MTL - With So Many Vests, I Overturned In Front of the School Grass-Chapter 29

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"When I was young, it is said that I didn't remember anything at that time." He Yu looked at the missing corner of the wall on the ceiling, lost in memory, he spoke very slowly, and he needed to think carefully about many things to remember.

"When my mother gave birth to me, she had a difficult labor. The doctor asked the doctor to protect the baby. My dad couldn't come back when he was outside. He said on the phone that the baby would be the baby. The old lady— baby told the doctor to keep the baby. Did my mother bleed heavily in the end? Save me, I’m alive and kicking and nothing happened.”

"My hometown is very superstitious, and there is a ruined temple. It is said that there is a monk there who told my fortune, saying that my fate is hard, and I will overcome my parents." No matter how many times I recall, He Yu can make the mentally retarded monk happy "That idiot dares to say anything when his upper and lower lips touch it."

"Fortune-telling?" Chu Yi paused when he took the water, "There are still people who believe in this at this time."

"My mother doubted life too. Guess what, the whole village believed it, and all the children in the village didn't play with me," He Yu said with a sloppy face, remembering how many times he wanted to push away those idiots The cranium to see if there is any shadow of materialism in it, "My dad didn't have it when I was five years old, and I don't remember it. My current IQ is probably replaced by a mental retardation when I was a child. I don't remember anything."

"Actually, I'm saying this without even a trace of sadness," He Yu scratched his hair and looked at Chu Yi. Chu Yi's face was calm and he was a good listener, which made him feel more at ease in his heart. It's not that difficult to do it anymore, and continued: "I don't have any impression of them at all, I only remember their appearance in the photos."

"Someone in the village told me that my father thought of my mother when he saw me at the time. He went out to work after he came back to take care of my mother's funeral. He never took me with him for a day. Five years later, he died in an accident."

"It's not that I don't have a conscience," he said helplessly. He was called a white-eyed wolf by that family since he was a child. He still doesn't understand how he looks like a white-eyed wolf. "The main reason is that I haven't even met my father twice. , I have never seen my mother at all, my father and son are not filial, and the grave has never been visited several times."

"What should we do next?" Chu Yi looked at him, "Go live at your grandma's house."

"No, I went to my uncle's and aunt's house." He Yu was a little emotional. "At that time, there was a subsidy for orphans under the policy, no more, no less, a few hundred yuan a month. Fifty yuan a month for a little kid to be fed as a pig and a dog. No need, you won’t lose any money.”

"They didn't treat you well." Chu Yi said affirmatively.

He Yu snorted: "Okay, this word will be damned to them."

“It’s just a group of people who are stuck in a small place and have never gone out to see the world all their lives and think they are so smart. They have never read a book, think the world is like this, think that children are children, and treat them whatever they want, like objects. "

Chu Yi looked at him and listened to his chatter in silence.

"They don't know that the little **** who can let them slap their mouths and swing their belts will grow up one day, and that day will come so quietly," He Yu laughed, amused by the idioms he used, and sighed He continued: "I was only in the fifth grade at that time, and once I came back late after school to clean up, they wanted to beat me again. I usually hide, but I didn't that day."

"My uncle was drunk. He hit me with a wine bottle and smashed it on the table. He continued to beat him while he was drinking. I could have avoided it." He Yu narrowed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved contemptuously, "I could have I tried to hide, but I didn’t. I deliberately stretched out my hand to block it, and the teacher said that there was an artery in the wrist, and there was a lot of bleeding.”

"The whole opening of the wine bottle was cut in, and the pain was so painful that I almost stabbed him backhanded, but at the time, I only had one thought in my heart, 'It's too **** bad to stop now'."

"Did the scar on his hand come about at this time?" Chu Yi paused, "It hasn't grown out yet."

"Yes," He Yu stretched out his hand to look at the long and ugly scar, like a winding road, lingering on his thin wrist. It hurts."

Chu Yi gently pressed the edge of the scar with his fingertips, and traced the scar carefully, as if he was tracing Omega's tragic past without his participation, his lips tightened unconsciously.

He Yu didn't see his expression, and went on to say: "At that time, my wrist was bleeding a lot. I lay on the ground and shouted as hard as I could. Half of it was from the pain, and the other half was to attract people."

"My aunt stopped him, but he didn't stop him. The more I yelled at him, the angrier he got, and he scratched me a lot with a wine bottle. It was a chaotic time, and I just covered my face and couldn't remember anything else. "

"In summer, I wore a singlet and shorts, and I was bleeding all over my body. My neighbors ran over to watch the excitement, chirping like a sparrow. I lay on the ground with my head in my arms, watching them from the gap between my arms, and pointing. I have everything I want to say, but I didn’t step forward to stop it.”

