MTL - What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?-Chapter 853 return home

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  Chapter 853 Returning to China

   After the awards ceremony ended, Qi Lin was surrounded by countless people just as he walked out of the venue!

   "Mr. Qi! Mr. Qi! Congratulations on becoming the first Oscar winner in Asia! Can I make an interview with you?"

   "Mr. Qi Lin, you have defeated four very strong competitors this time. Do you have anything to say to them at this moment?"

   "Mr. Qi, the news that you have become an Oscar winner should have spread back. Is there anything you want to say to your fans?"

  The security guards tried their best to intercept those crazy reporters, but there were too many reporters, even if they held hands, they were almost rushed away.

  Seeing this, Qi Lin couldn't help feeling a little worried, and Wu Yong even brought his bodyguards to protect Qi Lin, for fear of any accident.

   Among the reporter crowd, there are still many Chinese reporters shouting.

   "Qi Lin! Congratulations on winning Best Actor!"

   "Hurry up and go! There are too many people here!"

   "Congratulations! Mr. Qi Lin!"

  It is undoubtedly a very happy thing to be able to hear the accent in other places, and Qi Lin also knows that these reporters are right, there are too many people, it is better to go first.

   Seeing that the security guards were about to be unable to stop the reporters, Qi Lin and the others finally got into the car.

  Under Wu Yong's foot of the accelerator, the car sped away.

   Qi Lin was relieved to see that the reporters did not catch up.

  Looking at Wang Xiaohua, she is holding an Oscar statuette, her eyes are a little red.

  Qi Lin laughed and said, "What's the matter, sister? Are you choking your eyes?"

  Wang Xiaohua's eyes were red, as if she could shed tears at any time.

   "I never thought that I could bring out an Oscar winner."

   After saying this, Qi Lin and Han Xue both laughed.

  This is a kind of bragging when I was a child, saying that I want to be a scientist when I grow up, but I didn’t expect to be a scientist!

   "This is the beginning, there will be more in the future."

  Qi Lin shrugged and unbuttoned the top button of his suit.

  Although the dust has settled now, his chest still feels a little hot.

   Not to mention Wang Xiaohua, even he himself feels like he is dreaming.

  Myself, I really won the Oscar winner!


   "What did I say? What did I say? When did Qi Lin ever lose? Hahahahaha!"

   "Awesome! What a goddamn!"

   "The first Hollywood actor in Asia! There is no one left!"


  Due to the delay, domestic viewers who watched the live broadcast just saw Qi Lin accept the award on stage.

   This time it was a blast!

   So much so that there was even a period of vacuum in the barrage that was densely packed before, and it took a full ten seconds before the barrage once again covered the sky and blocked the sun!

  The people in the circle were also dumbfounded, Qi Lin's friends in the circle immediately expressed their blessings!

  Wu Zhanlang: "Congratulations, junior, for becoming the first Oscar winner!"

  Principal Gu: "Congratulations."

  Hong Bao: "The blue is better than the blue!"

  Hu Ge: "I'll go! All right, brother!"

  Although it is getting late, it still cannot stop the carnival of netizens.

   Almost as soon as this news came back, it directly occupied the number one spot on the hot search list!

  As long as it is a social platform, a search engine, where everyone can see it, the first thing you see when you open it is this news!

  Although Qi Lin has won many awards before, they are all awards that Huaxia people have won.

  And this is the first time in the world, let alone such a golden award!

  The media that sent reporters were going crazy, they kept calling and urging, even if they didn't make an appointment for an interview, at least you should know when Qi Lin will return to China, so they can get stuck at the airport.

   And Qi Lin, who became famous all over the world because of "Inception", is completely remembered by everyone this time, at least in Asia.

  After returning to the hotel, Qi Lin found that there were no fewer reporters here than in the venue.

   No wonder the reporter didn’t follow me at that time, the co-author came to steal the house directly.

   But fortunately, the hotel's security measures are very good, allowing Qi Lin and others to return to the hotel safely.

   Without further ado, Qi Lin began to pack his luggage and prepare to return to Huaxia.

  Original plan was to take Sister Han Xuehua and others for a stroll in Lijian Country after the 'lost election', and to buy something to bring back.

   But looking at it now, it is definitely impossible to buy things. It is better to return to Huaxia as soon as possible, and we can talk about it when we have a chance.

  Morgan contacted a security company as soon as he received the news, and hired fifty bodyguards with live ammunition to **** Qi Lin to the plane.

   Even Morgan feels a little unsafe, but after all, it is a temporary employment, and it is not easy to find so many people.

  More than a dozen black bulletproof Saabs are in uniform, and the rate of return is as high as 90%!

  The group left the hotel in such a mighty way. Morgan had already sent someone to contact the airport, and the airport security personnel were also responding.

  Even so, Wang Xiaohua and Qi Lin were not relieved.

   After all, the world will never lack extremists, especially a kind of extremely racist people. After seeing an Asian man win an Oscar, no one can guarantee that they will not do something.

   It wasn't until everyone boarded the plane that the group breathed a sigh of relief.

  Wang Xiaohua found a comfortable posture and said: "The scale of returning to China may be bigger than this, so you should be mentally prepared."

  Qi Lin couldn't help but click his tongue when he heard the words, thinking that it might be true, after all, there are so many people in China!

   "Have you contacted the security company?"

   "Well, all the security departments are in place. I am afraid that there will be insufficient manpower, so I also found a few old brothers, and they also brought a lot of people."

   Li Hao replied in the back row.

  Because of worrying about Han Xue's safety, Qi Lin asked Li Hao to accompany her to Lijian Country, but now the domestic security department can only be handed over to Li Hao's brothers.

  Yanjing, Iron L Art Troupe.

   "I take back what I said before, I think Qi Lin is very suitable for this position!"

   "Well, Qi Lin is indeed a good candidate. In the face of sufficient ability, qualifications should be put aside."

   "We used to think that Qi Lin might not be able to suppress those arrogant soldiers, but now, our worries are a little unnecessary."

   "The times are different, if you have the ability, go up! If you don't have the ability, go down!"

  In the conference room, some people who opposed Qi Lin before all voted for it now!

   This made everyone in the Qi Party a little confused. Qi Chishui told them to wait for a world before, and Qi Lin would not be short of ten or eight years, but the problem is that this position is now at your fingertips!

   They looked at each other, and they couldn't pay attention.

  In the end, an old man from the Qi Party said: "We have to discuss this at night."

  Other people also understand what this means. If they change, the original opponents suddenly support, and they have to think about whether there is a trap.

  (end of this chapter)