MTL - Why is the Bright Moon Shining?-Chapter 3

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Xu Can stayed in the cafeteria to review the afternoon subjects.

The library is always crowded with students, and it takes a long way to get back to the dormitory.

Almost no students stay in the cafeteria to review, which is noisy and smells of oily smoke.

But it was nothing to Xu Can.

When she was a child, she lived in a converted garage in an old village, taking care of her grandfather while studying. The light bulbs would flicker at night due to unstable voltage, and mice might crawl over her feet or even rub her ankles.

The school canteen environment is very good.

Nothing to be content with.

I didn't sleep last night, and the more I read the later books, the more familiar I became, and she was about to memorize the two textbooks.

Xu Can closed the book, rubbed his eyebrows, and hesitated for a few seconds between sleeping and not sleeping. His mind moved slightly, his smile expanded a little bit, and there was a sparkling light reflected in his eyes.

Professor Tong, are you busy now? I don't know if it's in school or not.

Xu Can took out his phone and took a deep breath, his heart still beating a little faster. Calm and calm, she is just a serious student who is sensitive and eager to learn and is not ashamed to ask questions. She has doubts in her Xuehai career and wants to get answers from the professor... just.

Close your eyes and let yourself into the play,

Send emails in one go, and don't say anything that has nothing to do with professional issues.

OK, send it out.

Quickly put away the phone, and hurriedly returned to the book. Now, the heart is not allowed to beat so fast.

Xu Can left the examination room and checked his mobile phone for the first time, but there was no service.

This time, the whole examination room has got a signal shielding device.

She quickened her pace and walked out of the teaching building.

After taking a few steps to the side, the signal grids all jumped out, full of grids. But no reply was received.

Of course Xu Can has Tong Mingyue's WeChat account, but for fear of being disturbed, he basically confirms the time with his work email before he wants to see her. Other students are not so polite to the professors in this department.

Two exams are over.

Xu Can got up and ate a packet of biscuits. He didn't eat at noon, and now he was very hungry.

Reluctantly, he walked towards the dining hall.

Her exam was not handed in ahead of time, and the invigilator was very slow to collect the papers, and the candidates who came out of the exam room were already bustling. Everyone walks to a place with a signal, or stops to contact relatives and friends, or walks on both sides.

Xu Can put his hands in his coat pockets and walked silently, occasionally looking at the green and plastic plant leaves in the distance. The wind is weak and non-existent, and it is as cold as a knife.

She put her hat on, took two steps, and the wind took it off again. put it on again...

The mobile phone in my pocket suddenly rang with a short beep.

Xu Can was stunned for a moment, then quickly took out his phone and looked down to check the news.

She only set a tone for Tong Mingyue's message, so she was very sensitive to this sound.

A long message. The front is the answer to her question.

Xu Can read it carefully, slowly scrolled down, and saw the answer he wanted the most. His facial features were crumpled together, and he laughed happily, laughing and laughing countless times. I can't move my eyes away from the screen.

[It seems difficult to explain it completely in a few hundred words. If you are really confused, come and find me in the office. I'm there from six to nine thirty. ]

Xu Can couldn't help raising his hand over his head, making a victory gesture in the air! He also waved his arms.

Then, she slammed her head into a silver street light pole.

This piece of land is a very strange slope. She hit the bottom and took a few steps back. After the center of gravity was unstable, the person fell to the ground in an extremely strange posture, tripping on the left leg and falling on the right leg.

Especially funny from a passerby's point of view.

Xu Can was dumbfounded for two seconds, and quickly got up with his hands and feet.

With her left leg tripping over her right leg in a wrestling position, it was impossible to get up quickly within half a second, and the movement to get up was a little embarrassing, and she stumbled twice.

The phone was still clutched in his hand.

She bowed her head, and immediately took a few steps quickly as if nothing had happened, and glanced quietly from side to side.

Fortunately, most of the others were not looking at her.

Although Xu Can has a carefree personality, she is beautiful and used to being paid more attention by others since she was a child, so she subconsciously cares about her image in unfamiliar situations. Really embarrassing.

This episode made her not reply in seconds.

Waiting to sit in the dining hall before returning.

[Then I'll go at six o'clock, can I disturb you until half past nine? ]

Xu Can sent it a little brazenly.

Soon, a positive reply was received: [Yes. ]

Xu Can held the phone and smiled happily.

She remembered that in her previous life, she used to ask questions in Tong Mingyue's office.

Most of the time, she didn't leave after asking questions and chatting about other things. If she was busy writing articles, Xu Can borrowed a few books from the bookcase and sat quietly on the small sofa next to her to read.

When Tong Mingyue finished work, Xu Can almost finished reading a book.

Talk a couple of sentences about the book in your hand and exchange views.

There are so many books on the bookshelf, Tong Mingyue seems to have read every one of them. From the chemistry books of this major to the highly relevant biophysics, to the "miscellaneous books" such as logic psychology, Xu Can read them one by one, one by one.

Every time I read a book, I feel closer to her.

Very happy.

Although the ultimate goal of congeniality has not been reached, there have been small achievements of like-mindedness.

Xu Can sticks to her whenever he has a chance, pretends to be gentle and well-behaved, and makes her laugh. Accompany her to indulge in experiments, and accompany her to live a normal life.

