MTL - Welcome To the World of Strength [Unlimited Stream]-Chapter 18 werewolf and village

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While walking on the road, Wu Xing asked: "I don't know why you have trouble finding us?"

The reason why he asked like this is also emboldened. After all, the task is for them to solve the village chief's problem, and the village chief has a familiar attitude when he sees Wu Xing. Obviously, Wu Xing's role assignment in the NPC is the person who is called by the village chief to solve the problem.

After hearing Wu Xing's words, the village head did not hide anything too much, but sighed and said: "To tell you the truth, there are indeed strange things happening in our village recently, but the villagers can't find anything wrong with it." place, so... I still have to ask you to help."

Wu Xing said: "Well, tell me."

The village head said: "Although our village seems to be quite peaceful, but I don't know when, every night when the moon is full, people will die."

Because the village was still very quiet at night, and there were no people walking around outside, so all of them heard what the village chief said.

Shen Yuan was a little scared all of a sudden, "A supernatural event?!"

Zhao Yuan said: "It may not be a supernatural copy."

Only then did Shen Yuan heave a sigh of relief.

Although he looks fat and a bit strong, he is actually very timid, and he is most afraid of ghosts.

Now after this guess was denied, Shen Yuan felt much better in his heart.

Wu Xing asked: "Then what exactly happened?"

The village chief shook his head and sighed: "It's a long story, but it's also..." He paused, vaguely speaking, as if he didn't know where to start.

After a while, the village head said: "Forget it, it's a bit late today, everyone, rest first, I'll tell you more about what's going on tomorrow."

Since the village chief said so, Wu Xing didn't bother too much.

And even if they got the information tonight, there is no way to investigate.

Regardless of whether it is a copy of the supernatural direction or not, it is already dark now, and there are almost no street lights far away from the house, so it is not suitable for investigation.

In addition, everyone in the village thanked guests behind closed doors, and nothing could be found through investigation, so why not wait until tomorrow morning.

The village chief took them to two empty bungalows.

"You guys will live here today."

After speaking, he left.

The two small bungalows are next to each other, and there is a light at the door of each house.

Wu Xing looked at it, "Split the room?"

Although there are only two boys, considering the housing and the number of people, it would be best if they could be divided equally.

But asking him to take the initiative to call a girl over, Wu Xing couldn't do it.

Jiang Yu didn't want to get entangled in such an insignificant place, so she took a step forward, but before she could speak, she realized that someone was following her.

It's Zhong Yu.

Zhong Yu coughed with a pale face, "If that's the case, I'll go to the boys' dormitory with her."

Since they haven't exchanged names yet, there is nothing wrong with addressing each other like this.

Lin Hui frowned slightly, "Zhong Yu, come here, I'll change it with you."

However, Shi Jun would not agree.

The reason why she immediately followed Jiang Yu as soon as she took a step was to be able to live in the same place with him, so why would she agree to exchange with Lin Hui?

So Shi Jun smiled slightly, moved closer to Jiang Yu, and politely refused: "No, I think this is fine. And... I feel that being with this sister can make me feel more secure. .”

Jiang Yu glanced at Zhong Yu, not understanding what she meant.

But she didn't detect any malice from the other party, so Jiang Yu didn't care too much.

Jiang Yu said, "That's how it is."

She didn't want to get too entangled in dividing the room.

Seeing this, Lin Hui bit her lip, unable to say anything more.

Wu Xing touched his nose uncomfortably: "You two don't mind, as long as you don't mind."

Jiang Yu shook her head, "It's just a copy."

Besides, they haven't entered yet, so who knows what's going on inside?

Zhao Yuan didn't say much, "Okay, I'll take the two of them with me. Anyway, let's take a look at the room first, and change it if there is room."

So Wu Xing and Zhao Yuan opened the door together and stepped into the yard.

Inside is a typical rural bungalow structure, a main house, a bedroom, and a kitchen. Even the toilet is outside, a small square "house" made of simple bricks.

The corners of Shi Jun's lips twitched, with an indescribable disgust.

Wu Xing entered the room to check the situation, and then said: "One room, four separate beds."

Zhao Yuan: "It's the same with us here." After finishing speaking, she looked at Jiang Yu and the others, "Actually...if the beds are pushed together to form a big bed, we can still sleep if we squeeze together, you guys What do you mean?"

Now that there is a compromise method, Wu Xing doesn't have to divide the number equally, after all, he will be more or less uncomfortable.

Although in this world without laws, there are many scumbags who use their strength and power to threaten others, but Wu Xing is not such a person.

Lin Hui said: "Then Jiang Yu, come here."

Shi Jun looked back at Lin Hui, thoughtful.

Jiang Yu didn't struggle too much, "Okay."

The matter of the house was quickly discussed, and Zhao Yuan said, "Do you want to have a small meeting tonight?"

Wu Xing shook his head, "I don't have any extra information today, wait until tomorrow."

Zhao Yuan nodded.

After making the bed at night, Jiang Yu asked: "You said earlier that people with low levels enter the high-level dungeon and can get bonus points after clearing the level. What about people with high levels?"

Zhao Yuan looked at her, she didn't expect Jiang Yu to ask this question consciously, and she didn't hide it either.

