MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 92

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Wen Yao hugged her arm and turned around to look at Jiang Shuyi,

"The inspection of the thesis data is something you should do yourself. I am just your instructor, and I am not in charge of your defense team and grading."

"But overall, the biggest reason you're going to end up in a delayed situation is your own inadequacy."

"The major itself is to choose according to your own learning ability, adaptability, and suitability. As I said, you are indeed not suitable."

"..." Jiang Shuyi lowered his head.

Although she was self-aware, she was still a little frustrated when Wen Yao said that. In fact, she felt that the thesis she wrote was not bad, and she felt that there were classmates who wrote worse than herself. But in fact, he didn't pass it by himself.

Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi, tidied up the wardrobe in front of him,

"Is there anything you want to do in the future?"

"..." Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao, and began to put the book into the box, "I want to marry you."

Wen Yao is picking up something on the shoulder.

After a few seconds, she turned her head to look at Jiang Shuyi solemnly, "I'm discussing a serious matter with you."

Jiang Shuyi looked at her innocently, "I'm serious."

Wen Yao cast a helpless glance at Jiang Shuyi, "I'm asking you about the future, what kind of job do you want to do in the future?"

"If you ask me that way, I have a lot of interests in what I want to do, but I don't know which one suits me..."

"But I still have a goal for now." Jiang Shuyi rested his head on Wen Yao's shoulder.

Wen Yao looked down at Jiang Shuyi's hand, and asked in a gentle voice, "What target?"

Jiang Shuyi hugged Wen Yao tightly, as if thinking about the future, he said a little embarrassedly, "I want to be someone worthy of you."

"..." Wen Yao looked at the shadows of the two leaning together without saying a word, then lowered his voice after a while,

"You really like talking in your sleep."

Jiang Shuyi stuck his head in front of Wen Yao, "This is not a dream."


"Are you laughing at me again?" Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao angrily, "I'm really serious..."

After Wen Yao left the teaching building and arrived at the parking lot, she adjusted her seat meticulously and planned to start the engine.

Xiao Jiayu trotted over holding the documents.

He was wearing a straight suit and his hair was combed meticulously.

"Wait a minute, Professor Wen," Xiao Jiayu smiled at Wen Yao, "I want to discuss the personnel issues of this society with you."

Wen Yao raised his head slowly, "Which society are we discussing?"

"September, the one in Chicago."

"I have time before 7:30." Wen Yao looked at his watch, as usual.

Xiao Jiayu smiled warmly, "Well, I was going to have dinner with Mr. Chen and the others, but Mr. Chen is busy and can't come. It's rare that I have booked a private room in Qinghai Pavilion. How about we go together? Discuss while discussing while eating."

Xiao Jiayu also looked at his watch, "Well, just right, there is still some time before 7:30, professor, you haven't eaten yet, have you?"

Wen Yao doesn't like to discuss work matters while eating. It's not good to eat like this, and what she said is unfounded, which is unconvincing. But she thought of something, so she agreed,

"Go now then," she said, starting the engine.

"Of course, if you're satisfied, Professor, you can leave anytime." Xiao Jiayu glanced at Wen Yao's car that had already started, and smiled thoughtfully.

Xiao Jiayu looked at Wen Yao, "Then Professor Wen, am I going with you in my own car?"

"Well, I remember that you also have a car, otherwise it would be inconvenient to go home later, wouldn't it be convenient?" Wen Yao started the engine without any intention of taking Xiao Jiayu for a ride.

— It can be seen that the professor has no intention of drinking at all.


Xiao Jiayu nodded with a smile, "Okay."

The cars of the two drove past one after the other and stopped at the parking lot in front of Qinghai Pavilion.

"Professor Wen, let me talk to the front desk first, you can park your car slowly and come back."

Xiao Jiayu parked the car first, then walked into Qinghai Pavilion.

Wen Yao took a look at the signboard of Qinghai Pavilion, she is no stranger to this restaurant, and the taste is not heavy.

Although she doesn't like eating out very much, they often come here for research dinners.

As soon as she walked to the front desk, she saw Xiao Jiayu talking to someone.

