MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 110

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Xu Tuoran stood outside the "execution ground" and observed for a while, but instead of going in directly, he walked to the side first.

On the one hand, it is to see how big the building is, and on the other hand, it is to look at the surrounding conditions. As a result, I walked a hundred steps to the left before reaching the edge of the building, and I saw another sign standing there:

[In view of the vicious incidents of insects fleeing from the execution site recently, in order to ensure the overall interests of the camphor forest, this passage is temporarily closed. It will not be unblocked until the matter is resolved. Staff who need to go further north, please walk through the execution ground. Note that once you enter, no reentry is accepted, please consider carefully before entering. 】

Xu Tuoran: "..."

The sign is not big, and it doesn't clearly state how big the scope of the seal is. Curiously, she took dozens of steps to the left and tried to step forward, but her toes seemed to hit an invisible wall, and she couldn't get over it at all.

Xu Tuoran still didn't give up, and went around to the right side of the execution ground. I saw a sign with the same content standing there. She tried several times, but the result was the same—it was impossible to pass through, as if there was an air wall standing.

From this point of view, if you want to go further, you can only cross from the execution ground.

Xu Tuoran sighed secretly, and while Xiao Fenhua looked up expectantly, he finally returned to the gate of the execution ground again. Behind the high wall is a circular building that looks like a huge cake. There was no bear on duty inside or outside the fence, so Xu Tuoran easily walked through the open front door and walked all the way to the door of the main building.

The wall of the main building seems to be made of metal, but the surface is covered with dry and slender plant roots, intertwined like spider webs. Xu Tuoran stood at the door, took out the marker pen again, and carefully traced all the rune patterns on his arm. Fang held the stone spear, pushed open the heavy door, and walked in carefully.

[Congratulations, you have obtained 2,500 mouth points! 】

Almost immediately after stepping in, the mechanical notification sounded in his mind again, Xu Tuoran is now very familiar with it. He held his breath subconsciously, and at the same time couldn't help thinking about a very important issue that was always ignored by him.

—Since it is linked to danger, why do you have to congratulate each time you are prompted? And it always emphasizes "obtaining"... What's the use of her obtaining these?

Xu Tuoran shook his head, got rid of this question that was destined to have no answer, and continued to walk forward.

She originally thought that the interior of the execution ground would be like a prison, or that it would be full of various instruments of torture. The truth is, the inside is very clean—at least the ground on the first floor is very clean.

The interior of the building resembles a large shopping mall with a large internal patio. There are light sources on the top of the building and in the surrounding corridors. Although the lights are pale and not bright enough, they are enough for Xu Wuran to see the current situation clearly—she is in the atrium on the first floor at this time, and the surrounding area is empty, without any furnishings, only a lot of standing Strong pillars. And looking up, you can see the floors on all sides, almost every floor, there are **** bears patrolling and shaking.

Slender black railings line the outer edges of the floor corridors. Through these railings, Xu Tuoran could clearly see that each of those **** bears held a stone spear. And just like the lady in the tea room said, their bear paws are different from those of the black bears outside. Covered with a layer of deep red, almost covering half of the arm.

There is no shelter at her location, Xu Tueran only took a quick look, and quickly hid behind the nearest pillar to avoid being exposed to the sight of the black bear upstairs—after figuring out how to get out of this place It's not a good idea to attract the attention of bears before the place.

Xu Tuoran kept his body low, while using the pillars to hide, while trying to find the stairs leading to the upper floor. The atrium is open, and she can see the end at a glance. She has just confirmed that there is no such thing as an exit on the opposite wall, at least by visual inspection. What's more, it's all here, and I always feel a bit disadvantaged if I don't touch it everywhere.

After searching around, I didn't find the stairs, but I found a rather dilapidated elevator. There is only an up button on the side of the elevator. Xu Tuoran poked his head out from behind the pillar, and rushed up to press the button while no black bear was paying attention. The elevator was on the right track, it opened as soon as it was said, and Xu Tuoran got in immediately without saying a word.

The moment I entered, I felt a piercing chill. There was a giggle coming from behind, Xu Turan raised his eyes, only to see that the elevator door in front of him had been closed, revealing the dusty mirror behind the door. In the mirror, a pale man was smiling at himself, showing a mouthful of black teeth.

"I haven't seen you before, are you new here?" He tilted his head towards Xu Tuoran, turned his head directly to his chest, and then slowly turned back, his voice seemed to be double-channeled , very three-dimensional, "It's so strange, you look like a human being."

"Will humans be caught by them too?"

Xu Tuoran: "..."

