MTL - What If I Can’t Die?-Chapter 568 human way

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【What should I do if I can't die】【】

What should I do if I can't die? Chapter 568 Human world

To be honest, with Wuyou by his side, he is not in a hurry now.

If it wasn't for a child outside, he wouldn't mind staying in this reincarnation for thousands of years.

"However, we can't take this loss in vain. After I recover, I'll see if I can break this small cycle from the inside."

Wuyou is also a vengeful person, unwilling to swallow this breath.

"I think so too."

Just as Song Shi said that, there was a bang, and the plane suddenly exploded.

Both he and Wuyou were stunned.

Time and space are distorted, their bodies are shattered, and their consciousness is quickly withdrawn.

"You two, I reunited you, isn't it good?"

The voice of Samsara Tianzun appeared, with some ridicule: "Since we met, let's be honest and reincarnate, we can't let the two of you seek reincarnation disk together."

Song Shi and Wuyou looked at each other with ugly expressions.

That's right, this is a reincarnation world controlled by others, how could they not notice what they discussed.

Especially this guy is also very good at calculating.

The two of them are pulled into deep space, surrounded by glowing worlds, the ones they left, where everything continues.

Reincarnation Tianzun appeared from the darkness, and looked at the two with a smile: "Next, you two should separate. I hope that after thousands of reincarnations, you still recognize each other and still have such deep feelings. If you can maintain it, it means that you two They really are a couple.”

"You might as well just erase my consciousness."

Song Shi said coldly.

"No, if you erase your consciousness, you won't be able to trap you."

Samsara Tianzun shook his head and looked at Wuyou: "As for you, I see that this is your clone, killing you will send back the information here, so you can't die, you can only get lost in reincarnation and forget everything. "

Worry-free gritted his teeth: "We really have no grievances or enmities with you, do you really want to be our enemies?"

"I have no choice. If I don't control you, there will be problems with my final arrangement."

Reincarnation Tianzun was a little helpless: "That's it, you two separate reincarnation until you forget everything."

Reincarnation Tianzun waved, and the two were separated and sent to two worlds.

"Since you are exhausted, you should know that you can't trap me. Sooner or later, I will break this cycle of reincarnation!"

Song Shi gritted his teeth.

"It is more likely that I will destroy your will and completely eliminate you."

Reincarnation Tianzun looked confident: "I don't think you can keep your original intention after thousands of reincarnations."

Song Shi looked at Wuyou, and left a sentence: "Don't worry about me, protect yourself."

After finishing speaking, he was thrown into a reincarnation world and started a new reincarnation again.

At noon, in Skystar City.

Beside an ordinary street, a ragged, skinny beggar raised his head, only two dark eyes rolled on his dark face.

Looking at the unfamiliar environment around him, Song Shitong Kong shrank violently, a little dazed.

I became a beggar, did that guy do it on purpose? Otherwise how come here.

He smelled a bad smell, which came from himself. He looked down, and saw that the arms were as thin as bamboo poles, and the claws without a trace of flesh were full of bones, but there was no flesh.

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【What should I do if I can't die】【】

At this moment, my whole body is weak, and my stomach is convulsed with hunger. I don't need to think too much, I know that my predecessor was starved to death...

Suddenly, there was a pain in the head.

He couldn't help groaning, the memory of the original owner of this body was accepted by him, he was indeed a beggar, and the original owner had just starved to death.

Thinking of this, his stomach twitched again. The feeling of being so hungry made his eyeballs turn green.

He found that the biggest problem before him was still to survive!

Song Shi thought about looking for something to eat, but found that his body was weak and weak. He had been sick for three days and three nights, and he had only a few breaths left...

"I just came back to life, won't I be starved to death again?"

Song Shi felt bitter in his heart, looking at the passers-by on the side of the road, Song Shi didn't have time to pay attention to their clothes, wanted to ask for help, but couldn't even utter a word, only humming weakly.


Unexpectedly hungry to such an extent, Song Shixin fell to the bottom of the valley, but the will to survive kept him from giving up, exhausted all his strength, and finally opened his mouth.

"help me…"

The hopeful voice spread out in despair, and several people passing by the roadside stopped and glanced at him.

"The beggar is starving to death!"

"It's so pitiful, the beggars who escaped from the south recently starved to death much better..."

The pedestrian's words of pity gave Song Shi a glimmer of hope, but then he found that those people just talked and then left indifferently.

His heart was extremely cold, he was like a dead dog, who would care?

