MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 37

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Before the evening self-study get out of class was over, Jiang Shuyi started to pack his schoolbag, as if he had already finished class.

Song Jinxi looked at his watch,

"There are still eight minutes until get out of class ends, Jiang Shuyi."

she whispered.

"Can't I pack up in advance?"

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Song Jinxi and responded with some unhappiness.

Seeing her like this, Song Jinxi couldn't help but started to pack her schoolbag with her.

She is restless.

"Oh, by the way, isn't the average score of our class the first in the grade?" Song Jinxi casually mentioned.


Jiang Shuyi listened nonchalantly, arranged his coat and put it on himself.

"So, for our class trip last weekend, Teacher Li also agreed to change the time from two days and one night to three days and two nights."

"That's it."

Jiang Shuyi didn't feel anything at all when he heard it, and after sighing indifferently, he took out his scarf and tied it around his neck.

Alright, let's wait for Wen Yao to finish class.

After everything was ready, Jiang Shuyi nodded.

"Is that why you can't wait to see Wen Yao?"

Song Jinxi asked behind Jiang Shuyi in a low voice.

Jiang Shuyi subconsciously nodded.

-Of course.

All the grades are down today, so I have something serious to talk to Wen Yao about? she thought.

"..." Song Jinxi didn't say anything when he looked at her like this, and turned his head to tidy up his schoolbag.


The get out of class bell rang.

Jiang Shuyi immediately walked to Wen Yao's table with his bag on his back.

The look of can't wait is obvious at a glance.

Wen Yao was tidying up the table, just glanced at her, then put on the coat on herself, and wrapped the scarf around her neck quietly and gently.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the scarf hanging around Wen Yao's neck, and for a moment wanted to look away.


Thirty seconds later, she finally expelled the night when she was drunk and mouthful of 'wife' out of her brain.

Wen Yao put her schoolbag on her back, and looked at Jiang Shuyi again.

"Why is your face so red? Jiang Shuyi."

While reminding, she touched Jiang Shuyi's forehead.

Her cold fingers brought a bit of coolness to Jiang Shuyi's dazed mind, as well as the cold fragrance of roses.

Looking at Wen Yao's face, Jiang Shuyi coughed pretending not to care,

"Oh, it's normal for me to blush now that I'm wearing a coat."

"Really?" Wen Yao withdrew his hand and walked towards the gate, "That's good."

Jiang Shuyi immediately followed, and said, "Your hands are so cold, Wen Yao."

"It's okay." Wen Yao replied without looking back.

Jiang Shuyi and Wen Yao walked to the road at the gate of the school, and a car drove past them.

"That's right, Wen Yao, this time, our class test scores have already come down."

Jiang Shuyi seemingly carelessly put his hands in his pockets.

"En." Wen Yao walked forward without any reaction.

"My grades are also out, I personally think I did well in the exam..." Jiang Shuyi raised his head.


Wen Yao didn't answer, and walked forward quietly.

Jiang Shuyi looked at her and lowered his head, pretended not to care, hummed, and continued: "Although I haven't checked the ranking yet, there are still some upper-middle level."


Jiang Shuyi lowered his gaze, looking at Wen Yao's unmoved and indifferent expression, his eyes were full of disappointment that could not be concealed.

Maybe Wen Yao couldn't remember at all.

"Wen Yao...I mean, I have improved and I did well in the exam."

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao with some dissatisfaction, the hope in his tone was beyond words.

"Oh," Wen Yao glanced at her, then nodded as usual, looking far away from others, "Really."

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao in a daze.

I've said it so clearly, can't this ice cube man really hear it?

— Amusement park, I'm going to the amusement park!

"Don't you remember?" Jiang Shuyi pursed his lips and let out a breath of white air.

"Remember what?"

Jiang Shuyi coughed, "That is to say, didn't you promise me that you would reward me for a good exam?"

Implications cannot be made explicit.

Although Jiang Shuyi has never done anything to reward such a shameless thing, but this reward is worth doing.

"Can you go to the amusement park with me?"

