MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 31

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After eating, Jiang Shuyi took the initiative to take over the task of washing dishes.

She's not thick-skinned enough to ask someone to wash the dishes after eating someone's homemade meal.

Moreover, she felt that her dishes were still quite clean.

Jiang Shuyi quietly lathered the bowl and rinsed it.

Wen Yao stood aside and looked at her.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao who was standing beside him, and couldn't help but ask curiously: "Have you always cooked and eaten like this?"

Wen Yao replied in a deep voice without raising his head: "Yes."

"Then am I eating too much today?"

Jiang Shuyi lowered her head. Although she didn't eat much from the meal tonight, she felt that she ate more today than the master Wen Yao. Yao increase the burden.

Wen Yao glanced at her, and said in an unhurried tone, "It's just a meal, it's not enough."

"...Oh." Jiang Shuyi also looked at Wen Yao and nodded, "Thank you."

When Jiang Shuyi nodded, Wen Yao noticed that her hair was dangling in the pool.

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi's hair, and neatly put his hands around Jiang Shuyi's back.

The pheromone smell of cold roses lingered around Jiang Shuyi.

Feeling Wen Yao's move as if hugging her neck from behind, Jiang Shuyi's heart twitched suddenly, and he almost lost his grip on the dishes he was washing, "..."

"Wen Yao?"

Jiang Shuyi was at a loss and called Omega's name.

Wen Yao's hands gently gathered Jiang Shuyi's hair from his shoulders, "Squat down a little, and I'll tie your hair up for you so it doesn't get wet."

"Oh." That's what it meant.

After Jiang Shuyi knew that she was not going to hug him, he was a little disappointed and stopped talking.

But she still squatted down a little obediently.

Wen Yao quietly **** Jiang Shuyi's hair with a hair rope behind Jiang Shuyi, and simply coiled it up.

Wen Yao turned his head to look at Jiang Shuyi's face, and patted Jiang Shuyi's head as if confirming that it was done, "It's done."

"..." In fact, Jiang Shuyi still didn't realize it, but he still felt the smell of roses lingering around him, "Thank you."

"En." Wen Yao responded quietly, and picked up the dishcloth to dry the dishes Jiang Shuyi had washed without any reaction.


After washing the dishes, the two of them took a break and started studying again.

For Jiang Shuyi, studying is really exhausting, and her body is very honest when it comes to eating, she naturally falls asleep after eating.

Now she has a meal and her stomach is digesting, causing insufficient blood supply to her brain.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the question in front of him, his eyelids trembled uncontrollably, half-opened and half-closed.

She yawned naturally, resting her chin with her hand.

Wen Yao took a look at Jiang Shuyi's half-opened and half-closed eyes, and slowly closed the book.

"Sleepy?" She asked Jiang Shuyi very flatly.

"...Well, a little bit." Jiang Shuyi nodded in a daze, and yawned again.

Wen Yao stood up, "Then—"

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao's movements, and seemed to be refreshed.

She felt that today's study was probably over.

However, the Omega who stood up did not tell her to go back as Jiang Shuyi imagined, but then said indifferently: "Then let me open the window for you. When you are sleepy, just blow the cold wind to wake you up."

Wen Yao stood up, walked to the window, and opened it wide.

Just like that, the cold wind of December drifted into Jiang Shuyi's neck and clothes without any preparation.

Guys, what kind of trick is this? Getting cold and sleepy!

"..." Jiang Shuyi looked at the window where the cold wind was blowing, and suddenly felt that his heart was also very cold.

"Feeling better now?"

Standing in the cold wind, Wen Yao turned his head and asked without any change in expression.

"..." Jiang Shuyi sniffed, shook his head, and wanted to grab Wen Yao's clothes helplessly, "Wen Yao, I'm cold."

Wen Yao looked at the snot running out of her face instantly, and avoided it calmly.

She calmly reached out and handed Jiang Shuyi the down jacket that Jiang Shuyi put aside, "If it's cold, put on the jacket."

"..." She really disliked me.

"Oh." Jiang Shuyi pursed his lips in dissatisfaction, obediently put on his coat, and looked at Wen Yao unhappy.

Wen Yao turned a blind eye to her eyes, and quietly handed out a napkin, "Wipe your nose clean."

Jiang Shuyi wiped off his snot, put his hand on his chin, and started to do the questions sullenly.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be sleepy, but now I am suffering from hunger and cold... Oh, she has already eaten a meal, so she is sleepy and cold.

