MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 64

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After a while, the teacher in the health room came back.

He took a look at Jiang Shuyi's foot and said it was just a sprain, and he also said that a cold compress would heal within a week for such an injury.

After Jiang Shuyi finished icing, he limped back to the classroom and continued his class for the day.


The evening self-study was over, and the two returned home.

As soon as Jiang Shuyi entered, he saw Tang Wenzhen who was slowly taking off his gloves at the door.

Jiang Shuyi skipped and walked to the entrance, glanced at Tang Wenzhen, and said in a low voice, "Mom."

Tang Wenzhen couldn't help frowning when she saw Jiang Shuyi's feet, her tone was harsh and blunt,

"What happened to your foot?"

"I bumped into someone, fell down the stairs, and got twisted." Jiang Shuyi stood at the door like a door **** and whispered.

Tang Wenzhen frowned as if she wanted to say something, but suppressed her desire to get angry and walked towards the living room.

"Go to the restaurant for dinner." Tang Wenzhen's tone was not very enthusiastic.

Several people sat at the dining table.

Today's dinner was very sumptuous, probably because today is Jiang Shuyi's birthday, so Tang Wenzhen asked his aunt to make a lot of Jiang Shuyi's favorite food, and filled the table.

Jiang Shuyi always has to say a few words when eating, even if no one pays attention to her.

Wen Yao sat beside Jiang Shuyi, and she behaved well when eating, and when Jiang Shuyi was talking, she also ate in small bites, as usual.

In contrast, Jiang Shuyi had two grains of rice on his chin.

"..." Tang Wenzhen watched Jiang Shuyi slowly put down his chopsticks.

After eating, Tang Wenzhen handed a card to Jiang Shuyi.

"This is a birthday present from your dad and me. Buy whatever you want."

Jiang Shuyi looked at the card and paused for a while, then took it, "Thank you."

Tang Wenzhen looked at the watch and sighed, "I won't be with you today, I asked my aunt to cook you a tonic soup to nourish your body, remember to drink it."

Jiang Shuyi obediently responded, "...Oh, I know."

Tang Wenzhen originally thought that she would lose her temper as usual, but when she saw Jiang Shuyi's reaction, she said "hmm", "You just know."

Tang Wenzhen asked her aunt some things before walking out.

It wasn't long before the sound of a Bentley's engine was heard in the yard.

Jiang Shuyi watched Tang Wenzhen go out, and jumped back to the room without saying anything.


As usual, after eating, I do my homework again.

Jiang Shuyi spread out his homework and started to do his homework. In the middle of writing, Wen Yao looked at his watch, slowly got up and closed his book, and walked towards the bathroom.

"You write first."

Hearing the sound of rushing water coming from the bathroom, or the sound of washing hair, some vague images flashed in Jiang Shuyi's head, and he put down his pen a little restlessly.

This is the aunt who just put the soup that Tang Wenzhen asked her to make in front of Jiang Shuyi.

"..." Jiang Shuyi sniffed the smell of tonic soup, and he didn't like it very much.

She sat in front of the table and stared at Butang for a long time.

Since she was a child, she never liked to drink this kind of bitter stuff with medicinal herbs, and she didn't think that drinking this kind of stuff would really have any effect, but thinking of Tang Wenzhen's words, Jiang Shuyi had no choice but to drink it down.

The sound of a hairdryer came from the bathroom.

"Have you finished?"

After an unknown amount of time, a hand with a scent of roses reached out from behind her, picked up her homework and turned two pages.

"It's all right." Wen Yao gently stroked her head.

Jiang Shuyi pricked up his ears to feel Wen Yao's breath, her smell was comfortable, which made Jiang Shuyi feel refreshed.

Jiang Shuyi raised his head, leaned back against Wen Yao's arms, and then her shoulders paused.

Wen Yao was wearing home clothes and looked very cool.

It was the first time she saw Wen Yao dressed so coolly, and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

For some reason, Jiang Shuyi became a little nervous. After a while, she felt as if something warm flowed down her nasal cavity.

Just one drop at first, then slowly and quickly a few drops fell on the ground again.

"Blood..." Looking at the blood on the ground, Jiang Shuyi was stunned, and pressed his nose.

Jiang Shuyi had never bled like this before, like a broken faucet, he couldn't stop no matter what.

Blood kept falling on the ground, and for a moment, I didn't know whether it was because of psychology or physiology, Jiang Shuyi felt an unpleasant sticky rust smell on her body, because of this rust smell, she had some difficulty breathing.

Wen Yao also seemed to be frightened by this scene, she walked around in front of Jiang Shuyi.

His hands were slightly stained by Jiang Shuyi's blood.

"I'm fine, Wen Yao, can you get me an ice pack?" Jiang Shuyi lowered his head and pinched his nose.

