MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 48

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"Oh? Then you want to call me sister?"

Hearing these words, Jiang Shuyi put the shaken quilt aside.

"But my birthday is earlier than yours, Wen Yao."

"Accordingly, you should call me sister." Jiang Shuyi whispered, and looked at Wen Yao expectantly.

Wen Yao didn't have anything to say about Jiang Shuyi's brazenness and aggressiveness, but there was a hint of scolding and coldness in her eyes.


Jiang Shuyi seemed to understand her eyes, and pouted pretending not to care, "Oh, it doesn't matter if you don't want to call."

She scratched her ears, showing a very obvious disappointed expression,

"It's okay, it's okay."

"I don't really want to hear you call me that much..."

"If you don't call me sister, I won't call you either."


The rain outside the window was still falling, and a layer of fog slowly formed on the floor-to-ceiling windows in the room.

Jiang Shuyi took Wen Yao for a brief tour of his home, familiarized himself with the location of the rooms, first of all the bathrooms and toilets necessary for daily life.

And the study that Wen Yao would be interested in.

"My parents live on the first floor, but, as I said, they don't come home very often."

Jiang Shuyi and Wen Yao walked while talking.

When the two walked through the living room, Tang Wenzhen was on the phone discussing something with the person opposite.

From time to time, there are voices of criticism.

Wen Yao and Jiang Shuyi were walking in the corridor, and Wen Yao was walking beside Jiang Shuyi, and she rarely asked questions,

"Won't your father come back with your mother?"

"My dad is busier than my mom."

Jiang Shuyi yawned, walked lazily forward, and gave Wen Yao a simple answer,

"I think he's not in China right now. He just asked someone to send a box of Bordeaux back a few days ago."

"So, I think he must have gone to France."

"You probably won't see him recently." Jiang Shuyi said, leading Wen Yao up the stairs step by step.

"However, others are good."

Jiang Shuyi hugged his arms as he spoke, and thought slowly,

"He is a man who likes to put every little detail into place by himself. He is very particular and meticulous."

"He reads a lot of books, so he should be able to talk to you very well. The books in my study just now belong to him, and he has read them all."

Wen Yao thought of the study he visited just now. Indeed, none of the books seemed to be for decoration. Every book could be seen to be read by the owner of the study.

"Anyway, you don't have to be afraid to see him."

"However, my mother is also very busy." Jiang Shuyi lowered his eyes, showing a faint smile, "I was basically freed."

"Does she really not mind if I live here?"

Wen Yao remembered what happened at the door.

Jiang Shuyi hugged his arm, and laughed as if he knew it in his heart,

"Are you worried when you see her frowning?"

"..." Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi without denying it.

Jiang Shuyi laughed, "Don't look at her frowning all the time, it's because she forgot to wear her glasses."

"Her eyes are not very good."

"However, she is a person who likes people to say she is beautiful, so she hates glasses."

Jiang Shuyi put her hands in her trouser pockets, "It's just that she also hates wearing contact lenses, so she likes to frown when she can't see clearly."

"So it looks a little fierce."

Wen Yao didn't expect this reason, she blinked, "...that's it."

"And," Jiang Shuyi smiled, and touched Wen Yao's head, "My mother seems to like you a lot."

"So don't be too nervous."

"Really." Wen Yao is often not sure about such things.

Except for the teacher, she never felt that she had the ability to make a good impression on others.

And the teacher's good impression of her is just because of her good grades.

After all, she knew very well that ordinary elders would not like a person like herself very much.

Because she does not have the ability to please the elders.



Wen Yao returned to her new bedroom after taking a shower.

This bedroom is almost as big as her original room.

This made her a little uneasy.

The rain outside the window was still falling, and the pond and raindrops in the yard reflected light and shadow on the ceiling.

It may have been designed by people, and it looks like it has an artistic beauty.

Wen Yao lay on the bed and turned over. She stared directly at the ceiling and couldn't fall asleep.

As soon as I closed my eyes, it seemed that the moment when the man put his hands on his shoulders and began to shake violently would keep flashing in his mind.

"..." Wen Yao took a breath.

Suddenly feeling a little thirsty in his throat, he sat up quietly.

She went down the stairs, looking for some water to drink.

A dim floor lamp was still on in the living room.

The downlights in the hallway are approximately voice-activated.

All of a sudden it lit up as she passed by.

— What a convenient place.

Wen Yao paused for a moment, then continued to walk forward.

"Can't sleep?"

Before Wen Yao entered the kitchen, a woman's voice sounded.

Tang Wenzhen lay on the sofa and flipped through a page of the report, then raised his eyes to Wen Yao.

"..." Wen Yao glanced at the clock in the living room.

It's two o'clock.

It seems that what Jiang Shuyi said about his mother being busy is true.

Tang Wenzhen was wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. Her short and neat hair matched with this pair of glasses gave her a subtle sense of gentleness.