Jiang Shuyi felt that what he experienced was self-inflicted.

"Don't rest your chin with your hand, you will only want to sleep more if you have a support point." Wen Yao tapped Jiang Shuyi's hand resting on his chin with a pen.


Jiang Shuyi pouted his mouth.

She felt that even her sitting posture had been regulated by Wen Yao, and she couldn't help but break down even more.

Why can this Omega manage so much? Where did she come from, the little housekeeper?

"You still haven't finished writing the questions for three units, and there are only a few hours until the end of today. Cherish your time, Jiang Shuyi."

Wen Yao didn't notice her mood at all, and quietly reminded.

"..." Jiang Shuyi stared at Wen Yao aggrievedly, even more devastated, but in the end he replied reluctantly, "Oh, I see."

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao who put on his coat together with him and started flipping through the book to do the questions, his heart couldn't help feeling warm.

In fact, it's good to be under her control...

Jiang Shuyi thought silently.


After writing all the questions, Wen Yao let Jiang Shuyi go back.

Although Jiang Shuyi complained, he finally finished all the questions.

For that ADHD kid, it's commendable. Wen Yao thought.

Wen Yao looked at her reluctant look before she left, and casually offered her a reward.

Hearing the reward, Jiang Shuyi immediately became energetic again.

It seems that this word can be used to beat her up from time to time.

Wen Yao concluded coldly.


Wen Yao picked up the hair dryer while wiping her hair after taking a shower.

Her wet hair fell to her shoulders, smooth and soft, and her hair was a little long and took a while to dry.

After drying her hair, Wen Yao walked to the table where the two were sitting just now.

Obviously, she reminded Jiang Shuyi just now to take all the books away, but there is still a notebook on the table that she forgot to take away...

"A person who forgets everything."

Wen Yao thought of the last time, Jiang Shuyi's sleepy face hitting the table with his head couldn't help but smile.

"..." Wen Yao just put the notebook into her bag, and planned to give it to her when she went to school on Monday.

But before putting it in the bag, she found that there was still a thin beige wool cardigan on the chair Jiang Shuyi was sitting on just now.

Not only did you forget your notebook, but you even forgot your own sweater...

I think I forgot to wear this sweater when I put on my coat, so I didn't notice it when I left...

It's too careless to say anything.

need to be corrected. Wen Yao thought.

Wen Yao folded the woolen sweater that was casually thrown on the chair bit by bit, and smelled the pheromone of Jiang Shuyi's lemon balm on the sweater.

If the smell left in the room is light and faint, the smell of this sweater is very obvious.

Wen Yao's throat rolled slightly, and he buried his head lightly.

After realizing what he wanted to do, Wen Yao paused, took the woolen sweater away from his face, patiently folded it and put it aside.

After sorting everything out.

Wen Yao turned off the light and lay down on the bed, but felt that she couldn't sleep even with her eyes closed.

In the room, the smell of lemon balm has not dissipated.

Among the five senses, which one can evoke people's memory the fastest.

That must be the sense of smell.

Alpha's exclusive fresh and clean pheromone stays in the air.

So much so that when Wen Yao smelled this pheromone, he could recall the heat of Jiang Shuyi's eyes, the temperature of his hands, and...

The softness of her lips when she kissed the mole on her neck last time.

She is not as heartless as Jiang Shuyi, who can fall asleep anywhere, but in the dark, she feels that she will be grinded, which makes it even more difficult for her to fall asleep.

I was temporarily marked by Jiang Shuyi, so I have a certain dependence on Jiang Shuyi's pheromones. When I smell Jiang Shuyi's pheromones, I have no choice but to think about it.

Wen Yao thought rationally and restrained.

She tried to push the longing out of her mind, but after tossing and turning a few times and finding that she still couldn't sleep, she sat up slowly.

Looking at the sweater that she had folded and put aside, Wen Yao lowered her gaze.

She walked over, picked up the sweater, and hugged it helplessly in her arms.

Wen Yao hugged the woolen sweater with lemon balm pheromone, and retreated to the bed, looking a little lonely and pitiful.

This was not my original intention... Wen Yao thought.

It's just that now she seems to need this person's pheromone to comfort herself.

Thinking about it, Wen Yao was like a baby, shrunk her body a little hesitantly, and tightened her hand holding the woolen sweater.