MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 41

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After playing billiards, Jiang Shuyi and Song Jinxi returned to the room.

Li Roujia came to check the ward not long after.

Nothing happened, it was very peaceful.


The next morning, during breakfast time, Jiang Shuyi looked out of the window after eating.

Yesterday was clearly a warm winter day, but today it has become foggy.

Somehow annoying.

Jiang Shuyi turned his head and glanced at Omega who was sitting on the other side of the hotel lobby.

Wen Yao was wearing the school uniform that everyone wore uniformly, and her hair seemed to hang neatly behind her ears.

The white and small ears look very soft.

Jiang Shuyi found that she was sitting with several other Omegas in the class, which was rare.

It should be Wen Yao's roommate.

But even if Wen Yao sat with other people, he remained silent as usual, and put down the fork without eating anything.

After breakfast, Jiang Shuyi walked up behind Wen Yao, "Wen Yao, where are you going today?"

Today's arrangement is simply free movement.

Students are free to choose where they want to go.

Wen Yao looked up at Jiang Shuyi quietly, but did not answer.

Jiang Shuyi remembered that Wen Yao didn't seem to have eaten anything this morning, "Are you feeling unwell?"

For some reason, Jiang Shuyi felt that Wen Yao's complexion was worse today than yesterday.

"I'm fine." Wen Yao replied in a lukewarm tone.

She didn't look at Jiang Shuyi's face, she remained silent, with a sense of alienation in her whole body.

"...But your complexion seems to be very bad." Jiang Shuyi stretched out his hand to touch Wen Yao's forehead.

Wen Yao avoided her hand very calmly.

"Do not touch me."

Looking at Wen Yao's icy expression, Jiang Shuyi couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

"Oh," Jiang Shuyi couldn't help but withdrew his hand, "I just want to see if you have a fever..."

Jiang Shuyi couldn't help but want to complain.

—I'm obviously worried about her, why is she so resistant?

"I don't have a fever, you don't have to."

Wen Yao replied calmly, his voice as cold and indifferent as ever.

"...Oh." Jiang Shuyi wanted to reply "That's good".

But before she could say it, Wen Yao raised his head and looked at Jiang Shuyi without moving his eyes.

"And, even if I have a fever, so what?"

"What does it have to do with you if I have a fever?"


Jiang Shuyi was suddenly asked such a question, and didn't know how to answer it.


Every time she hears such words, she still feels a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Shuyi puffed up his face and looked at Wen Yao, "Why is it okay? Of course."

After a long silence, Wen Yao looked at her, "Really?"

"Then what is our relationship?" Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi intently.

Jiang Shuyi noticed something trembling in Wen Yao's eyes.

It makes people feel pity.

Jiang Shuyi immediately replied: "You are my classmate... Isn't it right that I care about you?"

With a sullen face, Wen Yao slowly shifted his eyes away from Jiang Shuyi, "...that's not right."

Her voice was cold.

Jiang Shuyi was stunned for a moment, "...What's wrong?"

"You teach me to study, and I help you too... What's wrong with me caring about you?"

Jiang Shuyi listed his reasons like a child.

Wen Yao looked at her and sighed.

"Okay, students, come and gather, the teacher has something to say." Li Roujia stood at the door and clapped her hands.

Wen Yao walked over without saying a word.

"Wen Yao..." Jiang Shuyi could only follow.


After Mr. Li finished talking about the precautions, the students started to move freely and set off for the scenic spots they wanted to visit.

Wen Yao watched the people walk away slowly, then glanced at Jiang Shuyi who was still beside her, and walked out of the hotel alone without saying anything.

She held her own arms, and only put on a white wool coat uniformed by the school on top of the coat, which was very simple.

Jiang Shuyi watched her go out, and followed her at a distance.

Wen Yao seemed to know that she was following, but he didn't say a word.

They walked to the lake very close to the hotel without any destination.

A flock of lake gulls stayed on the sandy ground of the lake.

The weather is not good today, the sky is gray, and the gray clouds are rolling over the dark blue lake layer by layer.

As a winter scenery, just looking at this lake makes people feel very lonely and deserted.

The lake gulls circling on the lake cried out in unison.

Jiang Shuyi followed behind Wen Yao, looking for something to say:

"Wen Yao, there are many birds there..."

Wen Yao stopped for a moment, looked at her with some distaste, and didn't answer.

Jiang Shuyi suddenly felt that his words were spoken by a person without intelligence, so he changed the subject and said:

"...I heard that there is a famous dessert shop not far from here."

"Do you want to eat with me?"

"No." Wen Yao looked at the center of the lake as if nothing had happened.

"I don't want to go out today."