"It sounds like you've been here for a long time?" She looked directly at the ghost in the mirror and asked seriously, "Then you know this place well?"

Ghosting laughed again, the floor in the elevator car began to undulate, and countless arms stretched out from the floor, grabbing Xu Tuoran's calf.

"What do you want to know? Come on, be my nourishment. Let me eat you, everything I know, you will naturally know... ouch ouch!"

With the light tap of the stone spear, the two voices that were originally filled with eerie aura instantly turned into broken screams.

"Take it easy, why are you arguing?" Xu Tuoran angrily poked the mirror in front of him with the tip of the stone spear, "Back to the topic just now—you just said, what do you want, so you are willing to explain it?"

Ghost in the Mirror: "..."

Another moment.

The elevator goes to the second floor. Almost at the moment when the elevator door opened, a group of black shadows rushed out of it as if fleeing for their lives, and ran along the corridor in a panic. When passing the corner, one of them didn't stop the car, and was hit by a passing black bear. He was directly stabbed by the opponent's spear, and fell to the ground with a thud, and there was no sound in an instant.

On the other end, Xu Tuoran tiptoed out of the elevator, looked around for a while, and then walked in a random direction, still thinking about what he had just asked from the ghost.

According to the other party, this place is not so much an "execution ground" as a place of escape. Some abominations that strayed into the camphor forest, if they are too powerful to be killed by the black bears outside, will be thrown into this place and handed over to the elite version of the "Blood Glove" black bear to deal with.

After entering here, the abomination is locked in the hunting ground. Big black bears will hunt and kill all the bugs they see. They must hide carefully to avoid the pursuit of each other. At the same time, driven by their appetite, they will seize every opportunity to attack each other and try to devour other abominable things to grow stronger. itself.

As for where the exit is and how to leave, the ghost itself doesn't know—it pretends to be two to five million yuan, but it is only two or three days away from being released. It still secretly occupied this elevator while other abominations were killed. This elevator can only run between the first and second floors, and the **** bear generally only moves on the second floor and above, and will not go down to the first floor. Therefore, the utilization rate of this elevator is very low, and it is considered a relatively safe place.

Who would have thought that he ran into Xu Tuoran not long after occupying the position, and was forced to give up the position directly. It was bad enough.

And Xu Tuoran's evaluation of this is that these days, some monsters just have poor psychological quality. Appeared very unprofessional.

The brush of the pen fairy who has been huddled in the bag has already been blown out of flagella by the messy atmosphere around him. For his own personal safety, after thinking about it, he still reminds him that the stone spear must be held carefully when playing and playing.

After all, Xu Tueran's brain is half good now. Compared with his half-baked ability, Stone Spear is more reliable-and this guy is very intimidating, and can save a lot of trouble in fighting monsters.

Facts have proved that what Bixianzhibi said was correct. Xu Tuoran held the stone spear all the way forward, just like holding a gold medal for avoiding death, which is very conspicuous.

It just so happened that before she entered the execution ground, she strengthened the runes on her arms that resist hallucinations—it was equivalent to bringing a physical weapon while also enabling hallucination attack reduction by the way. Coupled with the fact that most of the abominations trapped here are prone to chaos, it is equivalent to canceling most of their mental attacks at once.

Therefore, Xu Tueran's life can be said to be a hundred ghosts bowing their heads and fleeing in the shadows. Apart from the need to avoid the **** bear that patrols back and forth, he hardly encountered any difficulties.

But it can't stand some monsters, it doesn't have eyes.

Does not have eyes in the physical sense.

This matter is also an oolong. The floor design of the second floor and above is different from that of the first floor, and there are many winding corridors. After Xiao Fenhua entered the execution ground, she also seemed to be frightened, shivering in her bag. Xu Turan could only **** for the way by himself, and after searching, he found a pool of blood.

She had been wondering why the **** bear would hunt and kill the abominations, but she didn't see any corpses of the abominations along the way. At most, she could only see some traces of filth. So after seeing such a puddle of fresh blood, she immediately squatted down to study it with great interest.

And when she was observing the blood on the ground, a similar pool of blood also quietly swirled above her head.

A translucent blood-colored octopus slowly emerged from the **** water, and stretched out its hand towards Xu Tuoran.

Just at this time, Xu Tuoran heard the "add three hundred" prompt again in his mind. She took it as a dangerous value by default and immediately turned her head alertly. At the same time, she raised the stone spear reflexively and poked it back.

The octopus had poor eyesight, so it kept moving towards her. By the time you realize it's wrong, it's too late.

