MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 52 If Qi Mo falls asleep, today he...

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/ Mo Baqian

Little dwarf, sure enough, he's back with provocation again!

Lan Muzhou looked like "I'm really good at predicting things", and raised his head like a big cat.

"Sooner or later!"

Cheng Zhuo had a headache as always, and these two people were still as awkward as ever.

We have a good relationship in private, so we have to insist on it at this time.

How nice it is to be so amicable.

Alas, he really doesn't understand the young people nowadays.

"Then... work harder in the next year." Qi Mo said.

Cheng Zhuo seemed to have been triggered by some mechanism and reacted to something, and took two steps back.

The middle position was vacated so as not to block the two of them.

"I still have the energy to cheer me on, so don't cry when the time comes."

Lan Muzhou rubbed his nose to cover up his eagerness to move.

Without the audience booing, he took the initiative to step forward and gave Qi Mo a big hug.

To show friendliness.

Knowing that Qi Mo didn't like He Ruilin a long time ago, he is now bolder than before.

When they hugged each other lightly, their chins rested directly on Qi Mo's shoulders.

Also rubbed lightly.

One hand "unintentionally" across the waistline.

Well, the little dwarf is really skinny, watch him eat more in the future.

The whistling yellow hair rubbed against his cheeks and neck, itching.

It was obvious that a hand boldly slid across the waist.

Qi Mo laughed inwardly.

He became more and more daring, and blatantly wiped her oil.

[Hahahahaha Zhou Zhou said no, but his body is honest [狗头]]

[The CP I knocked out is giving out candy every day hehehe]

【What bad intentions can Zhouzhou have, I just want to hug President Mo. 】

CP fans were laughing and laughing, chatting happily.

When the twelve trainees returned to the stage, they all put on the uniforms issued by the program group.

Qi Mo and Lan Muzhou were wearing uniforms and went up the aisle side by side.

There is no need to discuss, the pace is uniform.

They came to the five "thrones" on the opposite side of the stage and sat in their places.

【Damn it, just now it looks like the part where we left when we got married (cover the pot)

[CAO really is! 】

[Okay, I declare, rounding up, the two were married [狗头]]

Fans of the top four trainees have long since relaxed and even made jokes.

But fans of other trainees did not dare to relax at all.

There is still one last spot, who will it go to?

"Now there is only one spot left for debut, who can make a smooth debut today... Please watch the big screen."

While Cheng Zhuo was speaking, the images of the four trainees were instantly projected on the large screens on both sides of the stage.

Fu Luoyan, Jiang Ning, Qin Yuan, Cao Jun.

The other trainees other than these four sighed.

I had predicted my ending a long time ago, but I was still a little sad.

"Wow, the top eight this time has improved again." Jiang Ning turned off the microphone and muttered to himself.

Last time I was ninth, this time I made it into the top eight, which is not bad.

Since he participated in this show, he has been making steady progress, from the initial top 50, all the way to the top eight.

It's a pity that he can't make his debut, but it shows that he has great potential.

Not bad, let's keep working hard.

The four teenagers stepped forward one after another.

Cheng Zhuo looked at them and said, "Four trainees, let's each say a few words."

First came Fu Luoyan.

He is a man of few words, looks deserted, and doesn't seem to fit in well with others.

"I'm very happy to come to "National Idol" to spend more than three months, and I have made very good friends."

Having said that, he and Qin Yu'an looked at each other and smiled.

"I hope that the friendship between the brothers in the show will last forever."

After Fu Luoyan finished speaking, Qin Yuan, who was in the same group, took the microphone.

"Actually, brother Yan just told me in secret just now that he can continue to act if he can't form a group, but I have to go back and rebuild and wait for the next opportunity, so he hopes that I can form a group... I am very touched, really of."

The more he spoke, the more he choked up, and finally he said with red eyes: "Besides, Brother Yan peels the shrimp well and quickly. I hope that we can often have dinner together in the future."

[Puff hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I laughed so hard! 】

[Fu Luoyan's heart: ...? ? ? 】

[Xiao Fu: You showed me this big baby just now when I was a little moved? ? ? 】

【Anzi really can't live without eating for a second hahahahaha】

Not only the audience laughed together, but all the trainees on the stage couldn't hold back their laughter.

The sentimental atmosphere was swept away.

Next is Jiang Ning, he is a very optimistic person, let alone say anything sentimental.

"I'm very happy to be able to go so far. As Zhou Zhou said, it's not the end but the beginning. I hope it's a good beginning for all of us!"

"The three of them have already said everything I want to say, so I'll sing a song." Cao Jun said, "The song we sang at dinner last night, "For the Farewell Party", everyone can come together Sing."

"This life's journey, constantly changing scenery,

Experiencing the impermanence of gathering and scattering.

I don't want to be sad anymore, the road ahead is infinitely wide,

Just let me go fast.

I used to think that in my life

Let's meet until tomorrow..."

In the huge gymnasium, the sound of countless people singing in chorus echoed.

There is a touch of melancholy before parting, and more courage to move forward.

At the end of the song, Cheng Zhuo sighed, "Then now, it's finally time to announce the result."

"The trainee who won the last spot to debut is—"

"Qin Yu'an, congratulations!"

Qin Yu'an opened his mouth slightly, turned around and hugged Fu Luoyan and Jiang Ning.