"..." Tang Wenzhen glanced at Wen Yao again, and flipped through a page of the report with his fingers, "Are you afraid of me?"

"..." Wen Yao paused with his fingers.

"It seems to be scared." Tang Wenzhen nodded.

"Xiao Wen, I'm not the kind of troublesome parent, so in fact, I didn't always play the role of mother during Jiang Shuyi's growing up, nor did I interfere too much."

"As a result, she is like a mule now, always getting into trouble and annoying."

Tang Wenzhen sighed, as if recalling many past events.

Wen Yao didn't answer quietly, thinking that this was the first time he met a mother who compared her child to a mule.

But I feel that she did hit a point.

"However, she seems to be getting better now."

"I think it's all due to you. You are her classmate. Jiang Shuyi is starting to study hard now, and it's also because of your guidance."

Tang Wenzhen hugged her shoulders straightly, and after a while, thoughtfully said:

"You're probably the one, the carrot hanging in front of the mule?"

It was the first time that Wen Yao was called a carrot, and he also didn't know how to respond to this sentence.

"I'm not in good health, so Jiang Shuyi is the only child."

Tang Wenzhen watched her get up calmly and walked to the corner of the open kitchen.

"But I'm a person who likes to be lively, so I don't have any objection to you moving into my house." Tang Wenzhen said slowly.

"You don't have to be too scared of me."

"..." Wen Yao didn't know what to say, so he could only say, "Thank you."

Wen Yao sat in front of the table in the dining room, and she watched quietly as the woman in a turtleneck took out milk and poured it into a small pot, and stood in the kitchen stirring the contents of the pot.

Surprisingly lifelike.

"What color do you like?" Tang Wenzhen asked.

"I..." Wen Yao couldn't think of what color he liked for a while, "I like them all."

Tang Wenzhen nodded, "Oh? Really?"

"It's normal for you to be unable to sleep in a new environment."

Not long after, Tang Wenzhen walked up to Wen Yao with two mugs.

One in her hand was a very simple black mug, and the other was a pink mug.

Tang Wenzhen handed the overly pink mug with a bow to Wen Yao, "You should like this, it's very cute."

Wen Yao had never used such a flashy mug, and his hand froze in the air for a moment.

But she still took it with a blank face, "Thank you, um, I like it quite a bit."

Wen Yao took a look at the contents of the mug, and took a sip without any rejection.


— very sweet, very sweet.

But it is a feeling of excessive sugar.

Wen Yao had never drank such a sweet thing after nightfall.

But the taste of milk and cocoa spread in her mouth, and for a while, her heart seemed to be much calmer.

"This is hot cocoa, I like it very much." Tang Wenzhen also picked up his cup and took a sip.

Wen Yao took a closer look at this slender and capable Omega woman.

It was really hard for her to imagine that Tang Wenzhen was someone who liked to drink such explosively sweet drinks.

"When you can't sleep, drink some hot milk and eat something sweet, and you can sleep well."

"Thank you." Wen Yao seemed to have heard the words from somewhere, and slowly took another sip of hot cocoa.

Too many things happened today.

Wen Yao looked at the rain outside the window and said nothing at first.

In the morning, when she took the bus back from the ancient town, she did not expect that she would move into Jiang Shuyi's house...

Tang Wenzhen looked at Wen Yao.

For some reason, he remembered Jiang Shuyi's words about Wen Yao's unaccompanied family.

"Are you missing your loved ones?"

Tang Wenzhen looked at Wen Yao with some concern.

"..." Wen Yao lowered his gaze, "I probably didn't want to."

Her voice is steady.

"..." Tang Wenzhen looked at her, "'Should'?"

"Because, I don't think they will miss me." Wen Yao said calmly, looking at the high-grade wooden floor on the ground.

They don't want me, and I think they are useless.

Therefore, they are people who should not be missed, and I should not miss them.

Tang Wenzhen was silent for a moment, walked behind Wen Yao and patted her on the head.


As if she didn't know what to say, she patted Wen Yao's shoulder again.

"Son, you must have suffered a lot."

Tang Wenzhen shook his head.


"Actually, it's nothing..." Wen Yao lowered his eyes and denied in a low voice.

Seems to really feel like nothing.

"Don't force yourself." Tang Wenzhen patted her on the head.

"You are still a child, you have to speak out when you feel uncomfortable."

‘You are still a child too. '

'She is still a child. '

"..." Wen Yao seldom heard someone treat himself as a child.

She thought, feeling a little complicated.

She didn't understand why Tang Wenzhen's words were so powerful.

Perhaps it was because she and Tang Wenzhen met for the first time today, and she could give her the care that her parents could not give her, which made her feel a little absurd.

Or maybe it was because Tang Wenzhen was a mother.

Maybe it's because she has similarities with Jiang Shuyi...

In short, for some reason, Wen Yao suddenly felt his eyes burn.