MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 58 Your lips are swollen.

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/ Mo Baqian

As soon as Lu Qingqing entered the door, she hooked her arms around Qi Mo's neck, and deliberately exaggerated "mua" at Qi Mo from the air.

After blowing the kiss, she did not let go of Qi Mo's neck, but looked at Lan Muzhou proudly.

"I said Lan Muzhou, were you jealous before?"

She is much shorter than Qi Mo, she has a cute smile, and she has the feeling of being a little bird.

Lan Muzhou's face turned dark, "Come down quickly and get down to business."

Qi Mo didn't use Lan Yanshen to help with the silk scarf, but asked Lu Qingqing to help.

"Okay, okay, for my Xiaoqi's sake, I won't be mad at you."

Lu Qingqing let go of Qi Mo, and took out the foundation from her handbag.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Lan Muzhou, you are too ruthless."

She helped Qi Mo cover up the teeth marks on his collarbone, not to mention the teasing tone.

Lan Muzhou's face became hot again, and he bit his lip.

"It's not that Qi Mo is too angry."

"Bite Xiaoqi when you are angry. If you don't know, you might think you are a dog." Lu Qingqing curled her lips.

Those who bully Xiao Qi are bad people.

"Then... just let her bite it back." Lan Muzhou muttered.

Lu Qingqing: ...

Okay, she is still a dog.

Dog food is full.

Feeling a bit ambiguous, Lan Muzhou felt embarrassed.

"Ahem, I'll go down and find my elder brother first."

He scratched his head and left as if fleeing.

Lu Qingqing closed the door, and used powdered cake to powder the mark on Qi Mo's collarbone.

Then he used a lip brush to help Qi Mo paint his lips with rust red lip gloss.

"You two... are really good enough, this bite."

Seeing that Qi Mo's lips were also bitten off, she felt a little distressed.

"That's it, why don't you beat him?"

"Don't worry, I can't suffer."

After the lip glaze formed a film, Qi Mo gently pressed his lower lip with a tissue.

Lan Muzhou was right.

Just bite it back.

The future is long.

"Mu Zhou, what's going on with you and Ms. Qi?"

Lan Yanshen had a headache.

I've never had such a headache.

Return the silk scarf...?

How long has it been since we met? Why didn't he know that his brother was such a... beast.

Facing his friends, Lan Muzhou is quite calm.

But in front of his family, he couldn't tell.

"Both of us…"

"Don't tell me, in order to get closer to Miss Qi, you just..."

Lan Yanshen did not continue.

Doesn't his brother like Qi Mo? It's impossible to change his mind so quickly...

Thinking of Qi Mo, he suddenly paused.

It can't really be such a coincidence, right?

Qi Mo's clean face gradually merged with today's rich makeup.

After having such a bold idea, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

"This Miss Qi can't be...Qi Mo, can she?"

Lan Muzhou nodded to his elder brother.

Lan Yanshen: ...

Good guy, Miss Qi who knocked down a strong man in two seconds, Qi Mo.

The scene of the Japanese grocery store reappeared in front of my eyes.

His bodyguards are all carefully selected, and almost all of them are strong enough to fight three.

As a result, among the three people who fought with Qi Mo that day, one had a broken rib, the other had his head smashed, and only one was injured very lightly, except for a swollen shoulder.

He has no doubt that his younger brother will only be beaten up by others in the future.

It's also pretty good.

The family was also afraid that his younger brother had been in the entertainment industry for a long time, and that there would be some scandal or even a scandal-everyone in the wealthy family was afraid that there would be a scandal, especially an illegitimate child, which would not only make outsiders ridicule, but also embarrass the family.

Now it seems that this kind of thing will never happen.

Otherwise, his younger brother will definitely end his children and grandchildren.

Lan Yan poured himself a glass of red wine in deep silence.

Let's have a glass of wine first to calm down the shock.

It should be said that the Qi family deserves to be the Qi family.

Not to mention the strength, even he can't see the slightest clue when a woman disguises herself as a man.

Lan Muzhou also poured himself a glass of wine.

