MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 15 Reproduction of Sparta

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"Fortunately, this time I took this broken city car. Otherwise, it is really not easy to break through." The commander was glad that this time Karu brought his broken city car with a cost of tens of thousands of gold coins in order to show his strength. Come over, as long as a city breaks, the outcome is over.

Karu looked at the city for a long time and could not attack, and his face was covered with clouds.

"Well, you have a Xiao Yu, I have lost so much. After I broke the city, I will not kill everyone in this territory." Karoo has stood up from the luxurious carriage and holds it. The hands of the wine glasses are pale and contrasted with the bright red wine.

At this time, Xiao Yu sat on the wall, still feeling arrogant, drinking a small wine, eating a small dish, watching the fierce fight below. Up to now, none of his soldiers have been killed, and more than a thousand of them have already lost their lives.

This battle has initially shown the powerful combat power of these summoned soldiers. Although the number is small, they can defeat ten times of enemies as long as they are used reasonably.

"Quantity is a big problem, and it has to be compensated by equipment in the future. The orc blacksmith shop and the elves' war ancient trees can produce good equipment, as long as they have money, if they are to wear them the best in Warcraft. Equipment, one set of t1t2, how many people do not have to worry about it." Xiao Yu once asked the system, looked for some problems with the upgraded equipment, found that some of the classic equipment in World of Warcraft can be produced, Of course, the price is also very expensive. Xiao Yu is very much looking forward to getting a set of t5 to put on the test effect.

(This book is a combination of Warcraft and World of Warcraft, don't be too tangled and Warcraft has different places.)


A loud bang sounded everyone's heart, and even the people in the city heard it clearly, as if a mountain was pulled up and beaten on the ground.

The city gate of the Lion King was originally very strong, but in this kind of heavy-duty broken city cone, it has already made a squeaky voice.

Obviously, it will take a long time to break the door.

Although the archers on the wall are still reaping the lives of the soldiers below, as long as the city gate is broken, the Lion King loses his place and is bound to be difficult to resist.

Xiao Yu saw this, but did not worry at all, issued a command against Grom.

Grom nodded and immediately gave a shout, said an orc language that Xiao Yu could not understand, and then went down with 50 orc infants who had replaced the armor.


The broken city cone is still going on, because the broken city car has thick iron armor, the soldiers are hidden underneath, the archer is simply unable to do anything, even Tyrande's hot arrow, can not shoot the thick armor.

At this time, a burst of golden light broke out around Xiao Yu, and Tyrande had already reached 7 levels. In this case, the archer is upgrading too fast.

Especially with Tyrande, who has three skills, when the hot arrow comes out, the opponent will be directly exploded even if it is resisted by ordinary shields, and multiple arrows will be thrown out in this environment, and will be harvested immediately. Life, together with Tyrande's eagle eye, shoots farther than others, and is more than others. She has already harvested more than 300 lives.

This kind of killing, it is strange to not upgrade. Therefore, she went directly to level 7, and she has already surpassed Grom.

However, Grom's performance will begin soon, and it will not be long before it will be upgraded quickly.

After Tyrande upgraded, there were two more skill points. Xiao Yu added Tyrande a little more in multiple arrows and a little in eagle eye.

The reason why Eagle Eye is added is because Tyrande has to deal with the other Master. With the eagle eye surgery, Tyrande's shooting distance will be farther and the precision will be higher.

This time, Tyrande's eagle eye surgery reached level 2, became full level, multiple arrows also reached level 3, but also to full level.

As a result, Tyrande harvested the enemy's life faster.

Hum... oh...

Along with a crisp sound, the door with the copper nails was still smashed into a hole. After the hole was broken, the soldiers of Kalu immediately began to throw spears inside and kill the soldiers who guarded the door.

But very quickly, they found that no one was guarding the door at all, and the spears behind the holes were thrown into the air.

At this moment, the bang suddenly sounded, and suddenly the door slowly opened.

The soldiers of Karoo suddenly had a glimpse. Although the door hit a hole, but did not break the door, how did the door open?

But very quickly, they saw dozens of **** robes standing inside the city gate.

