MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 1 You should hang him up and beat him up, teach him...

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Qi Mo just wanted to be an idle prince, play the piano and sing, and be at ease.

Unfortunately, she was pushed to the throne during the war.

What is even more unfortunate is that he died of a heart attack within a month of his enthronement.


"Qi Mo! Ergong is going to record the day after tomorrow, and you actually slept from noon until night...!"

The voice came faintly.

Qi Mo's head was dizzy, and his consciousness tried to separate it, but it seemed to be imprisoned, and some memory was forcibly input into his mind.

"Qi Mo, wake up soon..."

The sound came closer, as if someone had bent down.

The moment his wrist was touched by the warm fingertips, Qi Mo suddenly opened his eyes.

Flipping her hand and holding it, in just an instant, she had turned over and pinned the boy who had approached her firmly on the bed!

The bedding on the bed billowed and fell down slowly.

"What are you doing..."

He choked back halfway through the words, the boy's throat moved, and he let out a "grunt".

The look in front of him was too scary, as if his throat would be cut in the next second.

Qi Mo saw the boy's face clearly, but was slightly taken aback.


The gloomy and murderous eyes disappeared, and she quickly withdrew her hand and let go of the boy.

Men and women do not give or take each other, and put a man on the bed regardless of the situation, which will damage the innocence of others.

When she got up, she saw the situation around her clearly.

Simple but clean beds, translucent glass windows, and bright lights in the night outside the windows.

There are too many items in the room that I have never seen before, but the corresponding nouns have already appeared in my mind, and I even know how to use them, as if my mind has long been used to the existence of these things.

Only then did Qi Mo suddenly realize that she really lived in a storybook as she saw after her death.

In the storybook, there is a Jiangzhi female supporting role with the same name and surname as her—"Qi Mo" who disguised herself as a man to participate in the draft for the sake of the heroine in the storybook. , was cursed by the whole network, and finally became insane and died in depression.

What a short-lived ghost like her.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Should you be training or not, please have a little group consciousness!"

The boy reacted from Qi Mo's intimidating expression, frowning so much that he could strangle a fly.

His skin is fair, but his eyes reveal displeasure and irritability, and his short yellow hair is curled up bluffing.

I don't know, I thought I had some deep hatred with her.

This person is Lan Muzhou.

The memory in the storybook was quickly mobilized, Qi Mo glanced at the other party's unsightly hairstyle and clothes, and frowned slightly.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

With chaotic footsteps and unstable center of gravity, it is not a person who has undergone rigorous training at first glance.

A few seconds later, several tall and thin men poured in from the door.

"Brother Zhou, the PD is asking all the trainees to gather."

Memory told Qi Mo that these people were "trainees" in her group, and they would become "idols" in the future.

And idols are the objects that are chased and worshiped by thousands of teenagers.

Her eyelids twitched.

Women will chase men, she can understand. After all, in the original world, there were many young masters with both talent and learning and outstanding looks who were sought after by others, but these people in front of them had no appearance, and were even as rough as women...

What's the matter, in this world, ugliness is considered beautiful? ?

Just looking at his appearance, only the man named Chen Ke on the far side is Shang Ke.

He looks young, his eyebrows and eyes have not yet fully opened, but he is also somewhat delicate and soft.

So Qi Mo curled his lips and whistled at Chen Ke, "Fortunately, there are still such delicate ones."

Chen Ke was astonished.

Who would have thought that Qi Mo would say such a sentence suddenly?

A man named Jiang Mingchen was full of displeasure, he got angry when he saw Qi Mo, and his voice was rough and loud, "Qi Mo, I have never seen you so shameless, we are all training, you are so embarrassed to come back to sleep by yourself ?”

Qi Mo frowned imperceptibly.

Gentle demeanor and whispering are the most basic requirements for a man. Such a roar is not at all what a man should be.

Her eyes were picky, and she swept Jiang Mingchen lightly.

Jiang Mingchen's heart tightened suddenly, and he choked back the dirty words he hadn't said yet.

It's obvious that Qi Mo has no face or skin, why does it seem like he's messing around?

"Forget it, Mingchen, didn't the PD ask people to gather, let's go there first." Lan Muzhou felt a little headache.

For some reason, he always had a bad feeling.

PD means program producer, and Qi Mo got the explanation from the script.

Since coming to this world to take over the identity of "Qi Mo", let's follow the rules here.

"Lead the way," she said.

Lan Muzhou staggered at his feet.

He frowned and glanced back at Qi Mo.

What kind of madness is this? Do you think this is a court drama at eight o'clock?

Jiang Mingchen was quite obedient, seeing that Lan Muzhou didn't say anything, he restrained himself a little.

He just let out a cold "hum" when he passed in front of Qi Mo, and deliberately moved his shoulders towards Qi Mo—

Before anyone else could see the situation clearly, Jiang Mingchen let out an "Aww" and took a few steps back, clutching his shoulders!

Everyone turned their heads, only to see Qi Moan standing there quietly, without any movement.

Even Jiang Mingchen himself didn't even see clearly what happened just now.

"Qi Mo..."

He rubbed his sore and painful shoulders, and stared at Qi Mo with his eyes.

"What's going on?" Xu Rong also glared at Qi Mo before asking.