"Are you out for dinner with your girlfriend?" Xiao Jiayu asked the person opposite with a smile.

Wen Yao glanced at the person who was talking to Xiao Jiayu, feeling a little annoyed.

"Associate Professor Xiao, let's go." Wen Yao called Xiao Jiayu.

"...Ah," Xiao Jiayu turned his head with a smile, "Have you parked the car?"

Jiang Shuyi looked at her, nodded respectfully and said hello, her eyes dodged a little, "Hi, professor..."

Wen Yao thought of Jiang Shuyi's inappropriate crying yesterday, he hesitated to speak.

"Hello, Professor Wen." Lin Siyun also followed Jiang Shuyi to say hello to her.

"..." Wen Yao nodded without saying anything, "Hello."

"Then eat slowly, Professor Wen and I went up." Xiao Jiayu said and walked into the private room with Wen Yao.

The dishes in the private room have already been ordered.

"..." Wen Yao sat across from Xiao Jiayu without saying a word.

"Professor Wen, are you in a bad mood today?" Xiao Jiayu scooped up a bowl of soup for her.

"No," Wen Yao said quietly, "Let's finish what we learned first."

The two talked for a while, and after deciding on the composition of this year, Xiao Jiayu took out the menu and asked, "Does Professor Wen want to eat anything else?"

"No." Wen Yao shook his head.

"I remember that there are many dishes that the professor likes here." Xiao Jiayu put a piece of vegetables into the bowl.

Wen Yao glanced at Xiao Jiayu, but didn't answer, "I want to ask about the graduation thesis review."

Xiao Jiayu nodded, "Speak."

"This year's graduation thesis review, there is a student in my laboratory who has not passed it. I think that among the three reviewers, only your score is unqualified."

Wen Yao lowered his gaze and said slowly.

Xiao Jiayu chewed the vegetables and raised his head, "..."

Wen Yao glanced at him, as if asking him why he didn't reply.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't expect Professor Wen to care about his students' grades."

He seemed to be looking at Wen Yao in surprise, with an expression of surprise on his usual gentleman's face from the bottom of his heart.

Wen Yao didn't answer.

Xiao Jiayu scratched his eyebrows, he nodded, and continued, "Although I know she is your student, but the topic of her thesis has been learned recently and new results have been obtained, so the previous data is considered to be wrong data. I think it is reasonable for me to give this rating, and it is also important to pay attention to the current affairs of the subject you choose."

Wen Yao quietly took out a tissue and wiped her hands,

"Associate Professor Xiao, the grading of undergraduate papers doesn't need to be so strict. The latest data can be put forward as a suggestion, and students can make up for it later. This is not a mistake, but a mistake."

"..." Xiao Jiayu showed a surprised expression for the second time.

He put down his chopsticks and took a sip of tea, then nodded slowly, "Okay, since Professor Wen said so, then I will discuss the specific situation with other teachers."

The two did not speak for a long time.

Xiao Jiayu touched his chin, thought for a while,

"Speaking of which, Professor Jiang Shuyi and you are completely opposite types."

He glanced at Wen Yao meaningfully.

"When I read the thesis, I felt that the student didn't look like your student, he was a bit careless."

Wen Yao took a sip of tea slowly, "If the students were all like me, I wouldn't need to be a professor."

"I mean, you really care about this student. I found that Professor Wen has a human touch."

Xiao Jiayu glanced at Wen Yao, and then smiled very gracefully.

Wen Yao glanced at the teacup in front of him, and said in a calm tone, "Because students can't graduate, they also have the responsibility of tutors."

"This is the lack of education from the tutor, and it will also affect my personal judgment." Wen Yao said coldly.

"Lack of education, she—" Xiao Jiayu seemed to be planning to continue asking.

"Associate Professor Xiao, time is running out, do you have anything else to say?" Wen Yao glanced at his watch.

"..." Xiao Jiayu glanced at his watch, "Then let's change the subject, you still don't want to date me on the condition of marriage?"

He said it very lightly, as if he was asking if he would like to have breakfast together tomorrow morning.

"Sorry," Wen Yaoyun stood up calmly, "I know myself."

"I'm not the right person to start a family with."