MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 23

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Jiang Shuyi looked at her sadly, "Wen Yao..."

"It's cold outside, come to my house first."

Wen Yao's voice was a little hoarse, she didn't say much, but just led Jiang Shuyi forward.

The two walked in the corridor of the old building one after the other, without saying a word.

The weather in November is chilling everywhere.

Jiang Shuyi looked at his hand being held by Wen Yao, not knowing whether he was happy or sad, he couldn't help sniffing for a while.

"There are some boxes around the corner, don't bump into them later."

Wen Yao's voice came from the front.

Jiang Shuyi nodded repeatedly like an obedient child.

The two turned up and walked into the aisle.

The doors of every household here look unusually mottled.

There are a lot of small advertisements on the walls and on the door, such as "unlocking" stickers, probably no one cares about them, and those advertisements have also turned yellow, and it seems difficult to tear them off.

And Wen Yao lives in the innermost room.

Wen Yao let go of Jiang Shuyi's hand and pushed open the door.

Jiang Shuyi looked at his hands, and suddenly felt a little cold.

Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi's ears and nose that were red from the cold, and couldn't help sighing again, "Don't just stand there, Jiang Shuyi."

Jiang Shuyi seemed unable to speak anymore, and nodded again and again.

There were no lights on in the room, and it was pitch black.

After Jiang Shuyi entered, he stood at the door a little at a loss.

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi who was standing at the door and looked at his shoes motionless, "... I don't need to take off my shoes at home."

Jiang Shuyi froze for a moment, then walked in feeling a little uneasy, "Oh."

Wen Yao pushed the light switch with his hands, and the room was lit up, "How long have you been waiting?"

Jiang Shuyi pursed his lips somewhat uncomfortably.

"Just...wait for a while."

Wen Yao took a look at Jiang Shuyi's frozen red knuckles, and without Jiang Shuyi's words, he understood that the length of "waiting for a while" was not short.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the layout of the room with some embarrassment, he had nowhere to put his hands.

This is actually a small room that feels crowded when two high school students enter it. Just by looking at it, you can see how cramped a room is.

To be precise, this place is not even as big as Jiang Shuyi's bedroom.

The white walls that have been sunburned by the sun, some old ceramic sinks, a small faded refrigerator, and a lonely water glass on the edge of the sink.

Everything is in order, simple and unadorned, no more, no less, restrained in the smallest quantity.

Everything in the room is very restrained and arranged in a neat and orderly manner, just like Wenyao University's office in the future, and it is as lifeless as her office in the future, not like a home where one lives alone.

Looking at Wen Yao's usual appearance, Jiang Shuyi couldn't imagine that she would live in such a dilapidated place and in such a room.

Jiang Shuyi bit his lip, "Wen Yao."


Wen Yao crossed his arms and walked to the stove in the room and turned the switch of the stove.

"Where are your parents?"

Jiang Shuyi felt that this room was lonely, so he couldn't help becoming curious.

"..." Wen Yao was silent for a while, without answering, she put the kettle on the stove, took out a cup and washed it, "I don't have tea or coffee at home, only boiled water, you can just drink it."


She is avoiding the subject. Jiang Shuyi thought.

But Jiang Shuyi didn't pursue Wen Yao, because this evasion itself was an answer.

Thinking that Wen Yao was alone until just now, Jiang Shuyi felt a little uncomfortable, "You sit, and I'll do it myself."

Wen Yao looked into her eyes, and gave Jiang Shuyi his seat without saying a word.

After a while, the water boiled.

Jiang Shuyi poured boiling water into the cup.

The heat disperses in the room, and the steam condenses on the glass windows.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao, and asked worriedly, "Have you eaten today? Wen Yao."

Wen Yao lowered his eyes and did not reply.

Jiang Shuyi understood her reaction.

The same is true of Professor Wen.

I often skip meals when I am busy writing papers, or just eat a rice ball or bread from a convenience store to withstand it.

"How can you not eat?" Jiang Shuyi's tone was tinged with reprimand.

Wen Yao coughed, "It has nothing to do with you, does it?"

"Why is it okay?" Jiang Shuyi froze for a moment.

She muttered with some dissatisfaction, "Of course it's related..."

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi and said nothing.

Jiang Shuyi walked to the refrigerator at her house on his own.

"...I'll cook for you."

Wen Yao frowned for a moment.

In her heart, Jiang Shuyi is just like her name, she has a relaxed and relaxed feeling all over her body.

This made her dare not have any expectations for this Alpha.

"No need." She refused cautiously.

Hearing her rejection, Jiang Shuyi frowned somewhat severely,

"You are a patient now, Wen Yao."

"How can you be so careless about your body?"

Jiang Shuyi lamented that this person studied medicine by himself in vain in the future, so he didn't pay attention to his own health.

Jiang Shuyi pushed Wen Yao to get her away from the stove, "Stop standing here, the patient should go back to bed and have a good rest, and I'll call you when I'm done cooking."

"..." Wen Yao was pushed back to the bed by Alpha, and was tightly covered with a quilt.

"Rest quickly, so that you can recover quickly."

Jiang Shuyi stroked her head like coaxing a child.

Feeling the itching on the top of her head, Wen Yao fell silent.

Forget it, even if Jiang Shuyi couldn't cook, he probably wouldn't burn his own house down.

she thinks.

It might be because she was sick, or it might be because the noise from the stove had a hypnotic effect, or it might be because the moment Jiang Shuyi entered the room, he brought a clean smell of lemon balm, which warmed her. Unknowingly fell asleep.


Jiang Shuyi dug out raw eggs, rice, and chopped green onion from Wen Yao's refrigerator.

