Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi smiled and retracted his feet, squirmed aside on the bed wrapped in a quilt, and suddenly covered Wen Yao's body with the quilt.

Wen Yao's back sank because of her actions.

Wrapped in the quilt, Jiang Shuyi shook her like a big caterpillar, "Can you be energetic after getting up so early? Don't sleep for a while?"

Wen Yao shook his head, "The seminar starts at ten o'clock."

Jiang Shuyi looked at the electronic clock beside the bed, "Isn't there still two hours left?"

The big caterpillar wrapped herself in the quilt, hugged Wen Yao, and pulled her into the quilt.

Wen Yaozheng fell on the bed with her without struggling, and she turned her head to look at Jiang Shuyi, "I need to go there before nine thirty to make sure there is no problem with the equipment."

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao, leaned lazily on Wen Yao's shoulder, and clasped her fingers, "But I want to have lunch with you."

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi, fell silent for a while, and gently brushed Jiang Shuyi's forehead hair behind his ears, "You wait for me at the gate of the research center where we have a meeting at noon."

"Okay," Jiang Shuyi smiled and kissed her, and finally wrapped her under the quilt, her feet lightly pressed against Wen Yao's instep, "Can we do something else now?"

Wen Yao glanced at her, "Not now."

Jiang Shuyi narrowed his eyes and stretched out his hands to tie Wen Yao, "Then let me hug you for a while."

As if she agreed, Wen Yao didn't get up and continued to lie next to Jiang Shuyi, but Jiang Shuyi couldn't help wrapping Wen Yao around like a big dog, and led her under the quilt.

Wen Yao patted Jiang Shuyi's hand, as if signaling her not to make trouble.

Jiang Shuyi smiled and looked at her,

"Wen Yao, I like you so much."


Wen Yao leaned against Jiang Shuyi's arms, and couldn't help feeling a burst of happiness in her heart.

The two of them just hugged each other for a while without doing anything, Jiang Shuyi held Wen Yao's waist and played with her fingers, Wen Yao closed his eyes and let Jiang Shuyi hold his hand.

"Wen Yao." Jiang Shuyi called her name again.


"this is for you."

Jiang Shuyi said and put a ring on Wen Yao's ring finger.

Wen Yao paused.

"I've been choosing an engagement ring for a long time," Jiang Shuyi continued, "I think although you gave me the ring, I don't seem to have proposed yet."

Jiang Shuyi coughed, looking a bit serious, "Shall we get married?"


Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi, but didn't speak.

"Why don't you speak?" Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao's silence, and scratched Wen Yao's armpit, "Do you think you agree or not?"

Wen Yao turned sideways to avoid her hand itchingly.

"Are you agreeing?" But Jiang Shuyi scratched her relentlessly, "Are you agreeing?"

Wen Yao buried her face in her arms, and couldn't help laughing because of the itching.

Her shoulders trembled because of her laughter and went to Jiang Shuyi's shoulders, and finally she stretched out her hand and gave Jiang Shuyi a light punch as if she was angry.

Jiang Shuyi looked at her and smiled,

"Promise me to stop."

Wen Yao put his head on her shoulder, his body undulating slightly.

"Okay." Wen Yao's voice still carried the smile just now.

When Jiang Shuyi heard the answer, he couldn't help blinking, "Really?"


Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao and kissed him excitedly.

Wen Yao closed her eyes and responded to the kiss with a smile.

The sunlight outside the window harmonizes with the room, dyeing the world a beautiful golden color.

The sun dazzles and burns one's heart.

They embraced each other tightly, intoxicated in golden happiness.