MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 58

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Saturday, eight o'clock in the evening.

Wen Yao walked quickly towards the direction of the crowd.

Today is the end of the year celebration.

Tomorrow will be New Year's Day.

The superposition of these two factors has led to the fact that most students should have entered the holiday atmosphere today.

But those students did not include Wen Yao.

A few days ago, she promised Teacher Li to do the record work.

So now she's sitting in the preparation room at the back of the auditorium preparing the camera for the recording.

The backstage of the auditorium is now in a mess, some people are telling the time, and some people are looking for people everywhere.

"One minute has passed for the show just now, let the announcer go directly to the next link." The teacher who manages the backstage said.

"There is a problem with the lighting in position c2. Put a sign to ask the students behind to take a detour. Go to the console and tell the lighting engineer over there."

"Put the props up after it gets dark, don't move ahead of time! Don't move ahead of time! How many times do I have to say that?" Someone patted the props loudly.

It was really chaotic tonight. Wen Yao heard that a teacher fainted and was sent to the hospital just now.

Wen Yao hurriedly walked from the back stairwell to the second floor of the stage. She adjusted the camera and checked the battery of the camera.

"No problem," the sophomore junior standing in front of her nodded at her, "Thank you, senior."

Wen Yao also nodded, and walked down the stairs slowly.

She looked at the group of people walking back and forth in the background, and closed her eyes a little tiredly.

She looked towards the auditorium, and her class was sitting in the middle.

Maybe Jiang Shuyi was among them.

Wen Yao narrowed his eyes, wondering where Jiang Shuyi might be sitting.


"Jiang Shuyi, your tie is crooked."

Some sweet voices sounded at the door.

Hearing the familiar name, Wen Yao looked towards the door.

Standing at the door was Yan Jingshu.

She was wearing the gown for tonight's show, a long black dress with intricate lace design. The neckline of the gown was very low, but it wrapped her exquisite body.

Her slightly curly hair was neatly arranged behind her head, and she looked much more mature than her previous sweetness.

"Oh." A familiar voice sounded right after.

Being reminded, Jiang Shuyi stood beside Yan Jingshu and straightened his tie without haste.

She was wearing a simple white suit and looked like she was paired with Yan Jingshu.

Jiang Shuyi's hair was simply tied up, looking very clean and fresh.

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi who appeared in the background for some reason, and stopped what he was doing for a moment, "..."

Wen Yao didn't know that Jiang Shuyi had a show today.

She had read the program list, and there was indeed Yan Jingshu's name among the performers' names, but Jiang Shuyi's name did not appear in it either.


Wen Yao walked in the direction of Jiang Shuyi with some inquiring mind.

But as soon as she took a step, someone grabbed her wrist, "Sister Wen."

She looked behind her with a sullen face. It was the sophomore girl from just now.

Seeing her cold expression, the school girl couldn't help shrinking her hands back.

"What's wrong?"

Wen Yao adjusted his expression and retracted his wrist.

"Just now the teacher told me that the number of headsets is wrong, and told me to go to the second warehouse to get them. I don't know where the second warehouse is..."

The expression on the school girl's face was a little frustrated.

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi who was talking to Yan Jingshu in the distance, hesitant to speak, and after a pause of five seconds, she turned around,

"The second warehouse is on the third floor. It's normal if you don't know. I'll go get it."

"Thank you, senior!"

Wen Yao walked up the stairs for a few steps, then stopped and turned back to look in Jiang Shuyi's direction,

Yan Jingshu was talking to Jiang Shuyi.

"..." Then Jiang Shuyi nodded, and after a pause, he remembered something interesting and laughed.


Wen Yao closed his eyes for a moment, pressed his fingers on his temples and stopped looking in the direction of the two of them.


Wen Yao went to the second warehouse on the third floor to get replacement batteries and headsets for recording cameras, and then walked quickly to the control room in the backstage. The windows of the control room happened to be able to see the situation on the auditorium stage.

"Ah, you brought the headset here, thank you."

The technician in uniform standing in the control room thanked him and began to adjust. Wen Yao nodded and turned to go out, but he heard the technician sitting on the console say:

"Turn the light on Yan Jingshu and her accompanist."

"Backlight off."

Wen Yao paused just as he was about to go out.

She turned and looked from the control room to the stage.

On the stage, Jiang Shuyi and Yan Jingshu walked to the stage one after the other to salute, and Yan Jingshu walked to the front.

Jiang Shuyi sat in front of that expensive-looking grand piano and flipped through the music score.

Alha adjusted the piano stool, and the sound from the stool echoed in the auditorium.

Jiang Shuyi paused for a few seconds and then adjusted the cuffs of his clothes.

After adjusting the strings, Yan Jingshu smiled at Jiang Shuyi.

Then, the sound of the piano sounded quietly in the auditorium, and then the sound of the violin slowly joined in.

I thought that the performance of ordinary high school students should not be very good.

But the performance of the two is very listenable.

Their performances are not dull. Among the quietly flowing notes, the piano and the violin seem to be in a dialogue, which has a calming power.

Jiang Shuyi didn't show much expression, and quietly stroked the keys with his fingers, as gentle as touching the skin of his beloved.

The two looked at each other from time to time while playing, and they seemed to have a perfect understanding.

Wen Yao watched the interaction between the eyes of the two on the stage.

For some reason, the image of Yan Jingshu and Jiang Shuyi practicing piano in the piano room with no one else appeared in her mind.

In such a closed environment, how did Jiang Shuyi look at Yan Jingshu with his eyes?

It seemed so logical for Yan Jingshu and Jiang Shuyi to be together.

One of them played the violin and the other played the piano, which sounded quite appropriate.

Wen Yao stared at Jiang Shuyi's slender fingers gently and quietly falling on the keys, but somehow Jiang Shuyi's fingers gently lifted Yan Jingshu's chin flashed in his mind.


Not long after, Wen Yao walked out of the control room in silence.


After the performance, Jiang Shuyi and Yan Jingshu walked out of the preparation room.

As soon as he went out, Zhou Jingtang and other students surrounded him,

"You can cooperate so well even though you haven't practiced once, Mr. Yi, you are too good."

"It's not the first time I read this score." Jiang Shuyi smiled calmly, "A few notes were actually played wrong just now."

"Really? I saw your expression and thought this would be a piece of cake for you." Some students were surprised.

"It's all fake."

"But," Yan Jingshu tugged at Jiang Shuyi's shoulder, she gave a sweet smile, "Shuyi still plays very well, and there are many parts that fit together just right."

"I think she plays better than the teacher."

Yan Jingshu raised her head and looked at Jiang Shuyi with a gentle and intimate expression.

Jiang Shuyi smiled restrainedly, "You are exaggerating."

"Do you have no complaints about my violin? It's been half a year since you last listened to my violin?"

Yan Jingshu rolled her eyes at Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi looked at her and was silent for a while, and thought about his choice of words, " handled the overtones of the violin well just now."

"However, if you can use more different timbres to deal with the same melody at the beginning, I think it may be better, and it may be more catchy."

Jiang Shuyi put his hands in his pockets, and looked at Yan Jingshu with some hesitation.

Yan Jingshu stared blankly at Jiang Shuyi, "You're right."

" have changed a lot"

Jiang Shuyi raised his head without knowing how to answer, and saw Wen Yao in an instant.

Wen Yao was not far away, as if he had noticed him.

Jiang Shuyi planned to walk towards Wen Yao.

"Jiang Shu Yiyan Jingshu, stand over here and take a picture."

The management teacher said and stopped the two of them and started to take out the camera to take pictures.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at the teacher, then at Wen Yao who had gone away, and could only say "hmm".