MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 55

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Jiang Shuyi was sitting at the edge of the table in the living room writing a question.

Wen Yao sat beside her very quietly, checking her physics test paper.

After a while, Wen Yao pointed to the question on the test paper with his finger, "This is wrong."


Jiang Shuyi took a look at Wen Yao's snow-white neck, and the soft long black hair fell on her shoulders, looking like a snow scene painting.

"If the next question is wrong, do another paper."

Wen Yao's quiet voice echoed in the cold air.

Jiang Shuyi quickly regained consciousness, her eyes fixed on the paper in front of her,

"Wen Yao, don't you think this paper is too difficult for me? Also, the homework you assigned today is twice the usual."

Wen Yao didn't speak, and looked at the book in his hand with a cold face.

"...Wen Yao." Jiang Shuyi pitifully called her name.

Wen Yao closed the book in his hand, looked into Jiang Shuyi's eyes with a cold expression,

"Jiang Shuyi, although I don't want to say such things, but I've been teaching you for so long, don't you make any progress?"

"Can't you do this well?"

"I've taught you everything I can teach you, Jiang Shuyi."

"I hope you can also come up with some results."

Wen Yao's tone was cold.

"..." Jiang Shuyi couldn't help but nodded in fear, "Oh, I'm sorry."

So fierce.


Jiang Shuyi noticed that Wen Yao asked a lot of difficult questions on purpose today.

Moreover, usually, no matter how badly he did, as long as he was not stupid, Wen Yao would patiently teach him.

However, today she didn't tell herself how to solve the problem at all, which made people feel extra mean.

Jiang Shuyi couldn't tell what kind of feeling this was, but she felt that it was Wen's revenge.

This is the revenge that I provoked by teasing Wen Yao about "building a nest" yesterday...

Jiang Shuyi lowered his head and wrote the question silently.

Jiang Shuyi knew that Wen Yao was extremely revengeful.

However, Jiang Shuyi felt that he didn't care at all.

—After all, the person next to me seems to say nothing on the surface, but in private he still quietly collects my clothes.

—Since she is so cute, I can understand her too.


Jiang Shuyi thought for some reason and began to shake his legs, and his mood became better and better.

Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi, "Jiang Shuyi, don't shake your legs when writing the questions."

There was a trace of alienation and indifference between Wen Yao's eyebrows and eyes, and he looked very strict.


Jiang Shuyi blinked his eyes, stopped shaking his legs, and started writing the questions again.

But it wasn't long before she began humming briskly again.


Wen Yao listened to the song Jiang Shuyi hummed at some point, but didn't say a word.

beep beep beep—

The sound of the phone vibrating.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at his phone, but it wasn't on.

She looked at Wen Yao's phone again.

Wen Yao's phone screen displayed a series of phone numbers.

Jiang Shuyi paused for a moment, because Wen Yao seldom used his mobile phone, Jiang Shuyi was a little curious about who would call her so late.

It should be an urgent number at this late hour, but the caller couldn't even see his name.

Wen Yao folded his arms and glanced at Jiang Shuyi, then tapped Jiang Shuyi's forehead with the red pen in his hand, "Don't be distracted by the things around you, concentrate on doing the questions."

She took her mobile phone and walked towards the balcony.

Jiang Shuyi lowered his head, watched Wen Yao turn his back, walked away to the balcony, then raised his head to look at Wen Yao again.

- who?

Jiang Shuyi pricked up his ears.

"Well, it's me, good evening..."

"Teacher Li."

Wen Yao, who was standing not far away, quietly called Teacher Li's name, Jiang Shuyi buried his head indifferently and continued to write questions with his legs shaking.

"Well, not yet."

The voice of Wen Yao politely answering Li Roujia on the other end of the phone came from the balcony.

"Well, I see, okay."

"That is, just send you the papers, don't you?"

"Ok, I see."


It seems to be the same chores as before.

Jiang Shuyi didn't understand why a monitor could do so many things.

Jiang Shuyi watched Wen Yao hang up the phone slowly and then sat back beside him, and for some reason remembered that when Teacher Li called just now, a string of unremarked phone numbers were displayed on the screen of Wen Yao's phone .

So, why didn't Wen Yao save Teacher Li's phone number?


Jiang Shuyi suddenly became curious for some reason.

Jiang Shuyi sat up straight and secretly glanced at the screen of Wen Yao's phone, and Wen Yao just happened to click on the SMS bar of the phone.

The message column was empty, and even the advertisement information was completely deleted, but only a dialogue column was left.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the message box with the word 'Jiang' written on it and paused for a moment.

The date stays on the text message she sent to Wen Yao to meet in the library last month.

For some reason, Jiang Shuyi suddenly felt that his brain couldn't get it right.

"..." Jiang Shuyi put his head on Wen Yao's phone.

"...are you a giraffe? Sit back."

Wen Yao patted Jiang Shuyi's head.

"Wen Yao." Jiang Shuyi touched his head which Wen Yao slapped, and quietly approached Wen Yao.

"Yeah." Wen Yao quietly operated the phone, and raised his head in response, "Why?"

Wen Yao raised his eyelashes and looked at Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi pointed to a corner of Wen Yao's phone, "Can I click on that little yellow icon in your phone?"

