MTL - Women Disguised As Men and Mixed Men’s Team [Quick Wear]-Chapter 66 The infrastructure is only for the top stream (1st

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The snow is white and the wind is like a knife.

The Tambur Plain has ushered in the largest snowfall and cold wave in 300 years. In the snow-covered world, lifelike ice sculptures can be seen everywhere, from beasts to humans.

& nbsp; empty.

Compared to the cruel environment outside, although the sparrows here are small and complete, they can maintain a normal life in the town.

Of course, the premise of life is that you can live.

In the first dilapidated and leaky tavern on the west side of the town, the old Tambur man with a hookah puffing in his hand looked at the outside where half of the sky was still covered by dark clouds, He couldn't help sighing, "It's another tough winter."

When he was about to take his eyes back, the old man saw a snow-white and bloated figure running staggeringly towards the town at the junction of the horizon.

Snow White Bear?

The old Tamburer sat up excitedly, and as the figure got closer and closer, he couldn't help but sat back to his seat with little interest.

Where is the precious snow white bear, it is clearly a person.


The shabby door panel made a harsh sound, but what was even more unbearable at this time was the cold wind blowing through the door.

The old Tambul felt the cold wind creeping in down his neck, quickly grabbed the hookah in his hand, rushed to the door and closed the door, "Oh, damn, this is hell. Even in bad weather, the door won't open."

As for the person who pushed in the door, not only did he not receive a warm reception, but he was greeted with a few glances and a lot of broken thoughts by the old Tambur people.

If there is no fire in this weather, people will die.

The old Tamborer carefully looked after his fireplace.


After a while, the room was full of fire.

Firewood was burning in the fireplace, with a red-burning kettle hanging from it, under the care of the old Tambur, it was making a gurgling sound.

The old Tambul went to add water to the pot, added some more wood, and let out a long breath when the fire stabilized.

The person who came in in the wind and snow patted off the snow on his body, then sat near the fireplace and watched him say after he was busy, "Give me a pot of warm wine." Because After being attacked by the cold wind for a long time, Shi Qi's voice sounded like a broken gong as soon as he opened his mouth.

She just crawled out of the snow, and this place even became a world where she almost froze to death as soon as she opened her eyes.

"A copper coin, my guest." The old Tambul man was puffing his hookah, and an indistinct voice came over.

"On credit." Sitting by the fireplace for a while, Shi Qi felt that he was gradually coming to life.

Of course, as the owner of this tavern, he still talked to Shi Qi, "It's hard to do business due to heavy snow closures. I hope the guests can understand."

"How much is this thing worth?" Shi Qi, who was penniless, threw out a silver coin, which was the only thing on her body that looked like currency.

The old Tamburer casually found the silver coin, his turbid dark green eyes became clear for a moment, and then continued his previous lazy attitude, "Young man, what I deserve here is never. Not going back."

"How much?"

"One silver coin is equivalent to one hundred copper coins, but this is an ancient silver coin that is no longer in common use, so I can only exchange fifty copper coins for you."

"Okay." Shi Qi is cold and hungry now, and now the first task is to survive, "I want a pot of wine and a large portion of meat."

"Okay." The old Tambul man quickly brought Shi Qi wine and meat. Yes, in front of Shi Qi's face, he mixed water directly, and the pot was just boiled, and the smell of inferior wine came to his face under the alternation of cold and heat.

Shi Qi frowned, the old Tambul man put his things away, and went back to his place to roast the fire, "One copper coin for warm wine, one copper coin for venison, I'll give you forty-eight The copper coin is collected."

Poor attitude and bad food.

But for Shi Qi, who has been hungry for a long time and cold for a long time, it is very rare. Drinking can ward off the cold, and after eating the venison, he feels that he is finally alive.

Looking at this world that is completely out of touch with the entertainment industry, Shi Qi fell into contemplation.

The Tambul Plain where he is located is known as the most chaotic place in the entire Caddos continent, and it can be called a place of no concern.

It is located at the junction of the Dansil Empire and the Odin Empire, where all kinds of notorious thieves and wanted criminals are gathered here. Although there will be mercenaries in the past, they are all With his face covered, he can carry a knife and become the master of thieves.

