MTL - Wilderness Live: True Princess, She Blasts Interstellar-Chapter 330 I can't walk at all

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  Chapter 330 I can't walk at all

   A lot of people came from behind, but fortunately there were many forks in the prison, and Mu Qingyun, who was hiding from XZ, managed to avoid it.

  Running out of the cell, she paid attention to the situation around her, and hurried to the place where she changed clothes just now.

  Because of this face, everyone who saw her just greeted her and asked what was going on inside, why the alarm sounded suddenly, and so many people were mobilized.

   To this kind of question, she always answered 'don't know'.

  Finally ran to the office where she changed clothes. As soon as she reached the door, she ran into Yuemei who ran out of it.

   "Sister Zhou, something really happened!"

  As soon as Yuemei saw her, she quickly stopped her, "Did you hear the sirens?"

   "I heard it, but I don't know what's going on inside." She looked down at Yuemei who was holding her arm tightly, a trace of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

  Good guy, at this juncture, he was held back by this girl.

   "What should I do? I didn't expect something to happen today. Major Krissen will definitely not let us go lightly!" Yuemei's eyes were full of tears, and she seemed really scared.

   "It's okay, we have so many people here, he can't really punish them all." Mu Qingyun patted Yuemei's back and comforted her softly.

  After hearing her words, Yuemei sighed, but the hand holding her arm was even stronger, "I hope so."

   "Yuemei, I kind of want to go to the bathroom." She moved the arm held tightly by Yuemei, signaling Yuemei to let go of her.

"You're scared too." Yuemei raised her head knowingly when she heard this, and let go of her arm, "Go and come back quickly, in case Major Krissen comes and you're not there, he I will definitely take you under the knife!"

   "Okay." She responded indiscriminately, and hurriedly opened the door to enter.

   Shuttled quickly in the office, she walked to the entrance just now, took out her magnetic card, looked it over, and hurriedly walked out along the path just now.

  Finally see the gate!

  Mu Qingyun looked at the iron door in front of her, and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. As long as she opened the door and went out, she would have escaped from here completely.

  However, when her hand touched the instrument on the black iron door, the door was pushed open from the outside.

  Her heart stopped for a moment, she clenched her fists for an instant, and raised her head suddenly, just in time to meet the sight of Krissen who had received the news.

   "Plop, plop—"

   Breathing became rapid, she only felt as if something was rampaging in her chest, causing confusion in front of her eyes.

   "Major, you are finally here. They told me to pick you up at the door and hurry in!"

  Blanking her head for a second, she shouted quickly, her voice full of panic.

  She pursed her lips and looked at Chrisson with a frown.

   If there is a video camera now, then next year's Best Actress Award will definitely go to her!

  Chrissen was also in a hurry. After hearing her words, he didn't say a word, and hurried to the path with the people behind him.

   It's done!

   Mu Qingyun watched him run towards the path, turned around without hesitation, and ran out of the prison.

  The movement of her escape was not too big, but it was still captured by Krissen.

  Chrissen turned his head suddenly, there was no shadow of Mu Qingyun at the black iron gate!

  Oops, fell for it.

   "Hurry up!"

  He roared, pushed away the people behind him, and ran outside.

  The people who came up behind were stunned by his sudden yell, and looked at each other for a long while, not understanding what he meant by chasing after him.

   "Damn it!"

  Chrissen ran outside, the empty streets on both sides, Mu Qingyun had obviously chased after him as soon as he ran away, but now there is not even a shadow of a person!

   "Major, do you want to chase that man just now?"

  Finally someone came over confused, looked at the worried-looking Krissen, and asked tentatively in a low voice.


  Chrissen was annoyed, and when he heard his idiotic question, he immediately became angry and yelled at someone.

   After being yelled at by him, the group of people didn't dare to speak anymore, and stood silently. Looking from a distance, they looked like a group of sculptures that could not move or speak.

  Chrissen looked at the empty street, clenched his hands into fists and loosened them.

  Take out the communication device from the storage bag, he dialed the contact number of an admiral who stayed behind in Maiter, "Now, immediately, block Maiter, don't let a single fly out!"

"What's wrong?"

   "Do as I say!" Without much explanation, he said coldly, then turned and walked into the prison.

  The group of people he brought with them watched their noses, noses, noses, and hearts, and dared to follow behind him carefully after Krissen took a few steps forward.


  Mu Qingyun retracted the vine and rubbed her sore cheek.

   Fortunately, before coming, she deliberately left a vine at a corner according to the topographic map.

  The vine spread from the corner to the black iron gate of the prison. Just now, she relied on this vine to achieve the feat of crossing hundreds of meters in a few seconds.

   Taking a deep breath, her legs became sore for a while, and she couldn't stand at all. As soon as she let go of the vine, she fell to the ground uncontrollably, and her whole body felt a tearing pain.

  The speed was too fast just now, maybe the pain didn't keep up with her speed, but now that it stopped, all kinds of discomfort and pain came up, which made her a little unbearable.

  Closing her eyes, she breathed heavily through her mouth, relieving the pain on her body.

  She must leave here quickly, and it is very likely that Krissen will send someone to catch up.

  Holding the ground with her hands, she tried to stand up, but as soon as she stood up a little, her hands softened, and she could only fall back to the ground weakly.

   No, I can’t walk at all.

  Mu Qingyun leaned against the corner wall, trying to prop up her left hand.

  Her plant ability has not been cultivated to the point where it can heal and recover, but in this situation, she can only try it for herself.

  Green light emerged in the palm of her hand, and soon spread to her whole body.

  Warm breath poured into her nasal cavity. Although the ability to heal and recover was not enough, it also helped her relieve the pain on her body.

   After a brief relief, she tried it, and she could almost stand up and walk around, and then stopped the plant ability.

  Chrissen will definitely block Myrtle completely, but Myrtle is so big, it will definitely take some time from giving the order to fully recovering.

  She must take advantage of this time to get the things, otherwise, she might not be able to get out of Myrtle in her life.

  Checked the place that the young man Cha said, she went back to the road sign just now, got in the car, and started driving towards Tianzhou Street.


   "Tell me, what did you say?"

  Chrissen stared at the pale young man in front of him, holding a long barbed whip in his hand, staring at the young man's eyes full of murderous intent, wishing to take off the young man's skin to relieve his anger.

"I've said everything I need to say." The young man said weakly, lifted his head weakly, looked at the cold eyes in front of him, and smiled without warning, "Let me tell you something, I promise I won't let you down .”

  (end of this chapter)