"A person with a high level must maintain a high score evaluation in order to obtain normal points."

Jiang Yu: "Otherwise, points will be deducted?"

Zhao Yuan nodded, "And if the gap is too large, you won't get any rewards even if you get the first and S-level evaluations in the end. This is also to prevent people with higher levels from coming down to collect points."

Jiang Yu nodded.

When Shi Jun heard this, she sat on the edge of the bed and looked out the window, her gaze changed.

They hurriedly talked about this point, and Zhao Yuan took advantage of the situation and said: "Another point is that when a person with a high level enters a low-level dungeon, his strength will also be weakened."

Li Nanmeng was a little surprised when he heard the words, "Then you and Wu Xing's strength have also been cut?"

Zhao Yuan: "I don't have one, but Wu Xing definitely has one."

Li Nanmeng didn't ask any more questions.

Jiang Yu was a little surprised. She thought that after the dungeon levels were neutralized, there would be no restrictions on people with higher levels.

Zhao Yuan said again: "It is said that those S-level evaluation bosses will not advance or retreat after they reach the top. If they do not perform well in the dungeon, they may be deducted from the rank."

Jiang Yu was a little puzzled: "Is there no subdivision level for the S-level dungeon?"

This is Zhao Yuan's knowledge blind spot, after all, the one in front of her is mostly hearsay.

Shi Jun touched her throat, trying to relieve the itching, then coughed twice and said, "Of course."

Jiang Yu looked at her. Others also looked over.

Shi Jun supported her cheek with one hand, with a smile on her lips, "S-level dungeons are divided into two types, one is for grading and the other is for upgrading, both of which can be chosen independently, but The difference is that if you choose a rated copy, you can maintain their current level, but the difficulty will be slightly lower."

"If you choose to upgrade the dungeon, the difficulty will become higher, but there will not be too much risk of relegation, and the rewards are also normal."

But there is another exception, that is Shi Jun.

When she reaches the full level, she has only one copy to choose from. The upgraded copy of others is her leveled copy.

Zhao Yuan frowned slightly, "How do you know so much?"

Shi Jun smiled slightly: "Because I am studious."


The atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Shi Jun coughed twice, feeling weak, "As long as there are channels for this kind of gossip, if you search more, you can find it, right?"

Hearing her calm and confident explanation, Zhao Yuan couldn't help asking herself.

really? Will you be able to find... by probing and probing a lot?

Zhao Yuan shook her head and stopped paying attention to this matter.

"Let's wash up and go to sleep."

Although the background of this dungeon is a village, but fortunately there is a source of water, which does not make them feel too uncomfortable.

After washing up, Jiang Yu glanced out the window.

At this time, Shi Jun came to her side, and she laughed softly, "Look, the moon is almost full."

Jiang Yu pursed her lips and nodded slightly.

Shi Jun glanced at her profile, and asked intentionally, "Guess, who did the murder?"

Jiang Yu frowned slightly, unable to answer.

After all, they had just arrived in the village now, and the village chief didn't reveal anything, so of course Jiang Yu couldn't think of any information.

Seeing this, Shi Jun looked away, but she was not too disappointed.

After all, he is a newcomer, and after all, he only cleared one instance, so he should not be so active in his thoughts.

Then Shi Jun said, "Go to sleep."

Five girls slept in a large bed with four beds merged together. Fortunately, the bed was wide, so it was not too crowded.

In addition, the weather is getting warmer now, and it is summer, so it is not too cold. Of course, it was probably due to the influence of the climate in the copy, so it wasn't too hot.

Shi Jun was lying next to Jiang Yu.

She looked at the girl's side face and tapped her fingers lightly.

Jiang Yu noticed that the other party was still asleep, so she turned her head to look over, and asked her in a low voice: "What's the matter?"

Shi Jun rolled her eyes, "It's okay, it's just that my throat feels a little uncomfortable."

This is not really a lie. After all, since the novice dungeon, her soul body has been injured. Although the wounds of this body have been repaired, when I borrow this body again, the soul body will be damaged. The injury manifested itself.

This cannot be repaired no matter what, it can only be repaired with time or special props that affect the soul body.

But there were no special props, so Shi Jun had to wait for time to recover.

Jiang Yu didn't expect the other party to give such an answer. She thought... Zhong Yu was worried about the death incident that the village chief said. After all, the other party asked her this question before.

Jiang Yu said, "Then, do you want some water?"

Shi Jun looked at her, then rolled her eyes, "It's too late, tomorrow."

Jiang Yu glanced at her and pursed her lower lip. In the end, before she could say anything, she saw the other party suppressed and coughed.

Apparently she was trying to suppress her cough, but it didn't help.

After all, coughing, like sneezing, cannot be stopped artificially.

Jiang Yu sighed softly, "I can't fall asleep with you standing next to me like this, go get a glass of water."

Shi Jun glanced at the sky outside, "But, it's getting dark, I'm afraid."

She curled her lips, and her eyes revealed innocence.

The author has something to say:

Hmm_(:з」∠)_The audience has the perspective of God, so they must be able to guess, but Jiang Yu did not

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-2600:00:00~2021-11-2700:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 40 bottles of dark blue;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!