MTL - When Golden Finger Meets Salted Fish-Chapter 610 extra thirty-two

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The system kicked its hind legs and cried for help, Jiang Mo's first reaction was that it was in trouble.

Yun Qingyue was not the case, her first reaction was to look at the person who grabbed the system. Then, at a glance, he realized that he couldn't see through the other party's cultivation, so he moved slightly, subconsciously covering Jiang Mo half behind him.

The two have been together for many years, how could Jiang Mo fail to see through Yun Qingyue's little trick, her heart immediately sank. But she didn't show it on her face, and the other party started the fight without a word of disagreement, she also thought that the two sides could talk. So she raised her hand and lightly pressed Yun Qingyue's shoulder, and then asked with a smile, "Senior, I don't know what my fox has done? If there is any offense, I will apologize to you on its behalf."

Before that person could speak, the system couldn't hold back the grievance, and took the lead in complaining, "I'm not wrong. I didn't do anything, I just passed by, this person came out of nowhere, and suddenly arrested me gone."

Jiang Moxin said this, because this place is really in the wilderness, and even if the system wants to cause trouble, it seems that the conditions are almost there.

But the situation is stronger than people, Jiang Mo still gave the system a look to shut up, and then said to the humane, "Senior, is there any misunderstanding? If so, please return the fox to me."

When Jiang Mo was talking to the system, Yun Qingyue was observing the other party, and the other party was also observing them. It's just that the man's eyes only swept across Yun Qingyue lightly, but fell on Jiang Mo for a long time... I can't tell what kind of eyes it was, but at least neither Yun Qingyue nor Jiang Mo felt it. Maliciousness, this is also the biggest reason why the two can be calm.

After Jiang Mo finished speaking, the man pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled, then raised his hand and threw the little fox over.

The system was terrified, it was just an ordinary fox with the skin on, and it couldn't fly. He screamed "Ahhhhhh" all the way and was thrown into Jiang Mo's arms. While the latter caught it, he also covered its mouth, "It's okay, don't scream."

After catching the system, Jiang Mo said to the human again, "Thank you, senior."

The man no longer paid attention to the fox. He put his hands behind his back, looked at Jiang Mo with interest, and suddenly asked, "A newcomer who just ascended?"

Jiang Mo and Yun Qingyue were immediately vigilant, looked at each other and replied, "It doesn't count, we have been ascending for a while."

These words were a bit lacking in confidence, but Jiang Mo and Yun Qingyue never showed it. It's just that I don't know what went wrong in this short sentence. The other party not only didn't believe it, but said thoughtfully, "So you two ascended together?"

This made Jiang Mo even more vigilant. Although she traveled smoothly after crossing into the cultivation world, she also had self-knowledge, knowing that it was because she hugged her senior sister's thigh from the beginning. Now this fairy world is really strange to them, and they are really helpless. God knows whether this casual encounter is a good person or a bad person?

The little tiger was so nervous that he was about to explode, and secretly held the props he exchanged earlier in his hand.

It's just that before Jiang Mo could do anything, she just got the props in her hand when the person opposite saw through. The latter didn't even raise his eyes, and just flicked his sleeves, and the two people here fell into a coma together.

At the last moment before Yun Qingyue lost consciousness, what he saw was the scene of the man putting all of them away with all his strength in his sleeves-the other party came for them, but they just ascended to the ascension, how did they provoke the other party?

Also, I don't know where the other party is taking them?

Jiang Mo and Yun Qingyue were in a daze, and they didn't know how long they had been in a coma. When they woke up again, they were in a completely strange place.

The little tiger secretly opened his eyes, glanced left and right, but saw that he should be in a cave that had just been opened. The furnishings in the cave were extremely simple, except for the bed under the two of them, there were almost no other decorations. But the environment here is good, at least compared to the place where the two retreated before, the fairy aura here is at least ten times stronger!

There was too little effective information, and Jiang Mo turned his mind a few times but failed to guess the actual situation. She habitually wanted to ask the system for help, but when she looked down and saw the little fox sleeping on her back, she remembered that there was no more cheats in the system.

Jiang Mo took a deep breath to calm himself down, perhaps startled by the movement of her inhalation, Yun Qingyue beside him also opened his eyes at the same time.

The moment the glazed phoenix eyes opened, it was clear. After Yun Qingyue quickly looked around, she sat up directly, and then she found that her actions were not hindered, and her cultivation was not blocked.

When Jiang Mo got up, he realized this after a while, and said softly, "My cultivation has not been sealed, who is that person? It doesn't look like there is any malice in arresting us. "

In fact, that person showed no malice from the beginning to the end, which is why Jiang Mo said so.

However, Yun Qingyue was obviously more vigilant than her, and said, "Maybe it's because you and I are too poor in cultivation, and people don't bother to seal it."

Jiang Mo choked when he heard the words, but had to admit that the words made sense. So the little tiger's heartstrings that had just been relaxed suddenly tensed up again. She looked around and suggested, "Then let's check the surroundings first?"

