MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 9

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As soon as the lunch break came, Wen Yao came out of the administrative building with the blank volunteer form in his class.

She had just walked a few steps when someone stopped her

"Wen Yao." Deng Ningxuan ran after Wen Yao.

"Are you going back to the classroom? Do you want me to help you get some of the things in your hand?" Deng Ningxuan walked over and smiled, reaching out to get the form in Wen Yao's hand.

"Thank you, but this one is not heavy, I can carry it by myself." Wen Yao, who was stopped, avoided Deng Ningxuan very nimbly.

Deng Ningxuan smiled awkwardly, but did not leave.

He followed behind her, and asked as if mentioning it inadvertently: "By the way, I see that Jiang Shuyi seems to be sitting next to you."

"En." Wen Yao continued to walk forward with a calm tone.

Deng Ningxuan followed, and then asked: "Did she bother you?"

"No." Wen Yao continued to walk forward and gave an unremarkable answer.

"Really..." Deng Ningxuan's expression was not very good when he heard Wen Yao's answer.

Next to the administrative building is the basketball court, which is now surrounded by students who have finished lunch.

Wen Yao had no choice but to walk forward against the crowd.

"Come on!"

"—Pass the ball!"

The voices of basketball and people came from the basketball court.

"Quick pass!"

"Pass it to me!" Jiang Shuyi's voice came over full of energy.

Wen Yao's footsteps paused slightly, and he turned his head to look towards the field.

Deng Ningxuan followed behind Wen Yao, and after noticing that her footsteps had stopped, he also followed her gaze towards the basketball court.

Jiang Shuyi was playing basketball with her classmates in the class, she rushed over sideways, snatched the ball from the opponent's hand, took off and shot it into the hoop.

"Jiang Shuyi seems to be quite good at sports." Standing beside Wen Yao, Deng Ningxuan said politely with a smile on his face.

"Well, indeed." Wen Yao's words sounded indifferent, but there was also a trace of approval.

Hearing her reply, Deng Ningxuan lowered the corners of his mouth, adjusted his glasses, looked at Wen Yao's side face, and said for some reason: "It's just that his grades are too bad, and he likes to make trouble."

Wen Yao didn't react too much when he heard this sentence.

"Scores aren't everything."

Deng Ningxuan couldn't help but groaned and frowned.

"Wow, it's coming in again!" The people on the sidelines cheered.

Seeing Jiang Shuyi score again, Wen Yao didn't notice that the corner of her mouth curved a little.

Looking at her expression, Deng Ningxuan gritted his teeth in displeasure, "..."

"...There are a lot of people here, I'm going back to the classroom first."

Naturally, it was impossible for Wen Yao to stop him.

"Really." She replied indifferently, but her eyes were on Jiang Shuyi's game situation.

Deng Ningxuan couldn't express what he felt in his heart, so he pushed aside the crowd and walked towards the teaching building in anguish.

It was the lunch break time, and many people outside the venue gathered around after eating to watch the fun, booing and cheering, and more and more people came.

"Senior Jiang, come on!" Someone yelled loudly behind Wen Yao.

After hearing the cheer, Wen Yao was silent for a while, turned around and was about to leave when a hand grabbed his wrist.

She looked behind her a little unhappily.

"Wen Yao! Did you come to see me play?!"

Alpha's voice is loud and clear like sunlight.


At the end of October, the ginkgo spreads a golden carpet on the grass in front of the teaching building.

The autumn sunshine is warm and comfortable.

"Let go." Wen Yao whispered.

"Oh," Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao with a smile on his face, let go of his hand, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, "I knew it was you at a glance."

Jiang Shuyi was still wearing the school's formal school uniform, and she was so hot that she couldn't breathe when she started exercising, her forehead was wet with sweat, and it slowly slipped down to her neckline.

Jiang Shuyi took off his suit jacket and tie and put them on his hands, "How did you come to see me play basketball?"

"I'm here to pick up the volunteer forms of my classmates, and I'm just passing by." Looking at the sweat on Jiang Shuyi's fair neck, Wen Yao looked away silently.

Her tone was very calm, as if she had never stopped in this place.

"Really?" Jiang Shuyi glanced at the volunteer form in Wen Yao's hand, and his tone became a little disappointed, "If you're not busy, why don't you stay and take a look?"

"If you don't understand the rules and worry about not understanding, I can tell you..."

After a while, Wen Yao didn't speak, she slowly raised her head to look at Jiang Shuyi, and the moment she was about to speak—

"Sister, are you thirsty? I have mineral water here."

A school girl Jiang Shuyi didn't know ran up to her, and eagerly delivered a bottle of unopened mineral water to Jiang Shuyi's hand.

Another Omega junior also ran over, "Sister, take mine, mine is a sports drink..."

Jiang Shuyi smiled politely and waved his hands, and sent the water back, "I have it myself, you can keep yours and drink it for yourself, don't waste it."

Jiang Shuyi finished dealing with his juniors, then turned his head to look at Wen Yao, "Wen Yao, you—"

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi, and said firmly, "The teacher still has something to ask me, I have to go back to the classroom first."

Her voice sounded a little impatient.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao with some disappointment, "Oh... If you have something to do, there is nothing you can do, go get busy."