[Teacher, why are you still at school on weekends, are you in the laboratory now? I'm in the cafeteria, so I'll pack something for you and bring it here. ]

[Temporary invigilator for another teacher, I'm about to arrive at the cafeteria. ]

It turned out to be so.

Xu Can sat in the seat, thinking that she could wait for her to come to eat, and looked at the door.

Soon, she saw the person she was obsessed with and loved deeply.

She came in from the entrance of the cafeteria, the sunlight alternated with the indoor lights, and the whole body was covered with a soft white light. The dark and supple hair, the eyebrows and eyes are like ink and blue, and the brush strokes are poetic and light.

Rimless glasses are placed on the bridge of the nose, and the lenses are reflective, making it difficult to see the emotions in the eyes.

This woman, who graduated with a doctorate at the age of twenty-five, was rated as an associate professor at the age of twenty-seven this year.

A deserted appearance, coupled with academic reputation. From colleagues to students, they all agree that she is an absolute iceberg.

In fact, Professor Tong is only stern and serious at work, and he is not very talkative in private.

But Professor Tong is devoted to his work and has nothing to do with personal friendships.

Then I don't like to talk too much in personal relationships...

Only Xu Can knew how gentle she was.

Xu Can watched her come from a distance, and her eyes came to her. Among the students who were sitting and eating in the cafeteria, she could quickly see her position.

They looked at each other, and pursed their lips slightly.

Xu Can's heart stopped for a beat at that moment, and then thumped, as if the ice had melted and it came alive.

Her eyes were wet, and she couldn't help lowering her eyes to avoid her face.

Long time... long time no see.

Teacher Tong.

Tong Mingyue sat down opposite her. I was about to say something when I saw something was wrong with her.

"What's wrong?"

"Just out of the exam room," Xu Can felt that he was about to cry, and quickly made up a reason, "I'm so hungry..."

Tong Mingyue laughed, "What do you want to eat?"

"beef noodles."

"it is good."

Xu Can waited by the window for the noodles to be ready. It suddenly occurred to me that there are only two teaching buildings in this department as examination rooms, and there is only one road to get here.

Since she was right behind her, she just hit the light pole and wrestled, wouldn't she be seen by her?

No, it's not so coincidental.

After returning the face to the table and sitting down again, Xu Can still tried a little, "Teacher, did you come from Xingjian Building too?"

"Well," Tong Mingyue actually didn't like noodles very much, especially when she had glasses, she was covered in a cloud of mist by the hot soup.

"Are you tired of proctoring?"

"Fortunately, I'll help you sit in the back and take a look."

Tong Mingyue hesitated for a long time, but she still took off her glasses, looking a little helpless: "Glasses are still troublesome."

Xu Can laughed, showing a little bit of his front teeth. He said badly, "I only read the literature a few days ago. It turns out that people like me who can read books and stay up all night are not nearsighted, and they are born without the myopia gene."


Tong Mingyue rolled her eyes at her, "Speak rudely and leak out the front teeth."

Xu Can laughed and turned to professional questions, asking while eating noodles.

Talking about a concept that was not yet perfect, Tong Mingyue suddenly paused and did not answer. It's not that it's unclear, but the concept came from her latest paper.

"Reading papers recently?"

Xu Can thought for a while, "Well, I'm quite interested in organic chemistry."

"Look at it, you don't have to work hard."

Tong Mingyue didn't look at her, lowered her head and wiped her glasses, "This exam is already very difficult, and you scored 99 points. Don't worry, you're only a sophomore, when you're laying the foundation."

"That's still a loss."

Xu Can said solemnly: "One less point in the test means that the study is not solid enough, and the understanding is not deep enough..."

"You buckled the roll surface neatly."

Tong Mingyue interrupted her. Her slightly picked eyes looked over, reflecting her smile, and her tone was flat: "Don't scribble on the test paper next time."


Xu Can remembered, and he drew three expressions in the blank area of ​​the last big topic.

"The little dumpling in the grass was beaten on the cheek and the position is still a love picture", "The little dumpling in the grass is crying and touching the heart" and "The little dumpling in the grass continues to compare the heart after crying"

Three bursts.

Xu Can remembered that he was also a little embarrassed, and laughed sullenly for a few seconds.

Lifting his chin again, he changed his face. Said pitifully, "Am I not good at drawing?"


Xu Can nodded, "Since the teacher thinks it looks good, how can it be considered scribbling."

Then he said, "Don't buckle next time, okay, just blink and I'll take it as your agreement, I just agreed, right?"


Tong Mingyue didn't say anything.

"Xu Can." A slightly helpless tone.

"Then deduct it," Xu Can immediately said "sensible and considerate", Xiao Jie Yuhua smiled sweetly and cutely, and was generous, "Deduct it, deduct it, I will deduct all the points I earn, not stingy."


Quiet for a few seconds.

"Pfft," Xu Can pursed his lips, trying to restrain himself from laughing, but still smiled.

I love her helpless, condemning and pampering eyes.

Tong Mingyue brought her glasses back, and the heat of the noodles was no longer so fierce, so she could start eating. After being teased by her for a long time, there was still a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, "Be careful in the future, try not to look at your phone while walking."


Xu Can thought for a few seconds before reacting...

Damn, she really saw it...