MTL - Whispering Verse-Chapter 1512 fragmentation and visitation

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"Even though the distortion has disappeared, the scars still exist. The lost part cannot be replaced. The clean earth will have distortion again one day. Since that banquet, the earth has officially entered a period of turmoil. Future earthquakes will be more severe than It has been frequent in the past. Moreover, there is a probability of appearing "Crazy Land" and resurrected fossil creatures all over the world, but the intensity is not as strong as Randall Valley, and they can be eliminated by ordinary means."

This can be regarded as a "sequel", but it also means that the distortion of the earth has only been cured once, and there is still the possibility of "relapse". This is not because Xia De failed to handle this matter well, the distortion of the earth is related to the changes in the world itself. Unless he can directly change the world and end the "final doomsday" that is still unknown when it will come, it is useless to make any plans.

The magma gurgles in the ear, the inhuman guardian may be used to this environment, but Shad is already a little hot. The firelight reflected his slightly frowning face:

"Since crazy land and fossil creatures may appear in other areas, such creatures should appear more frequently in the Randall Valley area?"

Shad asked, and the guardian nodded:

"The local church can deal with these problems, and I will help, but it's not the same after all." Xia De is not surprised at this point, after all, it happens every time.

Coldwater Port has been attacked by murlocs so far, evil spirits are roaming in the mountains of Xikal, and the remaining power of the Pantanal evil makes strange plant-like monsters appear in the big swamp from time to time. Now the fossil creatures in the Randall Valley area Compared with the fallen giant spirit, it is nothing compared to this, and it can even give Xia De some more opportunities to practice spellcasting ability and swordsmanship.

Moreover, the increase in monsters means that the production of special materials and the occurrence of rare herbs will increase, and things will always have two sides.

"Such a result is better than the overall pollution of the earth. This is already the best result we can get."

Shad was very satisfied with this, he reached out to the guardian:

"Although this topic has been formally mentioned before, would you like to form an alliance with us?" "Who are the allies?"

the Guardian asked.

"I, Miss Luvia Anat, the Chosen One of Balance—Miss Iluna Bayas, and the Chosen One of Death—Sister Divelin. By the way, the Chosen One of Darkness and Knowledge and Wisdom The chosen ones are all resolved by me.”

He didn't think it was necessary for him to tell the soul in front of him what was sealed in [Aikenola—Arrow of the Chosen].

Iluna and the nun, who were silent on the side, nodded slightly to the chosen one of the earth, which also showed that Xia De could speak on their behalf.

"To become your ally, what exactly do you need to do?" Soul asked calmly.

"Sometimes you may need your help, but the most important thing is that when the thirteen-page story of the Chosen One comes to the end and the legendary door appears, I hope that you will obey no matter what happens after the door is opened." I, or Luvia's arrangement. Of course, we promise not to harm the earth, you know me."

As Xia De spoke, the life rings behind Iluna and Sister Devlin appeared at the same time, and then the two life rings turned into dark golden scales and sickles respectively.

The guardian's thirteen rings also appeared behind him, and then in the light, the life ring turned into a dark golden holy grail. The style of the Holy Grail is exactly the same as the former clay Holy Grail.

He didn't hesitate:

"All I know about the Whispering Psalm comes from you and the church. But the spirit of the earth gave me a revelation, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with helping you."

He stretched out his hand and shook Shade:

"I think it's all right, I'd love to help you, just as you've helped me."

Although the guardian is a spirit body, Shad can feel the touch. After shaking hands, although there was no clear contract, Xia De knew that the cooperative relationship between the two parties had been established, so he smiled. They are people who attach great importance to promises:

"I heard from Iluna that you can't leave the Randall Valley area?"

"Yes, although it is not absolutely impossible to leave, but unless it is necessary, I must

Guarding here, you can't even let the main body appear on the ground easily. "

The guardian did not hide this, and the damage to the Heart of the Earth was more serious than Shad thought:

"Although it seems that everything is over, in fact everything has just begun. Although the prelude to the end has been avoided, a series of other things will follow. I am both the guardian of the earth and the chosen one of the earth. When I need to take action, I will definitely show up."

"I understand, then let's meet Miss Luvia Anat. In fact, among us, she has always been the core figure. Although it is a bit inappropriate to say this, I am more like performing a mission about our cooperation, Luvia can talk to you in detail.”

