MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 86

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"So, in the next semester, we should be able to conduct a cooperative experiment with K University."

Professor Wen covered the phone receiver and coughed.

Jiang Shuyi felt that when he wakes up in the morning, the professor does this occasionally.

Professor Wen glanced at the waiter at the restaurant who was ordering, and said in a pure London accent:

"Give me a glass of honey lemonade, please."

Jiang Shuyi was stunned for a moment.

"Professor, are you not feeling well?"

Professor Wen hung up the phone and put away the documents without paying attention, "Why do you ask?"

"It's just that I see that you usually drink black coffee, why are you drinking lemonade today?"

"..." Professor Wen glanced at Jiang Shuyi, "Occasionally I want to drink."

"But you don't usually drink this kind of sweet drink at all, do you? Do you have a cold?"

"..." Professor Wen sat on the chair and looked at her without speaking.

"May I take your temperature for you? My mother just prepared it for me when I went out—"

Jiang Shuyi put the thermometer he had just drawn out in front of the professor.

"It seems nothing."

Professor Wen turned a blind eye to the numbers on the thermometer and stood up. She straightened her collar and pulled away the chair.

— Thirty-eight degrees four or nothing?

Jiang Shuyi followed her, "Professor, please take a leave of absence? What if it gets serious?"


Professor Wen pinched the corners of her eyes as if she felt noisy, she walked back slowly, quietly took out the medicine box she was carrying with her, took out a few capsules very skillfully, and washed it down with lemonade.

"..." Jiang Shuyi glanced at the professor's medicine box.

— Has this person always carried so many medicines?

"Okay, I've already taken the medicine, so don't talk."

Professor Wen closed his eyes and pressed his temple.

"But, Professor."

"I know my body best. I said I have no problem. There is an announcement today, so don't waste time." Professor Wen walked out the door again,

Jiang Shuyi frowned and picked up the umbrella next to his seat, "It's been snowing in London these days, I heard that we are meeting in the old lecture hall of the hospital today, it's old and the air-conditioning equipment is not very good, if the fever becomes What should be done more seriously?"

"The society will not be closed because of my absence."

"I don't need anyone to care about me, Jiang Shuyi, take care of yourself and do your job well, that's the greatest help to me."

She said coldly, put on her coat and walked out of the restaurant door.

Jiang Shuyi shrank his fingers back slightly.

Indeed, what Professor Wen wants to do is none of her business as a laggard student.

"..." Jiang Shuyi nodded.

Having said this, Jiang Shuyi didn't dare to speak anymore.


The old lecture hall of the hospital.

Professor Wen stood on the top of the lecture hall, giving lectures without any leaks.

She was wearing a gray suit with a black loose turtleneck sweater inside. She held a paper in one hand and propped the other hand on the podium table, looking very capable.

Not to mention that now everyone in the audience raised their hands and asked her questions like a chariot battle, but she still answered those people without changing her expression.

Presumably anyone would think she is capable or clear-headed.

Who could have imagined that this person standing on the podium had a high fever?

—I really don’t know what to say.

After the study was over, Jiang Shuyi was going to go to the professor's side, a researcher glanced at her.

"Are you the student who was scolded by that Omega professor a few days ago?"

Researcher speaks fluent American English.

"..." Although Jiang Shuyi's English is not very good, he could hear that she was mocking him as soon as he listened to it.

Jiang Shuyi frowned, her embarrassing reputation had spread all over the past few days.

"That woman looks very neurotic. Is it hard to work under her? I think you were scolded and cried a few days ago." The researcher smiled.

Jiang Shuyi admits that Professor Wen's personality is not very good, but at this moment, how can this situation increase the ambition of others and destroy his prestige?

Even if she slapped her face swollen to pretend to be fat, she would praise the professor to the sky.

"Where is it?"

She lied bluntly: "Professor Wen is very good."

"Really?" The researcher seemed a little surprised when she said that.

"Our professors are very responsible."

—I have to learn it even if I have a fever of thirty-eight degrees, as stubborn as a cow.

"It will also guide me to write a report."

—Although it was basically criticism, he scolded me again yesterday.

Jiang Shuyi let out a sigh of relief, and continued: "She still distinguishes between public and private, and treats everyone equally."

—He has an iceberg face to everyone, and told me this morning to take care of myself and not to meddle in my own business.

"I have never met such a good professor."

—I have never met such a person before, hey...

After Jiang Shuyi finished speaking, he felt that his defense was about to be broken.

"Jiang Shuyi."

A cold voice sounded behind her.

"..." Jiang Shuyi turned his head.

The professor is right behind him.

She shrank her neck all of a sudden, and pursed her lips in fear, "Professor."

Professor Wen looked at Jiang Shuyi and the researcher beside her expressionlessly, "Don't talk too much with others, it's time to go back."

"oh oh."

Jiang Shuyi followed Professor Wen with some fear.


The two took a taxi back to the hotel.

Jiang Shuyi didn't dare to speak, and not long after, he found Professor Wen leaning on the chair of the taxi with his eyes closed and rested.

She hugged her shoulders, and didn't take off her glasses. When she closed her eyes, she felt a sharp feeling on her body.

— I have never seen such a person.

The taxi stopped in front of the hotel, as if he felt the car stop, Professor Wen opened his eyes and got out of the car with unsteady steps.

Jiang Shuyi settled the fare, saw the professor walking unsteadily, and reached out to support the professor's shoulder.

Professor Wen frowned, and insisted on walking back, "Jiang Shuyi, when I came back last time, I told you not to touch me..."

