MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 21

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In the next few days, Wen Yao didn't speak to Jiang Shuyi.

When Jiang Shuyi asked her, unless there were mandatory questions, Wen Yao's answers would only be one word.

Wen Yao was also very indifferent when eating these days.

When returning home, Wen Yao always left the classroom unknowingly.

I didn't reply to myself in the text message, and there wasn't even a single word 'um'.

Jiang Shuyi sat on a chair at noon on the third day, looked at the food in front of him, and silently put it into his mouth.


Jiang Shuyi swallowed the food with some distaste, and suddenly felt a fog in his eyes.

But because this is a school, she could only resist wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at the phone.

The cold mobile phone reflected inorganic white light, and no reply was received from anyone on the page of the inbox.

Not only was there no reply, there was not even a single word 'um'.

Jiang Shuyi silently rubbed the side of the phone with her fingertips, not long after, she swallowed her voice with mixed feelings.

Jiang Shuyi also knew that she and Wen Yao are just classmates now.

Wen Yao won't respond or guide himself like he did before crossing over.

Wen Yao has no obligation to respond to her, and she has no way to ask Wen Yao to respond to herself.

Wen Yao was indifferent to her like this, and she could only bear it alone.

It is true that caring about a person does not necessarily lead to a response from that person for granted.

But this time, Jiang Shuyi felt very hurt.

But, obviously a few days ago, everything was still so peaceful.

Jiang Shuyi even felt a kind of unique tenderness towards himself in Wen Yao's eyes.

She thought that kind of tenderness would last, but why did she treat herself like this?

Is it wrong to serve her food?

Is that bottle of lemon tea wrong?

Is it because it was raining and snowing that day?


Jiang Shuyi lowered his head, feeling that he would rather be scolded by Wen Yao than her coldness to him for no apparent reason.


A few days after the sleet fell, the sky began to snow.

Looking at the snow outside the window, Jiang Shuyi couldn't help feeling that the taste of breakfast was hard to swallow.

Jiang Shuyi couldn't drink coffee and milk for breakfast, so his aunt poured half a cup of lemon tea made for Tang Wenzhen and put it in front of her.


Looking at the lemon tea, Jiang Shuyi felt a disgusting emotion in his stomach.

There are mixed emotions in the heart.

After arriving at the school, Jiang Shuyi habitually looked over to Wen Yao's position and found that Wen Yao was not there today.

After the first class, she found that Wen Yao was still not there.


She thought that Wen Yao should have gone to a meeting, or to help the teacher with errands, but she didn't expect that Wen Yao didn't come to school all morning.


"Zhou Jingtang."

Jiang Shuyi walked up to Zhou Jingtang who was at the same table as Wen Yao.

"Boss Yi?" Seeing Jiang Shuyi's expression, Zhou Jingtang immediately raised his head, "What's wrong?"

For some reason, he felt very sorry for Jiang Shuyi in his heart.

There was an impression in his brain that he felt that he had done something bad, but he had no idea what he had done wrong.

"...Why didn't Wen Yao come to school today?"

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao's position and said in a low voice.

Did this person hide from himself and finally start hiding in the house?

Thinking of this, Jiang Shuyi felt a little wronged.

Are you so annoying?

"Wen Yao?" Zhou Jingtang glanced at Jiang Shuyi, "She's sick."

Jiang Shuyi paused with his fingers, "What's wrong?"

"I just heard from Teacher Li that it was a cold."

Zhou Jingtang truthfully told Jiang Shuyi the information he had heard.

It doesn't seem to be trying to hide from me.

While Jiang Shuyi felt relieved for a moment, he also became a little worried.

The cold that can keep Wen Yao from coming to school should be a serious cold. Jiang Shuyi thought about it.

As Jiang Shuyi, who came from eighteen years later, he knew that Wen Yao rarely asked for leave.

At least rarely sick leave. She is not someone who would use her illness to evade her responsibilities.

Even, she is still the kind of person who will finish her work even if she is sick and holds on.

When she was still teaching by herself, Jiang Shuyi knew that she would go to school to teach students even if she had a high fever.

Therefore, if it wasn't so sick that he was bedridden, Jiang Shuyi felt that Wen Yao would definitely come to school.

That's who she is.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao's empty seat and fell silent.


The phone rings annoyingly.

Wen Yao fumbled tiredly for the mobile phone next to the pillow, feeling as if his whole body was soaked in sweat and sticky.

She sat up drowsily and looked at her phone.

"...Hello?" Wen Yao's voice was weak.

"Are you okay? Wen Yao?"

The voice was Li Roujia, and her tone was worried.

After the first get out of class today, Wen Yao didn't even come to school. She was worried that something happened to Wen Yao.

"... Teacher Li?" Wen Yao's voice was hoarse.

When she sat up, she realized that her mind was so dazed that she couldn't even finish the phone call.

"Wen Yao, I just want to ask why you didn't come to school today? It shouldn't be the same as last time—"

Listening to Li Roujia talking about what happened last time, Wen Yao lowered his gaze.

"Sorry to worry you, I don't seem to hear the alarm..."

"Are you sick?" Li Roujia asked.

"..." Wen Yao didn't deny it.

She got up slowly, dragged herself to the medicine drawer in the room, took out the thermometer and put it under her arm.

She reached her forehead with her hand.

A high temperature is a sign of a fever.

"I came to school after taking the medicine, Teacher Li." Wen Yao coughed.

"You need to rest when you are sick, Wen Yao, you don't need to come to school, you should rest at home..." Li Roujia said earnestly.

"..." Wen Yao said in a low voice, "I—"

"Listen to the teacher." Li Roujia said lightly.

"Well," after finishing speaking, Wen Yao coughed a few more times, "Thank you."

"Wen Yao, can you do it by yourself?" Li Roujia asked.

Wen Yao hesitated for a moment, because she was tired, she wiped her forehead.

"No problem." She said calmly.

Wen Yao knew that even if he told Teacher Li about his situation, it would only cause trouble for the teacher.

Li Roujia nodded on the other end of the phone, as if understanding Wen Yao's thoughts, and sighed, "...I'm sorry."

Of course she wanted to help Wen Yao, but now she is the head teacher of the third grade in senior high school, and there are other students besides Wen Yao, so there is no way to cover everything.


Wen Yao hung up the phone and took out the thermometer from his armpit, which showed 39.5 degrees.

"..." Wen Yao coughed again.

She got up and walked to the table, took out the medicine, and sent it down with water. Back to bed.

She had a lot of dreams, and in the dreams, she seemed to smell the scent of lemon balm faintly.

Wen Yao opened his eyes again, and the room was empty.