Qi Mo tilted his head, looking relaxed and content, and even raised the corners of his lips towards Jiang Mingchen.

It seemed like he was repeating Xu Rong's question: Tell me, what's going on?

It was so evil, he didn't realize how Qi Mo slapped him on the shoulder.

But Qi Mo's face, which was obviously smiling, sent a chill down his spine.

Jiang Mingchen gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay, I might have a cramp."

Qi Mo shrugged, not too stupid.

If she finds fault and still bites her, even if it is a man, she will not show mercy.

On the way to the big classroom, Qi Mo recalled the contents of the script.

At present, the story has just progressed to one-tenth of the script:

The competition system for the second performance requires two groups to perform the same song, and the winning group can each get 50,000 votes in bonus points.

Coincidentally, He Ruilin, the hero of the storybook, and his rival, Lan Muzhou, the tragic hero of the storybook, won the same song.

Qi Mo and Lan Muzhou were in the same team. In order to prevent the Lan Muzhou team from winning, Qi Mo didn't study hard from the beginning to the end, and in the end, the Lan Muzhou team lost completely in the second game.

After the second husband ended, the other teammates of the Lan Muzhou team had constant disputes with Qi Mo. Qi Mo went to He Ruilin to complain, and was brainwashed by He Ruilin's consolation, thinking that everything was the fault of his teammates, and the conflict escalated.

Such a man who speaks like a snake, and speaks a honey, should be hung up and beaten to teach him what is a man's virtue.

Qi Mo snorted softly, the corners of his lips curled up in a playful arc, and a stream of light flashed in his long and narrow phoenix eyes.

When Lan Muzhou's team came to the large classroom, the program team's PD Cheng Zhuo hadn't arrived yet.

In the large classroom, figures were shaking, and whispers continued.

Someone saw Qi Mo walking in, and immediately said exaggeratedly: "Qi Mo is here, protect Brother Rui Lin!"

Saying that, the two teenagers with contemptuous expressions stood in front of a trainee artificially.

Qi Mo: ...?

So naive, five years old can't be more.

She raised her brows up, followed the sound and looked over, and immediately saw the young man surrounded by people like stars and moons.

The young man has a gentle expression, with a half-length part in the middle, soft black hair neatly draped over his forehead, and his eyebrows are as clear and delicate as ink strokes.

With a fragile and lovable appearance, it doesn't look like a thoughtful person.

He spoke with a soft voice, "Stop making trouble, Qi Mo is not a scourge."

Qi Mo's eyes fell on the boy's kind face, and he suddenly laughed softly.

"Tsk, no wonder people always say femme fatale."

He Ruilin:?

Before he could understand the meaning of Qi Mo's words, the trainees became lively.

"PD is here PD is here!"

"Good PD!"

The arrival of Cheng Zhuo broke the momentary silence, and all the trainees greeted warmly.

"Everyone, trainees, good evening."

With a smile on his face, Cheng Zhuo glanced over the trainees in the large classroom.

Although he is still young, he looks kind and kind.

"The men's team is a group, and the show should show the whole team, not just one individual. It is not the longest plank of the bucket that can hold water, but the shortest one, that determines how much water can be contained in a bucket. So does a team. So…”

Cheng Zhuo half-spoken, deliberately prolonging his voice.

Lan Muzhou's right eyelid twitched rapidly, and the bad feeling was even worse.

"The program group decided that in the second performance, in addition to the original duel between the groups, an assessment part will be temporarily added. The trainee who is the least popular among the audience in each group will prepare a 1-minute solo. The audience votes, and the winner can add 30,000 votes to each member of the team!"

"As for the content of the solo, it's the same as our first stage, whether it's Vocal, Dance or Rap, as long as you can show your strength and charm."

As soon as Cheng Zhuo's words fell, many trainees who were ranked lower began to howl.

"Oh my god! It's okay to be eliminated, why use this method to torture our lower-ranked people!"

"The day after tomorrow, Ergong will be recording, and the team's songs haven't been practiced well!"

"It's too much for the program team! It's too difficult to prepare a solo in one day!"

Cheng Zhuo had expected this kind of reaction at the scene.

He still had a faint smile on his face, and said: "The program group is also to motivate everyone to train harder and improve their own strengths in all aspects! Do we need to spend more energy on the group's songs, or on the songs of the group?" This song also needs to be discussed and considered by your team.”

After speaking, he turned slightly sideways, and pointed at the screen behind him with the card.

"Let's take a look, who are the trainees who are the least popular among the audience in each team?"

The picture on the screen changed, and several heads of trainees appeared.

The moment the avatar popped out, many trainees made envious voices.

"Ah, I'm so envious of He Ruilin and his team! It's impossible to lose against Qi Mo!"

"I'm really admiring, isn't this a sure win?"

"He Ruilin and the others are the top 30 with the least popularity among the audience, it's too strong!"

"It feels good to know that I have added 30,000 points now..."

Qi Mo was the last of all the trainees, and of course he was also the last in the same group. He was going to face off against Wang Che from He Ruilin's group.

Lan Muzhou stood where he was, his right eyelid twitching.

Qi Mo hasn't even learned the group dance yet, so it's impossible for her to learn a solo again.

It really is a right eye jump disaster!