MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 35

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The broadcast sounded.

Wen Yao stood in the middle of the class and clapped his hands, "Okay, everyone is ready to go to the playground for tug-of-war."

Deng Ningxuan and his friends stood up together, planning to go to the meeting place.

However, he turned his head inadvertently, and saw Wen Yao who was grabbing Jiang Shuyi's sleeve.

"..." Wen Yao looked intently at Jiang Shuyi's eyes, which he had never seen before.

Deng Ningxuan clenched the mineral water bottle in his hand, feeling a little dazed.

"Deng Ningxuan." A male classmate patted Deng Ningxuan on the shoulder, looking a little uncomfortable.

"I seem to be a little unwell, and I may not be able to participate in the next game..."

Deng Ningxuan came back to his senses from the two people in the distance.

He glanced at the male classmate in front of him and patted him on the shoulder, "It's okay, you can go to rest quickly, the tug-of-war competition doesn't need so many people to participate."

He showed a polite and considerate expression,

"No, I still have a long jump competition..."

The man covered his stomach, his expression a little exhausted.

Deng Ningxuan looked distressed.

But seeing the expression on the man looking at him, he immediately forced a smile,

"...ah, it's okay, if you don't mind my bad sports, I'll go instead of you?" he said with a smile.

"Can you?" The man looked a little embarrassed.

"Of course." Deng Ningxuan patted the man's shoulder, and smiled gently, "After all, your body is important."

The man thanked him repeatedly and headed towards the infirmary.

Watching the man walk away quickly, Deng Ningxuan's friend patted his shoulder,

"You good old man, you often do this kind of thing, that's why you get pushed into so much trouble."

Deng Ningxuan smiled, "Ham, it's not a big deal."

He knew he was so popular.

Deng Ningxuan is very popular, not only in the class, but also in the grade.

His popularity is not achieved overnight, but accumulated day by day.

He has good grades, but he is not arrogant at all. He is considerate and considerate to his classmates. If there is something wrong with the classmates, he will go to help when he finds out.

When encountering something that is really impossible, he will tell others why he cannot do it, and even in the end, he will accompany that person to listen to his troubles, so everyone in the class will come to him more or less, and the teacher also trusts him he.

However, this kind of credit has no effect on Wen Yao.

Deng Ningxuan's eyes darkened when he looked at Wen Yao and Jiang Shuyi.


In the evening self-study, Mr. Cheng, who teaches English, walked in with a stack of papers.

Someone in the class immediately wailed, "It's over, the English paper has been approved!"

Teacher Cheng looked at the restless appearance of the students in the class, and clapped his hands pretending to be serious, "Quiet."

The students in the class immediately fell silent.

Teacher Cheng is a young Omega, not tall, with a gentle temperament, and looks easy to bully.

However, all the students in Class 1 know that this seemingly gentle and pitiful teacher is actually very scary when he is fierce.

In addition, there are quite a few students in class one who are her fans, so no one dares to provoke her. She said 'quiet', and no one dared to turn against her.

Seeing the students in the class quiet down, Teacher Cheng pursed his lips and smiled softly, "...Don't be nervous, your class did well in the exam this time."

"There are two other students who both scored 140." Teacher Cheng pointed out two fingers.

The class suddenly chattered and began to discuss.

The school in Chengbei was formerly a foreign language high school, so the English test is particularly strict.

But this time the English paper can be said to be very professional.

If you can pass the 14th exam, it means that English is already the best at the level of high school.

"Then let's come up to get the papers according to the ranking."

Teacher Cheng smiled and blinked.

"The first place is Wen Yao." She took out the test paper of the first person and read it.

There was no change in the faces of the students in the class.

No one doubted that the first place was Wen Yao.

This is beyond doubt.

— The question is, who will be in second place?

Someone put their eyes on Deng Ningxuan.

After all, his grades are second only to Wen Yao in the class, especially in English, he is outstanding, and his grades are always ranked behind Wen Yao.

Deng Ningxuan's deskmate pushed his arm, "Is it you? Deng Ningxuan?"

"...The teacher hasn't read it yet." Deng Ningxuan smiled modestly.

But in the next second, Teacher Cheng nodded and read with a smile, "Second place, Jiang Shuyi."


The classroom suddenly became silent.

Jiang Shuyi pulled his chair away, and slowly stood up under Song Jinxi's shocked gaze.

Jiang Shuyi knew that although they didn't speak, everyone should be looking at him in surprise.

Deng Ningxuan looked at Jiang Shuyi, the usual humble expression on his face disappeared.

Jiang Shuyi stood up and walked to the podium under the eyes of the class.

In fact, even if everyone in the class was surprised that she got this result, she herself would not be surprised.

Since she went to England to attend a seminar with her professor, she has made up her mind to learn English well. So, for a period of time, she studied English from morning to night every day. Whenever she had time, she memorized words for reading and listening. On weekends, she also specially found someone to accompany her to practice speaking.