In the goblet, the beautiful purple-red liquid swirls gently, leaving faint traces on the glass wall.

Before drinking, the cup was taken away by someone else.

"Stop drinking, I'm afraid you'll drink too much and do something wrong tonight."

Lan Yanshen put the wine glass to the other side.

Lan Muzhou was rather dissatisfied, "Qi Mo drank a lot more than me."

It tastes like alcohol in your mouth.

Lan Yanshen: ...he seemed to be able to guess how his brother knew.

He said solemnly: "So you two, one of you must stay awake."

His eyes scanned his younger brother's face twice.

"I'll ask the driver to take you back."

"I've just been here not long ago, I'll come back later." Lan Muzhou said.

You can go back with Qi Mo.


Lan Yan was silent for a moment.

"Your lips are swollen."

Lan Muzhou: …

In front of his elder brother, he lost all the face in his life!

Lan Muzhou wanted to wait for Qi Mo to come down, greeted Qi Mo before leaving.

Lan Yanshen still had something to discuss with others, so the two of them were not together all the time.

Seeing that Lan Yanshen finally left, Xiao Shiyu wanted to inquire about the news, so he went up to him.

He took the initiative to help bring a glass of wine and said with a smile: "If I didn't know that you look down on Ms. Qi, I would have thought what happened to you."

Lan Muzhou took a sip of his wine to conceal the strangeness on his lips.

He didn't like Xiao Shiyu's tone very much.

So she pursed her lips, "What's wrong with Ms. Qi?"

"What else can I do? Looking at the heavy make-up, I don't look like a serious person. I can't tell what he looks like in a foreign country." Xiao Shiyu still remembered Qi Mo's attitude, and said contemptuously, "On her head That scar can't be covered by so many layers of powder, if you dig it with your hands, the powder will probably fall off into pieces."

"Oh... no wonder Miss Qi doesn't want to talk to you." Lan Muzhou tugged at the corner of his mouth, "I'm afraid your mouth is too stinky and you're smelling her."

"Lan Muzhou, you...!"

Xiao Shiyu felt that someone had slapped him in the face, and he couldn't keep his face.

Looking at Lan Muzhou's cold eyes, he suppressed his temper again.

"I'm afraid we are each other, hum."

After a while, music gradually sounded in the banquet hall.

Some people go to the dance floor in twos and threes to dance.

Qi Mo and Lu Qingqing went downstairs together.

Immediately, people surrounded him.

His eyes looked curiously at Qi Mo's face.

Unfortunately, nothing unusual can be seen.

"Miss Qi, can we dance together?"

The person who came was a tall man, as soon as he stepped forward, the others did not come up to him.

This person has wheat-colored skin, and his eyes are very sharp.

Gives a very heavy sense of oppression.

Qi Mo flatly refused, "Sorry, I still have something to do."

Lu Qingqing put on a smiling face and said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, we still have something to do, so let's leave first."

When Qi Mo passed by this person, he said in a low voice: "No other meaning, just want to thank Miss Qi for the five hundred million."

Qi Mo paused, then chuckled, "Empty hands, how can we talk about gratitude?"

After passing by, Lu Qingqing hissed.

"What is 500 million? Does your family cooperate with him?"

"See you for the first time." Qi Mo said, "I don't know you."

Perhaps it was because of a bet that he followed "National Idol", and this person recognized her.

It must be this person who asked Xia Xi to test her.

"Shi Yun and the others didn't start out with a clean line of business, and they are also looking for foreign markets recently." Lu Qingqing rubbed his arms a few times, "Every time I see him, I think he is a bit scary."

For ordinary people, Shi Yun's aura would indeed feel oppressive.

The evil spirit is too heavy.

It's just that for Qi Mo, it's not enough to watch.

"Oh, I want to cooperate with my family."

Qi Mo curled his lips, "It's a pity, I don't like rude people."

"Auntie has already cooked dinner, come down quickly!"

Wang Changyan yelled on the first floor.

Qin Yu'an got up early that day, and also shouted: "It looks super delicious, come down quickly!"

The stairs sounded "dong dong dong".

