MTL - With So Many Vests, I Overturned In Front of the School Grass-Chapter 36

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"You really don't live here?" Jiang Yuenan pouted and said unhappily, "I'm so bored when you leave. A bunch of heartless Alphas."

"We don't have a conscience?" Xin Tao laughed, and asked with some meaning in his words: "Then who has a conscience?"

Jiang Yue is not good enough in the south, she didn't hear the old fox's voice-over at all, and put her hands on her chest, pretending to be an adult: "Another Alpha! Responsible and handsome!"

"Are you talking about you, Brother Hang, and me?" Li Jinhang ruthlessly rubbed her hair twice, and a brand new chicken nest head was born.

"It's definitely not you guys, don't touch my head! I'm not tall anymore!" Jiang Yuenan slapped his hands away and snorted, "You guys go, don't look back when you go."

"I'll call you brother later," Chu Yi grabbed her hoodie and capped her head and pushed her into the room, "Let's go."

The purpose of coming here is to do something out of the ordinary to stimulate Jiang Yiyun, Chu Yi glanced at the surveillance, and now he has given up on this plan.

After leaving the villa, He Yu breathed a sigh of relief, he might suffer from insomnia after sleeping here all night.

Ever since he had a friendly exchange with Chu Yi, he has been having a fever, and he has a high fever again.

He preferred to stay at home when he was not feeling well—even socialist youths with roots in their roots were not immune to the superstition that they had to die at home.

That's why he told Yuan Li that if he killed someone or committed suicide one day, after cremation, he would take his ashes home and walk around, thinking about it, so that he wouldn't come back to be haunted.

Yuan Li said at the time: "You can live with peace of mind. If you die, I will definitely throw it into the high seas to feed the fish without burning it. It is energy-saving and environmentally friendly."

Tsk, heartless.

When they got home, they all ate and drank and went back to their respective rooms. Cheng Haoyan moved the green radish to the sofa for a closer look. He Yu washed an apple for everyone, and he quietly ran back with half a watermelon, two duck pears and two apples. Room.

"Brother," he raised the tray in his hand, offering treasures, "there's only half a watermelon left, and I'll bring you all."

Chu Yi lay on the bed and waved: "Come here."

He Yu walked over, and when he was standing by the bed, he wanted to ask "Does the emperor serve you meals with humble ministers?" Of course, this kind of death behavior usually does not happen to him.

"What time do we go to the hospital tomorrow?" He said.

Chu Yi used a fork to fork a small piece of watermelon and put it in his mouth, chewed and ate it slowly before saying, "What time do you wake up?"

He Yu made a comparison in his heart, and kept talking: "I think with my strength, I'm sure—"

"I'm sure I won't get up before ten o'clock," Chu Yi took the words, and patted the inside of the bed like him, "Come up."

He Yu put the watermelon on the small table next to Chu Yi, and climbed up from the end of the bed.

The experience of last night was still vivid in his memory, and he swore that it would be impossible for him to get over anyone in his life, not even for Yuan Li.

Chu Yi eats without talking, and it is impossible for him to fall asleep easily in front of Chu Yi when the lamp is on. He is still a bit short of heartless fire.

When the atmosphere returned to embarrassment, He Yu used to break it by chatting.

He lay on his side, looked at Chu Yi and asked, "Brother, did you hear what that girl Jiang Yuenan told me?"

Come on girl, it's time for you to save your Brother Yu from the fire and water.

Chu Yi hummed, and after being together for so long, He Yu could already see murderous intent from his seemingly calm expression.

"I don't think that brat's character is very good." He Yu frowned and analyzed, "Did that girl tell you? She took the initiative to chase her at the beginning, but she was rejected. Tsk, blind or not, isn't our girl One by one."

"Haoyan found it," Chu Yi said, "I'll check it out this weekend."

"That's what I thought too. The two of them are going on a date this weekend. I think that brat has bad intentions, so I don't feel at ease if they don't follow." He Yu said.

The brothers reached a consensus, and Chu Yi went to wash up, and when he came back, he turned off the lights and lay down on his side, closing his eyes and walking freely.

He Yu leaned against the wall and said silently: I am not cold, I don't need to be close to the big heater, I am not cold, I have to keep a distance from Chu Yi, I am not greedy...

He is indeed not cold tonight, not only is he not cold, but he is also extremely hot, terribly hot, wishing he could take off his clothes and take a cold shower.

But he said nothing.

It should be a cold and high fever. He took two pills at night, but the effect of the medicine has not yet come up.

Brother Yu was possessed by an old Chinese doctor, and after a few seconds of diagnosis, he felt that he was strong and healthy.

The situation of bothering Chu Yi tossing around with him in the middle of the night like yesterday will never happen again in this life.

Don't ask, if you ask, Brother Yu will save face.

"He Yu! Wake up! He Yu!"

He Yu fell into a drowsy sleep, someone called him in the dream, the voice was familiar, hey, it sounded nice.