Amid the applause, he said loudly: "I hope you all go well in the future! We can meet again!"

"Congratulations to the trainees Qi Mo, Lan Muzhou, He Ruilin, Wang Changyan, and Qin Yu'an for making their debut as a group!"

"I also wish the other trainees a smooth future and bright stars!"

Cheng Zhuo sent his sincere wishes.

The audience all shouted loudly, calling out the best idol in their minds.

"Jiang Ning, let's see each other in two years! We will definitely make a smooth debut!"

"Anzi Chong, you are the best!"

"I will always accompany you, Zhou Zhou!"

"The Great Demon King must always stand at the top!"

The group of five people stood up from the "throne", and Qi Mo stood at the top.

Countless fans are struggling to shout her name.

There was a subtle touch in my heart.

She took a deep breath and led everyone to bow to the audience.

"We are ERA, thank you for being with us all the way, please give us more advice in the future!"

#National idol into a group night#

#ERA officially formed a group#

#赵默C debut#

#I wait for you to surpass me#

#The reason why I want to have dinner#

Among the fifty hot searches, there are seven or eight items related to the group night of "National Idol" alone.

The popularity of "National Idol" has reached its peak, and countless netizens are discussing frantically in it. Yan fans are collecting beautiful pictures wave after wave; business fans are urging companies and studios to plan their future development routes; group fans I ran to Qingning's official blog, hoping that Qingning would let them have a group show together.

No matter how heated the discussions were on the Internet, the teenagers in the group were not so excited.

They are so tired.

The long hours of intense practice, the sudden incident the day before the final, the accident and contact rehearsal on the day of the group formation... almost exhausted their physical strength.

It was already eleven o'clock at night after the group ended and the show ended.

During the limited group period, they were Qing Ning's artists, so Qing Ning arranged a two-story villa for them.

Rehearsal halls, gyms, etc. are all available, and you can live here when you need to rehearse or catch up on announcements.

The five of them took the business car back to their residence together.

Lan Muzhou still sat in the back row with Qi Mo.

Tired, he remembered the time when the two of them filmed the ANOBR commercial together.

At that time, he still didn't like Qi Mo very much.

All the way with Qi Mo on his pillow, he was unconscious.

At that time, I didn't know how to cherish the time we spent together, but now I know.

Started to move around again.

He first squinted and leaned back, leaning on the back of the chair.

Then "inadvertently", with the shaking of the car body, it slid towards Qi Mo.

His head rested lightly on Qi Mo's shoulder.


Lan Muzhou pursed his lips and smiled.

It should be quite realistic, right?

What a little genius he was.

Qi Mo, on the other hand, pretended to be calm and looked at the rearview mirror.

In the mirror, the corner of Lan Muzhou's crooked mouth is shining brightly.

The curvature of the corner of her mouth tickled her heart.

How can there be such a cute boy.

The more Lan Muzhou behaved like this, the more she wanted to tease her.

Aren't you pretending to be asleep...?

She turned her head and sniffed lightly on his head.

Suddenly, Lan Muzhou froze.

His fair skin was visibly reddened by the naked eye.


What is Qi Mo trying to do!

Do the things you sprayed on your hair still smell bad this time?

Is he despised?

If it really smells bad, wouldn't he lower his favorability in Qi Mo's heart by doing so?

Who would like an unpleasant smell to come to their side!

Lan Muzhou was so regretful that his intestines turned green, and he really wanted to leave quickly.

But he is pretending to sleep.

You can't smoke Qi Mo again and expose yourself to pretend to be asleep.

After another five minutes, I finally ran into a commercial vehicle and made a big turn.

Lan Muzhou followed the turning force of the car and exerted force.

With eyes closed, he slowly swipe towards the opposite direction of Qi Mo.

But he didn't want to, Qi Mo stretched out his hand to support his face.

Gently, he rested his head on his shoulder.

"Go to bed when you're tired."

Qi Mo lowered his head, and said in Lan Muzhou's ear.

The warm air dyed the tips of his ears red.

...Damn it, Qi Mo had already noticed that he was pretending to be asleep!

Lan Muzhou bulged his cheeks.

Qi Mo poked his bulging cheek again with his index finger, and let out all his anger.

"Don't worry about it, we will have a rest."

Well, Lan Muzhou's face feels really good to the touch.

Thinking of this, she pinched her cheek obediently.

It's soft and tender, and I don't know if it's natural or acquired.

Lan Muzhou finally stopped pretending to be asleep, and grabbed the hand that was making trouble on his face.

"Qi Mo, don't deceive people too much."

He leaned close to Qi Mo's ear and spoke in a low voice.

The distance between the two was extremely close, Qi Mo pursed his lips to hide his smile, and said solemnly, "Go to sleep, I won't make trouble."

"Hmph, who would believe you." Lan Muzhou snorted softly, "I won't let go, lest you disturb my sleep."

With a little force, the warm palm wraps Qi Mo's body in the palm.

He lifted his coat and covered the two hands holding hands under it.

After doing this, Lan Muzhou's face was slightly hot.

Joy enveloped him.

We held hands today, and Qi Mo didn't refuse, which is an improvement.

in two days...

Ah, it won't take two days.

If Qi Mo falls asleep in the car, he can sneak a kiss today.