He Yu paused and took a light breath.

"Life is so boring, everything is lively. A group of people have lived like this for a lifetime, and they are numb. They are just a hypocritical shell, and there is nothing inside."

Chu Yi's eyes were dim, and the hand holding his wrist exerted a little force.

He Yu continued: "Later, the village chief of our village called the police. The injuries on my body looked scary, but I avoided them on purpose. The wounds were not deep. I went to the hospital for a simple bandage and rested for ten and a half months. Nothing happened. "

"But things got serious, and it was on the local news. Custody rights were deprived. My uncle went to jail, and I was sent to my grandma."

He Yu shook his head dramatically: "Then another challenge in my life came. I think I will be successful in the future. Since I was born, God has tortured my mind and body, and I will be sorry if I do nothing."

"You are very promising now." Chu Yi said.

"I think so too." He Yu chuckled twice, and his tone was much more relaxed, "My grandma is superstitious. Since I was born, I have burned incense and worshiped Buddha every day. I feel that my fate is hard to beat the whole family, and I can kill my parents without saying anything." His second son went to jail, and now he's here to restrain her."

"Once this person breaks away from materialism, she will easily break the law. She locks me in the room every day and doesn't let me go out, and gives me one meal a day."

He scolded: "Sometimes I **** forget to give it away. I am so short and this must have something to do with it. Otherwise, my aptitude would be 1.8 meters."

"For sure," Chu Yi gently plucked his sweaty bangs, the movement was very light, and there was an urgency for the follow-up escape that neither of them had noticed in his voice, "How did you escape?"

He Yu was quite proud of this: "Once I grabbed her from the crack of the door while she wasn't paying attention, and played with her with my life. She didn't grab me, so I ran away."

"The next day my aunt came over to quarrel with her, scolded her for being useless, even a child couldn't look down on her, and she was so angry that she had a cerebral hemorrhage. When she was in the hospital, her good second daughter-in-law didn't pay, and she was forced to die gone."

"She locked me up for half a year. When I ran out, I went to Yuan Li's house. Uncle Yuan and Yuan Li begged Yuan Li's mother for three days. I stayed here temporarily," He Yu sighed and laughed, " If it wasn't for Yuan Li, I would have just picked up junk at a random overpass at that time, and a handsome kid like me would definitely be spotted by traffickers and sold to Shangougou."

Yuan Li is the most important brother in his life. If he slaps him twice, he has to ask why he slaps him instead of hitting him back.

The feeling for Yuan Li is that you can kill me, but if you touch my brother, I will definitely kill you, literally.

After two seconds, He Yu put an end to this unhappy childhood: "After the second uncle was released from prison, he and his second aunt got into a fight because of this matter in the car. The car crashed into the moat, but neither of them survived."

He couldn't hold it back, and burst out laughing: "I'm sorry, I wanted to laugh so much. Can you believe it, I stood in the mourning hall on the day of their funeral, I couldn't breathe and was blown away by the village chief."

"Laugh," the thick fog in his eyes cleared, and Chu Yi smiled slightly, "I want to laugh too."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for understanding me." After laughing, there was a burst of inexplicable bitterness. He Yu took a deep breath, silently covering up this trivial emotion, and said lightly: "After that, I knew a The truth—you only need to be kind, and God will judge by itself, this sentence is still correct.”

"Life kisses you hard, and you kiss him back and catch him off guard, embarrassing him, and you win," Brother Yu concluded, "This is survival."

Chu Yi looked at him for a while, then nodded in agreement: "That's right."

"It must be right." He Yu said.

"Brother, I'm not kidding you, doing a good deed every day is really useful. Didn't you ask me why I went to work in OTE? It's because I saved an Omega from a group of hooligans in the second year of junior high," He Yu said proudly, " It was a dangerous situation and I almost got killed by the group of people, but I still won, it was really amazing."

"That Omega is Brother Feng's own younger brother."

"Brother Feng found me later and asked me what I wanted in return. I said I wanted to make money. He gave me two ways, one is to give me 100,000 yuan directly, and the other is to follow him. He doesn't guarantee me No matter how long I can do it, my safety is not guaranteed."

"I chose the second."

"Facts have proved that I made the right choice. The money comes quickly and steadily, and I can't ask for it."