"He Yu! You have a fever! Wake up!"

He forcefully opened his eyes, and cried out in pain for a moment. The whole eyeball was like a lake that had been drained of water. A faint figure.

The first-level nerve alarm was sounded, and he subconsciously raised his hand to control the person hugging him, but the next moment, the room temperature dropped sharply, hallucinations appeared in front of his eyes, and bursts of cool white mist rose up, relieving his hot and cold body. discomfort.

It's Chu Yi.

"Brother..." He put down his hands, his body was as soft as noodles, and he could only lean against Chu Yi's arms, his throat was burning dry and hoarse, "I am..." What's going on.

A few words were trembling, and he used half of his body's strength, and he began to gasp after he finished speaking.

He Yu felt that there was a fire in his body that was about to explode, and wanted to cremate him on the spot.

Fuck, he was upset.

Why did the problem come so quickly? The terminal illness is still early and late. God thinks that he has lived more comfortably recently than the previous eighteen years and wants to accept him.

The twitching pain in his head suddenly intensified, and he cursed in a delirious manner, biting his lips with his teeth and trying not to moan, the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

He didn't notice that the room had long been filled with the strong aroma of watermelon, mixed with Chu Yi's sea of ​​ice, bursting out a slice of sweetness.

But the two people present did not have time to enjoy this highly integrated Wang Yang.

Chu Yi casually grabbed two pieces of clothes to help him put on, and he put on a coat casually and ran out with someone in his arms.

The pheromone is so obvious, the three outside have already woken up, but AO has not come in whether he wants to kiss or not.

Seeing the two of them coming out, Xin Tao immediately asked: "What's going on? Why did He Yu suddenly have union fever?"

"I don't know," Chu Yi's jaw tightened, he spoke quickly, and strode towards the door. Cheng Haoyan opened the door quickly, and a group of people ran out of the community as fast as they could. "The doctor said it was most likely acute combination fever."

Li Jinhang stopped a private car with his life, and the owner opened the window angrily: "You don't want to die—"

Xin Tao went straight to him, didn't have time to discuss it, and directly picked up his collar and threatened: "City Hospital, take a detour and I'll chop off your finger."

Although the few men in front of them were young and looked like students, but the aura of the top Alpha hit the door directly, the man hesitated for a second, and opened the car door.

Xin Tao sat in the co-pilot and looked at the driver, while Chu Yi sat in the back holding He Yu.

"Let's go first," Li Jinhang helped them close the car door with trembling hands. It was so cold that the brothers only wore pajamas, and the cold wind blew through. "Haoyan and I will look for a car again."

"Be careful." Chu Yi said.

Under Xin Tao's severe threat, the driver passed two red lights and rushed to the hospital, but He Yu already felt that he was dying.

He could hear what Chu Yi and the others were saying, and could feel what they were doing, but his whole body was so hot that he was almost cooked, the air he exhaled was like magma, and his throat was so hot that he shivered.

After struggling to open his eyes, his eyes were covered with a layer of blood red, and even the outline of Chu Yi could hardly be seen clearly.

Acute combined fever, it's **** over, it can't be saved.

In just a few minutes, his body began to tremble violently uncontrollably, his breathing was difficult, as if someone had strangled his throat, the oxygen was pulled out bit by bit, and his internal organs were squeezed by a pair of invisible hands, ready to explode at any time.

He's really, really dying...

"Brother..." He Yu grabbed Chu Yi's hand desperately with all his strength. He was so painful that he wanted to cry, but his eyes were tingling and dry. He could only weakly and persistently repeat the name that reassured him the most. , "Chu, Yi... Chu Yi... I... I don't..."

"It's okay, it's okay," Chu Yi hugged him tightly, rubbing his head against his neck, and comforted him with a trembling voice, "I'll be at the hospital soon, I'll be there soon, just hold on..."

He Yu's facial muscles also became uncontrollable, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't even speak.

He really wants to hug Chu Yi and tell him that he can't be afraid, he has to tell him with a vicious tongue that if you die, I will throw your instant noodles.

Then he sat up suddenly and said, "Brother, I won't act anymore, don't throw it away."

Now that he is like this, he is not like Chu Yi at all, which makes a certain part of his heart very painful.

Chu Yi's fingers trembled, he hugged him tightly, and repeated in his ear like a demon: "It's okay, it will be fine... Hold on, please..."

He Yu really wanted to hug him hard and tell him that death is nothing, he has nothing to worry about, and it doesn't matter if he is alive or dead.

In the end, his brother was just like him, just a precocious 18-year-old boy, no matter how strong he was, he couldn't face his friend dying in his arms.

If God can manifest, then don't let him die in front of Chu Yi, please.

This time it might really be over. He Yu couldn't tell whether his eyes were open or closed. From Chu Yi's point of view, the whites of his eyes were bloodshot and scarlet, as if they were about to explode.

