MTL - Wilderness Live: True Princess, She Blasts Interstellar-Chapter 297 sudden war

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  Chapter 297 Sudden War

  The next day, Mu Qingyun didn't wait for Su Zhou, but instead waited for a message from Mu Jingfeng.

  Myrtle said that the secrets of his planet were stolen by Kapaqiong, and that his high-tech battleship was stolen to Kapaqiong.

  If Kapaqiong doesn’t return the battleship, and doesn’t put to death those who steal and learn the secret arts, then Myrtle will never let Kapaqiong go.

  Hearing the news, Mu Qingyun and Su Qiluo sat in the living room thinking.

   "I didn't expect Yi Beixuan to retreat so quickly." Su Qiluo stared at the news that was now being discussed on the Internet, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

   "It was quite sudden." Mu Qingyun frowned, but after sighing, she still asked the key question, "If you fight with Maitre, what are the chances of winning?"

  Su Qiluo lowered her head and remained silent for a long time.

  After being silent for a while, he slowly said: "Although it is a bit embarrassing for others to destroy their prestige, the chance of Kapaqiong's victory is only 30%."

  Thirty percent?

  Mu Qingyun was a little surprised, "It's not that Kapaqiong and Maitre are the two strongest planets in the universe, and if there are only 30%, why did Maitre decide to do it now?"

   "They were the two strongest in the past, but Kapaqiong paid more attention to the happiness of the people, and Maitre paid more attention to armaments and weapons, so Kapaqiong was not popular in the fight.

  In addition, over the years, Yibeixuan and Maitre have cooperated with each other, destroyed a lot of things, and submitted a lot of information. The most important thing is that Kapaqiong is actually not as powerful as everyone imagined. "

  Su Qiluo rubbed his forehead, "In the past, Maitre wanted to get rid of me before doing it, but your appearance shattered their plot. I didn't die, and there was another you with plant abilities."

   "The reason why you are doing it now is probably because you are afraid that you will become stronger. When Kapaqiong has two powerful people, it will be more difficult for them to do it.

   It is better to take advantage of the current situation and attack aggressively. "

  Mu Qingyun looked at the neatly arranged chessboard on the table, and was silent for a while.

  Seeing that Mu Qingyun didn't speak, Su Qiluo thought she was worried about the war, so she hurried over and put her arms around her shoulders, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

   "I'm not afraid," she shook her head, but still slowly leaned on his shoulder, "I hate war very much. Once a war starts, no matter how strong the troops are, it will be a catastrophe for the people."

   "Don't worry, at least I found you and resolved that crisis. We Kapaqiong are not completely defenseless." Su Qiluo comforted her softly.

   "Urgent notice, urgent notice, everyone pay attention, you have installed anti-explosion and shockproof devices at home, go home immediately, and you are forbidden to go out, if you don't have installed at home, immediately go to the surrounding shelter immediately!"

   "Urgent notification, urgent notification..."

  On the mobile phone, the host of the emergency announcement broadcast it several times.

  On the Internet, everyone was confused by Miter's sudden attack. Many people didn't even have time to react, and went directly to the protection center along the crowd.

   Anti-explosion and anti-shock equipment is not cheap. Ordinary people simply cannot afford to install such high-tech equipment, so they can only take refuge in a shelter for the time being.

  Wars and disasters often happen suddenly.

  Mu Qingyun frowned, she suddenly remembered what Su Zhou said in the previous life, in the previous life, Su Qiluo was not a general of the military division, and they didn't find any plant supernatural beings, so Kapaqiong lost many generals.

  In times of war, disasters break out, everything is destroyed, everything is razed to the ground,

   "Do you remember what Su Zhou said?" She turned to look at Su Qiluo and asked.

  Su Qiluo narrowed his eyes, "He said that there will be natural disasters during wars, which will lead to the destruction of all living things in the universe."

   "He's exhausted all his tricks, but the war is still coming." Mu Qingyun turned the things in her hands, her eyes darkened.

"Jingle Bell."

  The doorbell rang, she looked up, Su Qiluo immediately stood up and went to open the door.

  Outside the door, there are Su Zhou with a calm face and a doctor with an anxious face.

   "Why are you two here together?" He withdrew his body and let them in.

   "We met on the road." Su Zhou replied lightly, turning his head to meet Mu Qingyun's eyes, "Your Majesty, war is coming."

   "How does the time of this war compare with your previous life?" Mu Qingyun looked up at him and asked softly.

  Su Zhou frowned, "In the previous life, it was a little earlier, and the war was launched more suddenly in the previous life. When the generals were all wiped out, Maitre suddenly launched an attack, and he didn't find any other reason."

   After hesitating for a moment, he said again: "However, Kapadome in this life is full of plants, which should reduce the impact of natural disasters, and we have already prepared for this life, so we should not fall into the end of the previous life."

  Hearing this, Mu Qingyun was slightly relieved.

  In general, this life is much better than the previous life, no matter how bad it is, it will not fall to the point of extinction in the previous life.

   "Military division, I didn't expect to meet you in another world, and I still have to go to war." She couldn't help chuckling as she said.

   "It's my fault. I tried every means to get His Majesty to come, but I caused such a big trouble for His Majesty." Su Zhou lowered his eyes, and he was full of apology when he spoke, but he didn't regret it at all.

   "No," the silent doctor suddenly said, "What are your plans now?"

Mu Qingyun raised her eyes, her eyes were full of coldness at the moment, "Since Maitre decided to attack, we naturally have to fight him, Kapaqiong is our home, I will never stand by Watching her being violated and not being moved."

   "Do you really want to fight?"

  Dr.'s face was full of gloomy expressions. He didn't want a war. If there could be peace talks, he hoped that everyone would be safe.

"It's useless. If there is room for peace talks, they won't suddenly attack. They should have explained the situation to Mu Jingfeng in advance." Mu Qingyun shook her head, "Mu Jingfeng will definitely not fight for a battleship and a secret method." , plunged Capación into war."

  Mu Jingfeng, although his emotions are in a mess in person, he is definitely excellent in handling affairs and management in person, and he is very aware of the overall situation.

  Since Mu Jingfeng was able to tell her the news this morning, it meant that there was no room for change. This battle had to start.

  After Mu Jingfeng finished contacting her, he began to contact the military academy.

  The military academy is naturally the first to take the lead in this matter, and immediately began to organize relevant armaments. All the generals were dispatched collectively, preparing for an emergency meeting in Mu Jingfeng's castle.

  Su Qiluo was also invited.

   "I'll go and listen to their ideas first, don't worry." Su Qiluo simply put on a coat, and set off to Mu Jingfeng's place.

  Mu Qingyun frowned as she turned the button communicator in her hand.

  (end of this chapter)