If you want to live, you still have to rely on yourself.

Closing his eyes, Song Shi seemed to be dead. Under the scorching sun, pedestrians kept passing by, but no one cared about the beggar on the roadside, and even thought he was a starving corpse.

Two hours later, the scorching sun in the sky had slanted westward, and the motionless "corpse" on the street suddenly opened its eyes.

This time, he finally had some strength, stood up with difficulty on the ground, and moved a little farther away.

On the way, everyone who saw Song Shi would run away from him, he was too dirty and smelly, no one wanted to get close, it would dirty his body.

Song Shi's eyes were green at this time, he just wanted to eat, as long as it was edible, he would stuff it into his mouth without hesitation.

The front became lively, it was a market, all kinds of cries came and went, Song Shi walked in the darkest corner, afraid of being knocked down.

"The big fat pig that was just slaughtered, everyone, come and see it!"

A stocky butcher with shirtless arms and a shiny face was hawking, and on the table were whole pigs that had been slaughtered in half.

This is not the point, the point is that there is a piece of rotten meat on the ground, Song Shi's eyes are shining, as long as he eats this piece of meat, he can survive.


In a blink of an eye, a big fat black dog rushed out and ate the pork on the ground in one bite, extremely skillful and sophisticated.

"Nimma, I was robbed by a dog!"

Song Shi really wanted to kill this dead black dog, but when he saw the dog's body that was half a person tall, and he looked like he could be blown down by a gust of wind, Song Shi gritted his teeth and could only endure it.

"When I'm full, I'll kill you to eat meat!" Song Shi thought bitterly.

"Where is the beggar, hurry up, don't delay my business!"

The butcher found Song Shi who was hiding aside, with a look of disgust in his eyes, he raised the bone-chopping knife and said viciously.

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【What should I do if I can't die】【】

Song Shi shrank his head. The butcher had killed too many pigs. He stared at the big eyes of the copper bell. He looked very fierce. It's better not to offend him.

There seem to be vegetable leaves over there, you should not starve to death if you eat some.

"How did this dead beggar come in? Those guys probably went to drink again, and they couldn't even look at the door."

The butcher groaned, seeing the black dog in front of him, he showed a flattering smile, raised his knife to butcher a piece of meat, and threw it over.

"Give it to the dog and not to me. It's really not even as good as a dog." Looking back, Song Shi felt so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood when he saw this scene.

"Dead beggars don't get in the way!"

When Song Shi turned his head, he didn't notice that someone was coming from the opposite side. As soon as he heard a curse, he felt a pain in his stomach, and then there was a scratch in his chest, and he flew upside down.


He was like a ball, spitting blood, his body turned more than half a circle in the air, and fell directly a foot away, and his face was on the ground, his mouth was on the ground, and he ate a mouthful of dirt.

Song Shi was about to be kicked to death, he sat up blankly, "Since you are given such an identity, then you can change after you die."

Didn't Samsara Tianzun want to obliterate his consciousness? He didn't believe that if he changed too many identities, he would lose himself.

Host: Song Shi

"Huh? The little beggar's life is very hard, and he didn't die."

A voice of indifference and surprise sounded, it was the culprit who kicked Song Shi away?

This man was a young man, about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a frivolous face and narrow eyes. He was wearing a luxurious blue brocade robe and was shaking a folding fan in his hand. Stained red with blood, he didn't frown.

Seeing him, the butcher became even more flattering, bowed his head and said, "Master Ma, you're out to walk the dog again."

The boy didn't even look at him, instead he yelled at the **** dog that was eating pork: "Mighty, come here!"

The **** dog ran over wagging its tail, sticking out its tongue, waiting for the master's order.

"Bite him to death!" Pointing at Song Shi in front, his face showed cruelty, so what if his life is too big, he still has to die.

Song Shi trembled, and raised his blood-stained head. Seeing the black dog beaten by the calf, he grinned, showing his sharp teeth.

A feeling of grievance and hatred arose in Song Shi's heart. The man kicked him away inexplicably, and now he wants to let the dog bite him to death.

When did I offend him, just because I blocked his way, or because I wasn't directly raised to death?

Song Shi's eyes were red, and his heart was filled with killing intent. He had never wanted to kill someone so much before.

The stench approached, and a **** mouth opened wide. This **** dog has been specially trained, and it really wants to bite him to death!

Oh shit!

Song Shi roared in his heart, how could he die in the mouth of a dog.

He wanted to resist, but he was too weak, and now his bones were broken, so he couldn't move at all!