He Ruilin walked down, "I can smell the fragrance."

"Zhou Zhou, the Great Demon King, you two are the only ones missing!"

"Brother Zhou—the Great Demon King—"

There was a shout downstairs.

When Qi Mo came out of the room, he had already regained his men's clothes and neat short hair.

"Come here." She scratched her hair.

After getting used to short hair, I wore a wig all night yesterday, and now my scalp feels uncomfortable.

Still short hair is comfortable and easy.

She went downstairs and saw that there were only three people downstairs, "Lan Muzhou hasn't come down yet?"

"Yeah, you haven't woken up yet?" Wang Changyan scratched his head, "Why don't you call him, the Great Demon King?"


Qi Mo yawned, stepped on the slippers and went up the stairs again.

He knocked on Lan Muzhou's door, "Lan Muzhou?"

There was no sound from inside.

Qi Mo pushed the door open and walked in.

Lan Muzhou always loves cleanliness, and the room is also neat and tidy, and there is a faint smell of oranges—since Qi Mo said he likes this smell, he has replaced both the shower gel and perfume with the same scent of the same brand.

He was lying on his side on the bed, his back slightly bowed, looking much better than when he was awake.

Qi Mo walked over, looking at his sleeping face, his heart moved slightly.

Is it because I had a lot of emotional ups and downs last night, so I was too tired.

She leaned over and kissed the corner of his lips lightly.

"Hmm..." Lan Muzhou snorted softly, and shrank back a little.

Qi Mo chuckled and poked his soft cheek.

"Get up, Zhou Zhou, the sun is drying your ass."

Lan Muzhou's eyelashes trembled twice.

Still did not wake up.

Instead, he snorted again.

Humming made Qi Mo feel itchy.

"Is this a dream?"

She said to herself, lowered her head and said, "Today, a teacher came to teach the single dance, so I won't get up and spank my **** again."

After speaking, he opened his mouth and lightly bit Lan Muzhou's earlobe.


Lan Muzhou trembled and struggled to open his eyes.

Seeing the familiar face in front of him, he gasped in fright.

For a while, it was impossible to distinguish between reality and dream.

The charming dream made his face flush.

He stuttered, "You, what are you doing in my room?"

Qi Mo poked him in the face again, "It's already 7:30, the dance teacher is here at 8 o'clock, and you didn't get up."

Lan Muzhou dodged her hand, his Adam's apple rolled.

The eye sockets started to heat up.

Slowing down, he tentatively asked: "I just... nothing strange?"

"Nothing strange."

Lan Muzhou heaved a sigh of relief.

"At most, just hum a few words."

Lan Muzhou: …

What the **** is he humming!

There was a burst of annoyance in my heart.

This dream did not hear the three alarm clocks.

"Come down to eat after washing up." Qi Mo avoided looking, "I'll go down first."

Qi Mo was so cold.

Lan Muzhou snorted softly.

When I was upstairs in the guild hall yesterday, it was still like this.

I don't recognize anyone in a blink of an eye today.

"One click, two clicks, three clicks, four clicks... Yes, Qi Mo did a good job."

The dance teacher shouted the beat, and did not forget to praise Qi Mo.

He took a step forward, clapped his hands, and said: "When you shoot the MV, you have to wear a suit and tie. When you did the action just now, you can gently pull the tie to make it as **** as possible. At least it is the expression you think is the best. Now that you all remember the same movements, you can practice more facial expressions in front of the mirror."

Sexy can be said to be the most difficult feeling to express, otherwise it will become greasy.

Unintentionally **** is the best look.

Qi Mo thought of Lan Muzhou's appearance last night in a suit.

On the tie, the Adam's apple rolled slightly.

In her eyes, she was so **** that there was nothing to say.


Didn't even take a bite yesterday.

Obviously, he was ready to move in the car that time.

Unfortunately, a great opportunity wasted.

The dance teacher left after half a day of class.

Next is their free practice.

"Brother Zhou, do you think my expression is sexy?"

"Big Demon King, come and show us one!"

"That's right, Brother Seven, you're in the C position, and the expression is the most important thing, so come here."