He finished speaking in one breath, and later realized that there was too little space for this serious matter. He had only heard him talk about his childhood for so long, and it seemed like he was deliberately selling miserably.

"It seems to be a bit off topic," He Yu touched his nose, "Brother, if there is anything else you want to know, I can tell you."

"No more," Chu Yi said, "enough."

He Yu squeezed his fingers a little embarrassedly, he said it so heartfeltly, it was really embarrassing.

"Actually..." He paused, but still said, "I've always wanted to tell you, thank you."

After he finished speaking, he immediately looked at Chu Yi.

"Thank you?" Chu Yi's face remained normal.

He Yu breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head, and said in a low voice, "During this time, you, um, took special care of me and cooked for me... This time I caught a cold too, and took me to the hospital. Obviously you paid me to hire me, Instead, I was taken care of like an uncle... Cough, that's right, thank you."

He is not good at expressing gratitude, but it doesn't mean he doesn't feel it, he remembers everything in his heart.

"You're welcome," Chu Yi sat on one side with his arms folded, "I do it voluntarily, and I don't need to be burdened. If I do, I'll hold it back. I'm happy."

He Yu: "...Brother, I'm still touched."

His brother always has all kinds of abilities to wake him up instantly, he is worthy of being fierce, and he has his own personality in everything he does.

"I let you not be moved?" Chu Yi raised his eyebrows.

"No, no," He Yu waved his hand, "I'm touched, very touched... If I can eat another pear, I will be even more moved."

Chu Yi forked a piece to his mouth: "Open your mouth."

He Yu opened his mouth and bit down, and it was gone.

Chu Yi continued to feed, and He Yu continued to eat. In a trance, he felt that Chu Yi was so kind to him because Chu Yi loved small animals, such as pigs...

"Brother," He Yu couldn't help asking halfway through eating, "Your mother...what's going on, she even cares about your puppy love."

"Curious?" Chu Yi looked at him.

"It's okay, it's a bit ordinary, very special, and very curious." He Yu was lying on his chest, without squinting.

"Business marriage, marriage is not happy," Chu Yi briefly concluded, "After divorce, she always wants to use me to prove her right. She is a very good Omega successful person. In her eyes, I am not her son, I am her face , every move affects her stock price."

He Yu waited for a while, and found that Chu Yi had stopped talking, and was taken aback.

That's... gone?

Why does he think that Chu Yi is also a male classmate with a story, why he babbled for a long time and Chu Yi summed it up in one sentence, why?

"Is there anything else I want to know," Chu Yi imitated him, "I will tell you after I think about it."

He Yu is all over the place, especially want to ask how you are so handsome and doggy.

But no one dared to ask.

He Zuizui, He Zuizui, if you can't get off the horse, you will be scared. Before, you used the excuse to pretend to be in the play, but now there is no excuse. You can't get tough no matter what you face Chu Yi.

"It's gone," He Yu lay on the bed with Buddha's light all over him, "It's gone."

Chu Yi glanced at him with the eyes of "If you don't ask, I won't tell you", and said in a regretful tone: "Oh, you really are an Omega without curiosity."

He Yu: "..." You are handsome and you are right.

"The results won't come until the day after tomorrow, don't go to school tomorrow." Chu Yi said.

"Ask for leave again, isn't it good?" He Yu hesitated.

"I told Lao Yang," Chu Yi decided for him, looked at him and said, "I invite you when you are not serious, so why not be embarrassed when you are serious."

He Yu felt that he had always been a serious person, but Chu Yi seemed more serious than him.

But the longer we knew each other, he was still the same him, but Chu Yi became less... so serious.

He couldn't help thinking of a sentence - I really miss when we first met, we were still a little stiff and sincere.

The author has something to say: the author sat cross-legged on the kang with a box of yogurt in his hands, and said while drinking: the chat is over, the chat is over, I am exhausted, and I can start dating.

He Yu tells a story: Ulawalama Kabaka U Sidi Siyi Gubigu Kukula Kuyiyi Kuwahihihaha Mamahaha...

Chu Yi tells a story: Wu.

Knock on the blackboard to draw the key points: the first ten comments draw red envelopes, and the three draws are written in a strange and cute language! Chirp! Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-08-2021:41:36~2020-08-2117:49:52~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: Xiaomei just wants to be beautiful alone;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 15 bottles of Buddha-style preserved eggs; 10 bottles of Lu Qinghuang and Xiannan are the most handsome; 4 bottles of named waste; Did you worry about naming it today? Rabbits don’t eat carrots. Shui Shenqian cut 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!