Wen Yao became silent again.

"But, you didn't eat much breakfast in the morning." Jiang Shuyi immediately followed her, with a worried expression on his face,

"Besides, I'm still a little worried about your health, you—"

"Jiang Shuyi."

Wen Yao's voice interrupted Jiang Shuyi.


Wen Yao turned his head to look at Alpha beside him, and sighed slowly.

She hugged her shoulders a little helplessly and whispered: "Sometimes you are really... so annoying."

Different from the usual indifferent tone, Wen Yao's words are obviously annoying, but they sound different...

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao.

The cold wind caused ripples on the water surface, and a drop of water landed on Jiang Shuyi's neck.

Jiang Shuyi raised his head in confusion, before he realized what was going on, the rain splashed on the top of the two of them.

The surface of the lake turned into a vast expanse of whiteness due to the sudden heavy rain.

"It's raining." Wen Yao said.

Jiang Shuyi took a look at her shirt that was wet by the heavy rain, and without thinking, he dragged Wen Yao back to the hotel.

Cold rain fell on the two of them.

Jiang Shuyi found that the hand holding Wen Yao felt a little warmth.

When they got back to the hotel, their hair and clothes were already soaked.

Jiang Shuyi stood in the lobby of the hotel, brushing off the rainwater from his body in some embarrassment.

Jiang Shuyi turned his head to look at Wen Yao beside him.

Wen Yao's already weak face became even paler.

Jiang Shuyi wiped the rain off Wen Yao's face, and led her to the elevator, "Go back to your room to take a shower and change into dry clothes."

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi and didn't answer.

The elevator opened slowly, and Jiang Shuyi dragged Wen Yao in.

"It would be bad if I caught a cold like last time." Jiang Shuyi pressed the number of his own floor, then looked sideways at Wen Yao, "Which floor do you live on?"

Wen Yao hugged her shoulders and looked at Jiang Shuyi with a huddled body and sighed.

"My room card is with Lin Qing."



I don't know if it was because of the rain, but Wen Yao's body smelled like roses.

Her hair, which was wet from the rain, also smelled very fragrant.

The aroma of pheromones bloomed in the elevator, evoking an unusual feeling in Jiang Shuyi.

At a loss, Jiang Shuyi looked away from the Omega in front of him,

"Wen Yao, then take a shower in my room first. If this continues, you will catch a cold."

The elevator stopped at Jiang Shuyi's floor, Jiang Shuyi sniffed, and looked at Wen Yao, who had no blood on his face.

The two entered Jiang Shuyi's room.

Jiang Shuyi immediately turned on the heater, helped Wen Yao find his own dry clothes, and handed them to Wen Yao.

"Go and take a shower."

"..." Wen Yao paused for a moment, then looked at Jiang Shuyi in a bit of silence.

Jiang Shuyi handed the clothes to Wen Yao, and hurriedly urged:

"Go quickly, don't catch a cold, I'm fine."


While Wen Yao was taking a shower, Jiang Shuyi dried himself off and changed into his own clothes in the room.

She then called room service and took both of their clothes to the hotel laundry room to be dried.

Jiang Shuyi stood in front of the heater, and after a while, his body became warmer.

The bathroom door opened.

The moment the door was slightly opened, there was a scent of roses in the room that was so fragrant that it made people feel uneasy.

Wen Yao came out wearing Jiang Shuyi's clothes and pants.

Maybe it's because I just took a shower.

There was a wave of water vapor on Wen Yao's body, and there was something tempting in his eyes.

Jiang Shuyi saw Wen Yao wearing his own clothes, coupled with that strong smell, his mind froze for a few seconds.

"..." She looked away guiltily, "Is it still cold?"

Wen Yao shook his head, but still didn't feel particularly energetic.

She looked at Jiang Shuyi weakly.

"Jiang Shuyi..."

At this time, Jiang Shuyi's phone rang.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao, then answered the phone.

"Hello?" It was Song Jinxi's voice.


"Jiang Shuyi, will you come?" Yan Jingshu's voice also sounded from the other side.

Zhou Jingtang's voice also came from the other side, "I will."

"We've arrived at that dessert shop now, do you want to come over?" Song Jinxi responded to the two people on the other end of the phone, and then asked.

"The cheesecake here is really amazing." Zhou Jingtang's voice sounded again.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao.

Wen Yao didn't know what he was thinking, and slowly approached Jiang Shuyi.

"I..." She was about to answer, the next second.

Wen Yao hugged Jiang Shuyi's arm without saying a word.

Looking at Wen Yao who was wearing his own clothes, Jiang Shuyi's eyes widened for a moment, and subconsciously blurted out,