With a thud, Xu Tuoran's stone spear precisely pierced into the octopus' head.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

This should be considered self-defense, right?

She thought uncertainly, and pulled out the stone spear with her backhand, bringing out a piece of dirty liquid, which splashed all over the ground.

Xu vainly dodged back, not being splashed, but still couldn't help frowning in disgust. Just as he was about to step forward to touch the corpse, he heard dull footsteps behind him. She paused, and immediately stretched out her hand to hold the little pink flower poking out her head from the bag, and dodged to hide in the corridor next to her.

The corridor was very short, and it reached the corner in a few steps, which was just right for her to hide. Xu Tuoran hid behind the corner, pricked up his ears cautiously, only to hear the dull footsteps getting closer, and not long after, he was outside the corridor.

Then the sound stopped - and then there was a rustling and rubbing sound.

Xu Tuoran's heart moved, and he poked out half of his head vigilantly. I saw a **** shadow lying in front of the abominable thing she stabbed to death just now, and a pair of big blood-covered hands touched the ground, as if trying to determine something.

Soon, it touched the hole that Xu Tuoran poked out. Immediately, he saw that bulky big head nodded affirmatively, then stood up, bent over and picked up the corpse of the abominable thing, carried it on his shoulder, and walked briskly away.

Seeing this, Xu Furan quietly followed. Using the cover of the corridor wall, she tiptoedly pulled in the distance from the **** bear. The moment she poked her head out, she saw the bear standing by the railing, throwing down the abominable corpse in her hand—

Afterwards, it clapped its palms in satisfaction, picked up the stone spear beside it, and turned to go in another direction.

I don't know if there are too many "bugs" here, covering up Xu Tuoran's aura. The **** bear left as soon as it said it, but it didn't notice her at all.

Xu Tuoran breathed a sigh of relief, walked carefully to the place where the **** bear was standing just now, and looked down, but all he saw was the cold ground on the first floor. The ground is empty and clean, nothing.

—Including the abominable corpse that she saw with her own eyes just now, thrown down by the **** bear.

Xu Tueran pursed his lips, suddenly seemed to think of something, looked around vigilantly, opened the backpack immediately, took out a silver box, took out a lump of mud from it, and kept shaking it in his hand.

Sure enough, with her movements, the scene below gradually changed—the originally clean ground gradually became old and dirty. Black bloodstains and green mold spots can be seen everywhere, and in the center of the floor, there is a small train——

Yes, the little train. It is the kind that usually drives around in the park for tourists to take sightseeing. The difference is that the roof of this small train is open, which belongs to the true sense of the open train. As for Xu Tuoran, he was also able to see clearly what was inside the carriage.

... I saw that the little train had a total of ten carriages except the front. Eight of them are empty, only the last two sections are full of corpses.

The corpse of the abomination.

Including the **** octopus that Xu Tuoran "accidentally" stabbed to death just now. It was lying limply on the top of the second-to-last train carriage, its thin and translucent body spread out, revealing the corpses of monsters of various colors piled up below—some were solid, some were like dark aggregates, shrinking. It was the size of a ball, exuding a lifeless breath.

Good guy.

Xu Turan was amazed. This is more than an execution ground, this is a dragon that even collects the corpse.

It's just that it's not known where the bodies will end up and when the train will start -- and the train still has several cars empty. Were the rest of the carriages also used for piles of corpses?

Xu vainly turned his mind and fell into deep thought for a while. The little pink flower hidden in the bag seemed to have sensed something suddenly, and suddenly became anxious, and sat up in shock in the dying state, while patting the outer edge of the bag anxiously, she flipped out of the bag anxiously.

The little rhizome sprained a bit when it fell to the ground. It stumbled and jumped two steps forward, recovered quickly, and ran in one direction holding the leaves.

Xu Turan didn't notice, and didn't have time to stop him. After a little hesitation, he followed. There are stairs to go up the second floor. She went up to the second floor, and hid behind the wall for a while because a **** bear passed by. And it was at this moment that she almost lost the flowers. When I caught up again, I saw the little flower rushing towards a corridor holding its leaves high.

A small black plastic flower pot rolled outside the corridor, from which some soil and broken roots scattered. In the corridor, there was the faint sound of grinding teeth. Xu Tuoran said inwardly that it was not good, and rushed to catch up, only to see a dark bat-like figure facing his back, two wings covered with strange sacs stretched out, almost filling the corridor.

