MTL - What If I Can’t Die?-Chapter 574 Automatic training system

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【What should I do if I can't die】【】

What should I do if I can't die? Chapter 574 Automatic cultivation system

After eating for a while, the other guards and Cao Wenhong and others had almost recovered. They were a little surprised to see Song Shi cooking.

They feel that this master is very down-to-earth.

Chen Ziqi regained her strength, jumped up to Song Shi, smelled the mist from the pot, and said, "Wow, it smells so good."

"It's ready to eat."

Song Shi scooped up the mutton soup with his bare hands and took a deep breath, savoring it carefully.

There is still a difference between really and really mutton soup.

I usually can't detect it when I eat coarse tea and light rice, but now I eat this kind of strong taste.

Of course, it should also have something to do with his strength improvement and more and more insightful rules.

Feeling the food decomposing in the body, Song Shi had an idea again.

He can still use the rules of the body to absorb energy to simulate a more powerful stomach, and even turn the stomach into a magic weapon for smelting, directly and quickly decomposing and devouring the energy in the food.

Simply adjust the strength in the body, based on the intestines and stomach, and follow the specific rules. Song Shi's intestines and stomach are like a melting pot, and the food is broken down into the energy needed by the body as soon as it enters.

"The current step is more like creating martial arts and supernatural powers. I just follow the rules and when I can change the rules is my goal."

Song Shi was not in a hurry, he first followed the rules, became familiar with the rules, then controlled the rules, and finally he could break the rules naturally.

"Wow, it's delicious."

Chen Ziqi couldn't help admiring: "Mr. Song, your cooking skills are so good."

There was something strange in her eyes, Song Shi noticed it, and said indifferently: "Hurry up, I've been here for a long time, don't come to trouble again later."


Chen Ziqi began to concentrate on eating.

Song Shi got up, and he thought of a way to use the rules, that is to continue to adjust, try to combine the dantian meridian with the fake spiritual root, and let it work by itself, so that it can be practiced for a long time, and can improve even when sleeping.

It is best to come up with a system that can be self-cultivated, including absorbing spiritual energy, practicing Qi to transform into a god, and tempering the body.

"Yes, why should I practice so stupidly, just turn myself into a training machine, it's not true anyway."

After Song Shi realized it, he still fell into the habit of thinking, only thinking about practicing step by step, ignoring that step-by-step practice can also be practiced automatically.

He constantly adjusts the power in his body, simulates it into various needed things, and then combines them into a cultivation system.

"This is equivalent to a program."

Song Shi's face was strange: "My body is hardware, and this system is software. As long as there is energy, it can continue to run."

At this time, everyone had almost eaten, and before setting off again, Cao Wenhong came to ask him for instructions.

Song Shidao: "You can do what you want, and you don't have to ask my opinion on everything."

"Yes, senior."

Cao Wenhong ordered to set off and began to enter the mountain road.

Song Shi continued to study, and he found that it was not enough to automatically absorb and refine spiritual energy, he had to develop a system of body refining and spirit refining, so that the joint progress of spirit, energy and spirit would not cause restrictions.

By doing so, his ability is becoming more and more like the system, and he can continuously improve his strength in an all-round way. Of course, he can't improve as much in one go as the system for the time being, directly ignoring the normal laws.

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【What should I do if I can't die】【】

As he continued to tinker, the functions in Song Shi's body became more and more perfect, like turning into a training machine, devouring spiritual energy crazily.

His physical body, spirit, and true qi cultivation level have all risen, and these are all things that required him to spend time and energy before, but now everything is automatic.

"Oh, this is much easier than my previous cultivation. I will have my own system in the future, and it will be called the automatic cultivation system."

Song Shi was in a good mood.

Although this system is based on his advanced realm and is not suitable for other people, it is also quite powerful, something he had never thought of before.

Followed the team to send off the relatives to Jiangnan Province. When they arrived at Lucheng where the Cao family was located, two days had passed.

In the past two days, he has initially established an automatic cultivation system, which can be practiced anytime, anywhere. The cultivation speed is the fastest in a quiet state, the slowest when active, and will stop when fighting.

He only needs to adjust this system according to his own strength to adapt to the new cultivation base, and he spends much less energy and time than before.

So he didn't meditate and practice along the way. After the fake spiritual root was upgraded to the best level, through the rapid transformation of the spiritual energy of the spiritual world, his strength was raised to a small level again, and the speed was more than a hundred times that of other innates.

Entering Lucheng, Song Shi suspended the automatic cultivation system. There should be innate masters in this city. It would be too obvious if they could automatically absorb spiritual energy while walking.

The vegetation in Lucheng looks much greener than Yuncheng where the Chen family is located. The climate here is warmer, and the life of ordinary people looks better.

"It's like marrying into a rich place."

Song Shi thought to himself, at this moment, Cao Wenhong was angry at a servant: "Father, what are they doing? Why didn't they come to the city gate to welcome their relatives? Isn't this neglecting Ziqi?"

The latter lowered his head and said, "Third young master, something happened at home, which disrupted our arrangement."

"An accident?"

Cao Wenhong frowned, instinctively thinking of the dangers encountered on the road, and said in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

"'s not good to say here."

The visitor said in embarrassment.

However, Song Shi heard some whispers The team they sent off their relatives was not small, and they attracted many people to watch on the road.

"Which house is hosting a wedding?"

"Cao family, didn't you see the third young master of the Cao family in front?"

"Ah, it's the Cao family that got into trouble? I heard that several people have died."

"I'm afraid this marriage will not go well."

The originally beaming team suddenly became a little silent, and Cao Wenhong didn't say anything, just glanced at Song Shi. Said: "Go back first."

Song Shi is thoughtful, is this another faction that some forces do not want the Cao and Chen families to unite, and are secretly playing tricks?

He didn't say anything, but took a leisurely look at the shops and restaurants on both sides of the street, experiencing a different style.

After passing through several streets, I came to a mansion. The name of the Cao family was written on the plaque. There were also happy signs on the stone lions on both sides and on the gate, but the gatekeepers were not happy at all.

"Third Young Master."

The servant forced a smile and opened the door. As a result, there were a lot of white cloths hanging in the room, as if he was doing some errands.

Cao Wenhong's face became more gloomy, and he walked into the door: "What happened?"

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【What should I do if I can't die】【】

"Since the third young master went to pick up your relatives, people in the mansion have died for six consecutive days without any reason. At first, they were servants and guards. In the past two days, even the two wives have died. The death conditions are very miserable."

While speaking, the servant looked terrified.

Cao Wenhong was startled: "Where's my mother?"

"The eldest madam is alright, but she was also frightened." The servant hastily explained: "The ones who died are the fourth madam and the sixth madam."