"Brother Zhou, let's try it, I think Brother Zhou can do it."

After practice, everyone joked with each other.

Lan Muzhou walked up to Qi Mo, picked up the water bottle, and drank with his head up.

The **** Adam's apple slides gently.

Then, he put the cap on the bottle and poked Qi Mo with his elbow.

Wanting to hear Qi Mo praise himself, he asked, "Hey, what expression do you think looks best on me?"

Qi Mo hooked his fingers at him.

After Lan Muzhou approached her, she whispered: "Don't think about it, I can only see the best one."

Lan Muzhou suddenly felt a little bit ashamed.

He let out a "tss", and retracted his head with red ears.

"You think it's beautiful."

It's the best look right now.

Qi Mo thought.

The roots of this pair of ears are red, and they still have to die like a duck with a stiff mouth, which is the best look.

Feeling Qi Mo looking at him, Lan Muzhou stretched out his hand to cover his face.

"Don't look at me, don't show me."

He doesn't look good now, he's sweating all over.

Qi Mo was about to despise him again.

Qi Mo didn't force it, he put his chin in one hand and smiled lazily.

Maybe it's because the suit has an abstinent temperament. Lan Muzhou has changed so many different outfits, and her favorite is the suit he wore yesterday.

I am looking forward to the shooting of the MV.

After signing the brand ambassadors with Qi Mo and Lan Muzhou, not only the sales of AMBOR's new spring models are very good, but also the sales of all products have increased compared with the sales of the same period in previous years.

Therefore, AMBOR plans to sign them as brand spokespersons and needs to shoot a group of commercials.

AMOBR is a sports brand. For the spokesperson commercial, the brand chose basketball, hip-hop and running for shooting.

The brand rented an entire basketball court in the stadium to shoot advertisements.

Qi Mo has never been in contact with ball games and knows nothing about basketball.

When he arrived at the basketball court, Lan Muzhou took the basketball thrown by the director of the commercial and patted it on the ground a few times.

The basketball bounced off the ground, and as soon as he reached out, he caught the basketball under his arm.

"I'll give you a brief explanation, otherwise the photos will be too fake."

Finally, there was something that Qi Mo didn't know how to do, and his tail was about to go up to the sky.

"Come here quickly." He said again.

Feeling that Qi Mo's movement was too slow, he stretched out his hand and hooked Qi Mo's neck to his side.

It's normal for the two boys to hang shoulders and shoulders, and the other teammates are not there anyway.

Lan Muzhou was explaining some basic knowledge to Qi Mo, and there was a lot of noise outside the basketball hall.

Not long after, a group of tall and strong boys broke in.

"Sorry sorry."

The gymnasium staff also came in and quickly apologized to the director.

Then she continued to talk to the group of tall and strong male voices: "I'm really sorry, the colleague in charge of making appointments at the front desk made a mistake. Today the entire basketball court is reserved. Free, do you think this is okay?"

A male voice said: "Our appointment is also today, why should we leave?"

His voice is thick and not easy to provoke.

"We are going to play a game next week, and today we have an appointment as a sparring partner. Are you going to pay us this money?"

The people in the gymnasium choked for a while.

When this kind of problem occurs, the gymnasium is free of charge at most.

If you have to pay for sparring, it can only be paid by individuals.

Several boys looked into the gymnasium and saw some shooting equipment. Finally, their eyes fell on the two most beautiful people in the field.

They don't follow variety shows, let alone groups or idols, and they don't know Qi Mo and the others at all.

I just think the yellow-haired one looks a little bit better, and the other thin and weak one doesn't look like basketball material.

Most of them are playing cosplay and the like, occupying a place here.

A boy said disdainfully: "It looks like you can't even hit the ball, so it's not easy to pose for a few shots. As for taking half a day?"

Qi Mo was standing near the midfield line, holding a basketball in his hand.

Hearing this, he glanced at the basketball hoop.

She raised her hand and seemingly lightly threw the basketball out—

I saw the basketball spinning, drawing a parabola in the air.

Then it fell firmly into the goal frame.

Everyone: ...