At the same time, the little pink flower slipped under the opponent's wings. Xu Tuoran didn't know what was on the other side of the monster, so he felt a little flustered instinctively, and hurriedly threw the stone spear in his hand on the ground, spreading a layer of frost when it attracted the monster, and firmly bit the opponent's wings and feet, At the same time, he raised his stone spear and rushed towards the monster!

The stone spear doesn't look thick, but it still has some weight. Xu Tueran couldn't guarantee the power of his bare-handed throw. It would be embarrassing if he was disarmed instead of stabbing him directly. Therefore, she has always been able to poke whenever she can, and she pokes forward with both hands-but this also leads to a problem that she may not be able to hold back her strength.

Just like now. Almost at the moment she stabbed, a face suddenly grew on the back of the monster's head, and it let out a silent scream at her. It's noisy, but it's a pity that it doesn't have much effect on Xu Tueran. The stone spear went forward and poked it precisely along the opponent's open mouth. Xu Tueran could feel that the weapon in his hand was exposed to the air again after breaking through some resistance , and under the strong inertia, carrying the monster's body, continue to rush forward—

to die.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly stopped. At the same time, she could feel a little resistance from the back of the monster, and hurriedly used her feeling to lay an ice wall against the other side of the monster, thus slowing down the forward momentum.

With a click, the exposed tip of the stone spear plunged into the ice wall. Xu Tuoran took a deep breath, reversed his strength, and pulled out the stone spear in one go. The huge bat-like body disintegrated instantly, turning into a pool of black liquid, which flowed all over the ground.

Xu Tuoran frowned and took a few steps back, then looked forward, unknowingly startled—

She saw that in front of her was the ice wall that she hastily erected just now. However, inside the ice wall, for some reason, another layer of overlapping branches was frozen. Under the translucent ice, you can even see the green leaves on the branches.

She thought for a while, and quickly realized that the layer of branches was probably the resistance she felt just now—a certain existence behind the monster temporarily built a wall of branches in order to block her charge. And it just so happened that I activated the ice later, and the two walls were stacked together, and it was stacked like this.

Xu Tuoran cleared his mind and tried to raise his hand. She is not very proficient in using the ice wall, and she doesn't know that she can melt them directly, so she just gave the command to remove it in her heart—with a thought in her mind, the branches wrapped in the ice wall turned into crystal powder , drifting away inch by inch, behind the gradually lowering ice wall, a strange yet familiar figure appeared.

The upper body is human, but below the waist are the branches of trees. The feet were replaced by roots, which seemed to be broken a lot at the moment, and there were soil and plastic flower pots rolling around beside them.

Seeing Xu Tuoran behind the ice wall, he was obviously taken aback, and subconsciously covered the trunk of his lower body with his hands. Xu Tuoran tilted his head, stared at him thoughtfully for a while, and then looked at the little pink flowers rushing back from him, jumping around him and clapping non-stop with leaves.

"Are you sure this is your real father?" After a pause for a few seconds, she said to Little Fenhua, "This doesn't look like a big rose either."

The treant who was still paralyzed on the ground: ...

Regardless of whether Xu Turan thinks it looks like it or not, the little pink flower is jumping happily anyway.

The adults of the other family didn't seem to like Xu Tuoran very much, and just let her go coldly. But Xu Turan ignored him, and after observing the surroundings, he dragged and dragged him to another corridor, so as not to be hit by the **** bear who came to pick up the corpse.

Thanks to her excellent quick-freezing skills, the job didn't take too much effort.

"I haven't asked you yet." Xu Tuoran hid at the corner of the corridor, while observing the outside, while asking, "What's the name?"

Treant: "..."

"Yang Buqi." After a few seconds of silence, he replied softly.

"Okay." Xu Turan didn't look back, just nodded slightly, "Then what did you call me before?"

This time the tree man was silent for a longer time, before saying after a while: "I don't know you."

"Pull it down, we have the same watch, thank you."

Xu Turan said unceremoniously, then turned around and walked back, seeing that the other party didn't say a word, he smiled: "I thought you would deny it again. For example, it's a coincidence..."

"Anyway, you won't believe it." Yang Buqi sighed, and stretched out his hand to push the little pink flowers pasted on his body away, "I know you. But...but I don't remember it very clearly now. .”

He pursed his lips: "You may not believe it when you say it. But I am here, and I will indeed be affected and lose some memories."

"Believe it. Why don't you believe it. Human beings will lose their memory when they come in." Xu Tuoran said it as a matter of course, as if a decent human being would indeed grow half a tree trunk.

Yang Buqi opened his mouth: "But I'm not human..."