Wen Yao looked at the address book in his mobile phone, and was silent for a while,


Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi expressionlessly, his tone could not tell whether he was happy or angry.

"Wen Yao," Jiang Shuyi shook her shoulder, "show me that I won't bother you all night."

"..." Wen Yao paused for a moment and did not reply to Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao expectantly.

After a while, Jiang Shuyi's expression became a little inquiring.

"Is there something in your phone that I can't see?"

"No." Wen Yao answered firmly.


Jiang Shuyi blinked his eyes, his whole face seemed to be saying, 'You don't show me, you are guilty, you hide something that I can't see! '


After a while, Wen Yao moved his finger towards the icon with a blank expression and clicked.

Click on the icon.

The information belonging to the contact person column is expanded at once.

Compared with Jiang Shuyi's full contact book, which has everyone, Wen Yao's contact book has no names of anyone registered, and there are not even vocabulary entries related to family members.

The only remark is the word 'Jiang'.


Jiang Shuyi pursed his lips, for a moment he didn't know what to say to this contact book.

She glanced at Wen Yao, and then at the contact book that only had her phone number.

"Have you seen enough?" Wen Yao asked coldly, turning off the phone.


"Write your question, stop talking nonsense." Wen Yao said as usual.

Jiang Shuyi felt that his mood became very complicated.



The sky at the end of December doesn't look very bright, with dark clouds.

Jiang Shuyi turned over on his bed, but couldn't sleep for some reason.

She turned over on the bed a few times, and over and over again, the address book in Wen Yao's phone still appeared in her mind.

She is really curious.

Logically speaking, it would be very inconvenient if there is no note.

If I don't have a note, I can't tell who is who except for the more familiar phone number.

So not marking notes is very unreasonable for the little professor who pays attention to efficiency.

—So, what kind of situation is it that Wen Yao can only note my phone number in the phone?

— Except for my text messages, nothing else is left.


After thinking of an answer, Jiang Shuyi silently looked at the ceiling, feeling his heart beating a little faster.

"So, Wen Yao, will she—"

Jiang Shuyi's ears burned, and he turned over again.


The winter sun shone in through the window very gently, and in the moment it refracted into the window, it cast colored light and shadow on the ground.

Jiang Shuyi let out a breath slowly.


Song Jinxi and Zhou Jingtang walked in from the outside.

Looking at Jiang Shuyi's appearance, Zhou Jingtang took out a can of coffee from his pocket and placed it in front of Jiang Shuyi,

"Boss Yi, did you go to steal cattle at night?"

With dark circles in his eyes, Jiang Shuyi glanced blankly at the two people in front of him.

"No." Jiang Shuyi nodded his head and took the coffee, "I lost sleep a little yesterday, I was thinking too much about things, I couldn't think about it."

She is really curious.

Song Jinxi looked at Jiang Shuyi in disbelief.

In her opinion, Jiang Shuyi's sleep quality is so good, it can be said to be the most enviable one.

Zhou Jingtang leaned on her table, "What are you thinking about?"

"..." Jiang Shuyi glanced at Zhou Jingtang, thought for a while and said:

"One person's phone has no other phone number saved except yours."

"Why do you think this is?"


Song Jinxi took a look at Wen Yao, pulled out the chair and sat beside Jiang Shuyi with a look of eating a big melon.

Zhou Jingtang thought for a while,

"No one else saved it, but I saved it? Doesn't that mean I'm special?"

"I think, maybe in this person's heart, I should be quite important?"

"…Right? I—"

Jiang Shuyi sat up straight with some embarrassment.

-I think so too.

After a few seconds, Zhou Jingtang paused, took out his mobile phone, and then said,

"Of course, there is another situation. For example, this person doesn't call much, and happens to save a person's phone number."

"After all, the commonly used phone numbers will be there as long as you enter the beginning, but I am too lazy to remember some people's phone numbers."

He entered a few numbers into his mobile phone, "You see, when I called my mom, I just typed in the numbers directly, and I didn't make a note to my mom."

"So, it doesn't rule out that for that person, I'm just a person she saves that she doesn't really want to remember the phone number."

"There are indeed many possibilities for this, it's hard to analyze..."

Zhou Jingtang took back his mobile phone casually.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao who was reading a book in the distance, and his expression became uneasy.


Jiang Shuyi fell into silence.

That's right, Wen Yao really doesn't have much contact with other people, maybe he only calls Li Roujia.

She can't explain anything by remarking herself with a surname alone, and she can't express anything.

It even stated that she might not be familiar with her own phone at all.


At this time, the mobile phone in Zhou Jingtang's hand suddenly rang. He looked at the caller ID, picked up the phone without any hesitation and walked towards the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, okay..."

Zhou Jingtang hurried to the door.

Song Jinxi greeted him, "Zhou Jingtang, class will start soon."

"I'll be right back, my classmates from junior high school came to see me." Zhou Jingtang waved his hand.

"Junior high school classmate?" Jiang Shuyi raised his head vigilantly when he heard this word.

Zhou Jingtang didn't seem to hear Jiang Shuyi's question, and walked towards the door in a hurry.

"I'll come right over, you wait at the door for me to get off."

"Xiao Jiayu."