From these big men, they felt a bloodthirsty taste. It seems that they are not human beings, but a beast, ready to cull food.

However, in the battle of the army, this feeling is just a moment, then they are under the command of the offensive, and launched a charge toward the front.

Since the gates are wide open, it is time for revenge. Just outside, I was killed by the archers of the other side.

After entering the city, you must have a massacre to be able to heal their anger.


The sound is like a wave, and the rumbling rushes toward the black robe, but the big men face the hundreds of people who charge. Although they only have dozens of people, they stand firmly and are not afraid.

Especially the big man in front of them, there are two meters three or four, like the same tower, a sword in his hand, the flashing cold light makes people feel a suffocating cold.


Just as they were about to rush to the front of the big man, these big men suddenly tore off their cloaks, revealing the green muscles and skin like rocks, and their huge fangs Head.

"Orc." At this moment, the soldiers of Karoo suddenly turned their eyes into the size of the eggs, and the eyes were dropped.

They didn't even think that the original those who were fighting with them on the city wall turned out to be orcs. It is no wonder that even the other party could not resist one face.

A moment of panic is terrible in the army. The soldiers behind did not see it, so they were still slamming, and the soldiers in front suddenly saw the orcs. The speed slowed down under the panic, the formation was messy, and they were squeezed into a group, a dozen in front. The soldiers were even pushed directly to the ground by the people behind them, and then they were trampled on the body.


The first Grom yelled and swiftly rushed over, and an invincible smashed out. The first person was cut directly into two halves.

The other orc infantry behind them also kept up, completely blocking the wide city gate, huge huge axe smashed in rows and rows.

Those who were in contact with the axe were completely unrestrained and directly cut into two halves. The people behind are rushing up and being hacked again.

Because of the messyness of the other side, the orc infantry, under the leadership of Grom, instantly killed dozens of people.

Then, they are no longer charging, just standing side by side, blocking the city gate, not letting a soldier of the other side pass.

The other side is still charging, but the result of their assault is that they have become the bodies of the land. In less than three minutes, more than two hundred bodies were piled up in the gate of the city, all of which were the bodies of the other party.

Because the orc soldiers have basic armor and important parts have been protected, even though they occasionally have a few knives, they are not serious.

The more bleeding, the more they can provoke their fierceness.

"They are orcs, and their infantry are orcs." At this time, soldiers had already sent the news to Karoo's ears.

"What? They even have the orc soldiers? Have you seen it clearly?" Karoo was also shocked, and the red wine in his hand was accidentally scattered on the luxurious robe.

"Yes, the young master, it is definitely an orc soldier. They have a group of orc soldiers blocking the gate of the city. We can't attack it. Look at them, the number is not many. The soldiers in the city wearing black robes should be orcs. The soldier replied.

"There is such a reason, how many orcs have this Xiao Yu got from?" Karoo was extremely angry, because by now his army has lost nearly 2,000 people. This time, even if he took the Lion King, he would be scolded by his father when he went back.

But he also does not understand very much. The orcs are almost extinct in this world. It is said that there are orcs in the Ankara Mountains. Is Xiao Yu the orc recruited there?

The orcs will not shoot arrows. Who are those who wear black robes and archery? The orc cannot be that size.

Now, Karoo is full of confusion and temper. He thought that it would be easy to fight in a triumphant battle. Even he has already thought about how to celebrate this victory and how to enjoy those beautiful women, but I did not expect it to happen. Case.

"There are not many of them. Well, I can see it. They are obviously orc soldiers who have been mobilized from the city. This shows that they have a small number of orc soldiers. Can we not beat these orcs with 3,000 people?"

Karu thought in his heart, and there was a strong radiance in his eyes. He said: "I want to attack at all costs. If they are inside, what if they are orcs? We can rely on the number of people, even if there are orcs. Killed. Master Kama, please come to you now."

An old man wearing a magic robe next to Karoo heard Karu say this, his left hand raised his chest and said: "I am willing to serve you, respected Master Karu."

Said, this magician called Karma is walking towards the front line under the protection of a group of soldiers and his own guards.