— Help me, the first sentence is this...

But this person didn't even have the strength to open Jiang Shuyi's hand.

"But, Professor, your temperature has risen again. How about we go to the hospital first?"

"I asked someone to take the medicine, don't worry about it." Professor Wen said indifferently.

—Is this person only able to say the three words "don't worry about it"?

Jiang Shuyi was silent for a while, seeing Professor Wen's gait that really didn't look like a normal person, he said stubbornly, "Then I'll help you back."

Jiang Shuyi also admired her for being able to fight against the Confucians logically and clearly in such a physical condition.

Jiang Shuyi helped her onto the bed in the bedroom.

Jiang Shuyi took off the professor's glasses, put them aside, and covered him with a quilt.

"By the way, Professor, you haven't eaten yet, right? I'll get you some..."

"I don't want to eat," the patient pulled up the quilt, turned his back to Jiang Shuyi and said coldly, "You can go out now."

Jiang Shuyi watched her fall into silence.

After a while, the door closed gently.

Professor Wen turned over and did not hear Jiang Shuyi's voice again.

Jiang Shuyi seemed to have left, the room became very quiet, it was a very suitable space to close your eyes.

After a long time, she felt that in the darkness, nightmares came one after another.

She always had nightmares, and she knew clearly that she was having nightmares, but she couldn't wake up, so one nightmare after another seemed to last forever...

"Professor, professor?"

She opened her eyes, and in front of her was Jiang Shuyi's worried face, "You seem to be having a nightmare."

"...Didn't you leave?" She sighed, "How did you get in?"

"Borrowed the room card." Jiang Shuyi shook the room card in his hand.

crime. Professor Wen frowned.

"I still think that you should eat when you are sick. I think sick people may not be able to eat sandwiches or anything. Liquid food is better, so I asked the people in the hotel."

"However, people in the hotel here say they don't cook porridge." Jiang Shuyi slowly brought over the things on the table.

"...This is England." The person on the bed sighed as if he was too lazy to criticize.

"I think the cooking of the people in this hotel is unpalatable, so I borrowed the kitchen and made you a bowl myself. Of course, I didn't say that their cooking is unpalatable..."


— A lot of talking.

—"I made a bowl by myself", is she the kind of person who likes to cook?

"I put it here, Professor, if you are hungry, eat it."

Jiang Shuyi smiled upright like a good student.

"...Thank you." Professor Wen lowered his gaze.

After a while, without hearing the sound of the door closing, Professor Wen raised his head from the pillow, looked at the porridge sitting in front of him, and then glanced at Jiang Shuyi, "...Aren't you going?"

"I just feel that there is a professor by my side, maybe I should feel at ease, don't I?"

"It's just a fever." Professor Wen sat up quietly and said indifferently.

"Being so worried by you, I will feel that I am almost hopeless."

Jiang Shuyi felt that this sentence was very irritating, but for the sake of whether this person was a patient or her supervisor, she stopped talking.

As always, Professor Wen lifted the lid of the porridge in front of him expressionlessly.

Jiang Shuyi pulled the chair and sat in front of the professor, chattering.

"Professor, why do you have so many medicines?"

"You also know that if you take too much medicine, you will become resistant to it, which will damage the body's immunity, and you will often get sick in the future, right?"

"Professor, you are usually so busy and don't eat on time, that's why you are so weak."

"I think the habit of drinking coffee every day is not very good, like I don't drink coffee."

Professor Wen glanced at her.

——I didn’t drink it obviously because I felt it was bitter, and I said it as if it was great.

"You can't stay in the laboratory every day, and occasionally you have to go out to bask in the sun, and you need to exercise more."

Professor Wen was too lazy to answer, she glanced at the porridge in front of her, it was still steaming.

She gently picked up the spoon and brought it to her mouth.

"Jiang Shuyi." Professor Wen pressed his forehead and let out a long sigh.

"Professor? What's wrong?"

"Have you never cooked?" asked the professor.

Jiang Shuyi was silent for a few seconds, then pursed his lips, and said firmly: "Yeah, I still did it..."

She took a guilty look at the raw egg porridge she had made, " it not delicious?"

In fact, she herself felt that this appearance was very close to the pictures found on the Internet, and she was a little confident in her heart.

The professor didn't say whether it was delicious or unpalatable, but he just quietly put the porridge into his mouth and confirmed the same:

"The rice is stuffed with raw."

She spoke very calmly.

Jiang Shuyi was stunned for a moment, "Huh? I read in the tutorial that it was cooked for that long..."

"In your case, you probably made a mistake in which step."

Professor Wen took another bite into his mouth without any surprise.

"The cooking time will vary according to the material of the rice, the amount of moisture, and the function of the kitchen utensils. Just like we do experiments, one step, one equipment error, will make the result very different."

Professor Wen seemed a little tired, speaking weakly,

"You keep making mistakes like this, and you lose files carelessly."

"..." Jiang Shuyi was silent for a while, with her head lowered, she really didn't care much about this just now.

Professor Wen looked at her expression, sighed again, and put another mouthful of porridge into his mouth, "I didn't intend to accuse you."

"Professor, don't eat it. I'll throw this away and cook you a new bowl." Jiang Shuyi was a little nervous.

"No need," Professor Wen didn't give her the bowl, "It's not that I can't eat it..."

Professor Wen looked at Jiang Shuyi calmly, and slowly put the remaining porridge into his mouth.

Jiang Shuyi felt that few people could eat so well.

"Anyway—" her hand stopped for a moment, she looked at Jiang Shuyi, "you won't die if you eat it."