The dog's teeth were already attached to his neck, and in the next quarter of an hour, it could easily bite his throat.

"Damn it, I have to die again."

As soon as this thought flashed through Song Shi's mind, the dog in front of him screamed miserably, as if it had been hit by something, and leaned to the side.

"Ma Wei, you are really capable of killing a beggar!" A cold voice came from outside the crowd of onlookers.

This is a seventeen or eighteen-year-old woman with a lovely water spirit. She is throwing a stone in her hand. The stone is broken in one piece. It is estimated that the other half is a dog.

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【What should I do if I can't die】【】

Song Shi's heart was complicated.

There are also good people in this world, and it seems that they won't get up anytime soon.

"Hong Chen really tortures people."

He sighed in his heart, being weak is the original sin. If he was still in the last world, why would he be threatened by a dog?

"Chen Ziqi, you are nosy again!"

Ma Wei's face was ugly, it's not the first time that this **** has hurt him.

"What? Is he your slave? Are you allowed to let the dog bite him, but you are not allowed to save him?"

Chen Ziqi crossed Xiaoman's waist and pointed at Song Shi: "I will save this man today, if you are not convinced, you can do it."

"Okay, don't you just rely on your father to help you, I really think you are so good."

Ma Wei really couldn't win, so he could only curse and retreat.

Chen Ziqi glanced at Song Shi and said, "Would you like to go to my Chen family to do something for a living?"

She was afraid that Song Shi would be retaliated by Ma Wei, and she planned to shelter Song Shi for a period of time, and it was considered a meal.

"Thank you, I am very grateful."

Song Shi said seriously.

"Then you come with me."

Chen Ziqi waved to the people behind him: "He is too weak, please help him carry it,"

This is a short body guard dressed in gray, with a square face and sunken cheekbones, making him less honest and more worldly.

"Boy, you are lucky enough to meet Miss after several lifetimes of cultivation, otherwise you would have met Hades long ago."

The guard spoke with half teasing, three pity, and two contempt, lifted Song Shi up through his clothes, and respectfully followed the girl.


Song Shi was thoughtful when he heard this word.

He thought that this was the world of reincarnation, and the anger in his heart suddenly dissipated.

No matter whether it was because of Samsara Tianzun's intention or what, he felt that he didn't need to get excited because of this little thing, no matter how troublesome it was, it would be like that if he looked down upon it,

Next, he must focus on comprehension, control the way of reincarnation as soon as possible, and regain the initiative!

The girl in front didn't pay much attention to Song Shi either. In her eyes, this incident was similar to saving a cat and a dog.

But for Song Shi, it was a life-saving grace. He was able to enter the Chen family and become a special servant without a contract of prostitution.

a month later.


In the dark and damp room, the space is small, there is only one bed, on the bed a pale, thin boy about fifteen or sixteen years old suddenly sat up.

Cold sweat continued to break out on his forehead, and his chest heaved violently.


He let out a long breath, and a trace of bitterness flashed in his dark eyes, "I never thought I'd have this nightmare I'm so weak that I can't even control this kind of thing."

He glanced outside and calmly began to meditate.

This time, without any military skills, nutrient solution or exotic animal meat for him to eat, Song Shi improved very slowly.

Especially at the very beginning, his body was extremely weak, and it took nearly half a month to recover. He usually ate normally, but at this moment he only condensed his inner energy.

However, it is quite quiet here, there is no danger, and his mentality has changed, he is not as eager to become stronger as last time.

He saw it, it didn't matter whether he died or not, he practiced if he had the chance, and if he didn't have the chance, he would do it next time.

After cultivating for a while, Song Shi stopped after the power in his body became stronger.

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【What should I do if I can't die】【】


Pushing open the crumbling wooden door, a gust of fresh air and wisps of warm sunlight rushed towards his face, adding a touch of rosiness and a smile to his calm face.

He enjoyed the tranquility.

The other house slaves who had just got up turned their heads when they heard the voice, their eyes stayed on Song Shi for a moment, and then went about their own business.

They all know that Song Shi was picked up by the lady, and he is not a real slave. He may leave, so there is no need to get in touch with him.

Song Shi was also so happy, he enjoyed doing what he had arranged for him.

Although he didn't improve his strength much, he realized some rules of the world.

He has practiced the Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist, and this supernatural power needs to understand the Six Paths, that is to say, he has a foundation in the Six Paths.

Now trapped in the world of mortals and falling into this endless world, his understanding of the human world has deepened a lot.