"Where did you put the ice pack...?"

Wen Yao didn't care about the blood on his hands, and asked calmly.


After Jiang Shuyi told the location of the ice pack at home, Wen Yao walked out of the bedroom.

After a while, she came back with an ice pack.

Jiang Shuyi put the ice pack on his forehead without pinching his nose.

Wen Yao stood quietly beside Jiang Shuyi, glanced at the soup on the table, "Is it the reason for the soup?"

"..." Supplementing the soup may be the main reason, and my own behavior may be the reason for the superposition of multiple factors. But Jiang Shuyi didn't dare to say it.

Wen Yao watched Jiang Shuyi's movements, took the ice pack and helped her press it on her head.

"Wen Yao, your hands are dirty by me." Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao's fair fingers and said.

Jiang Shuyi felt very sorry in his heart.

"I know." Wen Yao looked at her calmly,

Jiang Shuyi raised his head and glanced at Wen Yao, "I've never had so much nosebleed before, I feel dizzy..."

"That's it." Wen Yao adjusted the position of the ice in Jiang Shuyi's hand.

"It seems to be better." After a while, Jiang Shuyi felt that his nosebleed had stopped.

Wen Yao put down the ice pack, which had already melted a lot.

"Don't take a bath today, lest you get caught again."

After Wen Yao asked Jiang Shuyi to change clothes, he asked her to wash up. Today, it seemed that he planned to let Jiang Shuyi go and let her rest.

Wen Yao threw Jiang Shuyi's dirty clothes into the laundry basket and washed his hands.

Then, Wen Yao very naturally reached out and took down a towel after dipping it in water,

Jiang Shuyi washed away the stains on his face and chest.

"When washing your face, the water temperature should not be too high." Wen Yao warned.


Wen Yao followed Jiang Shuyi into the room, Jiang Shuyi put the presents in the school in a corner, and did not tidy them up.

Wen Yao glanced at the gifts in the bag. The students in their class were from good backgrounds, and there were some expensive things among those gifts.

The prices of some things are luxuries that Wen Yao can't afford even with all his savings, and for Jiang Shuyi, these are just things that are piled in dust in the corner of the room.

Wen Yao knew that this was a matter of course for Jiang Shuyi who grew up in such a family.

"Go to bed early." Wen Yao helped Jiang Shuyi to the side of the bed and sat down.

"Wen Yao," Jiang Shuyi saw that she was about to leave, and grabbed her wrist.

"I want to sleep with you…"

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi without saying a word, the scrutiny in his eyes made people flinch a little.

Jiang Shuyi shook Wen Yao's arm, and whispered in her ear, pretending to be pitiful,

"I can't sleep alone."

"..." Wen Yao didn't answer, and looked at Jiang Shuyi quietly, his eyes were suspicious of Jiang Shuyi's words.

Jiang Shuyi is a person who can sleep well anywhere.

Seeing that Wen Yao didn't answer, Jiang Shuyi threw himself into Wen Yao's arms with a smile all over his face, "It's fine if you don't speak."

Wen Yao didn't know where she got the fallacy, and opened her mouth slightly.

But when Jiang Shuyi saw that she was about to speak, he immediately got under the quilt.

Its movements are so fast that it can be said to be as fast as lightning.

Her newly limping foot didn't seem to hinder her movement in any way.

Jiang Shuyi blinked his eyes very nimbly, patted the place beside him,

"I usually like to sleep by the window, and I can give it to you today."

Jiang Shuyi started to talk to himself, and his face looked rosy.

"Of course it depends on which side you like..."

"I sleep well at night, I don't snore, and I can tell bedtime stories. I don't smell bad, it's the lemon balm you like."

"You can still hug me to sleep, I know you like my smell."

Jiang Shuyi's tone was eloquent, not without pride.

The furrows between Wen Yao's brows intensified, and his eyes fixed on this ecstatic Alpha.

Jiang Shuyi looked at her brows, and felt a cold low air pressure.

"I'm not talking," she said.

Jiang Shuyi pretended not to see Wen Yao's eyes, obediently closed his mouth and lay flat like a corpse.

Wen Yao stood in front of Jiang Shuyi's bed with arms folded, and after a while, he sighed.

Jiang Shuyi thought she was going back to her room, and the next second, Wen Yao reached out and "snapped" to turn off the light in Jiang Shuyi's room.

The room suddenly became pitch black.

Jiang Shuyi's heart skipped a beat.

"Sleep in there." Wen Yao's voice sounded coldly in the darkness.

Jiang Shuyi felt that Wen Yao sat quietly on the side of the bed and lay down beside him.

Jiang Shuyi felt his heart beating very fast.

There is a feeling that the happiness that I thought was out of reach suddenly fell into my arms.

—It's over, I'm so happy.

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