"..." Wen Yao cast a cold look at Jiang Shuyi, remembering something.

"No." She said coldly.


"...Why not? I've improved so much."

Jiang Shuyi drooped his shoulders and stood in the middle of the road, like a wet puppy.

Wen Yao glanced at the street lights in the distance, and said in a calm tone,

"It's just that for an exam of this level, you should at least get a score of more than 90% in each subject, so that you can say that you did well in the exam."

What kind of 'thinking' is this?

Jiang Shuyi couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this.

"Wen Yao."

In order to achieve his own goal, Jiang Shuyi turned his eyes away, and admitted embarrassingly: "You know my level."

"You can't hold me to your outrageous standards."

"Really," Wen Yao said, "but I used this standard to define your 'examination success'."

Jiang Shuyi looked at her, his grievances were about to overflow to the sky.

Isn't this bullying?

Jiang Shuyi completely drooped his head, and looked at the resentful Omega.

A black car drove past Jiang Shuyi.

Wen Yao pulled Jiang Shuyi to her side with her hand, she looked at Jiang Shuyi sternly, as if telling her to walk properly.


"Oh...thank you." Jiang Shuyi came back to his senses.

She looked at Wen Yao's hand holding her arm, and frowned.

Wen Yao's fingers were exposed to the air, and the knuckles were red in the air, which made people feel distressed.

Jiang Shuyi looked around, and stopped at the entrance of a convenience store, she pulled La Wenyao, "Wait for me."

Jiang Shuyi hurried into the shop, and took out a bottle of hot drink from the warming cabinet.

However, before she closed the cabinet, she found that Wen Yao's eyes stopped on the oden at the entrance of the store.

Jiang Shuyi silently put the drink back into the warming cabinet.

She walked up to Kanto Cooking and said to the clerk, "Please have one of everything in here, two cups."

"..." Wen Yao turned to look at her.

Jiang Shuyi touched his nose,

"I'm a little hungry."

The clerk quickly handed two cups of Kanto cooking to Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi took it and handed one of the cups to Wen Yao.

"Eat some too."

Wen Yao paused for a moment, lowered her gaze, and said with a sullen face, "I don't need it."

"You're wasting it if you don't eat it." Jiang Shuyi forcefully put the cup in Wen Yao's hand.

"..." Wen Yao looked at the oden stuffed in his hand, but didn't speak.

Walking on the road, Jiang Shuyi breathed out into the air, and casually picked up a piece of crab roe and lobster ball from the cup.

Jiang Shuyi looked at this thing and fell silent for a while.

In fact, she is allergic to seafood.

So you have to think about it for a long time before eating something with a seafood name.

However, the original owner has no allergies, so she can eat it with confidence.

After eating a few Oden dishes, Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao beside him, and started talking again.

"Wen Yao, that amusement park is really fun..."

Wen Yao lowered his eyes, looked at the cup in his hand, and said in a calm tone,

"If you really want to go you can go with someone else."

Jiang Shuyi was silent for a while, "Huh?"

"You have a lot of friends, don't you?" Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi, then quietly looked at the oden in his hand.

"I don't think I'm the only one missing." Wen Yao lowered his eyes and planned to move forward.

"I'm not going with anyone else."

Looking at Wen Yao's back, Jiang Shuyi said firmly.

Wen Yao's fingertips stopped in the air

She turned around and looked at Jiang Shuyi with a little inquiry in her eyes.


Jiang Shuyi raised her head, her eyes were full of naturalness, she looked at Wen Yao stubbornly, "Isn't this obvious? I just want to go with you!"

Looking into the eyes of Alpha in front of her, Wen Yao felt that the oden in her hand was very warmly transmitted to her palm.


Wen Yao's calm voice broke the silence.

She looked at Jiang Shuyi with a gentle expression, "Then you are willing to go to the amusement park with me when you get more than 90% in each subject?"

Seeing the teasing smile on Wen Yao's face, Jiang Shuyi couldn't help but nodded blankly.

"...Oh, okay."