Wen Yao turned around and left without saying a word.

Jiang Shuyi hung her shoulders, seeing Wen Yao's expression just now, she thought she would agree...


After returning to the classroom, Wen Yao went to the blackboard to erase the writing on the blackboard left by the teacher in the morning class, wrote the format of the volunteer questionnaire, and then started to sort out the class diary for this morning.

The last class in the morning is physics class, but the physics teacher forgot to sign and left.

She took the class diary and walked out of the stairs, just in time to meet Jiang Shuyi who was going up the stairs.

Jiang Shuyi stared at her intently, "Wen Yao..."

Wen Yao looked away uncomfortably.

"Wen Yao, wait a moment." Jiang Shuyi caught up with her.

Wen Yao stopped and looked at her, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Shuyi had just finished the game, with the heat of lemon balm on her body, after watching the person holding the log stop, she stretched out her hand and approached Wen Yao's forehead.

Jiang Shuyi's bosom carried a unique cool plant smell, as if it could break through the nerve endings of the whole body, it was infectious.

Looking at Alpha's slender milky white neck and the breath smelling of lemon balm, Wen Yao's fingers trembled slightly.

She leaned back against the wall in some astonishment.

"what are you doing?"

"Don't move." Jiang Shuyi wiped the chalk dust off her forehead with his hands.

Jiang Shuyi spread out his hands to show Wen Yao the ashes on his hands, "Here, you have chalk dust on your forehead."

Jiang Shuyi smiled and patted the broken hair on Wen Yao's forehead, and wiped it with his fingers, "Okay, it's clean."

Wen Yao stood on the spot and gave a shoulder pause.

Jiang Shuyi thought that this person was always watertight and foolproof, seeing her careless look, he couldn't help laughing, "You also have such careless moments—"

Before Jiang Shuyi finished speaking, Wen Yao slapped Jiang Shuyi's hand away, turned around and walked up the stairs quickly with the class diary in hand.


Jiang Shuyi looked at his beaten palm with a dazed expression.


Jiang Shuyi sat in his seat, staring at the hand hit by Wen Yao in a daze.

Not long after, seeing Wen Yao come back with the diary, Jiang Shuyi sat up straight, "Wen Yao..."

Wen Yao pretended not to hear and sat down.

"Wen Yao..." Jiang Shuyi poked Wen Yao with a pen, "You just slapped my hand away, what do you mean?"

Wen Yao didn't speak.

Don't answer her? OK.

There are policies and measures to counter.

Jiang Shuyi and her tablemate these days also understand that Wen Yao will not refuse students in the class to ask him questions.

She took out an exercise book and handed it in front of her, "Can you explain this question to me?"

Wen Yao glanced at the title of the exercise book, turned away, "...the chemistry teacher is in the office."


Does this mean to find the chemistry teacher by yourself, not her?

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao dumbly.

At this time, the classmates behind Wen Yao also called Wen Yao.

Wen Yao turned around, Jiang Shuyi pretended to look over casually.

Wen Yao was actually giving a lecture to that person.

- Is this differential treatment?

—Let me ask the teacher, and give a lecture to the students behind me?

—What is this person's so-called fairness and justice? What about the so-called unselfishness?

—Wen Yao!

—I wrote it all down in my little notebook!


Jiang Shuyi stood up from his seat angrily, abducted Zhou Jingtang, Wen Yao's former deskmate and junior high school alumni, and dragged him out of the classroom.

A few minutes later, Jiang Shuyi, who had stated the ins and outs, leaned his head against the vending machine on the first floor,

"...Why don't you just help her get some chalk dust? As for such a big reaction? You don't even want to tell me the question?"

A bottle of soda fell from the vending machine, and Jiang Shuyi gave it to Zhou Jingtang.

Zhou Jingtang looked at her as if she had come here, "Mr. Yi, you may not know that Wen Yao has a cleanliness..."

Listening to the information from 800 years ago, Jiang Shuyi glanced at Zhou Jingtang hesitantly.

"But she doesn't have to act like that..." Jiang Shuyi said slowly.

"Boss Yi, let's be fair..." Zhou Jingtang opened the drink Jiang Shuyi handed to him and took a sip, "You just played basketball, you are a person who smells of sweat and dirt, and you are in a cleanliness Some people may not be as clean as chalk dust in their hearts..."

Jiang Shuyi looked at Zhou Jingtang in disbelief, his expression suddenly collapsed, "...Yes, is that so?"

It turns out that in Wen Yao's heart, she is not as clean as chalk dust?

Jiang Shuyi lowered his head unwillingly, and returned to the classroom while smelling his sleeves.

How did she not smell the stink?

Jiang Shuyi returned to his seat, hugged his coat and took another breath.

Clean laundry detergent smell.

"Well, I still think it's quite fragrant..." As soon as the words finished, Jiang Shuyi felt a burst of gaze for some reason.

She raised her head stiffly and looked beside her.

Wen Yao looked at her school uniform in her hand, then glanced at her expression, turned her head without saying a word, and began to bury her head in writing the question.

Jiang Shuyi choked when he saw Wen Yao's polite and distant actions.


Now in Wen Yao's heart, he may still be a freak who hugs his clothes and sucks.