MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 71

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The next day, Jiang Shuyi and Wen Yao went to the airport together.

Because it was the morning flight, Wen Yao and Jiang Shuyi didn't sleep for long.

Jiang Shuyi felt as if he was woken up by Wen Yao just after touching the pillow.

She sat up in a panic, half of her body sticking out of the quilt.

The blinding light in the room made her sneeze.

Holding the quilt, she lazily called Wen Yao's name, as if she had completely forgotten how angry she was last night.

"Put on your underwear." Wen Yao called out to Jiang Shuyi expressionlessly.

Jiang Shuyi turned his head and looked at Wen Yao who had changed into a white turtleneck at some point, and put on a camel coat. He looked very simple and dignified, and even his posture standing in front of the window seemed impeccable, abstinence And serious.

Wen Yao at night and her during the day are obviously the same person, but they have a completely different feeling.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao's meticulously arranged hair, and his throat moved.

She couldn't help turning over and wrapping her arms around Wen Yao's waist, dragged Wen Yao down, and gnawed on Wen Yao's delicate mole.

"..." Wen Yao was caught by her and lost her balance. She let out a soft breath and let Jiang Shuyi bite herself.

Wen Yao also understood in the past few days that Jiang Shuyi's expression is like a single-celled organism, no matter whether he likes it or hates it, he has to bite his mouth a few times to be satisfied anyway.

Although, she didn't quite understand why Jiang Shuyi liked to gnaw on this place. When she was angry, she would gnaw on this place, and when she was happy, she would gnaw on this place.

"Have you had enough bites?"

Wen Yao glanced at her, as if hoping that Jiang Shuyi would realize his mistake by himself.


Obviously Jiang Shuyi is not aware of mistakes, she will only make mistakes again and again.

Jiang Shuyi hugged Wen Yao and kissed her. Judging by the meaning of her hand, it seemed that she not only wanted to bite her neck, but also wanted to take off her clothes...

"Don't delay," Wen Yao pointed to the alarm clock beside the bed, "Get up."

"..." Jiang Shuyi reluctantly let go of his hand, and slowly got up, "Oh."

Seeing her get up, Wen Yao said again: "Put on pants."

Jiang Shuyi looked for where his underwear was, and obediently responded, "Oh."


After Jiang Shuyi washed up, he quickly changed into a set of loose winter clothes and black jeans, and put his backpack on his back.

Her bag contained only a charger, a few summer changes of underwear, a wallet and a travel kit of her usual skin care products.

She has always felt that there is no need to bring too many things when going out. It is naturally best to fit in a bag. If there is anything that needs to be bought locally, it will be fine.

She took out her boots from the shoe cabinet, and was about to leave when Wen Yao grabbed her.

"I forgot to bring this." Wen Yao said.

Before Jiang Shuyi could ask "What did you forget to bring?", he felt his shoulders sink, as if there was an extra Egyptian slate in his bag.

"What did you put in—" Jiang Shuyi turned his head, and saw Wen Yaozai carefully stuffing the rest of her winter vacation homework into the bag.

Because Jiang Shuyi was lazy in the past two days, she wanted to bite someone after writing a few homework, and did not finish her winter vacation homework in advance as Wen Yao asked, which was the rest of her.

"..." Jiang Shuyi felt the weight of the homework, and his shoulders suddenly lost strength.

She looked at Wen Yao and whispered:

"Isn't it a bit of a sight to bring this over?"

"Everyone is playing, it's not good for me to do my homework alone, it will bring pressure to others, and they can't have fun..."

Wen Yao didn't say that Jiang Shuyi was the one who needed pressure, she also stuffed the last exercise book into Jiang Shuyi's bag,

"I'll accompany you."


Jiang Shuyi pouted, and walked forward unhappily.

"Before you leave, you must check the door locks, electrical appliances, and prevent fires." Wen Yao continued expressionlessly.

Wen Yao is indeed Wen Yao. Even though the house is well protected against theft and the security equipment in the community is complete, he still likes to make sure everything is safe.

"Oh..." Jiang Shuyi confirmed listlessly.


The two arrived at the airport by car. There were already people coming and going at the airport in the early morning, which made people feel that the place was overcrowded no matter what time of day it was.