Anyway, there's no one good here.

In fact, at the very beginning, the Tambul Plain had the Tambul Empire, the third largest empire in the Caddos continent. The great empire nibbled at the whale and swallowed it up.

This town was originally named Tambul Town, but Dante Town got its name because both the Dan Hill Empire in the south and the Odin Empire in the north once occupied it.

, There are still three months of rainstorm season in summer, and it is hard to escape the rain and snow. The rest of the time is the time for those wild beasts and monsters.

Not to mention the swampy basins and dangerous jungles that can be seen everywhere, where there are countless corpses buried.

You know, this is the best place to kill people.

A battlefield that is regarded as a buffer zone.

In recent years, the Dan Hill Empire and the Odin Empire signed a 100-year peace treaty agreement.

So this Tambul Plain has become a waste of food and a pity, I don't want it but I don't want to give it to you. Both sides have sent people, but no matter which side comes, they will end up dead.

Either died in the mouth of the monster or was twisted by a thief and thrown into the swamp.

Although the two empires are powerful, they are reluctant to send confidant elites here. Although three hundred years have passed, there are still some old Tambur people living there.

The monarchs of the major empires do not want to take this risk, but the useless waste wood sent to death in the past.

The agreement between the two empires is now in a state of anxiety.

Later, someone proposed to find the descendants of the Tambul Empire three hundred years ago to rule here, as a bond to maintain.

Although this approach is risky, compared to an empire that has been destroyed for three hundred years, the containment of the Hill Empire and the Odin Empire is more important.

Because they found someone with pure Tambuur royal blood, and through layers of screening, Shi Qi was selected as the only 'male' and sent here.

However, the Hill Empire and the Odin Empire imprisoned Shi Qi's parents respectively, because the Tambur people are the most affectionate, as long as there are hostages in their hands, then Shi Qi can't make any waves at all.

The most important thing is that now Shi Qi is only fourteen years old, and he is still young and has no opinion and can be at their mercy.

Under the strangulation of the two great empires, the royal bloodline of the Temple Empire was scarce. In addition to being a puppet, they sent a fourteen-year-old child over to hook up all the old guys who were hiding in the Tambul Plain.

Instead of keeping them hidden in the dark, it is better to show them on the bright side.

When the time is right, the two countries can directly go to war, use this place as a battlefield and destroy it in one fell swoop.

This is a clear strategy, it depends on whether you Tambor people will knowingly and deliberately be fooled.

Shi Qi didn't know if there were any old Tamburs who reached out to save him before, anyway, those who were sent by the two empires to protect and monitor themselves were all dead.

As long as you come to Dante Town alive, it means the test begins.

Here, Shi Qi not only has to face the threats from the two great empires, but also has to consider his parents who are hostages, struggling to survive alone in a thief-infested zone, and may also face old age The test of the Tamburians.

Tian Dao likes all the vulgar and vulgar plots, and used it from the plot of dragon and phoenix brothers and sisters that did not work in the first world, because the original owner had a sister, but that sister died. In this snow.

However, now, as soon as Heavenly Dao came up, he threw himself into his sister's body. Fortunately, the clothes he wore in winter were heavy and there was a pair of armor.

Don't let her fall off the horse as soon as she gets up.

However, the original owner's body was frozen in the heavy snow, and the crash crisis reached the MAX level.

Even through the memory of the original owner, it is known that although the old Tambur people are very loyal to the royal family, this is only for men.

Women have no status.

At first, it was a difficult task, and this identity was also troublesome.

But this is not what Shi Qi is most worried about.

But she now has a very serious question, that is, in this world where wolves are surrounded by crisis and there are no entertainment projects at all, how can she reach the top?

No entertainment!

There is no task at all, how do you let her complete it?

[Everything can be made from nothing. In addition, giving up directly will increase ten mission worlds. 】 Tian Dao Mo De's emotional voice came again, making it clear that he was making things difficult for Shi Qi and wanted her to work for Tian Dao Bai.

From nothing, right?

"Ok, no problem." The more you say the impossible, the more she wants to finish it for you.