She nodded and planned to make porridge.

Although in fact she can only cook porridge.

So it has become an established fact for Wen Yao to drink porridge.

There is no way. she thinks.

Not long after, the porridge in the pot began to boil.

Jiang Shuyi beat the eggs and poured the boiling porridge into the bowl.

After stirring, Jiang Shuyi put some chopped green onions.

Looking at the bubbling egg porridge, Jiang Shuyi fell silent.

What would Wen Yao do if he didn't come?

Did she really skip eating as she said?

Jiang Shuyi knew that she was a person without much imagination, but just thinking about Wen Yao living alone in such a dark and small place, with no one to take care of her when she got sick, made her feel uncomfortable.


She pulled up the chair with the dinner plate, and sat in front of Wen Yao with mixed feelings.

The pheromone with the scent of roses spread in the air, and Wen Yao was closing her eyes defenselessly in front of her.

Wen Yao was sleeping peacefully, her fair cheeks looked very soft.

"Wen Yao?" Jiang Shuyi called her softly.

"..." Wen Yao didn't respond.

Looking at Wen Yao's defenseless face, Jiang Shuyi somehow felt bad thoughts in his heart.

She looked around with a guilty conscience, quietly stretched out her index finger, and poked Omega's face in retaliation.

"..." she said in a low voice, biting her lips in dissatisfaction, "big ice cube."

But as soon as she poked her finger down, she froze.

"..." So soft.

How can this big ice cube be so soft?

Jiang Shuyi was a little startled, so he couldn't help poking it with his finger again.

When Jiang Shuyi poked his hand for the third time, Wen Yao opened his eyes for a moment, and looked at Alpha in front of him sternly.

"Jiang Shuyi," her tone was lukewarm, "is my face funny?"

Jiang Shuyi was startled, and stood up from the chair all of a sudden.

She didn't expect Wen Yao to wake up, so she immediately put her hands behind her back like a child who has done something wrong.

"...You, when did you wake up?"

Wen Yao sat up with some difficulty, "When you peeked at my face with a silly face."

Jiang Shuyi's embarrassing expression couldn't hold back anymore.

"I'm still wondering what you'll do."

Wen Yao looked at her calmly and indifferently, "Sure enough, he is doing such a boring thing again."

"You are always indifferent to me for no reason, and ignore me for no reason."

In order to cover up his embarrassment, Jiang Shuyi couldn't help complaining about Wen Yao.

"I'll poke you, it won't matter..."

Wen Yao's eyelashes trembled slightly.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Shuyi immediately regretted it. Wen Yao was sick, so she shouldn't have said anything about her.

"..." Jiang Shuyi wanted to apologize.

"Not for nothing."

Before she could say anything, Wen Yao said calmly.

"Do you think I'm angry with you for no reason?"

Hearing these words, Jiang Shuyi looked up at Wen Yao eagerly, "..."


Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi's face and didn't answer.

For a moment, Jiang Shuyi felt a little uncomfortable being watched by her.

She was a little confused whether it was Wen Yao who had a fever or whether she had a fever and her ears were burning.

"Aren't you going to cook for me?" Wen Yao broke the silence, as if changing the subject.

Jiang Shuyi coughed quickly, sat down again and took the porridge.

"Ah, oh, this is my raw boiled egg porridge."

"It's the first time I cook and eat my food for others—"

She took a spoonful of porridge from the corner of the bowl, blew on it, and fed it to the corner of Wen Yao's mouth,

"Come on, let's have a taste, won't you..."

Facing the spoon that was so naturally held in front of her, Wen Yao froze for a moment.

She glanced at Jiang Shuyi, and finally opened her mouth slightly to swallow the spoon in Jiang Shuyi's hand.

"Is it delicious?" Jiang Shuyi looked at her worriedly.

Wen Yao chewed and swallowed the egg porridge slowly, and looked at Jiang Shuyi in disbelief, "Mmm..."

"It seems that the taste is okay." Jiang Shuyi smiled.

"Well," Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi, and swallowed the porridge completely, "...the taste is very familiar."

Jiang Shuyi paused while holding the porridge, and she laughed after a while, "Really?"

"This is how porridge is made." She smiled lightly, scooped up another spoonful, and fed it to Wen Yao.

Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi, and Alpha held the spoon frankly, showing no selfishness.

Wen Yao sucked the spoon in his mouth without saying a word.

After seeing Wen Yao eat it, Jiang Shuyi scooped up another spoonful of porridge, blew it and fed it to Wen Yao.

"It doesn't matter if you eat a little less, but you have to eat a little bit so that you can take medicine."

Jiang Shuyi saw that Wen Yao's hair was a bit obstructing, so he stretched out his hand to smooth Wen Yao's hair by his ears.

Feeling that Jiang Shuyi's hair was tidied up, Wen Yao swallowed the porridge without responding, and then opened her mouth quietly again.

Jiang Shuyi scooped up another spoonful of porridge and fed it to her mouth, "I also prepared white porridge for you and put it in the refrigerator. If you're hungry, warm it up and eat it."

Wen Yao nodded.

After a while, Wen Yao was fed the porridge in the small bowl.

Due to habitual restraint, Wen Yao couldn't eat much food.

But raw egg porridge is very easy to eat.

Perhaps it was because the taste of this porridge made her feel very familiar, or maybe it was because she had been hungry all day, and this warm porridge entered her stomach, making her feel that she was actually empty.

Or maybe it was because someone was feeding her, so Wen Yao unknowingly ate a little more than usual.

"Do you want another bowl?" Jiang Shuyi put away the bowl and looked at her.

"..." Wen Yao looked at the spoon in Jiang Shuyi's hand, and nodded silently.

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