Chu Yi's pheromone was completely released from the very beginning, wrapping his whole body tightly, but he only felt a little better at the beginning, and now it has no effect at all.

The doctor said that it has something to do with binding heat, but generally Omega’s binding heat releases pheromones to attract Alpha, his whole body is weak, his hands and feet are weak, why does he have pain all over his body, and his whole body is going to spontaneously combust, and he will not attract Alpha...

God you are a **** thing.

He Yu scolded the sky rebelliously, if he died sooner or later, he must die in front of Chu Yi, bastard, if he goes to heaven, he will definitely **** the sky, what a fuck.

"He's too hot, do you have wet wipes?" Chu Yi looked up.

Xin Tao found a bag from the co-pilot, turned around and handed it over. When he was five centimeters away from He Yu, his hand was suddenly grabbed, and he stretched and pulled violently, with such strength that he almost took off his joints.

"He Yu!" Chu Yi held his hand, "It's Xin Tao, not someone else, it's Xin Tao."

He Yu was tense, his teeth were clenched, and the unfamiliar Alpha's breath made him vigilant like a wounded beast, ready to launch a fatal attack on the opposite **** other than Chu Yi at any time.

"I'm Chu Yi, be good, be obedient, let go." Chu Yi gently opened his hand, which was terribly hot, and his eyes were opened dully, blood red.

He Yu let go of his hand and leaned back against him weakly.

He didn't know where he got his strength just now, but instinct told him that any Alpha except Chu Yi was not safe—although he would be dying without these Alphas.

It hurts.

It hurts everywhere.

He was going to be torn apart by the pain.

The body suddenly lightened, and the body was alternately hot and cold, and the burning symptoms were strangely relieved.

He blinked, the tip of his nose and the corners of his mouth were dripping with moisture, like the last breath of life spent by the ancient gods, moistening the dry land uselessly.

The numb senses felt that Chu Yi froze for a few seconds, and then shouted: "Stop! Stop at the hotel in front!!"

He felt Chu Yi holding him and rushing into a windless place, and then Chu Yi's voice, it was the first time he heard Chu Yi speak in such an uncontrollable voice.

"Room card! Double room card! No one is allowed in!"

"Sir, please show your ID, otherwise we-"

"I **** let you get the room card!"


"room card!"

"Okay turn left on the second floor, you need to call the doctor—"

The voice from the front desk remained behind Chu Yi's steps.

On the second floor, Xin Tao quickly opened the door, and the moment Chu Yi entered, he couldn't help but say, "Do you really want to—"

"En." Chu Yi nodded, and the light cast a shadow on Alpha's side face.

The next second the door was slammed shut.

He Yu suddenly understood.

Temporary mark, Chu Yi wants to mark him temporarily.

No, no.

The first word that came to his mind was no.

An AO temporary mark with a matching degree higher than 70 will have an immeasurable impact on two people. Sometimes people have to admit that the so-called relationship will be completely defeated by hormones.

He is just an ordinary person living in the market, destined to spend his whole life in an ordinary life where one person feeds the whole family and the whole family is not hungry.

Chu Yi is different. Chu Yi is from another world. He will marry an Omega he likes, then inherit the family business, and live a life that he can't imagine.

If Chu Yi is the prince riding the white horse, then he is at best a guard watching the horse.

In a word, he is open to money, but he still has a moral bottom line, and he will not use this method to bind the second half of an Alpha's life.

"He Yu," Chu Yi held him in his arms, the tip of his nose lingered on the back of his neck, his hoarse voice suddenly calmed down, "I must mark you."

"No..." No way bro, He Yu tried his best to hold his hand, his voice was negligible, "Brother, this... can't..."


"It's okay if you can't."

The author has something to say: The author holds a big tea mug and smiles dignifiedly: I believe everyone understands the following program, so to celebrate, the sand sculpture author will send out a bunch of red envelopes tomorrow. (Since the last time I got a strong response, the sand sculpture author has learned how to card)

He Yu: God makes my brother unhappy, so I just go every day.

Chu Yi: As long as I can save you, let alone the second half of my life, I will give it to you in the next life.

Author: Kazhang.jpg

Knock on the blackboard to draw the key points: thirteen red envelopes! (more tomorrow!)

[Yesterday's language was strange, old cuties!

1. Brother Yi heard the word "brother", and his heart probably said:?

I wash and cook to support my family and sell my beauty to you. I have vigorous chest muscles and eight-pack abs. Which is bad for a male dog?

2. I'm suddenly afraid that their children's pheromone will taste like sauerkraut in the future (frown

He Zuizui won't pickle the taste, right? .

3. Yes, this wave seems to be that the big fish successfully domesticated Brother Yi. In fact, the big fish is on the fifth floor and the second Yi brother is on the 10th floor. It is the reverse domestication of the big cats to the small fish.

】Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-08-27 11:53:21~2020-08-28 17:08:10~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: I want to get rich one;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Tata Tasang and Carlton;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!