Yun Qingyue agreed. The two of them had just arrived, and they didn't know what the Xian family's methods were, so they were very cautious in every move. But fortunately, from when they got out of bed to tentatively leaving the cave, they never encountered any obstacles. There seemed to be no other traps or alarms to convey the actions of the two, so that the two quietly walked outside the cave.

After a while, two figures stood in a daze at the entrance of the cave, only the hem of their clothes was blown by the breeze.

"This..." Jiang Mo pointed to the valley not far away, speaking incoherently, and even raised his hand to rub his eyes.

Yun Qingyue was also surprised at first, but when he saw Jiang Mo's unsteady appearance, he calmed down first. She raised her hand and squeezed Jiang Mo's tense back neck, and said, "Relax, it's nothing, just some of your clansmen."

some, that's all...

Jiang Mo was a little dumb, maybe she had been in the cultivation world for a long time, and she was used to the fact that there was only one white tiger in the whole cultivation world. So suddenly seeing many white tiger cubs playing and playing in the valley in front of her, it really made her feel unreal—she suddenly remembered that this white tiger of hers was not the original one, and she didn't know what the white tigers in the fairy world were capable of. Will you see the clues again?

Thinking about it this way, where can Jiang Mo relax? She became even more tense, and turned her head to wink at Yun Qingyue, but she was worried that her words would be heard, so she dared not speak out.

Fortunately, Yun Qingyue had a good understanding with her, and soon understood it, and didn't know what to do for a while.

And just as the two looked at each other, a huge white tiger suddenly appeared in the valley. The tiger cubs who were playing and fighting with each other saw this, their eyes lit up immediately, and they turned their heads and rushed towards the big white tiger.

But the big white tiger didn't want to get entangled with them. With a flick of its tail, it leaped and left the cubs behind. He ran extremely fast, the valley was obviously far away from Jiang Mo and the two of them, but he only jumped a few times, and appeared in front of them in the blink of an eye. Then he transformed, revealing a familiar burly figure.

There is no need to explain this time, Jiang Mo and Yun Qingyue both understood that the other party went to find Jiang Mo on purpose.

Sure enough, the man said to Jiang Mo, "I'm Bai Er, and I'm of the same clan as you. The patriarch told me that another clansman succeeded in ascension, so he asked me to look for you. It's just that I thought you ascended from another plane." , I went to the Immortal Terrace of Xuantian Continent last, so I was a step too late, and I couldn't find you immediately. I caught that fox because it was contaminated with your breath."

Hearing this, Jiang Mo carefully looked at Bai Er's eyes, and saw that his eyes were clear and sincere, obviously he was not lying. Of course, he certainly didn't see anything wrong with Jiang Mo, so he wondered if the patriarch would see it?

Thinking of this, Jiang Mo lowered his eyes slightly and asked, "I don't know about this. Will all the clansmen who ascended stay here?"

Bai Er seemed to have heard something, but he didn't show any displeasure, but said, "Of course there is no need. But I think you are still young, and you have just ascended. Wouldn't it be good to have the protection of your clan?"

Jiang Mo retorted, "I just ascended, but I'm not young anymore, I've already grown up."

Bai Er laughed when he heard this, and asked her back, "Then how old are you?"

Cultivation does not know the age, Jiang Mo really hasn't counted his age for a long time, and after hearing the words, he still made the calculations in his heart and said, "It's five or six hundred years old, I don't remember the specifics." After finishing speaking, he emphasized, "But My cultivation base is sufficient, and I have grown up long ago."

Bai Er laughed even more happily, he suddenly waved from a distance, and the group of tiger cubs he left behind ran over immediately upon seeing this. One by one, they climbed onto Bai Er's body in a childlike voice, shouting "Awoo" and "Aww" loudly, and they all called Bai Er "Brother". Thinking about it, this big white tiger looks majestic, but it has not been an adult for long.

Yun Qingyue was originally a plush lover, seeing so many furry little tiger cubs at once, the slightly frowning brows were unknowingly relieved. Jiang Mo was the same, fluffy cubs were always adorable, and she looked at these tiger cubs as if she were a child.

Bai Er was amused by their reaction, suddenly pulled one off his shoulder, and asked, "Xiao Ba, how old are you?"

The tiger cub named Xiaoba was originally grabbed by the nape of the neck of fate, and the four paws retracted unconsciously, which looked like a capital letter. Hearing this, he raised his head and chest up all of a sudden, and proudly said, "I am 2,800 years old, and I will be an adult in two hundred years!" After speaking, he reminded dissatisfiedly, "I have grown up, second brother, you Don't mention me anymore, it's so embarrassing."

As the little tiger cub said, he covered his face with his furry thick claws, and then carefully exposed the slits. The golden tiger eyes blinked and blinked, looking at the two strangers in front of him, full of curiosity.

Jiang Mo's expression was slightly stiff, and Bai Er asked all these tiger cubs again, and finally found out that she was really the youngest!

Bai Eryan saw Jiang Mo's expression becoming more and more numb, held back a smile and patted her on the shoulder, leaned into her ear and whispered, "Don't be sad, it doesn't matter if you are the youngest, anyway, you are the most promising among the juniors in the clan now." "He said and winked at her, "This is a phoenix that has been kidnapped and returned, the brats are no match for you."