Jiang Shuyi and Wen Yao got out of the car, because there was no traffic jam on the road, so they arrived 30 minutes earlier, and the others hadn't arrived yet.

The large screen in the center of the airport is reporting the national weather forecast. The weather in Huanshi is not particularly good today, with dark clouds. In contrast, the highest temperature in Haishi today is 30 degrees, which is hot even if you wear short sleeves.

Because Jiang Shuyi didn't have breakfast, he went to the restaurant at the airport and bought some breakfast.

When she came back with the breakfast, she found Wen Yao sitting at one end of the hall, holding a fragment of an ancient Greek philosopher's work and reading it.

She felt that there might not be many people who could read this kind of book at the airport except Wen Yao.

She quickened her pace and wanted to walk over, but found that there were many people around Wen Yao looking at her.

Although Wen Yao usually has a straight face, she is the type who attracts attention no matter where she stands.

The exquisite and elegant appearance is unforgettable in itself, coupled with her unique cool and dignified temperament, while making people daunting, they can't help but look back.

Jiang Shuyi is used to the fact that she often attracts a group of people to stop and look back for her without saying a word.

However, Jiang Shuyi felt that there were especially many such people today, and she felt a little uncomfortable when she saw the gazes of those people.

"Wen Yao."

Jiang Shuyi handed the breakfast to Wen Yao, but stared at those who looked at Wen Yao.

— What are you looking at? Look again, I'll blow your eyes out.

But even so, some people still take a few steps to take a look at Wen Yao.

Wen Yao wanted to take the breakfast, so he stretched out his hand.

Jiang Shuyi immediately put the breakfast behind his back, like a puppy begging for a reward,

"Kiss me once, and I'll give it to you."

Wen Yao said word by word: "There are people here."

"Just for a moment." Jiang Shuyi leaned on Wen Yao's shoulder and acted coquettishly, as if Wen Yao didn't agree to her, she was going to fight to the end.

Wen Yao followed Jiang Shuyi's line of sight and saw the person who had been looking at her, and sighed as if he knew what Jiang Shuyi was thinking all of a sudden.


Wen Yao felt that Jiang Shuyi didn't need to ask him to kiss her, because first of all, no matter what, there are countless eyes in this world, and there is no end to paying attention to each one.

Secondly, that person has nothing to do with them, and there is no need to care about them as pure others.

But looking at Jiang Shuyi's eyes, she still had no choice but to tilt her head and kiss Jiang Shuyi's face lightly.

Like superficial water.


Although it was just a face, Jiang Shuyi was still very satisfied. She looked at the opposite alpha who was looking at Wen Yao, with a smug smile on her face.

The person on the opposite side showed an embarrassed expression, and suddenly averted his gaze.

"..." Jiang Shuyi shook his shoulders happily.

Then an old couple walked past them.

The old woman watched their actions with a smile on her face, and said something to her partner, and the other smiled.

Jiang Shuyi also responded to the old couple with a smile. Seeing that the old couple had a good relationship, he turned his head and said excitedly to Wen Yao:

"We will also travel frequently in the future."

Wen Yao's eyelashes drooped slightly, and he gave a perfunctory "hmm".

Jiang Shuyi opened the breakfast box, and while eating, he continued to imagine the future. When he talked about going to the places that appeared in the movie to check in and take pictures, he also said which country he would take Wen Yao to travel and where the food was. It’s delicious, and I want to go wherever the scenery is beautiful…

Her imagination is boundless, and she has too many thoughts, as if she can't finish it...


Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi quietly, listening to her endless thoughts, but didn't answer.

When someone puts himself into the category of the future of life, I believe no one will not be happy.

Even Wen Yao won't feel unhappy when listening to it.

But she still reminds herself from time to time that if she is too full, she will suffer losses. She must set a limit in her heart and maintain her rationality at all times.

Don't take it seriously, don't allow yourself to be immersed in the emotions of the moment, and don't be carried away by emotions...

"Do you think this is good?" Jiang Shuyi smiled and turned his head to look at Wen Yao, with a good-looking look in his eyes.

"En." Wen Yao responded lightly.