"But you do lose your memory. It's useless to tell me that, tell the boss here." Xu Tuoran said indifferently, and sat across from him, "Now, do you want to continue discussing this philosophy with me? Questions, or talk about something more practical?"

"..." Yang Buqi stared at her for a while, then suddenly gave a soft laugh, and casually pushed the little pink flower beside her a little further away.

"I came to this forest to pursue a certain truth. I forgot what it was, but it should be very important." After organizing his words for a while, Yang Buqi said in a deep voice, "After I came in, I walked all the way to the forest. At the Tree Roots Museum, where I encountered a black bear patrol. Because I was identified as a 'bug', I was attacked."

"Then you just smashed the inside of the tree root museum?" Xu Tuoran raised his eyebrows, "You buried the silver box outside the museum?"

Yang Buqi was taken aback for a moment, then sat up straight: "Did you see it?"

"...Ah." Xu Tuoran nodded, "I saw a tree branch in there..."

"The branch was left by me. I found the box at the time, but now I can't open it, and tried to pry it and failed." Yang Buqi said quickly, "So I wrapped it up and put it back. It was too urgent at the time. Yes, maybe some other sundries were mixed in...those are not important."

He paused and exhaled: "Afterwards, I ran all the way, because I couldn't go any further, so I could only enter here. You have seen everything after that."

"You don't look weak." Xu Tuoran tilted his head puzzled, "It doesn't look like you can't beat that monster."

" attacked." Yang Buqi's ears were slightly red, "I managed to melt the blood film on a **** bear's hand in order to go out - without the blood film, it would not be able to use the stone spear, so naturally it had to leave here .I want to follow it and find the exit."

"But it took me too much energy to solve that thing. When I was about to follow up, I was followed by other monsters, so I didn't make it."

"Other monsters?" Xu Tuoran asked back, "Isn't it the one I just hit?"

"No, I had a few rounds. One of them broke my… my foot. I couldn't move for a while. Then I got caught by the one you just saw."

Xu Tuoran: "Oh..."

She glanced at Yang Buqi's broken roots, and subconsciously frowned: "How long will it take you to grow well?"

"I can probably leave in a few minutes." Yang Buqi said, "But the ability will definitely be affected..."

After all, it is the roots.

Noticing Xu Tuoran's frown, he hurriedly said: "You don't have to worry about me. You can leave by yourself when you find a chance. I don't die so easily."

"Why are you going? Your son brought me all the way to find you." Xu Tuoran said casually, and Yang Buqi's ears turned red when he heard this.

"What baby, it's not... eh." He closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to talk more. Xu Turan didn't ask any further questions, but instead asked, "Did you see the little train on the first floor?"

"Yeah." Yang Buqi heard the words, and his expression became serious, "I have inquired about it. When the train is full, there will be a special bear to drive it away. The exit from this place will appear..."

"That means we can leave if we try to fill up the car!" Xu Tuoran clapped his hands, "Yes, it's easy!"

"...But it is very difficult to wait for it to be full." Yang Buqi continued with difficulty, "First of all, the monsters in the execution ground have been cleared not long ago. The two carriages you see now are as far as I know. I know it’s the amount for the past week.”

These are all extorted from the local abominations, and there should be no mistakes. And even if all the remaining abominations were killed, it might not be enough to fill the car. We can only wait for new bugs to be released..."

"What's more, some abominable things will only be left in a small ball after death. It is even more difficult to fill up such a volume."

Yang Buqi sighed.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

"I see." The excitement that had just been built up disappeared in an instant, and she nodded suddenly, "No wonder you have to work so hard to melt the black bear's **** gloves."

"Well... because it is said that when the 'staff' needs to leave, the exit will open automatically." Yang Buqi nodded, "But I don't know how long it will take to wait for the **** bear to leave by itself."

The **** bear is dedicated to his duties, and will not leave unless it is absolutely necessary, and his combat power is quite strong. He had planned for a long time to successfully deal with one of them. It's a pity that it fell short. And now that his roots are injured, it can be said that it is very difficult to do the same.

When Xu Turan heard the words, his eyes turned a few times.

"Big black bears are relatively new and won't leave easily. But... big pyrenes are not like that." She tapped her chin, "If there is a big pyrene here now, it will definitely run out without hesitation."

"Really? I haven't paid much attention to that thing." Yang Buqi pursed his lips, and suddenly a familiar sense of uncertainty floated in his heart, "And there is no big pyrene here."

Xu Tuoran turned his head to look at him for a while, then suddenly smiled softly.

She thought of the brooch experiment that she had been thinking about.

"If not, let's create one, won't it be done?"

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