MTL - When Golden Finger Meets Salted Fish-Chapter 565 find another way

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Jiang Mo and Yun Qingyue's premonition seemed to be wrong, and the two of them followed the main force along the way, and they did not encounter any more risks except for encountering some barriers. Even the ambushes who were worried at first did not appear at all—the entire mountainside was in darkness and silence, except for the movements of the monks opening the way, there were no other people or other sounds.

After half a quarter of an hour, everyone finally came to the deep mountainside of Tianyang Peak along the only tunnel. Unexpectedly, there is a vast cave space here, which is completely enclosed and formed naturally, without any traces of artificial carving.

The cave is not magical, but the amazing thing is that for thousands of years, the owner of this place did not even know that such a place existed.

It's incredible, isn't it? After all, even if the mountain crevice outside is inconspicuous, Tianyang Peak is not an inaccessible place. After all these years, even if it is a coincidence, someone should have been here.

But no, there has never been such a rumor, not only the disciples have not heard of it, but the managers have not heard of it either.

The people of Xuanqingzong were very silent, leaving aside their thoughts for the time being, they were all attracted by the scene in front of them—in the huge karst cave, several array pillars were scattered around, and the French words on them were broken, which should have been damaged. Seeing that these pillars are still very new, it is not difficult to guess that this should be the foundation of the evil formation, which was destroyed when the formation was violently broken.

Elder Ming Yu only glanced at it, then quickly waved his sleeves to completely destroy these pillars, lest the evil formation would have a chance to reappear. For those who witnessed this scene, some were stunned, some rejoiced, and some had eyes twinkling.

However, if the formation pillar is destroyed, it will be destroyed. Everyone's eyes glanced elsewhere, and then they quickly found the target of this trip—Ming Chen, the Supreme Elder of Xuanqingzong, as well as Sect Master Hehuan, Fei Yuan and other Mahayana periods. imprisoned here. They were locked in a cage half the height of a person, with their eyes closed at this moment, and it was unknown how long they had been in a coma.



The Xuanqing Sect has the most people, and the Hehuan Sect also has monks in the integration stage, and they also followed this time. Seeing this scene, they all rushed forward while being startled, wanting to rescue people immediately.

There is no other reason for being so eager, but the half-human high cage is like a dog cage, which is really insulting.

However, the few people had just rushed forward, and before they had time to check how to open the cage, all the people in the cage opened their eyes at this moment. Several people were pleasantly surprised when they saw it, and hurriedly asked: "Elder/Suzerain, how are you? Are you injured? Don't worry, we'll rescue you right away!" As they spoke, they tried to unlock the cage.

At this moment, Qing Yu suddenly shouted: "Quick back!"

In the previous battle, it has almost become a habit for everyone to cooperate, so when they heard Qing Yu's stern shout, they didn't even have time to think about it, so they instinctively followed suit. And at the same time they retreated suddenly, there was only a loud "bang", but the cages where several people were imprisoned exploded in unison. It's not a mechanism, but the people in the cage break free from collapse on their own.

The retreating person was stunned for a moment, so the elder/suzerain could not be trapped by the cage of unknown material? But that being the case, why didn't they escape? Could it be that because of the lustful power of the Nine Nether Sect Master, he didn't dare to do anything, and didn't do it until they came?

This kind of speculation is obviously too far-fetched, after all, the few people who were captured were not in the mood of sitting still.

Everyone felt discord in their hearts, but before they had time to think about it, the people on the opposite side who broke free from the cage rushed towards this side - judging by the momentum, it didn't look like they were here to reunite with relatives and friends.

None of the monks who have been able to practice so far are stupid and sweet, and they all became defensive when they saw this situation. And those people who were the first to meet and then backed away happened to be the first to encounter the opponent, and they failed to block their blows even though they were fully defensive.

With a "poof", someone vomited blood, and a fresh smell of blood spread in the air.

The Mahayana monks found out in time and acted in time, barely saving the lives of those people. But even so, Mingchen, Feiyuan and the others were only blocked for a while, and then continued to kill.

It was so abnormal that everyone thought of the magic pattern for a moment, but then felt strange, because even if the magic pattern was powerful, the resistance ability of Mahayana monks was obviously much stronger than that of low-level monks. Although Mingxi and the Heavenly Demon Sect Master were also infected and controlled by the magic pattern, it didn't happen overnight, but how long did it take for these people in front of them to be arrested? Is there a day?

Everyone was puzzled and depressed, but at this moment they heard Zhu Baiyi say: "It's not the magic pattern, it's the magic element!"