She has memorized all the English words that can be memorized in the book. Besides, her professional English words are not a problem.

It can be said that her vocabulary has gone far beyond the scope of high school.

Of course, there are some grammatical details in the test paper this time, so she will still make mistakes.

So Jiang Shuyi felt that it was normal for her to pass the test, and she even felt a little wronged.

She has come to this point and hasn't passed the Wen Yao exam?

Is Wen Yao still human?

Teacher Cheng picked up Jiang Shuyi's paper, and looked at Jiang Shuyi's face without any change in expression.

Jiang Shuyi looked into her eyes, inexplicably nervous, "..."

After a while, Teacher Cheng patted her on the shoulder, "Well done."

"When other teachers said that there was a second student in our class who was 140, I actually didn't expect it to be you."

"..." Jiang Shuyi nodded.

The teacher did not think that he was natural.

After all, the original owner's grades have always been at the bottom of the pile, and the person who can think of it must have opened his eyes.

"I'm really surprised that you got this result, to be honest."

Teacher Cheng said the truth without politeness.

"All in all, keep working hard." Teacher Cheng smiled again.

"Thank you." Jiang Shuyi took the paper and sat back in his seat.

"The third place, Deng Ningxuan." Teacher Cheng read Deng Ningxuan's name.

Deng Ningxuan walked to the podium in everyone's sight, his face was pale, as ugly as a puddle of stagnant water.

Teacher Cheng looked at Deng Ningxuan's paper, and encouraged him, "It's a pity, it's only two points away from 140. This score is also very good, but you can do better."

Deng Ningxuan's face suddenly turned from pale to red.

Holding the paper, he nodded shyly on the podium and said, "...I will work hard."

Deng Ningxuan stepped off the podium in a hurry, as if standing there for a minute was being ridiculed.


The next day, the sports meeting is over.

When Jiang Shuyi arrived at school, he found an uncomfortable atmosphere in the class,

Normally, if Jiang Shuyi talked to his classmates, most of them would respond to her.

It's just that today, when she greets people in the class, some people will avoid her.

It wasn't avoiding her in fear, but with a hint of hostile indifference.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Song Jinxi in confusion.

"Today, everyone's attitude towards me seems a bit wrong. I greeted them just now and their eyes were evasive. What's wrong with them?"

Different from Wen Yao's indifference, the coldness in other people's eyes was mixed with something that made Jiang Shuyi very uncomfortable.

Contemptuous, contemptuous eyes.

Holding a water glass, Zhou Jingtang brushed past Jiang Shuyi.

But for a moment, his eyes also dodged a little.

"... What's the matter with you today, you seem to be avoiding me?" Jiang Shuyi glanced at Zhou Jingtang, and gave him a puzzled look.

Zhou Jingtang turned his head away, feeling that he couldn't hide it from her, so he said, "Boss Yi, don't be angry, that is, someone said that you had a problem with your exam results yesterday..."


Jiang Shuyi looked like he didn't understand, "What?"

"That is to say, what special means did you use..." Zhou Jingtang added.


Jiang Shuyi understood.

Someone is saying she cheated!

She looked at Zhou Jingtang with some confusion, "Who said such irresponsible words?"

"I don't know, but as soon as I arrived in the classroom this morning, I heard some people say that you cheated, and some people said that you must have been taken care of by the teacher to take the answer, and then said, if you didn't cheat, how could you be as good as Wen Yao in the exam? ..."

"...Of course, I don't believe it! I also said that you are definitely not that kind of person." Zhou Jingtang immediately made a gesture of outrage.

Jiang Shuyi listened to Zhou Jingtang's words and looked at Wen Yao in the distance.

She was very concerned whether Wen Yao thought the same way.


The so-called 'among all evils, rumors spread the fastest', so this rumor spread immediately...

In the morning, before the class was over, the grade director Feng Junhua knocked on the door of their class.

"Jiang Shuyi." Feng Junhua said word by word.

"Don't leave during lunch, report to my office."


Feng Junhua is very familiar with Wen Yao, who is the squad leader.

Because he often finds Wen Yao to do business.

He is also very familiar with the school bully Jiang Shuyi.

Because, more than once, he caught the original owner on the top of the west wall to go out to play, was late, and skipped class.

So Jiang Shuyi is also very familiar with this person's office.

After class, she went straight to the grade director's office.

Feng Junhua sat in front of the wooden table in the office, and tapped the notebook in front of him with the pen in his hand, "Jiang Shuyi, sit down across from me."

"Director Feng, I'll just stand there." Jiang Shuyi looked at him with a guilty conscience, not knowing what he wanted to say.

"That's good, Jiang Shuyi." Seeing her like this, Feng Junhua put the pen on the table, without any ink marks, and went straight to the point.

"I ask you."

"Did you cheat in the exam?" Feng Junhua's voice was as cold as a knife, and he touched Jiang Shuyi's neck.