Shad made an invitation, and the guardian asked his own question calmly:

"I learned about your power at the banquet, so please allow me to ask you a question: Why did you obey her arrangement?"

"This is probably... a regular game, there must be a host, right?"

Xia De didn't know what the other party's hundreds of thoughts were thinking at this moment, but the guardian didn't continue to dwell on this topic:

"Also, I have talked with Miss Bayas, and I heard that you are very concerned about the space left by those ancient gods?" "Yes."

Shade raised his eyebrows, and the guardian handed him a square stone with a polished surface. It's almost a pitch-black dice, except there's no engraving on it.

"Using the power of the chosen one, I made a door. Throwing this stone at the location where the door satisfies the 'core furnace' can permanently solidify the door."

"This is really great, even the ceremony is saved."

The so-called "satisfying conditions" means that the position of the solidification door is below the horizon, has enough geothermal heat, is itself an enrichment point for spirits in the earth, and the location where the door is set has never been polluted by any force.

The above are the basic conditions. In addition, the requirements of mysticism must be met in terms of orientation, space and other conditions. And even if these conditions are met, there is a certain possibility that the door cannot be installed, which is a matter of luck.

Xia De doesn't know whether his basement meets the requirements, but he plans to wait for Iluna to return to Tobesk, and everyone will try it together. After all, throwing stones is not a very labor-intensive task.

So, under the guardian's arrangement, the three of them touched the stone pillar in the center of the heart of the earth together.

As a white light flashed in front of his eyes, the dark red magma light in his vision disappeared. By the time they were able to see the surrounding scene clearly, they had already arrived at the snow-covered courtyard of Bernice Manor. And this kind of movement using the power of the earth also belongs to the convenience brought by the dual identities of "Guardian" and "Chosen One".

Because Xia De said in advance that it is possible to invite the guardian to the manor as a guest, the girls in the manor were not surprised by the appearance of the guardian.

The spirit does not need to eat, so there is no need to invite the guardian to stay for dinner in the evening. Xia De took the three selected candidates to find Luvia in the study on the third floor, and then asked them to talk to Luvia. Regarding the whispering poems, Luvia knows far more than Xia De, and she will handle the relationship with the chosen one well.

As for Shad, he went to tell Tifa, who was staying at the manor, about the guardian. Although Xia De didn't say it clearly, the witches will definitely not give up this opportunity to contact the "chosen ones of the earth". In this way, the harvest of the council's action this time will not only make the Church of the Five Gods think of them greatly. changed.

Even in the eyes of the witches, a soul aggregate composed of hundreds of noble souls is still regarded as a male, which will trigger the curse of the witch, so the relationship between the council and the guardian cannot be the same as that of Sister Divelin. But at least a little contact can also establish a relatively basic friendship.

Xia De did not participate in the conversation between the chosen ones and Luvia, not because he wanted to hide away, but because there was another "date" waiting for him tonight.

Miss Daniste must have been very busy these two days, but even so, she will definitely not forget to meet Shade.

And although Xia De is at noon

At the dinner table, in front of the witches, he acted very relaxed about it, as if he could explain it, but in fact, when he was about to set off, he was still a little uneasy. So I specially brought Mia along, hoping that this cat could ease the atmosphere.

The meeting place was the manor where the professors of St. Byrence Comprehensive College lived locally. Because the distance was not too short, Shad went there in a carriage. Just as he was leaving the Bernanice Manor, Tifa chased him up from behind again, and handed Shad a red, slender gift box with a delicate package and a bow:

"To visit my teacher, UU reading doesn't even bring a gift?"

The black-haired maid asked with a smile in the snow, and added when Xia De wanted to thank:

"Miss asked me to prepare this in advance. She guessed that you wouldn't think of it. Also, miss doesn't need your thanks."

While Xia De showed a bewildered expression on his face, she urged Xia De not to be late, and then sent Xia De to the gate of the manor, watching Xia De go away in a carriage.

Xia De deliberately avoided the dinner time and arrived at the professors' residence after dinner.

The red-haired sorceress was talking to the elf girl in the study when she saw Miss Daniste with the gift. In the fireplace in the study room was a cheerful flame, and the little pure white beast lay peacefully on the carpet in front of the fireplace. The firelight illuminated its white hair, and its posture was exactly the same as that of Mia in winter.

But the unicorn's happy mood was soon interrupted by the meowing of the cat.