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The originally dark mountainside karst cave has been illuminated like daylight, so those black magic elements hidden in the dark are finally exposed to everyone's eyes—those jumping black gas seems to have consciousness, and will hide in the dark to avoid being caught. Discovery, will also suddenly change into a hideous and terrifying appearance at the moment of being discovered, trying to intimidate.

No one in the room knew Mo Yuan better than Qing Yu and Zhu Baiyi. After all, they had lived with Mo Yuan for a full year after they had fallen to the ground.

But the ones in front of them are obviously different, and it should be said that they have seen them better than before. They stayed for a year without being affected by those demonic elements, but now they are both Mahayanas, and these people were controlled by the demonic elements in one day!

This is not good news. After Qingyu finished talking about his experience back then, everyone quickly grasped the key point: "You encountered the magic element in the mezzanine space between the demon world and the cultivation world, and then the exit was suppressed and sealed. , then where do these magic elements come from now?"

Let's talk, ask questions, but in fact, everyone already has some bad guesses in their hearts.

After all, what Sect Master Jiuyou has done these years was originally considered a secret, but who doesn't know about it now? He was bewitched by the demons and wanted to open the passage to the demon world. It is hard to guarantee that he did not "find another way" in Xuanqingzong...

While Ming Yu led the people to resist Ming Chen and the others, his face darkened and he said sharply, "Look, find the source first."

Compared with the safety of these people in front of them, the source of the magic element is obviously more important. Therefore, those who still kept their hands did not care about the friendship of the same family, and completely let go of their hands and feet, and those who were able to make a move did not rest, and all went to find the source of the magic element. Interfering with the magic element during the period is not counted, what's more important is that this thing can also confuse people's hearts, and everyone fell into a trance when they found it.

Jiang Mo and Yun Qingyue are better, after all, they have experienced it before, so Jiang Mo is not in a hurry to send the senior sister back to the space.

But there is one thing, the worst guess in her heart may come true - Sect Master Jiuyou is a very conceited person, he is not fond of turning back, and most often goes to the dark side. Although breaking the seal of the demon world was plotted by the demons, since he has already done it, he may not have thought of reining in the precipice. And he is a selfish person, so the premise of releasing the demons may be that he can become a demon himself!

Jiang Mo searched for the source of the leakage of the magic essence, and asked the system in the sea of ​​consciousness: "System, was the last drop of magic blood swallowed by Sect Master Jiuyou for sacrifice? We killed him, but the magic blood is still there. Is he Can't it be resurrected with the magic blood?"

The system was silent for a while, and finally replied: "Yes."

Jiang Mo's heart sank, but she didn't need the system to be sure, she guessed it the moment she saw Moyuan. She also guessed that these demonic elements were supplements prepared by Sect Master Jiuyou for his own transformation. No matter whether he died or not, as long as he was not discovered by Xuanqingzong's people in the first place, he would be able to rely on these magical elements after his resurrection. Can recover strength at the fastest speed.

To be honest, this is much better than the Demon Race that was sealed for tens of thousands of years before being revived. Although the latter possessed the deputy head of the Demonic Sect, it took a lot of time to restore his strength after stumbling. Unlike Sect Master Jiuyou, he had already made sufficient preparations.

Jiang Mo woke up the dazed cultivator who was bewitched by the magic element with a slap, and immediately asked the system, "System, where is that drop of magic blood?" before the system responded. , and said: "When you play games to find things, you usually give the coordinates. Your game system won't be worse than ordinary game experience, right?"

The system got stuck when he heard the words, and felt that if the host asked to cheat, he shouldn't be too confident-this is not a simple collection task, sending a letter, and it didn't give the coordinates in the previous collection task!

Jiang Mo waited for a while without getting a response, but his tone became stronger: "System, coordinates!"

The system was silent for a while, and it was not known whether it was forced by the host's toughness or simply partiality. Its slander is its own, and in the end it actually reported the coordinates to Jiang Mo, and at the same time silently prayed that it would not be discovered by the main system.

When Jiang Mo saw it, he pulled his senior sister around without saying a word, and went straight to the magic blood. Compared with the rebirth tonic prepared by the boss for himself, it is of course more important to prevent the boss from resurrecting! After all, even if the magic element leaked from the damaged seal, with the nature of the Nine Nether Sect Master, he must ensure that he is strong before he can completely open the seal and let the demons invade.

In this way, there should still be time for the seal, she has to destroy the demon blood first, so as not to cause any further troubles!